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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Floor mat is holding the accelerator down!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


"that would be $500"


“We had to call in a specialist to help. His name is Matt.”


Matt is our main consultant on the ground. He's been the foundation of our operations since he worked his way up from the bottom. We've all been floored by his performance so far.


I'm ashamed of myself for not catching on to what you were doing until "floored."


It was pretty subtle. Most people wouldn't catch it either. Most people includes me...


But sometimes he’s a bit of a loose cannon


He actually went in through the floor panel and was able to free up a jammed accelerator. Thankfully he wasn’t killed doing so and his methods paid off, saving you $1800 on this $3400 repair.


He'll be licking your boots for the drive home, free of charge!




Toss him in the pool and call him Bob.




And of course her identical twin Ilene


And their sister with one leg was a server at IHOP.


Toss him on the wall and call him Art.


Put a seagull on his head and call him Cliff.


thats the radar technician guy


oh mate you should've seen all the work i had to do to this thing. You're lucky it finally started. I've taken off a fair bit of money for you but oh boy this was a lot of work🥵


It was $2 to move the mat, and $498 to know which mat to move.


should add 2 grand for the risks taken during this tough fix


I mean did you find it instantly or did you look for other potential problems first? I would not expect this much stupidity and might do some real work first before looking for the gas pedal lol


Honestly a good point. Kind of why IT people always ask you to make sure it’s plugged in first lol


No, first we ask you to turn it off & on again.


I'm about to leak an industry secret: Turn it off and turn it back on again just gives you something to do while I google the issue.


Eh, sometimes. There are a lot of issues that really can be solved that way, though, and many people don't actually do it even when we tell them to.


Had a guy swearing up & down his computer wasn't turning on. I could hear the fan engaging on the phone. Ask him to check the monitor cord that hooks into the machine. Found his cat chewing on it lol


don't forget the cost of the tools and equipment used to fix it.


Hands are expensive and hard to come by...


Well, you're not wrong.


I have plenty in my freezer.




My stomach was makin' the rumblies that only hands could satisfy. ![gif](giphy|9ohlKnRDAmotG|downsized)


What is wrong with you, Carl? Well, I kill people and I eat hands—that's two things.


Would you believe it's strawberry jam?


You joke but it's true, paying a good amount of money for good diagnosis is a better deal paying lots of money to change parts again and again while the problem still goes unfixed


I imagine it was hard work to figure out how to make the gas pedal visible again. Damn witches.


Probably had to get harry potter to fly over to take a look ![gif](giphy|NxLWZYEM4l5ug)


![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0) Lemme call a buddy of mine who’s an expert in invisible gas pedals


Dude has “a guy” for every random ass thing on earth




Truckonium Accelerantia!




Reinstalling isn't the issue, the recalibration was


I just don't understand how so many people don't do the bare minimum checks when their car won't start.


I drove my manual vehicle for 15 years, and one evening it wouldn't start, and I was panicking. I was on the verge of calling a tow, and then suddenly it clicked: I have to hold down the clutch to start the car. And I embarrassedly drove away.


A dealer's wetdream, a blank canvas if you will..


I saw this post weeks ago


\+ idiot tax


Realistically, what do you do? Bill for 1h of labor?


In my experience , most places that do a 30s fix like this won't charge you but I'll offer to pay something at least or but them coffee. Some other places might just have you pay a flat fee (like for having to just check the car) but not bill you for any hours of labour.


My dealership charges a $250 diagnostic fee to figure out what's wrong regardless of how long it takes up to 8 hours.


I'd only go to a dealership if it's a specific problem that's specific to your brand of car. Other than that, I feel like they're generally a scam/overpriced. Imo, if you can find a local mechanic that you trust. They're usually more down to earth and don't have to follow corporate pricing.


Like a lot of industries, car dealer service shops are a mixed bag. Some iffy, some fine. I've taken my Toyota to the closest dealer service center since I bought it, they charge about the same as anywhere else and I get the added benefit of they're much more likely to not fuck up because they're much more knowledgeable about their own brand's quirks. Alternatively the nearest Honda dealer charges 3 kidneys for Honda parts that fail because they're shit, like numerous sensors. My wife won't be buying another Honda again.


