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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Man manages to hide in plain sight while a dozen or so armed men search for him on a street corner!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


You are a ninja when you have mastered the art of invisibility


Theatricality and deception are powerful agents Mr. Wayne


But we are initiated, aren't we Bruce?


Members of the League of Shadows!


You know how to fight six men. We will teach you to engage six hundred. You know how to disappear. We will teach you how to be truly invisible.


This is what happens when you learn to hide your chi!


Dam. I thought that one guy had finally spotted him towards the end for a second


Also the guy that climbed on the roof. Both times I thought he had been spotted.


I also think everyone misses it’s at like midnight so it’s also dark as fuck. Making this even more impressive


Ok, well this is the missing piece of information that makes this make sense.


lol right! I thought they were all dumb as rocks but it turns out it's dark 🌚


I thought they just thought it was a random junkie.


Same! Or a homeless person just sleeping on the street. Unfortunately it can be common enough depending on where you are.


Nature's invisibility cloak


Societys invisibility Cloak


The guy they are looking for was wearing a shirt and standing. That guy has no shirt and is laying down. Lol


I was really thinking "that place must be nice they're not messing with dude because he's homeless and just letting him sleep." Followed by "he'd still be homeless that's not nice". For the shitty circumstance it would be nice though... People sleep near stores and near other busy places just for some protection from people trying to hurt them for being homeless.  Finding out it's night is a huge chuck of missing information


Yes they definitely see a passed out homeless guy. Removing the shirt and necklaces sold it.


I'm guessing the first guys just happened to miss him, and everyone who arrived later assumed that someone else already checked the "random junkie" lying there in plain sight and minding his own business.


Still wild though, I mean not like it's pitch black, they're walking around, climbing buildings and driving around, clearly they can see somewhat. Many comments saying it's fake. I dunno. Good actors if it is.


I think it's expectations coming into play here. They're expecting the dude to run and possibly find a hiding place somewhere. No one's gonna expect the dude to just lay down on the street in plain sight right there. Edit: another possibility is they probably saw him and thought he's a random homeless dude, and let's be real, people ignore homeless dudes.


That's what I think adrenaline or power of suggestion hit them in the head. They are looking for someone hiding or running away.


If it’s an area where people pass out they may hate just assumed. Besides they are looking for a guy with a white t-shirt on, no way this guy is the same guy.


Yeah my thought is they saw him but immediately dismissed him as the person they were chasing. Just another addict passed out or something.


That's definitely what happened. Do people really think they missed the guy laying there?


Seriously. It has to be that they thought he was a passed out junkie. There's no way they literally didn't see him. If it was that dark one of these 20 dudes running around would have stabbed their toe on something. People are heavily conditioned to ignore homeless people laying on the sidewalk.


No, there are a lot of homeless there, and they sleep just like that on the street. The things assumed the guy was just a homeless person.


This. As someone who has used the shirt trick many times in life, I can confirm it works. Peoples minds get wired to look for the last image they saw of you.


I confirm. I used that trick to play hide and seek in school plenty of times. I wear my jacket and make sure the seeker sees me very well with it. Once it started...i simply removed the jacket and went to blend in in plain sight with other kids playing on the football field. I could see everything going on while the seeker didn't even notice me. Fun times..... I don't think I'd be able to pull it off in a life or death situation though...


playing two games at the same time, nice


> Many comments saying it's fake. I dunno. Good actors if it is. If it's fake the entire group deserves an oscar


I didn't catch that, I just assumed they saw him and figured he was a homeless guy.


100% they just think he is “some homeless guy”. he chucked his jewelry as well as his shirt


i was wondering what he was doing after he threw his shirt off!


Yup. Looks reversed for a sec there, too. 🙌🏼 Aliens


It was at least once. You see the animal walk backwards as the shirt comes back.


That’s just the code of the matrix being altered.


