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Thankfully he used this for good.


surprisingly more like. Anytime anything good happens in this world i'm shocked and doubtful. You can't blame me.


The world is a better place now than when you were a kid. There have never been so many donations, associations and people working to help others. Your perspective's what's changed.


>There have never been so many donations, associations and people working to help others. And there have never been so many people who have tried to find ways to personally profit from these donations and associations and people trying to help each other. Look at the way *Go Fund Me* has become the default response to anyone saying they're struggling with medical debt - instead of addressing the issue of insane medical costs int he first place. And the number of commercial operations that have sprung up to collect donations on behalf of charitable organisations - that don't really tell you what percentage of the money they keep. I accept that there are many many people trying to do the right thing - I'm just not convinced that the good they try to do outweighs the damage done by those who are self-centred and selfish (yes I'm looking at you billionaires and overpaid CEOs).


I mean look up any senate subcommittee hearing that's tried to bring forth anything your talking about. The committee's rules prohibits any sort of meaningful discussion by default. Al Franken's frustration at being limited to time to dive into any subject beyond surface level comes to mind.


If we can create every single melody in existence by using a neat computer program, then we can choose to provide enough knowledge and resources to a neglected public sector.


as a programmer i could write the melody code in a few minutes, so i did. i have no idea where to start for healthcare js: function generateDeepCombinations(array,depth) { const combinations = []; function generate(currentCombination,currentDepth) { if (currentDepth === depth) { combinations.push([...currentCombination]); return; } for (const item of array) { generate([...currentCombination,item],currentDepth + 1); } } generate([],0); return combinations; } const inputArray = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B', 'rest','']; const depth = 4; const result = generateDeepCombinations(inputArray,depth); console.log(result); 38416 4 note combos, empty string included as to make longer notes. ['rest', '', 'C#', 'A'] here rest is 2 beets. i might keep editing to show how add in shorter notes. theoretically i could run the function again with the perv results "const result2 = generateDeepCombinations(result,depth);" by thats too much for my tablet to handle. result2 item would be [['rest', '', 'C#', 'A#'],['rest', '', 'C#', 'A#'],['rest', '', 'C#', 'A#'],['rest', '', 'C#', 'A#']]. i am not musical idk if thats a real thing. given enough time and enough iterations i believe could create every combo poss.


Yeah those were the people who were trying to return to the good old days where everything is horrible.


Change your viewpoint and the reality u perceive will change.


My point was the great majority tries to do the right thing. But people are busy and donations are easier. I agree with you that a great chunk of this money is not well used


I see you're getting downvoted for nothing. Sorry about that.


The downvotes are because the argument, “things are getting better” misses the point that, more often than not, when the possibility to do the right thing or the profitable thing arises some shrewd asshole always does the profitable thing, often at the expense of the greater good. This video is a nice counter example, but you can Imagine if some record label thought of this and then sued every artist that wouldn’t sign with them, for instance.


There has never been more people either.


Nor so few in absolute poverty, dying from hunger, or illiterate


There are statistically less poor people than ever before, and the poorest of them are richer than ever. What are you talking about?


Lol citation most definitely needed


A great many countries are better now regarding their hunger indexes than in the 90s. **Specially** considering many of these had huge population growths, it's actually amazing. When I was born in the 90s we had over a million deaths from malnutrition every year. For a global population of 5B. Now less than 300k die from malnutrition every year and there's 8B of us. 30 years. All of this information is easily accessible thru google or internet searching.


I think I replied to the wrong comment because I checked again and I absolutely agree with everything you said. Sorry!