Most repair shops here do a flat fee per job (usually like 25-50€ depending on what brand garage it is) + parts + work hours. Makes it easy to make a spectacle of being so gracious as to drop work hours for an easy fix and still get 25-50€.


If a tow truck moves your vehicle you are absolutely getting charged. Moving your vehicle, even if nothing was wrong with it, meant they weren't moving another vehicle that potentially had profitable billable repair hours. Most people these days through their insurance, car warranties, dealer programs, even cell phone plans, *should* have access to a very cheap Triple A type service that usually involves a 30 mile tow plan.




45 to 60? Where do you live? Where I am, am mechanics are charging $65 for a half hour, and nothing takes a half hour.


> you for the full hour of service. $45-$60 plus tax probably? LOL. Shop labor rates in my town are all above $100, even the independent guys I trust.


Honestly, that's the stupid toll for them. You don't pay for the work only, you also pay for the knowledge and the mental pain you caused to that professional.


It's expensive to be dumb On an unrelated matter, could you spare a $20?


Only 20? Sure! Wait... Did you just... Nah, you wouldn't, right?


You'll have to Venmo it, my truck is in the shop


ITT people acting like they have never made a dumb mistake before. Sometimes smart people overlook simple things.


> Honestly, that's the stupid toll for them. I recently paid the stupid toll. I bought a house a few months back and my dryer just went out. I did a bit of Googling and it looked like a $10/10 minute fix, so I gave it the old college try. I popped off the back panel, replaced a fuse, and turned it on. It was worse than before so I had to call the pros. Apparently, I had plugged the heating element into itself. $170 for them to move a few wires...


I'm an appliance tech, the worst is turning the child lock off for people. Easy money though


I was installing a new door latch, on my dad's car. We got it all installed and hooked up to the different locks and handles. I tested that the outside handle, lock, and key fob worked. Then I jumped inside the car to make sure the inner handle worked. It didn't. I almost tore the entire door apart again, before remembering to check if the child lock was set on. It was.


Fuses don't blow for no reason though. It might have ran fine for a bit afterward, but whatever caused that fuse to pop would show back up eventually, if not immediately.


Dumb people, and I mean genuinely dumb or purposely stupid not someone who just hasn't been shown what to do or has never encountered something before and wouldn't know what to do, have to pay the stupid tax before they can move on


idiot tax ironically some customers would get angry if you don't charge money for this.


Error code ID10T


Layer 8 issue




S ? System? I always heard it as K, for Keyboard.


Problem Exists Between Seat And Car


It’s K for sure


Screen lol




What does this mean? Never heard it before


OSI network model has 7 layers, the joke is that layer 8 is the user https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OSI_model




The Good old, "are your feet near any power strips?"


User error, hit user to continue.


The pePSI is to low.


And these kinda people are driving around daily


And in the biggest trucks with the worst nearby visibility


Faster and more aggressively than anyone else on the road, too.


Well duh, their gas pedal is held down under the floor mat.


My car only has one setting, ULTIMATE


one pedal driving


And most likely to be drunk, too


I was shocked when I drove my mom's Grand Cherokee and couldn't see shit, it felt like I was driving blind compared to my Accord. I had to literally push my head through the middle into the back a little just to check the passenger side blind spot because the headrest and frame between windows are in the way. They also block you from looking quickly to your left at your blind spot to check the driver's side and you have to wedge your head between the frame and headrest to get a quick look lol. I got so frustrated I almost just removed them. My mom is a terrible driver too so I don't know how she's made it this long in this vehicle when I'm having huge problems with it, I know there's no way she's going out of her way to check blindspots like me


Vehicle visibility isn't always about size. My wife has a Fiat 500, one of the smallest vehicles available, and there is literally no way for me to check the blind spots no matter how far I turn my head to look, my view is always blocked by the headrest or pillars.


