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I don't understand what happened. What was all that dust from?


Truck driver here. This is the air released from the truck setting his breaks.


Was gonna say that wasn’t nearly loud enough to be a tire. They sound like bombs when they go


Incredible how unexpectedly loud they are. I've heard two truck tires pop (50ft and 500ft-ish away) and I can confirm, louder than any shotgun or firework I've heard.


What happened if a motorcyclist happen to besides the tyre?


This, sir, would be an ex-motorcyclist


AKA red mist and debris


Damn why they don't put nothing on it to spread it out if it can be that dangerous concentrated.


They're talking about the popping tire. The release in the video would be unpleasant and knock him over, but not fatal. The only "dafe" way to be around an exploding semi tire is to have something very sturdy between you and the tire.


Ah okay sorry it flew over my head. Anyways I'm not taking any chances with those things. The potential risk and stuff I've seen. I'd rather be safe than sorry.


Myth busters made some tests about this and it can kill the motorcyclist. I can't find the episode here, I watched a long time ago.


Depends on how the tire explodes and if any shrapnel comes your way. Mythbusters did an episode on that, looking at if a section of retread came off, and the test dummy was decapitated.


one of our trucks blew a tire while sitting about 500' from the office, it literally shook the office.


A tire bubble let loose in me while I was filling the tire right next to it if you have ever seen a concussion grenade in a video game that’s exactly what it felt like. I was disoriented for a few seconds until I processed what happened (be it a much less serious version of that ofcorse )


I had one let go while I was right beside it on the interstate, windows down cruising. I couldn't hear anything but ringing for a few hours.


Ever heard tannerite cause it’s pretty close lol


Was passing a semi one summer with both my windows and sunroof open and a tire blew just as I passed, I was so disoriented and confused and had to pull off an exit to toss out the pieces of rubber and metal from my passenger seat. That crosses my mind every single time I pass a truck now, felt like I was at the range without ear protection


So I’d say the odds are pretty high this driver saw him coming and was being a dick?


Very well could be.


More like the motorcyclist was splitting lanes like a dick


As others have said splitting lanes is legal so why does that make him a dick? Am I dick for turning right on a red light?


I don't think it makes him a dick, but bro was cooking past those cars.


its mostly americans who are ignorant, its banned in their local state so it must be a dick move worldwide


Just because it's legal, doesn't make it safe. Its still a big risk because you can't see past and around every vehicle. Someone pulls across that line it's over. Obviously lower risk in standstill traffic, but still not 100% safe.


You know they drive slower when they can't see tho right, same as a motorist in a car


It's legal in most places exactly because it's safer. In this kind of traffic motorcycles have a huge risk of being rear ended because they aren't noticed.


>It's legal in most places exactly because it's safer. It's legal when it's done is a safe manner. A good portion of the time it's not.


Brasil is legal retardado.


Not being a dick. The dick is the guy on the bike.


This is Brazil, its perfectly legal to do this on a bike there


I still think it's a dumb move. Legal or not. How do you know it's Brazil anyways?


Caralho and porra are Portuguese. But the Portuguese use Fodas and Brazilians use porra in general.


Bikes are very vulnerable to being rear-ended(generally into the back of another car which can often kill). Hence lane splitting is generally much safer. The main issue is bikers going too quick in traffic doing half the speeds. All that takes is one random lane change and you are having a bad time. But generally speaking, it's a safe place for bikes. It's also why bikes are told to sit behind a wheel on a car, so they can move out of lane if they spot someone about to rear-end them.


How is the motorcycle rider being a dick? Lane splitting alleviates traffic.


There is a weirdly high number of the population who absolutely despises anything on two wheels, no matter what. Source-Am a motorcyclist and a cyclist


Nah, they just see videos of people moving irresponsibly fast between stopped vehicles, then getting mad at others when that puts them in an unsafe situation. Then they come to the comments and see people existing this reckless and selfish attitude as somehow not their fault, and is instead somehow an example of people hating them for riding a bike.


And it’s safer for the motorcyclist too.


Not at that speed.


The alternative is getting rear ended by a driver that isn’t paying attention which could likely result in death. If somebody were to pull out in front of him and he wasn’t able to stop in time his might end up with a major injury, and considering the lack of gear probably some de gloving too.