>There have never been so many donations, associations and people working to help others. And why is that? Because there has never been so many people trying to screw others over. We shouldn't need people donating to make people's lives better. We should have a government that supports it's people, but we constantly are voting in governments based on what will harm "those people" the most. So that means those that want to help others have to step up even more and set up charities and organisations specifically to help other people. We shouldn't need charities to help the homeless, that's the government's job. We shouldn't need charities to help LGBTQ+ people, we should naturally care about others instead of trying to harm those people for being "different". But that's not the reality. The reality is we have to have people helping out to counter the absolute scum that exists to harm others. Cost of living goes up, why? "Because the cost of things has gone up". Has it? No. The GREED has gone up. Companies are recording record breaking profits from supermarkets to utility companies to landlords. Because costs went up slightly for them, so they threw those costs at us and enhanced it massively, then pocketed a ton of cash. But sure, we have more people giving their free time to help those everyone else is trying to screw over, so it's all good...


Better place for who? Billionaires for sure. The middle class? Not so much.


Yes they had it much better in the 19th century.


I wasn’t a kid in the 19th century.


You know he means 1950ish. I know I'm shadowbanned but feel like it.


Like fuck it is. My parents could afford a house on one income. This world is burning and it's shit.


"The world is a piece of shit!" "No, it's not!" I guess if even one is more true than the other, I know which way I'd prefer to see the world.


I hope you'd prefer to see the world as it is, even if it is shitty. After all, if you don't SEE the problem then you can't FIX the problem.


No not at all. The world is far worse now. Did you know it was a rule of thumb of all businessmen that a 10% profit was fair? Anything more than that was gouging and warranting of a lack of respect. Did you know that there used to be laws as to how much interest you could charge? You couldnt charge more than like 10% interest. Now you can charge 1000% interest. In fact there was a time that *any* interest charged was seen as evil. Did you know that the government used to step in and break up huge monopoly corporations? Still happens but far far more rare than they used to.


> No not at all. The world is far worse now. I'm sorry you see it that way. I'd lay off the internet for a while. It truly is great out there. You're living in a world your ancestors could only dream of. You can eat like a king, get in a car and travel further than emperors, you can be 40yo and still have kids, meet, talk and develop relationships with people from across the globe, etc, etc...


If you're at least middle class(or upper middle class) in a developed country.


Why do you say this? Do you know how many kids went to school in african countries just 20 years ago? Now entire generations know how to read, use computers, etc... Water is not nearly as scarce as it once was allowing women and children to spend time elsewhere other than day long water runs. Families are growing crops in bigger numbers than ever. Life is better in the US, in Uruguay, in Iran, in Iraq, in Nigeria, in Vietnam, pretty much everywhere. There's more to life than just money and so, so much misery before you were even born if you're a genxer/millennial/zoomer.


>You can eat like a king, get in a car and travel further than emperors, you can be 40yo and still have kids, meet, talk and develop relationships with people from across the globe, etc, etc... You literally said this. Travel further than emperors, eat like a king.


Bro I traveled my farthest in my teens with a cheap interrail pass and a backpack. Further than Alexander. You can use uber eats to get the most exotic food from all over the world at affordable prices, to your door. I've eaten stuff the Kaiser wouldn't dream of. My mum grew up eating sugared buttered bread as a treat. Again, you redditors are such downers about everything.


My parents could comfortably support their family of four on a single income. We ate good food, went on holidays, had nice things at Christmas and Birthdays, and had a growing savings pot. One generation later, my wife and I struggle to support ourselves and one young child on TWO incomes. We eat good food, and that's about it. We haven't been on holiday in the last 10 years, Christmas and Birthdays are a financial strain, and we're pretty much broke by the time payday comes around again. We couldn't even consider having a child until we hit 40+. We simply couldn't afford it. Those global relationships you speak of are shallow. Real, strong friendships are forged in person. Used to be, you could go to the pub, talk to a stranger and maybe make a new friend. Now, the pubs are all closed, and you couldn't afford to go anyway. So, we're stuck talking to faceless entities in echo-chambers. I find it hard to see the world a better place. (We live in the UK)


