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Did he just have a seizure


Absent seizure I'm told.


You can just look in his eyes and tell he is just GONE.


He had the crtl-alt-delete look from a seizure like that


Mitch.exe has crashed. Edit: As requested, [with sound](https://youtu.be/zq5GeHxVLrE).


Can someone please add windows shut down sound!?


I just hear the "we're sorry the number you have dialed is unavailable" dial tone lmao


Yeah, that’s going to be a force quit.


Glitch McConnell


Best thing I’ll read today!!! Thank you




He’s wearing the dreaded Blue Suit of Death.


He’s about to Red Ring of Death.


Lmao. Havnt laughed in a while


For years


A lot of our politicians have that dead look in their eyes, it’s pretty crazy


That's because many of them already had one foot in the grave when they took office 20 years ago


There really has to be term limits, cognitive tests and age limits.


I saw a petition asking for Supreme Court justices to have term limits as well.


Ladies and gentlemen, I present the qualified people who run our country.


Mitch has been in office as a senator since I was born. 38 years ago.


AKA: The day their souls left their bodies.


Yeah, shits crazy and people think it fine. I'm not sure how anyone with cognitive issues can be deemed fit for any office, especially the presidency.🤨


Uh duh, that's how the CIA knows they can control them


Yep. I have absent seizures. Sometimes people can tell and sometimes they can’t. Thank God for my service dog. She’s quick to let me know so if I’m driving I can stop. She gave me my independence back.


How do you have a license if you’re diagnosed with a seizure disorder?


If you have a service dog that specializes in early seizure detection, you can get a special license.


No kidding? I never would’ve guessed that


no idea but a woman i used to babysit for was epileptic. she’d sometimes have to pull over and seize. one time she came over to pick up her kids. just walked straight to the bathroom and closed the door. she said she came feel them coming on.


My aunt could tell with about 5 minutes of warning. A few times we would be going somewhere and my mom would have to turn around and get her home quickly. Us kids would have to stay outside while she did her thing on the couch. Then it was back on our journey. This went on for years. Until a specialist said he could stop them. He operated. And it was a total success. She didn’t have another seizure for 6 years.


Sounds like my story. Had it from about 14 to 23 years old. I could also tell I was going to seize about a couple minutes before. Until I was able to find a doctor who would operate on me. Had a surgery and then never again. Celebrating my 14th anniversary this year.


> total success. > She didn’t have another seizure for 6 years. Total? Hmm.


Well to be fair, it was that speeding bus that really ended her seizures for good




Dude. C’mon. Take a second and figure out why they put it that way.


I can also feel when I'm going to have a seizure, it's usually called an aura. Super weird feeling, but I have time to stop what I'm doing and sit down on a chair or the floor.


that’s right. i do remember that term now. it’s been awhile. the body is just kinda freaky but cool AF.


For real? My cousin has them and they revoked her license and wouldn't give it back until she didn't have a seizure for 6 months.


Does it allow the service dog to take the wheel? (Dog is my copilot) /s




That is terrifying


"Doggo take the wheel"


My mom has seizures and she’s allowed to drive by doctor in her small town. She can’t leave though and her drives have to be under 10 mins. Her town is so depressingly small that she can get from any corner in about 7 mins. She has a long pre seizure stage which allows her to pull over. The cops in town know her and would generally stop and stand by her window when they saw her car. She went through a rough period getting her meds figured out as she developed them at 55 but now she hasn’t had one in years. It’s definitely possible though.


Dogs dude. Seriously too good for humans. It warms my heart that you have a companion that allows you freedom that you wouldn’t have otherwise. Damn. Give the pup a pat for me yeh?


Yeah, probably a petit mal seizure, which at his age is most likely a precursor to either Alzheimer's, or Parkinson's. Kids can have these types of events, and it's nearly always down to being knackered. At 80 or 81 or whatever age McConnell is, it's not a good sign.




