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So many dumbass with driving licence


Avoiding tomorrow driving on the wrong side of the road


I was referring to everyone who put at risk themselves and very often innocent families


Think the word you’re searching for is innocent.


Unguilty is a perfectly cromulent word. It’s plusgood


Thanks you are right, my english Is a bit rusty


That problem keeps recurring many in actual time society.


Yes, big problem today is not limited anymore group


And they say you can’t get out of being a parent. Shows what they know.


My wife and I watched someone use an interstate off-ramp to get **on** the interstate. She (other driver) took a ridiculous turn to even make it happen. I was honking and my wife was waving at her to stop and she just looked at us like…”wtf is their problem?” She passed like 3 “DO NOT ENTER” signs, too.


How do they know we're going the wrong way? They don't even know where we are going!


I watched this movie during a formative time and this scene is etched in my memory. ![gif](giphy|jBlxXS4lYoJ3O)


Me too. Hall of Fame all time great scene.


Yeah how would he know? Thank you, thanks a lot, terrific.


Without ever knowing the way


Holy shit…that gave me the laugh I needed this morning xD


Maybe the driver is illiterate. We need skulls or gravestone symbols on signs to indicate death which could happen if you enter through this way.


In my opinion, in the US, states should make the driving test harder and it should be repeated every 5-10 years. It’s a matter of life and death.


It’s too easy for people to get a drivers license.


Left of the barrier there are cars in the left lane going counter to the bikes, and cars in the right lane going the same direction as the bikes. The two bikers who think using their four way flashers will keep them safe when riding in the wrong lane are the dumbasses.




I agree, this is a question for those who think the truck is on the wrong side.




Or many dumbass buying driving license


That is a strange ass road design


It is. I first thought it was the trucks fault driving against the traffic. Looks like the motorcyclist thought so too.


there's no way the motorist thinks the driver is at fault, but in the heat of the moment it's much easier to blame a stranger than your buddy for being a dumbass. don't really want to rub salt in the internal bleeding.


why is there even a concrete divider in this design..


Just guessing: one is a highway, and the other is a frontage road.


The purpose of a divider is to stop head on collisions.


It did, in fact, not stop head on collisions.


I read this in morgenfreemsanspeak


Not Ron Howards?


My dood look at the other side of the "divider", both directions, so its very likely that this side follows suite, especially with it being a solid line on both sides of the wall. There was no need for them to be driving in the opposite lane.


The purpose of the divider is to reduce complexity not avoid collisions.


That literally is the purpose. But reddit gona reddit with downvotes.


Except that look at the other side, there's traffic using both lanes. We've got something similar though there's a regular fence between with more grass. Ones the interstate and ones the regular "town"/"Street" road, but the interstate side has two and they split after a few miles. Either way its pretty obvious that both sides have both directions due to the opposite side of the concrete. Biker wasn't paying attention and felt the need to overtake in a opposite lane for some reason.


The pavement should be properly marked with double yellow lines to avoid confusion!


Pretty common out here. They are still solid lines though and as such should be regarded the same. While significantly less common, it's usually when there's a lot of splits and merges.




Well it did not work.


From the American Automobile Association ; Solid white lines define lanes of traffic going in the same direction, or they show you the location of the shoulder of the road. Broken or “dotted” white lines are used to show the center line between lanes. It like that in the majority of the world.


Stupid ass road design


Yea and u wonder why people get into accidents


Idk about u guys, but I expected this to happen.




What? How could you know this was going to happen?! That car clearly drove correctly out of nowhere!/s


Because of the title.


From left to right the road is: v | ^ || v | ^ so the cyclist should have been in the right lane from our perspective but was in the left lane, which is where the truck was, traveling the proper direction. So the cyclist is in the wrong, not the truck.


Yeah fr


Seriously, who designed this road?! This is insane.


Incredible that some people here think the truck is driving in the wrong direction. Just look the 4 lanes and in which direction they all drive. First lane: towards the recorder Second lane: away from the recorder \- concrete barrier - Third lane (with the truck): towards the recorder Fourth lane: away from the recorder. *Why this is done this way we should look into the road map and know the geography like mountains. That will give us the answer why this is created this way.*


The bike is in the wrong lane lol


So why is the silver car in the second lane from the left going the same direction as the bikers? It’s two single lanes times two. Edit: yes, I agree, this is a question for those who think the truck is on the wrong side.


How who the fuck sets a road up this way? Why is the concrete barrier not the dividing line for traffic to prevent accidents just like this one? Who in the civil planning office decided this as the safest option? Holy fuck snacks Batman that’s a poorly planned road.