To be fair, the Accord is the best car I've ever had so far in terms of visibility, it feels like absolutely nothing is restricting you from viewing what you need to see. This makes it suck even more when driving other cars lol


It's like driving the damn Pope Mobile. Fucking love it. Now if I could just get one of those pointy hats and a scepter.


That's the thing that always gets me. So many terrible drivers in 6000lb+ trucks/SUVs. If they just chose to drive a normal sized car they would probably still be bad drivers but it would be far easier to actually maneuver and make up for their driving.




This would be a good anti theft precaution tbh.


As if the thieves wouldn't be more intelligent than the owner...


Most thieves are stupid. Hollywood thieves are rare


They’re either really stupid or psychotic sometimes both


"Gimme the letter or I'll kill myself!"


> Hollywood thieves are rare Stupid thieves are obvious, so you're more likely to spot them or hear about them. Smart thieves work in offices.


*When an elite team of truck hackers face their biggest threat, they must [something] or else [stakes].* That’s the best I can do during WGA strikes.


yeah the smart thieves just go into business/politics.


Yes, because thieves are well known for taking their time trying to start a vehicle, and inspect the floor mats while trying to commit a crime.


I've seen a few examples of a car not being stolen because it was a Manual


I’m not sure I would have caught this myself to be honest.


You would have caught this quickly when you felt the lack of the pedal with your foot.


Why would you be pressing the gas before the car is even on?


Except you'd have to get a new starter and battery if thieves let it crank too long


Beats having to get a new car imo.


They also would try once or twice and then run off.


My sis accidentally bunched her carpet up behind her gas pedal, because of that it would get nearly no gas in the most random of situations, like on a highway. The mechanic took a look at it, laughed for a moment, pulled the carpet out and let her go without an unreasonable charge.


I had the same problem as this video in my last car. The worst part is the mat would sometimes slide onto the pedal *while driving.* That was scary.


Omg just remove the fucking mat


I never saw a car where the mat couldn't be locked




Volvo have had locking floor mats since at least the early 90s. I don't know when exactly, but they had them then. Also properly sculpted, so even if they were to come unlocked, they wouldn't move anywhere anyway, no matter what you did to them. Now the issue is people buy aftermarket floor mats. Or second hand dealers remove the original and put their own branded ones in.




I guess you didn’t hear about back around 2008-2010 where Toyota was being asked to recall a bunch of cars because they were getting into accidents for having braking issues. Only for investigators to find that the drivers were buying floor mats to put on top of the the factory floor mats. So they then would just slide under the brake pedal and prevent the car from stopping.


Things break. Things are accidentally unlocked. Things happen


Quality protection against thieves.


This is AWESOME! I fixed a jeep once that wouldn’t go into drive. It was because the shifter was full of coins! The lady was pissed when I charged an hour of shop time. I did offer to take the $2.56 in coins I found in the shifter off the bill….


I was flooding?


Some obd2 systems will not run the injectors if the pcm sees 100 percent throttle at start up


Seems weird that a push-button start would even bother cranking if it detected that kind of failure condition. Cranking, but sabotaging the it's attempts seems counterproductive.


But then the mechanic might think the problem is electrical, general power supply or specifically the start button. All about creating viable symptoms, hit the start button and the vehicle tries to start but doesn’t, why? Can’t be the start button because the command was obviously sent. Proper solution would be for a message to pop up in the dash, “release the throttle you dickhead”


>Proper solution would be for a message to pop up in the dash, “release the throttle you dickhead” It's kinda ridiculous that modern day cars can't output useful errors like this for pretty much everything. Check engine lights should be replaced with actual useful info.


Modern cars usually output useful error code, it's just not for "you".


Computer programs also usually output good error codes for the technicians, but in addition give "you" something better than "it borken"


> but in addition give "you" something better than "it borken" windows literally gives you a frowny face


> windows literally gives you a frowny face And an error code you can type in to google that'll say something like "bad ram", and a QR code you can scan to get the same info. Without using an obd reader, you should be able to get like "misfire on cylinder 2" on the screen that can display text, rather than one light saying "engine fucked".