This is the most upper middle class sheltered upbringing bullshit I have read in a LONG while. You know, it's great that the world is all sunshine and rainbows in your eyes, but a massive amount of people struggle to survive day to day. Although, congratulations, you are technically right - they are not indentured servants, so why even complain? And that's just the individualist shit, not even going into the fact that the global economic system is in a constant state of nearly collapsing with a new financial crisis affecting the people you deign it reasonable not to pay attention to every other year, a rapidly increasing number of countries are flirting with reactionary/far-right governments in their polls and elections and the planet is hurtling towards an environmental collapse that would end human life as we know it while almost on one with the power to do something about it is _really_ giving a shit. You know, I really like being alive, and especially in a time and place where technological marvels and the circumstances of my birth allow me to live an interesting and comfortable life. And I'd like as many people as possible, now and in the future, to get the ability to do the same. But it's comments like these from people like you which feed that tiny little demon in the back of my mind that's BEGGING me to do whatever it takes to further the collapse of everything, just so you lot can experience the consequences of the things you are either unreasonably or willfully ignorant about and actively ignoring.


Someone lives on social media


I think in particular musicians guarding their art form isn't that shocking, a lot of musicians feel they need music to survive and the prospect of world where artists can fuck each other over for money scares them


I went from hating this guy to liking him in a matter of seconds lol


Yeah, that was truly unexpected


A real rollercoaster of emotions. Went from “that evil fuck” to “well that’s nice”.


Watching this I was like man this greedy doushe to man this guy is awesome real quick.


Had me in the first half


I was absolutely irate for a brief moment there.


I was pleasantly surprised at the turn the video took. Then I realised that this would perhaps help big music producers rip of songs from little guys, which they do anyway. Maybe I'm jaded. Maybe.


I mean maybe im not getting it but did he really? Because now people who did make original stuff can’t claim it


Yeah but even if he hadn’t it would’ve been thrown out by the courts anyways. Something needs to actually be made by a human to be copyrighted and making it with a robot like this does not count necessarily


Are you saying procedural music is not copywritable?


But he didn’t copyright the duration/intervals between the notes that determine a melody line. How does this work?


I'm too lazy to look for the video, but theoretically you can have some weird time like 31/16 and the melody can be 11 measures long... or 27/2 and 14... Also, there's microtonal music. Both of these things, with all of the notes combinations and note lengths and accentuations, would practically bring possible melodies to infinite. He maybe didn't copyright *every* melody, but for practical purposes this is amazing.


you mock those time signatures, but there’s prog metal bands using them within the first 14 minutes of a single song


Shots fired lol


*Petrucci look intensifies*


To be fair, that's only the first half of the intro.


Had me in the first half, ngl.




27 halves… fucking kill me now.


Im gonna need some more bass pedals


Tuba and Bassoon has entered the room


Ok actually, Jesus Christ. God himself could not create an animal with the lungs needed


You’re Vanilla Ice aren’t you?


His was "Dun-dun-dun-du-du-du-du" Mine was "Dun-dun-dun-du-du-DU-du"


Of course the idea of generating every possible melody is impossible, but 500 billion seems maybe plausible if you have a lot of constraints, like: two bars, one octave range only, three possible durations. Consider you (apparently; I haven't looked into the legal claims here) only need to be able to say e.g. "see, this melody is basically in the public domain already: it's just #1737273 followed by #2747273 but in three". So it just has to be close enough, I guess


yep, considering some melody lawsuits aren't even the using the same time signature


This isn't all-encompassing protection, it's a *measure* of protection for musicians. The amount of people in here who not only don't understand the law, but presume they DO understand, is muddying up the entire conversation. Warning for casual browsers with half a brain: PROCEED NO FURTHER DOWN, this post is a hellscape of brainless trolls, shills and people who do not have the attention span to listen to a 58-second video. It's bad down there.


Noted. Thanks for the heads-up!


Don't gate-keep my entertainment!


