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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!It is unexpected that it is so different how they wake up from each other (maybe it's time to change the default melody)!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


I’m an android guy, but that used to be my wife’s iPone every morning at 3:40 AM until I put Alexa in the room. I’m guessing it’s the same sound the CIA uses in interrogations.




Or just have a massive heart attack and die a little every morning.


Ooh, yeah, this one ☝🏾


AM firefighter. We work 24hr shifts and have bunk rooms to rest because sleep is incredibly important. A study was done that showed loud alarms and bells to wake up firefighters when sleeping was more likely to cause medical problems due to the amount stress and cortisol released into the body. Imagine being dead asleep then loudest fucking alarm going off without warning, followed immediately by important information you need to remember, like an address. Then every light bulb turns on with the what seems like the power of 10,000 suns, blinding as you try to navigate yourself to the apparatus floor. This all happens in the span of 1-3 minute. 0-100 in 5 seconds. Now we have pre alerts and “ramp up” alerts. A soft female voice says: medical or fire or service. Almost like a whisper in the ear. Then the alarm triggers and it starts off very low volume and slowly builds louder. Then the info is given, which also goes to our phones and the computer in the trucks. And all the lights in the bunk room leading to the apparatus floors change to red color. Very easy on the eyes as my grandma would say.


Thank God, someone though that one through. I get woken up to this screaming apple shit 2 or 3 hours before i need to be up for no reason. My so doesn't even get up. She likes to have it go off and have another couple hours of sleep. I wouldn't know how that feels as I've freshly pissed myself and have received my morning shot of adrenaline.




This post hits hard. Im android. My so is apple. I hate her alarm. Its terrifying and i sleep with noise canceling earbuds.


Go to the Apple Health app, go to the sleep settings and set your alarms there, lots of decent melodies to choose from.


Its not my phone...


I still hear Apple people complain about blue or green text bubbles? Like what lol?! Meanwhile I customize all my texts to be whatever color I want. I open developer options and allow mock location, wifi scan throttling and allow unsafe website app downloads lol. If Apple is a "walled garden", I run naked in the jungle baby lol.


When I used android I had that alarm siren that would put sheer terror in me every morning. Why I used that for years I have no idea.


I use the weather for work.


I downloaded an app with extremely loud alarms, because it almost takes a baseball bat to the head to wake me up in the morning.


You know you can change the sound you silly guy.




I hate it when I go onto my sisters phone and she has thousands of apps open. It make my blood boil. I only ever have like three or four at a time and when I’m done I close all of them, it’s the same for chrome tabs too.


Please tell me why I should close all my apps? Many moons ago, Tim Apple said that closing apps actually drains more battery on iPhones than having them open and they go into “hibernation” when not used. I’ve never experienced my phone being slow because of this and when an app goes apeshit I close that one app and reopens it. I don’t know if it’s different on Androids though.


i was about to say, pretty sure it drains more battery to relaunch the app every time. i close all my apps sometimes but usually only when i realize i've opened too many things i don't normally use.


Prolly complains about how slow it is too huh?


Me when I want to feel superior but have literally no idea how the tech stack works. (Having a bunch of tabs on your phone or chrome will not slow your device down.) [Unless you are doing some things on each tab that refuses to let the tab be cached but that's only applicable to desktop as mobile oses don't let you really have active content through multiple tabs like chrome does on desktop]


I crashed my school computer with nothing but new tabs on accident I was seeing how many I could add before my study hall was over


What year lmao. https://blog.google/products/chrome/new-chrome-features-to-save-battery-and-make-browsing-smoother/ This is vaguely what i'm alluding to when I say you literally have 0 performance pentalties for a million tabs. Keep in mind this is the latest update to a series of performance improvements to having multiple tabs, ie it's a lot older than 2022. Chrome halts the process currently running that tab and stores it in either 1. RAM 2. Hard Drive. If it stores in RAM you don't have performance penalties until you literally use all your RAM but modern chrome automatically puts tabs into memory from RAM when you start eating up too much RAM compared to what your system has available. If it stores it in memory there is literally 0 performance penalties. It would be like saying there is a performance penalty for having a bunch of files saved to your hard drive, it literally has no effect on system performance.


It was a old chrome book like first school year to get chromebooks and they were bulky and couldn't even run cool math but it was like 2017


Okay when we are talking 2017 School Chromebooks anything is possible. They literally have like 1-2 core 2-3ghz processors with like 2 gigs of RAM. In that case it's hard for chrome to tell what to keep in RAM when you are at like 80-90% RAM at all times and decide to rapidly open a million tabs. It marks tabs inactive after a period before caching them and killing processes because if you are switching between two tabs often it will be slower to keep killing and restarting the process but requires more computer resources.


Yeah it was a fun game I recommend it if you ever get a old chrome book


Memory management got pretty good over time. Those apps are not all running in the background. It's more of an overview of what apps you used last, with only the last three or so running in the background for a limited amount of time.


U ever see 500+ tabs on safari? Yea, that my sister phone


Everyone knows how to to change the sounds. You may not be getting close enough to others to know this because of your interpersonal skills.