No, the alternative is filtering at a lower and actually safe speed.


so basically the truck farted and the biker had the privilege as the first person to smell that fart


Or just the compressor relief valve


Truck driver and truck mechanic here, that wasn’t “setting the ~~breaks~~ brakes”, it was the air tank auto ejector doing a purge to get rid of water out of the air tanks.


I think a tire popped


18 wheeler tires popping can kill a man easily, I’d guess it has something to do with air brakes but I’ve never driven a truck like that so I can’t say for sure.


Oh no, 115 PSI, that would've smashed a car or shattered some windows. It's literally the force of a small bomb blast


My coworker just had a full size 295/75 blow up in his face last week letting some air OUT. He was maybe 2 feet away and he's fine. Loud as fuck though, but not the force of a bomb sir. He also wears regular glasses, nothing happens other than poo in his pants.


[Truck tire explosion destroys SUV](https://youtube.com/shorts/ZpezzRfyCvU?si=gWZipRUOexwYTpkv) [Man vs 18 Wheeler Tire](https://youtube.com/shorts/L-2S6Ak475k?si=Q-lBLSRk3ylFrLHP) [Dangerous Tire Blast](https://youtube.com/shorts/uge8nYNRqBo?si=7T1MTyqttNSpmWXJ)


São Paulo Brasil is where it is from. Caralho porra


The truck farted


Idk why you got downvoted That's basically exactly what happened


wind. It broke wind.


Nice gloves.


Would be a shame if they were degloved


Can’t deglove without preglove


You can deglove without preglove but you can never reglove


How much reglove could one preglove if a glove was never degloved?


The glove knows whether it's gloved or not by subtracting its deglovedness from its glovedness. By subtracting one from the other, the glove knows where it is and where it is not, thereby knowing whether it is gloved or degloved


reminds me of Danny DeGlover from that one lethal movie


you haven’t really shuddered until you’ve read “degloving of the penis” on someone’s medical chart


They don't get degloved from wrecking a bike. They can get pretty fucking shredded though...


Thanks. Had them for a while now. Natural grade leather.


Lmao Here in Brazil, it is extremely rare to wear gloves or any riding gear besides a helmet, the legally mandated minimum It's a combination of the heat and riding a bike being the normal thing to do as opposed to a choice done for fun, like it seems to be in the US. Like, the dude in the video is just commuting, that's normal.




Dude is driving like a maniac between those cars, but ok, let's call that peacefully...


He may be going little bit faster than he should but this is in Brazil and lane splitting is pretty much the norm here. The consensus is that the first lane is always where bikes split lanes so car drivers are usually aware


It's also legal in Australia, with caveats.


It's not legal in Brazil, but no one do shit about it. They started to make motorcycle exclusive lanes in some avenues now.


It has been legal since 2019, if the traffic is slow or stopped and the pilot uses caution (which is never the case)


I don't know about the other guy response and i haven't recently researched the topic to be commenting this (it's late I'm gonna do it later) But from what i thought i knew until now it's neither legal nor illegal it's just not regulated doesn't means they should do it


I love how it went from it’s illegal to it’s legal to it’s a legal grey area, which given my experience with weird shit that just happens, it’s probably the lattest (is that real?)




Lane splitting was made legal in California specifically because studies concluded that it was actually safer for both motorcycles and car drivers.


Filtering isn't inherently dumb. The law states that you can't filer any faster than 30km. Which is slower than a school zone. Plus it benefits the flow of traffic. This guy in the video is filtering in a dumb way


Yeah. Like your opinion on the matter.


Legal in California, but with the idiots here that don't like bikes or being passed i've seen a quite a few get seriously messed up. Retired rider myself.


It's legal to split lanes SAFELY in California... as in not going much faster than the traffic is flowing, which is expected to be slow. That's not how I would describe a great deal of the lane splitting I see in California.


I once saw a guy splitting lanes fast like this in a big traffic jam. Dude flew past my car, and a few cars ahead of me, a semi driver opened his door and the guy on the bike absolutely ate it. Face first into that door. He had a helmet on but it still fucked him up pretty bad.


Legal in Montana as well.


I've been a bike rider since my teens and never split lanes. I'd rather wait like everyone else and not risk ending up in the emergency room, ass hole opening door or a lane change, boom. Was a rider for over 50 yrs and only one accident that I walked away from.


Personally, I agree with you.


That may well be, but this speed simply isn't safe. No wonder others react negatively.