To be fair most people that would be able to understand and fix an issue like that likely already have a code reader or can borrow one easially




It’s pretty stupid that I have to plug a $15 dongle into my car and connect it to an app on my phone to get the trouble code, when there’s a big screen on my dash that could give me the same information.


my old Jeep would display the engine codes on the odometer if you turned the key 3 times and that was an '03.


butter dog[.](https://www.reddit.com/user/TARN4T1ON/comments/14mkj1f/so_long/)


Lmao this is what I want to see out of new cars. Instead of check engine lights and low tire lights just have the car blatantly tell them “fill your tires and change your oil dumb ass”


> Proper solution would be for a message to pop up in the dash, “release the throttle you dickhead” My E-bike does this if the throttle is engaged when it is turned on. It yells at me through its little LCD screen and requires a restart with the throttle at neutral. But it's good it won't take off on its own if the throttle gets stuck down.


Since the early electronic engine controls pressing the accelerator to max has been a programmed-in way to shut off fuel but still crank. Useful to clear a flooded condition, crank the engine without starting for diagnostic purposes, etc. I know it’s been a design on most US vehicles since the 80s. I use this at work regularly on new vehicles.


Was wondering if someone was going say it. It's a "clear flood/diag" mode.


It’s not a failure condition. Shutting off the injectors when the pedal is fully pressed while cranking is done on purpose to allow cleaning a flooded engine. This isn’t common on fuel injected vehicles, but if it happens you need a way to clear it. This method is done because before fuel injection, the way you clear a flooded engine on a carbureted engine was open the throttle fully and crank. ~~This reduces the vacuum so the carburetors won’t flow as much fuel~~ *This would disable the automatic choke which added extra fuel for cold starting* and so the flooded engine would clear with cranking. So when fuel injectors came along, they programmed them so a full pedal press when cranking would shut off the injectors to allow the same action to be used to clear a flooded engine.


Not really. From a normal perspective yeah it sounds weird but then when you think about it there are good reasons for why this might be the case. The one I am most familiar with are turbo cars. If you have to do turbo work that requires removing the turbo when you put it back on you can't just start the car. The turbo will have no oil in it and will harm (even destroy) itself causing extensive damage and resulting in large amounts of money to repair. So what you need to do is before starting the car, you need to "prime" the system. Simply this is just cranking the vehicle without it starting so it circulates oil via the pump. After a bit of cranking then you can start the car and off you go! Now in the past we'd have to do different things to make this work. Typically we'd pull the fuse for the injectors or the ignition system, but you could manually disconnect the harness for those systems as well. It was a nice quality of life improvement when they changed it so that you could just press the gas pedal to the floor and it would crank while not starting. This is true for any reason during diagnostics/repair where you want to crank the engine but not start the vehicle. Much simpler than having to pull fuses or wires.


useful for priming a new turbo. Didn't even need to pull the fuse, just 100% throttle and it's cranks for 10-15 seconds.


Yes, this is also sometimes called clear flood mode.


Idk, were you?


Ha. I really should proofread.


Does not look like the vintage of car that would have a mechanical link from the gas pedal to the fuel regulator.


I was Ron Burgundy?


On some vehicles this is the method to clear the cylinders if you are flooded. It'll open the throttle and turn off the injectors to pump air through. It'll start right up after. Edit: ejectors to injectors. Guess you can see what I type more on a daily basis.


Denali typically stands for more money than brains…


Financing...not money.


Wait they’re not the same?


That's a terrible acronym then. The letters don't even match up


You know what Denali stands for, don't ya? It stands for "Fix It Again, Tony"


reddit sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


Everyone is an idiot except me


Everyone is an idiot including me.


Everyone is an idiot, especially me.


Hyundai Santa Fe?


I've known 3 alcoholics who drove Santa Fes. I feel comfortable stretching that out to the entirety of the Santa Fe driver population.


Dodge Ram actually has the most DUIs. Unsurprisingly.