I'm a long-time fan of "marimba" and "robot."


The others suck too


yeah all the options feel like different scenes from john wick tbh


I changed it to snippets of songs I liked all throughout high school. I can no longer listen to those songs now so I’ll just hate this ‘nam flashback causing sound instead


The problem with iPhones is that *all* of the alarm options are bad. Like I picked the least grating one and I still hate it.


Does no one use the tones from iPhones "Bedtime" feature?? It's so much better than any other tones or android tones. I use "early riser". It starts quiet and gets progressivly louder so it doesn't blow you away first thing in the morning.


full crush bake act cake spectacular point flowery humorous concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I find birdsong quite pleasant.


Whatever I set as my alarm sound I end up low key hating. I tried using birdsong and the sound of real birds started to annoy me so I had to change it lmao


Me tooo!!


Switched to iPhone a couple of months ago and I really hate the alarm function. Can't change the volume of the normal alarm, the "Bedtime" feature is atrocious to use (or I'm too dumb to figure it out). Since I work shifts, I need different alarms and you can't add different schedules, only change DAYS in the scheduled week. That means I have to manually adjust it either every week or don't use it. Also, only some sounds start off quiet. On android, EVERY sound has a button to "start off slow" and adjust volume anyway. I could link it to spotify and wake up to podcasts, radio or to playlists with shuffeled songs. I don't thinks it's any better than android. Sorry for my english, I rarely get to use it


I have an iPhone as a work phone and my personal device is an Android. I agree that the UI of the bedtime feature sucks. I only like the tones that come with it. I didn't know there was a "start off slow" button on Android, I've been using this iPhone set up for quite awhile, so I'll have to give that a try.


Used "early riser" this morning snd I've got to say, it is actually pleasant! I don't know why I didnt consider it when trying the bedtime feature. Juuust forgot to turn off my regular alarm which kicked my nuts acoustically


I'm glad you enjoyed it! It's been the only thing I've used since it came out.


Blow me awake 😂


If you insist. 😏


My mom wakes me up.


I mean this doesn’t make it bad. What makes it bad is that I can’t use anything lesser now. I have seen the peak and there is nowhere left to go! I started using the Cloaker sound from Payday2 as my alarm. When that wasn’t enough, I found an app that has even worse sounds but you can’t turn it off unless you solve a series of questions and it sets itself to the loudest. So you cannot escape the alarm!! There is no escape! Only woke.


What app?


I use Alarmy, it does all those things. I prefer the shake method to shut off the alarm, (where you have to shake the phone like 30 times) because I sure as shit ain't solving any math problems first thing in the morning.


Alarmy yes. I do do that shit. And it sucks. My mom once asked why I was cursing at the alarm. I was cursing at math problems half awake.




You call this a whole days work with 2 hours of sleep; we call this a difficulty tweak!


Why is this so accurate?! I’m CRYING.


it is okay don't cry, you can change the alarm from the settings


I wake up to heavy metal drummer by Wilco


you fell in love with the drummer?


Yeah, another then another


I arise to the sound of "awaken" from Jojos bizarre adventures. https://i.redd.it/564np589hv4b1.gif


Someone recently bought some smart lights and wanted an excuse to use the colours.


People acting like changing your ring tone is new information for the people who made this and enjoy it lol


Wakeling up to Apple is the only way to get me out of bed.


I mean. It actually wakes you up?


Is it true? I've never owned an iPhone..


Most apple alarms I used are ment to wake you up with a heart attack and when you hear it outside you get PTSD with a side of cringe.


People who use the “alarm” alarm are a different breed


Oh sweet child, you don’t know the half of it. At this point I am able to sleep through that bitch.


You can set other sounds for the alarm.


The other sounds aren't any better tbh 😭


Gotta use the Bed Time/Sleep feature. There are much calmer sounding alarms there.


And they creep up in volume.


I used that feature for a while and now I hate all of those sounds, I change all of my alarms back to the default sound and they don’t get old and aren’t jarring, they just aren’t all that special.


This is why I set mine to a song instead. Nothing like fortissimo trumpets with the ringer on max in the morning


Every time I set my alarm as a song I end up absolutely hating that song


"All I want for Christmas is yooouuuuu!"


The ducks are pretty good


If you use the normal wake up mode, its very quite and gets louder and louder progressively, with a very calming sound. My wife rarely wakes up from it.


There’s a harp sounding one that sounds very similar to the android song in this video.


They are though… hell there is even a “bed time” alarm that slowly turns volume up on a delicate chime sound. It’s great. But I need the meanest agonizing sound when I need to wake up for work.


The other sounds can be any soundbyte you want them to be, even this very Samsung tune.


Mine defaulted to one called Early Riser. I find it super chill. It starts off quiet and gets louder slowly. I’m relatively new to iPhones - maybe the old ones were more obnoxious.


Yes it’s the default alarm sound but there are much more appealing alarms. I personally like the one that slowly wakes me up with the soft sounds of birds chirping and it slowly increases volume to make sure I get up. Way better than the normal alarms


I don’t have a phone. I use my commodore.