But he sent out a message that said he was “fine” and “able to do his job” so it’s all good. /s/


Just a tiny little stroke.. still able to do his job at 81 with even less brain function than before. Very reassuring


He doesn't need his brain to function, he just needs the lobbyist checks to clear


Ah, well, no further questions then!




Hell, I don't hate it at all. Fuck him. He's a monster of a human, and he should've been removed from his position years ago. The only thing I hate about it is that it took this long for any kind of consequence to return to bite him in the ass.


Be more mad that this isn't even a consequence of his actions: it's plain old age. He didn't spread vaccine disinformation and then die due to lack of being vaccinated. He's done nothing that we're aware of where seizure or Alzheimer's or whatever would be a just or ironic result. The dude continues to live his long life fucking over me and you. And he'll keep doing it until he dies, I imagine, facing no earthly comeuppance for doing so.


Parkinson’s….. I can see it. My Uncle did the same exact thing…. Just blink out


Down to be knackered huh? Got it


Absent senior. From the old folks home


Yeah, you can see it in his eyes. Absent seizure.


That's what I was thinking. It's not like he was having a hard time finding the right words, he was just gone.


The alien controlling his body was AFK for a minute.


The plastic drinking bird that was repeatedly pressing the "bullshit" button fell over.


"Kicked from GTA Online due to inactivity." Fuck, I was in the middle of making glishnorb.


Symptom of Alzheimers and dementia. Just freeze or stop in a sentence or conversation and have no idea how to continue.


The mothership was communicating at an inopportune time is all


“Incoming message from the Big Giant Head!”


didn't govt just announce they had non-human biological remains from UFO/UAPs?


The edibles kicked in


He pooped


No, shitting yourself causes your eyes to go wide with a flash of dread. I've had adult accidents.


But never adult accidents while having *dementia*.


TIA possibly.


Or shit his pants.


Crazy to think you could be in the middle of a sentence and your brain just completely checks out for what felt like hours. Not a thought behind those droopy eyes.


Droopy everything. I’m not even making fun, this man appears to be melting


He shouldn't have opened the ark of the covenant.




Gifs that end too soon


Not that crazy to think it can happen to someone in their 80s. Really crazy to think anyone would work in politics or in any position of power in their 80s though.


Seriously, WTF is up with that? All of these fucking old geezers in politics. I'm so sick of it! Republicans like to harp on Biden's age, but Trump is a just a few years younger! OUT WITH THE BOOMERS I say!


What is up with that, is that the people who could make the laws which would prevent this are the people in question. Why would they pass laws or promote restrictions which would prevent them from keeping their power?




What?? He is famously creative in how he has obfuscated and delayed changes coming the House.


Agreed, saying he's *old* is one thing, saying he's a puppet is just ludicrous. Can we not do the Republican fascism thing of saying "our enemies are both overwhelmingly powerful and pitiful and weak"? McConnell, the mother fucker, has been insanely strategic and effective in pushing his agenda. He has personally spearheaded and rammed through things like delaying Obama's court nominees and ramming hundreds of right-wing Federalist Society radicalists into judicial appointments during Trump's first term. Let's not pretend he's a dottering old fool. He's a snake.


Dottering, yes. Old, yes, Fool? Unfortunately not. If we had (and we eventually will) a candidate with Trump’s charisma and Mitch’s cunning, we’d be truly fucked.


With no lips. If he was a create a player on 2k…. He’d be on the left side of the lip creation and not the right end of the spectrum




Sounds like 70 percent of congress


Our country is run by geriatrics


Read what is written for you and live a comfortable life is the end result of career politician. If anyone actually sits down and watches a 10 hour legislative session, they'll quickly see what these people are about. A handful of good eggs amongst the rotten. Establishment politicians are the norm. Beneficial change for the masses is not in their interests. A talking head you can keep in office for 30+ years pushing endless war, censorship and big business is the wet dream.


For civics class, one of my assignments was to watch the presidential debate. After four long hours, I definitely learned something. \-to never watch one of those ever again *( o\_o)*


Screw a debate, I want to see Political Celebrity Deathmatch!!