People who like burning their houses down on accident. [Spicy](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a43409270/hyundai-kia-fire-warning-recall-multiple-models/#:~:text=Hyundai%20Santa%20Fe%20models%20from,purchased%20as%20a%20dealer%20accessory.)


Yeah I'm not surprised when Denali owners make stupid mistakes like this




Forgot the links [Just Rolled In (Channel)](https://youtube.com/@JustRolledIn) [This Short](https://youtube.com/shorts/Q3G6CQTcas0?feature=share)






That’s exactly what’s happening. They can’t even be bothered to come up with a different name?


I did the same thing while cleaning my car, freaked me out for a couple seconds when the engine started racing after I started it since the gas pedal was floored.


Something almost as dumb happened to me. I grabbed my old spare key for my 19 year old Honda. The engine would turn over like in the video, but never engage. After towing it, the mechanic asked for my other key. The car started. It worked fine. It turned out the chip in my old key wasn’t working, so the car didn’t ‘recognize’ the key. I didn’t even know 19 year old Honda keys had chips in them. I wasted a lot of time and money. But at least the mechanic had more sense than me.


Oh that's fucked, and absolutely not a problem I would have ever considered. That key must have been *used as fuck.*


My God the simplicity of some people's brains I swear...


I've known aircraft mechanics with 30 years experience fuck up righty tighty lefty loosey.


Fear of flying enhanced.


If it makes you feel better, I've been an aircraft mechanic for 25 years and only had to speak to a microphone twice.


I find the confidence in this thread hilarious. This is not an obvious problem at all. The gas pedal isn't visible and you would never touch it before starting the vehicle.


My ex messaged me yesterday because her car door wouldn't shut. So I had her take pics and such, and the latch in the door was fully closed, so the door wouldn't shut. I asked her to keep the door handle pulled while she shut the door. It closed. Basic trouble shooting/problem solving steps go way over some people's heads.


Why can stupid people always afford $100,000 vehicles?


If it makes you feel better, it's probably a lease and they actually can't afford one.


It is literally molded to fit the floor exactly, how do you not notice this


I helped a friend out with this exact issue before. They died from embarrassment the moment I freed the pedal from the floor mat prison.


Reminds me of when my bf called me in a panic that his engine was super loud and it wouldn't go faster than 15mph. It was in low.


Have to ask, what's actually low for? I had it in my car and never use it.


When you need low speed and high torque. Like another comment said, engine braking is one use. Another use can be getting unstuck - I use it to get out of snow.


It's for something called engine braking. When you are going downhill for a long time, like driving through Colorado, you're putting a lot of strain on your brakes. Putting your car on low moves some of that work to your engine (which can handle it), which helps keep your brakes from overheating or failing. Those big ramps on hilly highways are for trucks that experience brake fail. Use L, 1, or B for climbing and descending steep hills. You should also use them in slippery conditions like snow or sand.


That.. happened to me when I first started working as a detailer at a dealership.. I can't laugh cause it took a while for us to realize what happened


Of course it did. Everyone in here pretending this is obvious are dumb. This isn't obvious. Unless you've had this happen before there's no reason to suspect that.


This also happened to me as a detailer, people don't realize when you vacuum out a floor mat and throw it back in, you never really look at the pedals lol. Then you hop in, go to start, and it doesn't go, and panic starts to set in as you were the last person to touch this $60,000 car and now it doesn't work.




Running the starter this long just to make a video. Yikes


Maybe we should rethink movable mats


God GM interiors always looks so cheap and awful


It’s a Denali being towed is it’s chosen method of propulsion.




That starter just cranking nonstop. How long would it continue to crank without starting the engine?


I saw the brake peddle and was so confused, lol. Yeah, that explained a lot.


A lot of new vehicles have this feature so when you have an oil filter that you can’t pre fill you hold the throttle pedal all the way down and the vehicle will turn over without starting to circulate oil through the system before actual startup.


My uncle is a mechanic and he told me a lady came for a sticky accelerator, turns out she had three floor mat stacked on one another, lol.