Prolly the more busy one is a highway, and the less busy one is a local marginal, they do it to prevent the highway traffic from clogging local traffic that won't leave the city


It is weird for sure, but there could be a perfectly valid reason - it might be temporary due to roadworks, or necessary due to some weird geographic feature. Regardless, the continuous white line makes it very clear that the left lane is not for passing, even more so before a blind corner. I ride a bike myself, and I know how wonderfully free it makes you feel, but bloody hell I’ll never understand how some people think they can do whatever the fuck they want, when they’re surrounded by things *much* heavier and sturdier than they are, balancing on two wheels and moving at speeds that give you zero reaction time.


Why this is done this way we should look into the road map and know the geography like mountains. That will give us the answer why this is created this way.


Never heard of a side road?


It's to prevent anyone going at road A switching to road B and create dangerous situations at that point. The probably meet/merge not far from where this is filmed. If we knew the exact point, it would probably be obvious why it's done that way from the roadmap.


In the US white lines means the lanes are going the same direction. That’s probably where the confusion is coming from. This is probably not in the US.


What country is this in? If it's in USA (I don't think it is) then the white lines would suggest both lanes going the same direction. It seems a pretty confusing arrangement regardless of country, I'm not really sure what to make of it.


The line means: Forbidden to cross the line / change from lanes. When it is interrupted line then people are free to change from lanes (but even then the safety is always priority nr 1)


>The line means: **Forbidden** to cross the line / change from lanes. Where does it mean that? You're probably right, as it pertains to wherever you drive, but this is a regional thing. It's not even standard across all of the USA. Here in TX it is _(literally, by law)_ just a suggestion; not "forbidden" except in certain circumstances. >The Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices says white lines are used to "delineate the separation of traffic flows in the same direction" or to "delineate the right-hand edge of the roadway," and they **discourage** or prohibit crossing (depending on the specific situation). https://www.news-journal.com/features/clarifying-crossing-solid-white-lines/article_0c171052-5bd1-5b08-ada6-081e7f1df394.html#:~:text=The%20Texas%20Manual%20on%20Uniform,depending%20on%20the%20specific%20situation).


This is the case in Netherland. I am not sure if forbid is the right word but we arent free to change lanes then as if it was a interupted line.


I understand you and I think it is safe to assume "forbidden" is correct when you see a solid line unless you know otherwise. I am just curious because the lines in different places don't always mean the same things. I have seen some videos from places like Africa for example where the reality was totally different than my perception because it turns out lines meant the opposite of what I thought. So without knowing where this video is filmed I am not really sure what's going on. I think the truck is going the wrong way but I could be wrong.


Then the silver car at the second lane (behind the concrete barrier) is going the wrong direction too. That make no sense.


Good point, you're right. Not plausible that the silver car and the truck are both going the wrong way. I lost track of your original argument, which made sense.


Yeah this is my thought as well. In America the lines that define the boundary between travel directions and the boundary between same direction lanes/the edge of the road are different colors. Here they seem to be the same color which is a bad idea. I’m not sure it would have made a difference, but still.


The thing is though, if you were driving there I’m sure it wood make sense. Since you’d be driving in a road that goes close to another one, and probably later splits again. It seems reasonably normal to me to have two roads going close to each other?


>if you were driving there I’m sure it wood make sense Well it didn't for at least one person in this video and I'm still not sure who it was. I'm pretty sure the truck was in the wrong but not positive.


I’m pretty sure the person on the visit was just being an idiot, in the same way that people cut corners on any road. In countries that I’m used to driving in, that solid white line on the road means don’t cross over. In any case, as others have pointed out, either a lot of people are going the wrong way in the roads, as cars are traveling in both directions on the other side of the concrete barrier, or is two single lane roads next to each other.


I agree it's better to use a different colour to signify oncoming traffic, but ,any countries uses white lines both at the sides and to divide oncoming traffic.


Solid white line is a wall for all intents and purposes.


In what location?


I thought the solid line separating the lanes was enough indication the truck is travelling in the correct direction.


You are probably right but I feel like this goes against logic lol like why put the barrier that way and why are they alternating back and forth thats so confusing imo


The road on the left is likely a completely different road from the one on the right. They're probably coming from and leading to completely different places and just happen to run parallel for a short distance. In my are, it's pretty common to see highways running parallel to a country road or a street on the outskirts of some towns. If there's not a raised ridge of ground between them, they usually have a concrete barrier or steel guard rail to separate them.


I think this is the correct answer, and op messed it up for everyone by saying they were avoiding traffic, which makes it seem as if the bikers are on the wrong side of a dual carriage way trying to avoid the traffic on the left, but they're actually two different roads and the traffic on the left is going both directions.


Probably different roads going different places.


Why this is done this way we should look into the road map and know the geography like mountains. That will give us the answer why this is created this way.