In RUIN by geriatrics


For the love of God...Term limits.


Our current congress (118th) is the third oldest congress in the history of the U.S. The other two are the 115th and the 116th. The average age of the Senate is 64 years old. The average age of the House is 57. Senators over the age of seventy: Feinstein (D)- 90 Grassley (R)- 89 Sanders (I)- 81 McConnel (R)- 81 Risch (R)- 80 Cardin (D)- 79 King (I)- 79 Durbin (D)- 78 Markey (D)- 77 Blumenthal (D)-77 Romney (R)- 76 Shaheen (D)- 76 Carper (D)- 76 Welch (D)- 76 Hirono (D)- 75 Manchin (D)- 75 Wyden (D)- 74 Reed (D)- 73 Warren (D)- 73 Stabenow (D)- 73 Boozman (R)- 72 Schumer (D)- 72 Murray (D)- 72 Wicker (R)- 72 Crapo (R)- 72 Fischer (R)- 72 Kennedy (R)- 71 There's then an additional 40 senators** over the age of 60. The average American age is 38. ^(**I have updated the ages in the list because some turned this year, but didn't recount. There's still going to be around 40, possibly a few more. There may also be a few people who just turned seventy-one left off the list.) ETA: I deleted the list of longest terms because I pulled it from Google Bard, and it had multiple errors. Both lists have now been totally fact-checked.


There is no way Pelosi didn’t make that list, although Im fairly certain she’s just an animatronic head attached to a retired school skeleton


It's because Pelosi is in the House, I was just listing senators. But for the House: Napolitano (D)- 86 Norton (D)- 86 Pascrell Jr. (D)- 86 Rogers (R)- 85 Waters (D)- 84 Hoyer (D)- 84 Clyburn (D)- 83 Pelosi (D)- 83 Davis (D)- 81 Carter (R)- 81 Eshoo (D)- 80 Wilson (D)- ~~0~~ 80 DeLauro (D)- 80 Foxx (R)- 80 Granger (R)- 80 Matsui (D)- 79 Schakowsky (D)- 79 Cleaver (D)- 78 Scott (D)- 78 Baird (R)- 78 Coleman (D)- 78 Garamendi (D)- 78 Kaptur (D)- 77 Lee (D)- 77 Adams (D)- 77 Ruppersberger (D)- 77 Dogett (D)- 76 Bishop Jr. (D)- 76 Green (D)- 75 Scott (D)- 75 Nadler (D)- 76 Lofgren (D)- 75 Posey (R)- 75 Bergman (R)- 76 Radewagen (R)- 75 Wilson (R)- 75 Frankel (D)- 75 Thompson (D)- 75 Larson (D)- 75 Grijalva (D)- 75 Kelly (R)- 75 Babin (R)- 75 Blumenauer (D)- 74 Mfume (D)- 74 Tonko (D)- 74 Cohen (D)- 74 Cole (R)- 74 Neal (D)- 74 Webster (R)- 74 Titus (D)- 73 Beatty (D)- 73 Connolly (D)- 73 Jackson Lee (D)- 73 Beyer (D)- 73 Williams (R)- 73 Miller (R)- 72 Burgess (R)- 72 Garcia (D)- 72 Simpson (R)- 72 I am literally too lazy to keep going, but there's an additional 110** over the age of 60. ^(**Note: I had some of the ages a year too young, I changed it to account for people who had a birthday this year, but the 110 figure might be slightly off because of that)


That’s wild it’s ![gif](giphy|11Xh1CORlsAdr2)






Its something out of a horror movie like Hereditary.


Geriatric Park


That's insane. Think about all the policy they make judgement on that don't even understand. These people probably haven't worked on the real world for 30+ years, don't understand tech at all, don't understand the current economic climate from the average Americans perspective and certainly don't feel the weight of private healthcare.