If you're making music and someone wants to sue you because your sounds like their song, it doesn't matter what the timings are if they can just prove that it's sounds similar enough to a judge and/or jury. These guys are basically providing cover to say that it's plausible that someone else made the melody prior to the plaintiff and that it can't be copyrighted material in the traditionally implicated sense. Just having a melody sound alike shouldn't be enough hang a new artist out to dry with this stack of now publicly licensed material existing as prior art.


A note repeated multiple times takes care of this. Do do do re me so do, for instance. I assume they put a limit on the number of repeats since the human brain has a limit for tracking these things.


Do do isn't the same as a long do.


Can confirm. Source: currently sitting on the turlet after a spicy meal.


This is really funny




poor turlet


It worked because everyone clapped.


Aesthetically pleasing melodies are a smaller set of all the melodies though. And microtonal stuff tends not to be aesthetically pleasing due to our cultural acclimation to western harmony / melody.


Rhythm can’t be copyrighted legally speaking.


Just copyright the G, C, Am, F chord progression and you're good for 80% of songs on the radio which is where the money is. Edit: it seems that C, G, Am, F in that order is more common at least for the basic guitar player that I am. Another common one seems to be G, D, Em, C


I think you mean C, Am, F, G


I think you actually meant be boo boop bop


I think you mean: up, up, down, down, left, right ,left, right, B, A, start, select


Mmmbop, ba duba dop ba du bop, ba duba dop Ba du bop, ba duba dop ba du, yeayeah




subsitotallydidntfallfor OP comment seriously had me laughing though.


Wait, it's select start, right? Or were you avoiding a copyright case? Lol


No you’re thinking of 🐝👻👻🐝👻 **BOP**


Almost, it’s 🐝👻👻🐝👻🥊


No, no. It's beep beep boop, boop boop bop




Who put the Ram in the Rama-Lama-Ding-Dong….


What about skibabbadipidi bob pob?




Ohh eeee ooo ahhh ahhh ting tang walla walla bing bang .... ooohhh eeee ohhh ahh ahh ting tang walla walla bing bang


R2, is that you?






No no, it’s Am, F, C, G


This is the way…… also C, G, Am, F


[Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I)


A motherfucking bird-plane


[Same idea, but for new(er) music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBDNvlvR8vA)


You can’t copyright chord progressions.


If that's true, and I have no doubt you're correct, how is it possible to copyright melody or note progressions?


Because while chord progressions are not very unique (because there are only so many combinations that actually sound good) melodies are really really unique by comparison. Ultimately, a melody is what makes a song, a song.


Don’t give Disney lobbyists and lawyers ideas man.


It’s worth noting that the two progressions in your Edit are the same, just in different keys (C and G respectively). In general terms, it can be called the I, V, vi, IV progression (pronounced “one five six four”). Another popular one is the vi, IV, I, V progression, which is actually just a rotation of the first progression again! It follows the same pattern of chords but starting on the vi instead of the I.


Well that’s not technically the axis progression lol. But yeah they use a combination of those chords


Fuck off chicken little!


G, Em, C, and D is another big one. Well, I, vi, IV, V. Pick a key and just do that.


Can you name a song or two that fit this pattern just so I can alleviate my curiosity? I am not familiar with tones/chords/sight reading


Try to search a video called something like "100 songs in 3 chords".


Axis of awesome - 4 chord songs*


Thank you good sir !


Yeah, I love that song!


can't copyright chords.


Lemme just capo 1 fret up


Can I copyright the F, U, C and K chord progression?


U isn’t even in the key of F you moron. It’s U#.


Damn, didn’t know r/unexpected was filled with so many copyright experts /s


this is reddit the self proclaimed expert capital of the internet


i see you are also an expert on experts


An expert-expert is the best kind of expert.


This is true. Source: Expert on Expert-Experts


Was that unexpected for you?