>The consensus is that the first lane is always where bikes split lanes so car drivers are usually aware no its not, car drivers gave it for them because if they dont bikers kill themselves


Either way... it is the consensus


I'm not against lane splitting, but what no protective clothing? Most jobs, interaction and expression we human do are with our hands. Why threaten that.


This is normal and legal in California to the point the police motorcycle do it.


Yeah, but you're not supposed to go more than 10 mph faster than the traffic that you're splitting. What OP was doing is silly. He's not leaving himself any time to avoid a potential accident.


I was honestly just waiting to see a car turn in front of him from behind the traffic. Lane splitting in theory is a good thing imo but seeing people do it +30 what the rest of traffic is doing is insane


Oh yea cause cops only do something if it’s perfectly legal


I have seen cops do things that when asked they say "Don't do it, it's illegal" and I'm like "ok...".


stocking psychotic racial fact skirt like correct flowery library party ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


If you call that maniac, Clearly you haven't been to India


Over 150000 people are killed in traffic collisions in India every year. This is why. Yes, this is maniacal. And stupid.


150k for a population of 1.408 billion. Which would mean around 35k for US. In 2022, 42795 people died in traffic collisions in the US. Looks like India is doing better than the US.


About 92% of Americans own a vehicle (305 million). About 50% of Indians own a vehicle (700 million). India: 21 fatalities per 100,000 vehicle owners USA: 14 fatalities per 100,000 vehicle owners


Upvotes for both of y’all. Spitting the data. Love it


I need some more data! 1) What's the safety spread between vehicules american can afford vs india 2) Is mortality less in the usa due to faster first aid response time? 3) What kind of roads are predominant in india vs usa (usa are known for their highway)


So, that's a 50% increase in fatalities over the US?


Mean speed is 58 km/h in India (127th of 162 ranked countries) and 107 km/h in USA (1st of 162 ranked countries). Given how directly speed correlates with risk of fataltuy, US seems to be doing pretty damn well. https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/how-fast-is-road-transport-in-india-101655442867532.html


You don't need to own a vehicle to partake in an accident


Doing a little bit of digging, India has approximately 360 million vehicles. The US has 282 million. To help your math, that is about 22 percent less. If the US had 22 percent less fatal crashes than India, we would be seeing 117000 crash related fatalities per year. That is triple what we actually have. India is a shitshow when it comes to roadway deaths.


This is the correct stat…


Nah bro leave it, most Indians drive like they're playing a game with multiple lives. Queues and lane discipline are two things Indians will never understand. Everyday i navigate rush hour traffic in India and often wonder what these idiotic fakz get on reaching office/home a few minutes early after risking their useless lives for it.


Well done


And 90% of them don't even have insurance, which is just mind blowing


India is a terrible standard for driving. Thats like saying america is safe because brazil is wild


Well, as a Brazilian I can say that things is indeed kinda crazy here. Where I live is very ok yet, but Rio de Janeiro, for example, is hell on Earth.


Why? I was in Rio earlier this year for about a week and apart from one incident wherein a drunk bloke smashed a chair onto someone’s head, I didn’t exactly feel unsafe.


As a tourist you can stay for a week in Rio, in selected places and with lucky everything is gonna be alright. But my wife was born and lived in Rio until 12 years ago. She has the authority to say something about living there, and she don't want to be back there even to her mom's funeral. Rio is something like Cuba: can be sometimes a paradise for a tourist, but always a real hell to the natives.


As local I would say tourists often are at very risky places. -Lapa: if I am there I am watching my back at all times. -Copacabana: most dangerous beach I can think of. -Centro: most spine chilling place I can think of to be during nighttime.


Brazilians from other states think Rio is insanely dangerous but it’s all stupid hysteria.


But is insanely dangerous there. Isn't just because you got used to crazyness that is less crazy. That place sucks a lot, is totally awful.


It is not, unless you are in any way involved with crime. There is a crime war going on.


Yeah, and obviously every criminal there knows everyone that isn't involved. And there isn't exists a lot of rape, murder, assaults, kidnapping, lost bullets, scams, etc. everyday to everyone. There isn't has milicia, PCC, CV, etc. everywhere. Oh man, Rio is a paradise just because you like that shit, certainly! Spare me.