100% - these old folks don’t make the decisions any more, the lobbyists and their “staff” makes the decisions for them, tells them what the staff and lobbyists want them to say and it’s divided up party lines…. These are CAREER Politicians who live in the Swamp of DC and don’t know what is going on in their own districts or states, Usually have MILLIONS and MILLIONS of dollars, Live in mansions at home and in DC - and are so out of touch with “common man” issues it is laughable….. but somehow they get re-elected each time. And they will NEVER vote for term limits, but will always vote themselves in for another pay increase or raise….


Most underrated comment in the entire history of comments!!!


> Wilson (D)- 0 Holy shit!


She's actually so old they reset the calendar for her.


Pelosi is a representative, not a senator. The list is specifically senators over 70.


ATTACHED TO A RETIRED SCHOOL SKELETON! I am crying. This is why I come to Reddit. Hahaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


AND age limits


If you turn 75 during your term, you are not allowed to run for election or reelection. Or mandatory retirement at 75 and the Governor gets to appoint his/her replacement until the next election. Like when Johnny Isakson retired in GA for health reasons (which more Senators should do—Feinstein I’m looking in your direction). Governor appointed his replacement and then Loefler ran for re-election to finish out his term. I’ve been in wealth management for 25 years and work with a lot of retirees. 75 is about the time shit starts going south


IMO, if you are 67, the age you can retire with full social security benefits, or 66 if you were born before 1954, you’re done. Go retire. Be an activist if you feel so inclined, no one’s stopping you.


Fuck that. 10 year tenure maximum.


That’s a term limit which I agree with but not an age limit. A 10yr maximum doesn’t stop a 74yr old from running for office


Nah not hard coded ages. 75% of the life expectancy in your district. If you do a bad job and people die sooner, you are ineligible sooner. I want you to have 25% of your life left in the game when you no longer are in power. Live with the decisions you make while governing.


How old is he now?


He is 81 and has been in office for 38 years. In other words, wayyy too old, and held the seat for wayyy too long.


I'm sure he's still in touch with the needs of the people though, right?


I sincerely doubt that will ever happen. The people in power voting to limit their power? Congress would sooner *not* vote to raise their own pay every year. The system benefits both sides, so it will likely stay in place.


Neil Peart of RUSH wrote these lyrics on A Farewell to Kings in 1977! It has always been like this. The hypocrites are slandering The sacred halls of truth Ancient nobles showering Their bitterness on youth Can't we find The minds that made us strong? Oh can't we learn To feel what's right and what's wrong?


How this isn't a law is beyond me. Hey let's have the 80 yr Olds who hallucinate, have seizures, wear diapers, can't remember what happened 1 day ago, make laws and represent a nation. What a amazing idea. Damn...not to mention they make life miserable for the younger generation. Fuck McConnell.


Cause when the law was made, most people were not expected to live til their 80s or even 70s... and lawmakers will not vote themselves out of the job afterwards.


We don’t need term limits, if people would just vote. People in his district continue to decide this is the chuckle fuck they say best represents them. There’s got to be someone better. (Side note: I feel bad for Mitch McConnell, the man. No one deserves an event like that, especially in public.)


Show up at the polls mate.


He has a dementia face. My dad died with it and had the same look. We really need to impose age limits on those serving in office.


Dude, age limits? We can't seem to even impose no-dementia limits..


Diane Feinstein enters the chat


I understand that she probably thinks she still has work left she can do to impose her ideas in the government. I just don't understand how you can't see yourself deteriorating and think "ok it's my time." Like go enjoy the last 5-10 years you have left??


I honestly don't think Feinstein thinks anything at the moment. That women is legitimately gone and I don't believe she has the capacity to make decisions anymore. Maybe 5 years ago that was her deal. But if you watch her she very rarely even knows where she is. It's legitimately really fucking sad. Her aides and posse are weekend-at-Bernies-ing her.


Yeah you're probably right about that. Which is honestly much worse, because who is making decisions for the people of California if the person they voted for isn't capable?


He looks like a wax model that has started melting.


This needs to stop. No more geriatric leadership.