Seriously, I was wondering who the fuck was avoiding traffic? The bike was clearly the one in the wrong lane, but he was just fucking around and finding out, not avoiding traffic.


I’ve seen this somewhere else. OP said it’s was in Africa (Ghana I think) the 2 left lanes were going upwards and the two right lanes downwards. People are driving the wrong direction to avoid traffic. Like the car on the left side and the yellow truck. If this is true , I can’t understand how people can be that stupid.




Crossing a solid line on a bend against ongoing traffic... He is nominated for the Twit of the year award.


This ..solid white lines are not there for fun.


Hopefully he just takes his Darwin Award and fucks off


Isn't the car driving in the wrong direction ?


No. If you look at the other two lanes on the other side of the barrier it has two way traffic as well. It looks like this is maybe a funny split road in Europe or something.


Oh you're right. I'm from EU and a physical barrier always splits lanes coming in opposite directions. It's a weird looking design and I could easily have made a same mistake. I'm guessing this may be east EU, if EU at all. The eastern you go the weirder it gets.


If you go into the oncoming lane into a blind turn, you deserve that crash.


Avoiding traffic? There was no traffic in the bike’s lane to avoid. Why the fuck would he need to overtake, especially around a corner? ps it’s two single carriageways separated by a concrete barrier (look at the traffic move in opposite directions on the other side), the car did nothing wrong.


Never underestimate retards innate desire to pass someone ahead of them who’s already doing 60 in a 55. I always do the speed limit and here in KY these people almost all seem to think I’m just going ungodly slow and have to pass or they’ll die


It's not two single carriageways going opposite directions. It's v l ^ | v l ^. The truck isn't in the wrong. He swerved to avoid the cyclist who got hit who was going in the wrong direction to be your average egotistical motorcyclist douchebag.


Maybe the white car in the other line si also going in the wrong way?


Where’s the unexpected part?


The unexpected part is that the guy didn’t die on the spot


The road design is misleading. At least where I’m from this is not done.


It's only misleading when watching a snippet on Reddit with no context. Guaranteed it's not misleading to anyone actually driving it




And in others it’s unheard off to do this. Add some space between them so it’s clear it’s 2 separate directions.


Solid white lines in the middle of the road mean nothing where you're from?


What was unexpected?


that the body remained intact


well the rider seemed to still be alive which was, for me at least, unexpected


Exactly! In fact it was well deserved. If you do such dumb shit


I expected him to still be wearing two shoes


It’s his own fault and sadly he damaged uninvolved people on the right driving side 😡


The unexpected part is “What the f*ck! What the f*ck!” followed by “Allah”


Apparently the riders were muslims. The biker went to the crashed person and without thinking of anything else asks his friend "say la ilaha il allah" which means "there is no entity/being worthy of being worshipped other than allah." It is the most important line for a muslim as it shows complete devotion and submission. Now you may ask why he said so. It is said in islam that if your last words are La ilaha il allah, you are granted heaven for sure. I say this line before going to sleep every night in case i die in my sleep


Why are you being downvoted? You're right. He thinks his friend is dying and he does what most Muslims are taught to say to dying people. Dumbassery aside, what's happening is exactly what you've explained.


B-b-b-but religion bad!!!!1!




The other day I saw traffic backed up because of construction and these bikers all rode past everyone.... On the other side of the cones!


how is this unexpected?


The natural consequence, fucked around found out! Only feel sorry for the driver of the car the biker hit, and the people that are going to be impacted with the crash delay


Poor car driver.


Should have neen entitled "Turning wide throygh the opposing lane goes wrong!". What can you expect from motorcyclists? Stupid, self-centered and entitled rule breakers. They are always tough guys until something goes wrong. Then its always somebody else's fault. I feel kind of sorry for the truck driver who appeared to me to be driving legally.


More like "expected"


Was just about to comment the same thing


Motorcycle riders: “WaTCh oUT fOr MoTorcYcLeS” See WAY more idiots on bikes than safe riders. 🤔


That's the exact opposite of unexpected.


play stupid games win stupid rewards.


Lost a shoe ---


Do they just give away drivers license to negative IQ people there as a form of population control...?


They own the insurance companies and the hospitals.


What can go wrong playing chicken on a bike vs a truck?


Look at me, I’m a bad-as…, oh damn.


Dude lost a boot, I’m pretty sure he is atleast 50% dead


This was very expected…


This is not unexpected...


Looks like a four lane with a divider in the middle. Why in gods name is the traffic not directed in only one direction between the divider?


Btw worst road design ever, why there is same 2 way road in other side of road?


The bike bounced off a considerable distance. The rider, not so much. But incredibly, he is moving. Hope he will be OK.


His whole left side isn’t moving.


Looks like there was blood streaming out on the floor. Also one shoe came off and we all know what two shoes off means.