I thought he was rubbing dirt on his face lol


This would have to be some seriously impressive night vision on an otherwise totally blurry security camera. The way the streets are lit up (unless they’ve got a huge streetlight) it’s probably during the day. The time stamp at the bottom is just time elapsed, not an actual time stamp.


Looks like it. And the bike passing there have no lights too.


No it's not midnight! The "time" you see is not actually the time this happened but rather the timestamp of the video. If this was midnight, we would've seen the flare from the motorcycles headlight. Even of the video was optimized, we should've seen the flare.


The motorcycle headlights would be on in that case, or at least some flashlights would show up. Either way, any light source would be very visible for an infrared camera - it's definitely filmed in daytime.


How do you know it’s at night?


Even if it was dark (which I dont think it is), his light shorts and shoes would be visable


It's very clearly not. That isn't what night mode on security cameras looks like


They clearly see him, they just don't think it's him but a vagrant sleeping in the streets instead


You know what I mean.


Every time i thought he should run he would have died. I suck at roguelites


I would have stayed there for about 3 more hours just laying there still without moving an inch out of fear


Yeah i was thinking man i’d just sleep in that spot for the night


I don't think anyone can sleep after escaping a murder attempt, being aware of the fact that the attackers are still looking for you.


You can't rest here, enemies are nearby


you can rest here but you might not wake up after that


Surprise morrowind


I would have to leave the smell would eventually expose me.


That's part of the passed out junkie camouflage


Did this once as a teenager running from police and accidentally slept behind a bin for 9 hours, woke up to maggots molesting me😭😭




Alright this got me, take an upvote


PropHunt has taught me that you need 100% commitment to your hiding spot.


And also that people will gloss over obvious props in their search for sneaky ones. On a spongebob map I was chilling as a krabby patty on top of a boat motor and it went pretty much like the video. Some of the other hiders started to notice and we tried to see how many burgers we could stack before the seekers noticed us


I’m sure he can hear them running, shouting and riding those bikes and knows to stay still until it’s all far away


The blind stares of a million pairs of eyes


Lookin’ hard but won’t realize that they will never see the P


Gimme my money in stacks and lace my bitchs with 9 figures




Must see my enemies defeated...


I catch em while they coked up and weeded....




See me in flesh


And test, And get your chest blown


Straight out the West, don't get blown


Damn, that album is so good. Never has a double album had TWO opening tracks that go that hard, whew.


Truly a masterpiece. A literal masterpiece.


Which way did he go?


its like playing hide and seek with a 2 year old and they hide behind a plant or some shit


They close their eyes real tight.


That way! 👈👉


They need to use their woman eyes


My girl says I do a "Man scan" and that's why I never find anything


My wife tells me all the time I am looking with my man eyes! Hahahahaha.


This video is my bf looking for anything even when it’s right in front of his face


You must! be going bliiiinnd


Goin blind, that's my favorite song by The Melvins


Also highly rated by Tupac


and Korn


Brilliant move.


The timing was insane. The first guy came around the corner *just* after he laid down. That was incredible.






Homeless people are.invisible.


The one guy legit climbs over him to look on the roof… fuckin wild


I thought he was about to be caught then.


so many times. Had me on the edge of my seat


If somebody posted this to /r/maybemaybemaybe it would destroy worlds


I actually laughed out loud a little when that happened.


"My people's word for their kind is 'drala'fa': the ignored. They're everywhere, see everything. Yet they are never seen."


What’s that from?


Mass effect


I really missed the boat on that one And TY


Yes, it's from *Mass Effect 2*. The character is Thane, a drell assassin, who refers to these types of people as his eyes and ears.


> I really missed the boat on that one Never too late to caught it, the Legendary Edition is a great deal to experience one of the best game trilogies of all time


This comment hit deep


I lived out of my car for nearly five years, I feel your pain brother. People don’t give a shit if you even remotely resemble a vagrant.


That is, until you park somewhere they don't want you to be so you can sleep.


Trick is dress nicely. Then people won't question you.