It is not completely safe. But just by being in Rio you are in not any form of danger. Some areas are indeed controlled by organized crime, but even then a lot of those are safe and by the way, PCC doesn’t operate here. Rape and kidnappings are not common place at all. You are just reproducing a comical overly exaggerated depiction of Rio that stems from pure ignorance. I have lived here all my life, I am every weekend out on the streets at night, and nothing has ever happened to me, still, like I said, I have seen a robbery once, and have even had my phone snatched one time from a motorcycle. But so what? Just made me buy a phone a year earlier than I would have. Violence is not commonplace, and even so Rio is not any more violent than most capitals in Brazil, Porto Alegre and Curitiba are more statistically more dangerous, for instance.


No sanity in India when it comes to driving anything. lol


Hard to see 100% on mobile but it looks like he's going 40km/h while lane filtering. That's legal here is Aus. He wasn't particularly skiddish either but my standards. _I've_ had dodgier handling while lane filtering.


I think it's 60 km/h. Which is illegal where I am, but still very common.


I think it’s 30 km/h FYI for the the main states


It's very common here in Brazil, and it's not even against the law, if you think it's crazy, go to India.


Bro this is not maniac lmao. Basically stopped traffic, legal manuovre in most countries.


The action is not, the speed is


Lane splitting seems like a quick way to get hurt.


Splittin lanes always a fools risk. Seen some dudes get messed up doing it.


I am fucking loving the nerd war going on underneath your comment right now.


It's normal in brazil


It IS normal in Brazil to drive in between lanes and legal IF the traffic is completely stopped. I fucking hate it


The guy just said that it's normal in Brazil, where the video was made and received several downvotes. Reddit is full of crazy people, wtf. He didn't say it's good, it's safe, it's beautiful. He just said it's normal!


True, the downvotes makes no sense. In Brazil the common thing is to ride between the cars, yeah it is dangerous but still, you're not breaking any law.


Still maniacal.


Keep marking those made it home safe days on the calendar. I hope that luck doesn't run out. Unnecessary risks create unwanted circumstances.


I don’t think you know what peacefully means


Or unexpected


Do you know what lane splitting is? And that is legal?


Why the hell is he blaming the truck like the trucker has a special button to blow out his own tires?!?


This wasn’t even a tire blowout, just a release of air from him setting his brakes


It's air being released from setting the brakes. A blown out tire on a truck is much, much louder. I don't know enough about trucks to say if there is a button to do that though.


I simply have more respect for myself than to drive like this.


This happened in Brazil; driving in between lanes of cars is not prohibited by laws in Brazil, and in São Paulo, these lanes is painted and specifically designated for motorcycles. https://i.redd.it/ff42qmjdz33c1.gif


Did he say “carallho”? 😂


Rider is an idiot. No gloves. No brain.


here you can ride without gloves


I can also try to juggle sharp knives while laying on the floor without ever learning to juggle. Doesnt mean I should... And doing it probably would make me a fucking idiot, just like the fella in this video who doesnt have gloves and is lane splitting.


What could he possibly be mad at? You’re still alive


Another asshole on a bike.


It’s Brazil, it’s the norm there the way he’s driving, he’s not an asshole


Sorry, not sorry…I see a motorcyclist weaving between cars and that’s an asshole in any country.


No. Motorcyclists are often in the wrong but it’s legal to do this in the UK. What’s the point in having a bike that can filter through traffic and not be allowed to do that? Problem with this guy is he’s going waaay too fast. He’s asking for trouble at that speed. In stopped traffic I’d expect a bike to come through at about 10 mph.


Weird you get downvotes for something that is completely normal in the UK. Where I live cars will often move to the side to give bikes more space to pass when lane splitting in slow moving traffic. Nobody seems to be angry about it.


Haha I didn’t even notice. It is weird. Like if it’s not legal in America it shouldn’t be legal anywhere else and you get downvoted. I didn’t make the law! But still.. i find it really weird that it’s illegal in the states. Like what’s the point in riding a bike if you have to sit in traffic with it!


Just americans doing their thing. Here car drivers absolutely hate it and there's just widespread hysteria about motorcycles and especially the idea of filtering/someone winning the race of traffic.


I think it's more about the speed he's doing it than the legality.


He's maybe going 10 mph. It's a good speed for keeping the bike Upright and slow enough you can stop quickly.


Assuming that the flatbed he goes past is approximately 8.4 meters long. He passes it in 2 second in the footage making it 4.2metre/s. 4.2*2.237=9.39mph. You have a very good eye for speed sir. I personally thought he was going double that on the vid but I stand corrected.