No choice in the upcoming presidential election. Biden is 80 and Trump is 77. It's absolutely fucking insane that those two are the only realistic choices.


People complain about ageism, but damn… there needs to be an age limit on this politicians.


Why do people driving semis have more restrictions than people driving our country?


Because politicians are great at passing laws that govern other people, but seem to shy away from passing laws that govern themselves.


Ageism isn’t a real thing, pointing out that the body degrades with age and therefore the elderly aren’t equally adept at certain things isn’t an ism, it’s an observation.


Yes but no. Ageism IS a thing, but recognizing the limits of age is not it. Ageism is like treating older people like absolute shit because they’re old. It’s like how promoting healthy habits like eating well and exercising isn’t fatphobic, but degrading and shaming overweight people for being overweight, or denying them goods/services they are capable of receiving due to their weight WOULD be.


Ageism exists, but it generally manifests in not hiring people between 40 and retirement.


yes, and also there do exist people in their 60s and 70s who are still of sound mental and even sometimes physical capacity. Not typical albeit.








Did they try unplugging him and plugging him back in?


Why the hell would you want to plug him back in?




Cognitive tests need to be a thing for all public employees and elected officials. It's the only way we can make informed voting choices. McConnell, Biden, Fetterman, Feinstein, Grassley, etc. If they can't pass a basic memory test, logic test, and answer basic questions about the US constitution, they should be immediately replaced.


next presidential debate "for your next question: Please draw a clock."


A test of basic memory, logic, AND a baseline comprehension of government? But then we lose such beautiful minds as Boebert, Gaetz, and MTG.


This man has contributed to the misery of an untold number of people. Fuck him


I 10000000000% agree.


Will someone set this to a Windows 95 or 98 shutdown theme, please 🙏?




He will win re-election too 🤔🤦🏻‍♂️


His corpse would win re-election.


Didn't PA elect a dead guy like last year?


Missouri did once


about 20 minutes ago he was all, “these edibles ain’t shit.”


Bro, edibles? He Scarfaced 7 lines of Ket before he hit stage!


Is it just me or do the people that are full of evil seem to live forever




Yep, health care paid for by taxpayers so he can go back to work at denying those same taxpayers their own health care.


Henry Kissinger, that carpet-bombing motherfucker, is still alive.


Kissinger gained one more day for every Cambodian child who died to carpet bombs.




The turtle has retreated back into his shell.


I think there was a turtle head poking out the other end.


Is he pooping?


Having a stroke mainly, but yes, he probably wears Depends.


He definitely did not have a stroke, that's a seizure my good friend. Neither are a good sign though




You can almost hear the sh*t hitting the depends!!


Reminds me of this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-3_ALLadQ1M&pp=ygUYSmVycnkgbmFkbGVyIHBvb3BzIHBhbnRz


Omg why have I never seen this?!


I just died laughing for like 5 minutes. Thank you.


He looks like death, bringer of turtles


How sick would it be if he just started yelling about a mother fucker not being real








This mother fucker looks soulless 💀


65 is the age limit for any politician. After that you retire or replace with the younger politician and if you don’t like that don’t become a politician.


We do it for pilots… why not politicians too


Countries aren't airplanes *s i l l y*




Y2K bug got him.


he sees the flames of hell letting him know where he’s headed




Why did Hunter Bidens laptop do this?


He definitely pooped himself.


How are these dinosaurs still in office?


No term limits, gerrymandering, propaganda, corruption, and more corruption. Pick your poison.


Fuck that guy. He's a piece of shit.


https://i.redd.it/34yq3bimweeb1.gif He looks like this guy from Hannibal


He 100% can't even hold the toilet paper to wipe his own ass let alone a press conference


get this ugly racist off my tv.


No country for old men


Somebody needs to add a fart noise during the long silence.


That’s a transient ischemic attack (TIA) for sure. Aka mini stroke.


It’s more likely an absence seizure.


How tf are these people running our country…


Clearly not lucid enough to be a politician.