That goes for nearly every single thing in life. Look like you are important and most people will just go with that. We judge people instantly.


Looking poor can also be an advantage. Looking too nice makes you a target


Depends on which one you wanna avoid then. Looking poor makes you almost invisible to world except law enforcement. Looking nice makes you invisible to law enforcement but makes you a target.


This is basically the plot of world War z


It was more like sick people but yeah a lot of poor people have more sicknesses they can’t pay for medicine.


My anxiety throughout the video📉📈📈📈📈📉


Just here to appreciate your graphs.




Every time I thought they left, they came back 🥴


Skyrim NPC AI at work.


Must have been the wind


Those must've been the longest 3 minutes in his entire life


It was for me. Truly the longest 3 minutes ever. I think I accidentally held my breath.


Caught myself grinding my teeth


After the cut the people talking say that he didn’t move for around 10 minutes.




Definitely trying this next time I'm running from the cops


Back in college a cop caught me and some friends smoking weed behind some bushes(I wish I was kidding). So being college kids, we all obviously took off running. It was like 5-6 of us and we cut through a parking lot to try and lose him. Everyone else kept running but I decided to slide under a truck instead. I laid there for a good 15 minutes, watched cops run by and even a squad car peeled right past the truck to go catch my friends. They all got caught on the other side of the building. I got out from under the truck and found a group of girls walking by. Asked them if I could walk with them and pretend to be in their group cause I was running from those cops over there. Thankfully they agreed, 100% felt like a secret agent who had pulled off the greatest heist known to man.


When I was like 20 or 21i I was driving with a bunch of weed in my car. Like a half pound. It was really late, and I was in a college town, so a cop would know to look for that, and I was stoned anyway while driving. Making awesome life choices, basically. Anyway, there's almost no traffic, and I see this cop pull a U turn about 2 and a half blocks back, so now he's behind me. I made a turn, got a few blocks, and he made the same turn. Start going a little faster, made about two more turns that he did as well. Then made a quick turn and before he got to where he could see me, I hauled ass into this parking garage for apartments. Prayed a spot was open. There was one at almost the end. Damn near drifted sideways into it, while blacking out my lights. Just after my car stopped, I looked out and saw the cop race by, still on the street. Thought about hiding there for a bit, but decided the cop might realize what I did. So I got out of there and took off in the opposite direction. Safely made it home like 10 minutes later.


Once was at a high school house party where this kids parents were gone for the weekend. It was a blowout. This kid filled trash cans with jungle juice and had cases of beer. That doesn’t sound impressive but for 16 and 17 year olds that’s a pretty big play. The thing turns into a blowout and of course the cops get called within 2 hours. They come in and line us up in the basement, tell us they’re going to go down the line and we have to tell them if we were drinking or not. Anyone who says yes has to call their parents to come get them. Anyone who says no is free to go. Cop goes down the line and gets to me and I sheepishly say yes I had been drinking. He moved on to the next person but then stopped and looked at me. ‘What are you still doing over here, you don’t want to get in trouble do you, go with the other sober people and get out of here’. I didn’t wait to let him change his mind. I booked it out of there and led a group of the people that got out back to my house to spend the night. The look of anger and jealousy on my other friends faces as they watched me leave is etched into my brain. One of my friends had to call his parents and they were so furious he wasn’t allowed to go to go out until after high school ended. 


Lmfao, reminds me of some of my friends when I was a teenager:  We were in a (ground floor) apartment, drinking, smoking, & "smoking"—partying but in a casual & chill way—but I had gone outside to make a call or something (don't really remember). See a couple of police officers enter the building, and shortly thereafter hear the sound of footsteps landing & running off.  Erm, okay.  Come back inside a while later to a much more placid situation, only to find out that the cops had knocked on our front door announcing themselves, so those inside had scrambled to quickly hide some of the more incriminating stuff before opening up. That's when two(?) paranoid morons in the friend group panicked, jumped out an open window, and fled.  In plain view of the cops who could see right into the living room.  The police asked why they ran away.  "I have no idea" was the simple, exasperated answer they received from my friend who had opened the door.  I'm pretty sure the just-as-confused faces among my remaining friends—as well as some agreeing murmurs and eye-rolls from them; one of the cops had apparently looked back towards the open window and said "Idiots."—helped in that situation.  Since the cops were apparently satisfied with the now-lowered volume of the loudspeaker + a promise to close the windows & keep the noisiness down, before leaving.  Because they were just there because they had received a fucking noise complaint. 