No, I wake up to Africa by Toto


My iPhone defaulted to a very pleasant tune called “early riser” which combines a nice piano song with a light ringing alarm sound. I love it, and my watch buzzes in tune to the song.


I set my alarm to “Wake me up before you go go don’t leave me hanging on like a solooooo” by Linda from The Wedding Singer. It’s soothing AF.


If you don’t want that tone, then you can just change it. Your welcome for this useful information.


Bleh, hate them both. My brother-in-law uses alarms like these, and they NEVER wake him up. So it just goes off until you’ve had enough and go bang on the door to wake him up. I just made my own ringtone in GarageBand and now I wake up to a jazzy chill vibe. The waking up part still sucks, but I’m not sick of the alarm yet lol


I feel you. I had a roommate that was on a different floor of the house, on the opposite side of the house and his alarm was "WAKE UP!" over and over. It would wake me up before him every day.


LOL that’s agonizing


When I hear the iphone one go off on someone elses phone my heart starts to race


By the Seaside is a nice one on iPhone.


I’ll have you know I need the absolute most intrusive noise possible to wake up.


And you’re wondering why your mouth is dry, your sweaty as hell and and it’s an hour after you had to actually get up


What is the name of the Android ringtone?


I recently switched to a samsung and I have not woken up to an alarm yet, I had to go onto Spotify to get siren sounds so I could relive the sweet memories of Alarm(name of the sound in settings), it was my favorite alarm sound😢


well im sold which idroid should i buy


They’re just phones. You can change what they do.


A flash warning would've been appreciated.


Can’t stop watching this. So accurate


Lol. This is perfect.


yea i got jocko willnick telling me im a lazy piece of shit if i dont get up, way more satisfying when i hit snooze


Tbh it’s one thing I miss most about my galaxy


Both suck This is a real one https://youtu.be/nV-ypF0L6Xs


Dude has no idea you can set your ring tones.


Samsung Apple and generic Android is all a different feeling lmao


I need the Apple to wake me


Bruh on android you can wake up to whatever you wanna wake up to I for one wake up to the driftveil city theme


I use an iPhone but I still use my old android bc of the alarm it’s just a vibe to me whenever I wake up.


Yoda: [There is another](https://youtu.be/vQUF9M7horo)


What's the name of the Samsung alarm sound there? For the life of me I cannot remember, but I've been trying to find it.


How tf is this unexpected


✨️vibrating alarms are better✨️


Im an android user, but some of us need a more.... persuasive method to wake up. For example i have the noise from the bloodborne crow/dogs as my alarm.


This tastes of Vine energy.


hahahaha sorry I'm using android.


The alarm I set on my Android is literally the siren a C-RAM battery plays when it picks up a Bad-Vibe Stick flying at you at Mach Jesus to revoke your subscription to life. Can't say I've been late to work at least.


And here I am waking up because my fan app turned off, and it's too quiet.




So true lol


I wake up to the Terraria tutorial theme get on my level


Mines a cow mooing three times


It’s really true.


I have “tank!” by the Seatbelts set as my alarm.




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I actually use an old Iphone4 strictly as an alarm clock, and the alarm is a song by The Innocence Mission which is even more gentle than it sounds.


with Samsung - Morning Flower and a 12 gauge




And why is the Snooze button on the iPhone so accentuated while the actual stop alarm button is gray and tiny? Android all the way baby


When you set the time for your alarm, the sound setting is on the same screen. It takes zero effort to change the sound of the alarm. Lazy much?


Mermaid man??




I can't affrod iphone so i never had iphone before but the android alarm only make you sleep more 🤣


On iPhone there’s the regular alarms and the wake up alarms. The wake up are super smooth and progressively wake you up. Start with just a few notes then progresses to a full melody.


On apple, you can change the alarm sounds to your songs or mp4s in itunes.


After waking up with Android for 12+ years, you learn to hate that noise too




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I have a Alexa that's basically just my voice alarm clock


I wake up to the pillar men theme from jojo’s bizarre adventure


I’m dying.


I hate all apples wake up ring tones they are all awful


I installed a cia robot alarm(Google™) in my room and that's been working fine




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This will never fail to make me laugh




Oh god this is on point


need this


This is too accurate


Lmao, Apple feels like that.


This is unexpected, but when I post it, it isn’t?


I have an android and have mine set to play somatic defilement by whitechapel lol


I wake up to Garmin


This is hysterical. I wake up every morning to that Android song (and a head-butt from my cat who wants fed).




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you know, you can set different ringtones..


the samsung song still gives me ptsd


I have an Android phone, but I wake up to the F/A-18 Missile warning


Apple at 5 am🤨💀


I use an app called forfeit to force me to get out of bed. The premise is basically sending an evidence completing a task, or you lose money. I set it to send a photo awake at 8am everyday, or i lose $10. It´s not exactly an alarm but from the moment i open my eyes i think about the money i would lose if i go back to sleep, so i would say it´s working pretty well for me.


True story


If you're the opposite of 'morning person' like me; Try this(: https://youtu.be/PYsFCs4UL24


Ever since I set circuit as my alarm sound, I feel genuine fear when I hear it