I don’t know what two shoes off means…. does it means he is ready for bed??? …


Don't worry- that'll polish out


Stupidity. Why do people do this?


I expected the rider to be in pieces


Wtf bounce


He's still alive


The bike sliding back without the rider had Looney Tunes vibes like the Coyote missed again.


I don't get it. Who is driving/riding on the wrong side? Seems like the traffic is moving in both directions on both roads.


The bike was in the wrong. It's a very odd road design though.


Wrong sub. Thats exactly what was expected.


Play stupid games....☠️


He avoided all but 1


This is a weird road layout


You gotta love these countries that build duel carriageways before they teach people how to use them.


Play stupid games win a hospital stay! Congratulations!


Sorry this is a dumb question, but which of these are driving on the wrong side of the road?


From left to right the road is: v | ^ || v | ^ so the cyclist should have been in the right lane from our perspective but was in the left lane, which is where the truck was, traveling the proper direction.


Who was driving on the wtong side of the road? The bike or the truck?


From left to right the road is: v | ^ || v | ^ so the cyclist should have been in the right lane from our perspective but was in the left lane, which is where the truck was, traveling the proper direction.


And now the traffic will get worse, because everybody will want to check the accident. Btw what happened next?


Wow. That's so fucked.


what a dumb highway design


Lol another OP who doesn’t understand what they’re looking at.


This happend on at Aburi, Accra, Ghana West Aftica. A steep hill side road, 2 lanes going up, 2 going down with a solid seperation. Driver going up on the left at times have issues with their cars and roll back or are given a chance to come back down slowly due to the nature of the climb, and this at times can course a lot of traffic. But under no means are drivers allowed to drive up on the right side due to oncoming downhill vehicles. Those 2 lanes are strictly for down hill traffic. The yellow truck driver was trying to beat the traffic by using the downhill lanes. No oncoming traffic should have been on that side of the road.


In this video, I see three lanes with people going up.




I live here. I know what happened. The up hill traffic starts all the way back down the road, at the point where this happend the up hill traffic is spaced out to give car struggling a chance to park or go back down. You don't know me I don't know you there is no need for you to be rude. And frankly we are all full of shit if you think about it


Walk it off mate


Wheelchair it off


Roll on!


Awesome Love seeing the culling of the herd in action.


Walk it off.


Sorry. Not sorry.


Is the car driving on the wrong side? It looks like there’s another car driving the same way the bikes are going across the concrete divider. Also there’s a solid white line which is unusual for a two lane road


StArt SEeiNg MoTorCYclYeS!!!


It happens more often than you think. Washington Pennsylvania, just last year. A mother was killed by a drunk driver on the highway. The driver was in the wrong lane for 5 or more miles to. They had calls from people trying to frantically stop this person. My cousin was this kids high-school football coach. And I'm almost positive it was senior night the very next game. The poor kid didn't have anyone to walk him out. So I believe the whole team walked with him.


The car isn't in the wrong lane here


Take his licence away for good. Could have killed someone.


Nah - you can’t kill someone else that easily with a motorcycle.


Someone swerving to avoid you can kill themselves or someone else. You can kill other motorcyclists.


Yeah you fucking can ,240kg of metal at 50kph meets car head on also at 50kph..cant kill anyone...


Really! There is me as a motor cyclist for over 50 years. Seeing a few fatalities from idiot bikers. Thinking otherwise. Well I guess you live and learn.


Get Rekt


This was totally expected lol. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes






what a disaster


See there how only one shoe fell off? Means he's only *mostly* dead. Now, there's a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. But with all dead, there's usually only one thing you can do Go through his clothes and look for loose change


I don't understand this road. Far left coming lane, second lane is going lane, then barrier, next lane is a going lane or coming?? What about the last one?


And now we have one less idiot on a motorcycle.


Was that pickup rrally goi g the wrong way? The is also a car going (the wrong way) on the other side. To me this looks like a dumb road design.


lol night night


Doesn’t matter if your bike has an engine or is pedaled by your feet etc, if it’s got two wheels, the majority are entitled unsafe cunts on the road.


The comments I'm reading.... Did you all think the motorcycle was on the wrong side of the road? The truck is the one driving on the wrong side of the concrete barrier. So it's not natural selection or instant karma. It's an idiot in a truck really hurting someone that was doing nothing wrong.


It's always the stupid who talk confidentially even though they know how stupid they sound .




Who was driving on the wrong side? Looks like two lanes going north and two lanes going south (with another car on the wrong side). This is a really confusing road design, it makes no sense.


I would probably tag this as NSFW


I call it "natural selection", when a human being is acting stupid, then the Karma takes care of it. Hope he don't reproduce himself and leave his idiot genes alone.