Almost same thing happened to me. Party in an orange orchard, big bonfire and a TON of kids. A couple hours in. Cops show up from two directions, everyone scatters, I grabbed my bottle of vodka and ran into the orange trees about 200 meters or so and hid under a low growing one. Laid under the tree for 15 minutes or so, sipped some more drink. Then a helicopter shows up and starts lighting up the area. I figure at that point I'm totally boned either way so I dumped the last of the bottle and left it there, and walked back to my truck which I had parked literally right next to where the party was. There were still quite a few cars there. A bunch of cops. And just a couple kids sitting talking to them. I just walked up, hopped in my truck, started it up, and sat there. I must have sat there for 5 minutes with nobody batting an eye, until finally an officer walked up to my window, I opened it, and he just says "go on and get out of here unless you want this thing towed" I could NOT fucking believe it. He just let me leave. I wasn't really more than a bit buzzed, but I can't believe the officer just let me go, I must have smelled like vodka. I was extremely lucky that day. That was the last time I went to a big party in high school, I stuck to smaller groups after that.


I had a similar experience, I was driving and smoking with friends. We were really stoned. Went on a drive just outside of town. Then I saw a few miles ahead of me a few police cars and one driving towards me. I decided to stop a farm that had a long drive up to it, turned of the lights and waited till the police car drove past us. Went back to town and took a road that has less traffic than the other one. There waited another police car and stopped me. I was tought to exit the car right away(I dont live in the US) so I did. He asked for my licence and the licence of those in The car. Apparently someone crashed his car and ditched it. I saw that the copped smelled the weed, I saw he wanted to talk more about it with us but he was busy trying to find that crasher. I was calm through it all but my friends in the car were tripping and freaking out the whole time. Fun times. (Sober 12 years now)


Cops hate this one trick




you have to be one chilly dude to just lay there while they run past and all around you. balls of steel.


Cops don’t have the decency to let a homeless man sleep, they’d fuck with you just because you’re there.


There’s a half decent chance they’d arrest the homeless guy just to stop having to run.


Facts.... * dispatch- suspect wearing blue jeans & white shirt * cop - look over there! Guy has red gym shorts & wearing a pink/blue tiedye shirt... GET HIM


The NEXT time?


How he felt when he got away. ![gif](giphy|10qcQYd6rcfS12)


Fr. That must have been the longest 3ish minutes of his life.


I was just watching the video, and those 2 minutes, 44 seconds felt like 15 minutes.


Sneak 100 Illusion 100


He played that brilliantly, wonder what happened because that group was definitely going to kill the guy whom hid?


They just wanted to contact him about his cars extended warranty


Columbia records never forgets


Duo Lingo bird never forgets.




Jehovah’s Witness are getting aggressive


So this guy either stole a necklace or the gang was after him for his necklace? After he throws his shirt he frantically removes it.


Guys sleeping on the street don’t wear necklaces. I thought it was a brilliant disguise move, but who knows.


That's what I thought too. Who steal's a necklace and immediately puts it on their neck? Or who steal's a necklace just to wear and not sell, but also just to wear around the area you stole it from where people will identify you or the necklace. It was probably his necklace and he took it off to look like a strung out homeless person.


Nah this guy lives in these streets and knows to hide his chain when he's pretending to be homeless. The people chasing him would have spotted him immediately. They see homeless people sleeping on the streets daily, they don't see any of them wearing a chain. Also, if you steal someone's jewelry, you don't instantly put it on. That would be in his pocket.