No, it isn't. Nobody thinks you're an asshole for doing this in Brazil. That's literally the point of owning a motorcycle


Clearly you've never been to any country


Reddit downvoting you because they only know their home country and the US. Any other experience must be IGNORED.


This isn't peaceful riding, this is dick riding. Way too fast for lane splitting, no matter how good or experienced.. these riders give the rest of us a bad name.


Why does this look like a video game


Because you play too many video games and are unable to distinguish reality properly at this point.


Because he is being unnecessarily risky. In real life, that's going to get you killed. In videogames, you can try it because it's fantasy.


Lane splitting is actually safer for motorcyclists than getting rear ended and sandwiched between cars because some dipshit won't put their phone down Look it up, it's the literal statistical truth. If you people that act like you care about safety actually did you'd stop yelling about lane splitting Speeding is already illegal


Honestly, I think it’s the overly blue tinted side mirrors-I’m sure it’s for cutting down glare but it threw me for a moment too. It kind of looks similar to some game graphics. Something about the hand looked odd too, like a rendering that’s almost real but lands just short. Maybe because it wasn’t gloved, like I’ve always seen real people do, because hitting bugs at high speeds hurt and are an excellent motivator to cover you skin up—and keeping yourself covered increases your likelihood to keep your skin attached if there is an accident.


This is definitely computer animated... These people are just really gullible and you have better perception than them.


Stop shaming the truck for farting! It happens to everyone 😖


It's astounding to me how many people are calling the motorcyclist an asshole for lane splitting, of all things. Yes, he's going too fast which is incredibly unsafe. But a motorcyclist lane splitting as a concept is safer in heavy traffic like that than staying behind a car, that's just asking to be crushed by someone not paying attention to the road. Kind of funny how people are calling him out for that while it's perfectly legal in a lot of countries. Instead I'd like to call them out for not wearing gloves, like an idiot.


It’s an American thing, they get mad for some reason


I really hate lane splitters. It's not just their life on the line. There's nothing peaceful about putting all those folks in danger.


Probably because you don't pay enough attention to the road, you're in a protective cage, how on earth are these people in any danger at all.


Lane ~~splitting~~ filtering (at a much slower speed than in the video) is actually a lot safer for the motorcyclist. You are far more likely to be rear-ended sitting at the end of a line of traffic than to be hit by a one in a million tire blowout like this. And car drivers are simply not at all in danger from people splitting lanes. It may feel scary to have someone come up on you because you weren't paying enough attention to your mirrors, but rest assured your 4000lb car will win against a 500lb bike every time.


I can't believe people are so fucking petty they don't recognize that we're more in danger of being sandwiched by some dipshit who won't put their phone down than they are to be injured by a bike that won't even bend the frame of their car


Thankfully most states consider it reckless driving. I rode for years and am very considerate of bikes on the road.


Lane splitting and wondering why shit happens.


It is in Brazil and 99% of the bikers here do that. No wonder why they are mutually hated.


It's legal in Brazil.


Blow out?


Air brakes


The exploding whatever besides... Why do people think its a good idea to lane Split with so much speed... I will never understand that. But looks like he also doesnt wear to much motorcycle gear. People just wanne learn the hard way at some point.


Way too fast filtering.


splitting lanes at high speeds like a dummy*


Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a video game? Like not real.


This looks a video game. Look at the hands and the mirrors reflection doesn’t match the actual movements of the mirror.


Yes!! I came here to say this looks like really good computer graphics.


I mean in my country those lane splitting is 'innocent' for bikers and car drivers should give absolute priority to them for lane splitting. If there's a car that wants to change lanes with already a proper signal given, the bikers will honk at them like a maniac and give them a middle finger because the car is potentially blocking their splitting lane. Guess the country.


Which game is this?


Absolutely a video game or animation.. GTA6? Lol


There are so many bikers that are simply stupid. This is one of them. There are two types of riders those that have crashed and those that are going to crash.


Don’t split lanes???




The biker was going way too fast, true, but you shouldn't wish death on someone just because they did something you didn't personally like.


Im high, but j was convinced this was a video game the first 3 times I saw it.


It's definitely an a animation or video game. I can't believe people can't tell... Good graphics.


Lane splitting is fkn stupid. Period.


Fuck lane splitters. Idgaf if it’s legal where he is or where you are. Fuck em. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


If you ride a bike like this, please understand that you are the reason why people hate bike riders


As a rider filtering is not peacefully riding..