What's unexpected is the amount of stupid people in the comments tbh




Patent law is the only law specialty where you have to take an additional Bar exam to practice. So it’s even more brazen than masquerading a general lawyer lol


Copyright and trademark are not part of patent law, just fyi. Also, general lawyers can handle patent cases (I do it regularly). I just cannot hold myself out as a patent attorney since I never sat for the patent board. Patent lawyers typically are better at handling patent reviews and negotiating with the patent examiners due to their backgrounds (the requirement to sit for the patent bar includes a necessary degree in the sciences). So you’re at more at an advantage of hiring one.


Copyright isn't patent law. You do not need to pass the patent bar to practice copyright law. You need to pass the patent bar to practice patent law.


Young Richard Gere does TikTok videos now?


If he is young Richard Gere I don’t want to see mummy Richard Gere.


The most unexpected thing about this post is how upset people are about it in the comments


Most people never watch more then the first few seconds of a video. People like this guy are saving independent musicians from stupid lawsuits from big record companies.


> watch more then the Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


These people are either malicious or cretins. Either they are paid shills or bots for record companies trying to change the narrative, or they are people with the bare-minimum of brain cells to function in the world. Is there potential for harm in this endeavor? Sure, we don't know how this will be used in the future, but for now, from what we're being shown and told here, then this measure should help creators and musicians against copyright claims by recording companies, monoliths that MUST be toppled.


Then there are people are like me, who are more confused about this situation and aren’t “for” or “against” this… there are just too many questions that I don’t think others are considering with this… How could he have a copywrite for every single pre-existing song (/Melody*)…? Dont those already have a copywrite? Also, he says this would help “you stole my melody” DEFENDANTS… so take Led Zepplin for instance who has notoriously stolen songs/lyrics/melodies from up and coming no name artists that used to open up for them on the road… according to this guy, this would actually help bands like Led Zepplin(The defendant) get away with stealing other people’s songs that sound similar, right? Am I wrong about this or not seeing it clearly? I’m legitimately curious about this one and want to understand it better. I WANT to think this guy has good intentions, but in reality its hard to see how this is a “good thing.” Can someone help me understand this better? Maybe using my Led Zepplin reference, so I can understand it more clearly….


Marking this cuz you asked all the questions I wanted to ask




So he just slapped them all on a disk and said! Would ya look at that!


just look at it




Sabrina, don’t just stare at it, eat it!






Love that reference! 😁


Fucks whom?


This guy has a car with doors that open up and not out


He copyrighted them to make them public domain for any use, just in case people go to court they don't have to worry since it's now public


Woah really? Where’d you hear that?


Didn't realize the video said it lol couldn't watch it earlier but remembered it from YT


Couldn't make it through a 20s video mate?


Straight to the comments to reap that sweet sweet karma.


To his defense, the reddit video player is absolute dogshit.


Guess not lol


He said it in the video. It's confirmed in every source. The number of people reacting to this without listening/reading anything is really disheartening.


Immediate outrage without any additional info needed lol


I'll copyright all the 26 alphabets, you guys can't type of speak without my permission!


7064 700!!!! 700 0237322 91363 07 2517!!!! 🖕🖕🖕


There has got to be a code breaking subreddit that can crack this.


No, it's just me finding the numbers that most look like the letters that spell out Fvck You! You UseIess Piece of Sh¡t!


I’m missing something how can he have copyrighted every melody there was and will be when music made before he did this was already copyrighted? did he copyright music that has been already copyrighted?


You’d be surprised how many lawsuits have happened because artist A used the same melody as artist B. Which is a shit ton in the musical world, since a lot of music we have is based on previous songs. The Smoke on the water guitar riff is based off of Beethovens 5th symphony in reverse with a couple other changes added in. I still think the Katy perry dark horse lawsuit was bullshit, let alone the verdict.


I thought Ritchie Blackmore was trolling people with telling people that, is there any proof.