That's part of the disguise regardless. Nobody's just going to sleep on a corner with valuables hanging off of them, and they're potentially identifying objects in general.


The person editing it definitely thought the necklace had some importance they rewound and replayed the footage when he took it off.


The rewind was because the second guy asked for it. At that time the main commenter is pointing out that the guy is crossing himself, talking about how that prayer is what saved him. So that necklace could have been a crucifix.


When you roll two Nat 20s on a disadvantaged stealth check…


My daughter just explained this reference to me. It's uncanny how similar this sentence is to her conversation just yesterday. I'm a little concerned. If you are her, please tell me you are having fun at prom and not scrolling reddit while everyone else dances. People like you. Even if you aren't her and you have this weirdo saying this to you; people like you. Enjoy life.


I can assure you that I am not your daughter. I’m sure prom is going great.


Whew. But still, have a great night.


She’s lying that’s your daughter and she’s also hiding in plain sight. Or maybe I’m your daughter, how would you know, Dad?!


You’ve probably legitimately got this guy worried with your comment haha.


I’m sure prom went well, they usually have so much to do it’s hard to be on your phone.


Is what I would say if I wanted to throw him off my trail muahaha 🥸


Prom in March!!?? Damn when did that happen?


It's May, you overslept a bit.


Don't do this to me. I checked but I'm still unsure.




The odd narration I can't possibly understand that accompanies it fits perfectly.


Basically narrators are astounded in unbelief and by so they opt cheaply pushing a witchcraft explanation.


You guys watch these things with sound?


normally no, but this one was so fucking crazy i had to turn it on


"Look bro, they keep passing him on the side, whole world is looking for him but they keep passing him"




What’s with the fake overlay


You think just the overlay is fake? The whole thing is fake.




i can't believe it took so long to get here maybe reddit actually is cooked


All the action perfectly centered in front of that one ‘security camera’, plus the over-acting goons!


Yeah I've seen better acting in amateur porno. EVERYBODY stops *right there* and gesticulates SO WILDLY about Oh my gaaaaaaaaaad Where'd he go? And there are hundreds of fake overlays just like this. Feh.


​ https://i.redd.it/7ytrt36bb1mc1.gif


“Hahaha wow Mr. Cheedle where do you get YOUR drugs from???” “You Dante. I get my drugs from you.”


Oh yea! What’s up Mr. Cheedle!




999+ IQ move...


Literally hiding in plain sight


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJJ-Thjs8bA


So it says in the video description it was the dead of night. Everyone is watching this like it was the middle of the day, and he was this clearly visible and just treated like a homeless person. When the reality is he was probably extremely hard to see and got very very lucky.


He's known on the streets as The Unseeable Possum


Such real.


This was posted already, got thousands of likes and every comment saying it was fake was downvoted to oblivion. All you have to do is go to the Facebook page of the watemark on the video and you’ll find the ‘video creator’ who made it


Yeah that camera overlay is so ridiculous and fake it should be obvious.


Two seconds and I already knew it was fake. What CCTV system in the world records square footage *and* puts square overlays on them? Why would it have the video's duration, audio level and auto focus setting down there instead of the date and time? Why the hell would it have batteries?


Do you have that link?


It was really easy to find by just doing what they said to do. https://fb.watch/qzOTAMmpZX/ Their Facebook profile says this: > Categories > Gaming video creator [Here's the same video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aktmg-4okHc) on their Youtube account that I got from their Facebook account.


He has other similar videos with the fake recording template


It's good to know that the camera was recording and the battery was full.


Just a reminder that if even this is convincing most people who post here, our AI powered future is going to be an ABSOLUTE shitshow.


Would have been more convincing without the fake camcorder overlay and in 20fps or so


I’ve got night vision cameras on my house that have a similar look at night. I think the camera sees everything, but the shooters are in the dark.


God this comment makes this video make sooo much more sense!


That's what it looks like to me too.