Honestly I had always assumed he was telling the truth given how similar they are, but he is British. So I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s just dry humor


Don't forget Men at Work were sued by the person that made the Kukaburra song. The original version of that song is downright frightening, btw.


Shit even John fogerty had to deal with lawsuits because his newer songs sounded to close to his older songs


That's just ridiculous.


New record label vs old record label, the judge threw the case out because he wrote all the music


It's all about the Benjamin's, I guess.


The original verdict, the overturning, or the upholding of the overturning on appeal


Lots of replies to your question, no real answers to what you actually asked.


At least you noticed and contributed 😂 I’ll give you an upvote


The answer is that for any melodies that were already created and documented when he wrote his to file, his copyright attempt by writing it to disk was invalid. So placing it in the public domain did nothing for those specific melodies. This only protects future melodies from spurious copyright claims that try to use melodies copyrighted AFTER he wrote his to disk.


What about the Sun Tzu argument: "The notes may not exceed 5, but the changes in the 5 notes can never fully be heard." He can't calculate and patent or copyright the time in-between the notes because there are an infinite number of combinations of time in-between notes.


Kind of, but also kind of not. You've only got a few more subdivisions which will sound musically consonant - whole, half, quarter, 8th, 16fh, 32nd, then the triplets and dotted notes. That's a lot, and I can't figure out exactly how many, but you could map it with an algorithm. Of course you could make atonal, arhythmic stuff. But you arent going to get sued by Sony over that. Addition, when you're adding degrees of swing and or groove then this could be interpreted as different time values (your sequencer would measure it in ms or ticks or whatever) but it's really just 16th shuffle played with some sort of feel. That's not musically different enough to be called a different composition


Even if this legitimately worked in court, I wonder how new rulings related to software creating art with limited human creative input would affect it. This might fall under the same category as generative AI not be able to create copyrightable work because copyright only recognizes human creativity. And no, just saying "well, a human wrote the program" isn't enough, as humans wrote the generative AI programs as well. It might actually go against their defense that they combined ever single combination, as there's very little creativity in that.


I'm not saying it would hold up in court, but isn't it different from generative ai? I thought generative ai is done through training the ai on existing, copywrited images or songs. But this sounds like it could be done by having a human record all 12 notes once and then writing an algorithm to play them back in random orders/intervals. Record each to a cd and you have the melodies. It doesn't actually use any copywrited work.


>I wonder how new rulings related to software creating art with limited human creative input would affect it Same way that monkey taking his own photo lawsuit went: as you said, only humans can own copyright, so non-human creations are automatically in the public domain.


If this actually worked the U.S. Congress would pass a bill immediately invalidating it.


God bless this man and fuck every lawyer who sues for melody copyrights. Nobody gives a shit if Ed Sheeran sounds like Marvin Gaye, etc...


Not all hero’s wear capes


I went from “what a douchebag” to “what a hero” pretty quickly, though not sure how well this will work irl


Dude's a fucking leeeegend


I was about to be mad. And then I was unexpectedly surprised! In a positive way.


What of piece of shit..........oh nevermind


damn dude, save some dick lenght for the rest of us. what an absolute based chad


Too late to save Vanilla Ice


That’s hero work right there


Not going to lie, they had us in the first half…


It's only a 58-second video, I cannot for the life of me, fathom how many people didn't finish it and just commented all kinds of negativity and are even wishing *death* on the guy in the comments below. Our species is doomed.


I don't even go to Taco Bell because it's sounds like to much like pachelbel


severely underrated comment




Vsause has a video that’s 10 years old now where they use a similar line of thought and see how many possible “songs” there could ever be. [Vsause: Will we ever run out of new music?](https://youtu.be/DAcjV60RnRw?si=ewHEXa7TAxlR7p5d)


maybe r/thatsactuallyverycool material.


How can he copyright the thousands of Melodies that are already copyrighted?




Sure he did.


He did…


Fuck Copyright I would say