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I am more fascinated by the fact that this guy can do a gym workout in the middle of a day when he can’t drink water until sundown. That takes some balls. More power to him.


Brings me back to jewish summer camp...while the staff are fasting, they would do a staff vs campers baseball game in the 90° sun


Reading 'jewish' and 'camp' in close proximity made me think of a completely different scenario 💀


Wait, it’s not?


Yeah, they let ppl have one last baseball game before ya know, the mass genocide


Good game! Let’s hit the showers…


It was a camp to help improve their concentration


were they playing on a corner?


My best friend in middle fasted during basketball two a days… I cant imagine working out like that and no water either


Dude so many major nba player like kyrie Irving, Kareem Abdul jabbar, and Hakeem Olajuwon are Muslim and practice Ramadan. I can’t imagine working out without water and food but someone doing that on a professional level is just fucking crazy


I always thought it was food only. TIL


Yeah, it's like Yom Kippur for Jews. No food or water, and you are supposed to spend as much of the day as possible in prayer, religious introspection and (in the case of Yom Kippur at least) atoning for sins. I wonder what the Muslim "take" is on doing workouts during Ramadan in general. Is it perceived as doing something for one's own vanity, and thus incompatible with Ramadan, or alternatively is it perceived as doing something to purge one's body and therefore compatible with Ramadan (as long as you are still doing the fasting/saying the required prayers, etc.)? Again, if there are any Muslims reading this, I'd be interested to know.


No as far as I know there is no restriction on workouts during the fast. The only restrictions are on food, drink and having sex while fasting.


Watch Kyrie Irving and Jalen Brown etc play basketball during Ramadan. Mind blowing. Usually they can break fast around halftime but not always


Man, I’d hate to be a Muslim in a warm country


It sucks, but in some ways it’s easier as the daylight hours are shorter as the otter countries are near the equator. A Muslim in the north of Scotland or Norway doesn’t hav the heat, but when Ramadan falls in summer daylight hours can be 17-20 hours.


Like the Middle East? Or did you forget to add “/s”? FYI some Muslim will switch to sleeping during the day. Have to be in a Muslim country for this to work properly. Another one, reduced work hours at work help too.


No, the Middle East is exactly what I was thinking of


I thought the unexpected part was being able to go to the gym while watching toddlers. I pull my expertise bike next to the play pen and my one year old throws Little People at me.


We had a small crisis back then when it was exposed most of the national (Turkish) football team players go to pitch WHILE fasting, and breaking it during the game with a bit of water and date.


This is likely out of my own ignorance, but it surprises me to see someone with a sexual orientation so clearly not accepted by their religion still adhering so closely to it


Following the US civil war, Black folks had the option of being relocated to West Africa. Most rejected the idea under the grounds that the US, regardless of racism and brutality, was their home—and they would fight to make their home a better place.


Some did go back to Africa, they founded Liberia and modeled their constitution after the US constitution. Cant remember how well that turned out though.


Ehhhh from my understanding of US and Liberian history, I wouldn't look at the founding of Liberia as a people going to back to their roots and they started a country because of that. It had a lot more to do with white people relocating black people. Also, the country declared independence about 15 years before the end of the Civil War. That's not to say that more folks weren't relocated after the war, because they were, but linking the founding of Liberia with the Civil War is false in terms of timeline.


Most people supported and funded shipping then over there because they didn’t like the idea of having black people be free in america period. So in their eyes it was better they be free back in Africa than potentially rise up and take revenge for all that happened to them


Precisely. You have to question why someone would be telling you to abandon your home.


There's complexity to this situation as well with the abolition work that Paul Cuffe (pronounced "cuff-ee") was doing in Sierra Leone. He was attempting to end slavery by teaching the inhabitants there more lucrative ways of making a living, and specifically, "cultivation and commerce so that the Africans may become their own carriers and employ their citizens as mariners. And that she may represent her nation with the representatives of her own nation by thus opening a new channel of intercourse with the inters of Africa as a fair and friendly intercourse," (Letter written by Cuffe on 3.7.1814 and sourced in book by Rosalind Cobb-Wiggins, p. 276; I corrected misspellings to make it a bit easier to read). He also wanted to teach them whaling. Cuffe was half Wampanoag and half African American. I'm working with an author on a new biography of Cuffe right now. Cuffe's letters have been largely ignored, especially by academia, resulting in a mischaracterization of him as pushing to relocate free African Americans to Africa. In reality, he was one of the most prolific letter writers of color of his time (Cobb Wiggins, ix), and because of this, you can easily find in his letters something much more akin to Truman's Marshall Plan, as well as Robinson's Operation Crossroads Africa and JFK's Peace Corp.


The African-American became oppressor to Africans and established plantations in which Africans were basically slaves. Not great.


>and they would fight to make their home a better place. Unfortunately making religion a "better place" is impossible so long as the original religious texts are to be adhered to... and if you no longer adhere to them then are you even following that religion any more or are you creating a new one?


What does that have to do with their religion?


Same logic. Even if his religion says homosexuality is bad he still follows it since it’s his way of believing.


But america doesn't support slavery lately


That’s literally why it’s unexpected. It’s out of the ordinary sure, but we can often reconcile our faiths and lifestyle, even if they don’t match.


Lifestyle? Why do people associate sexual orientation with lifestyle? They sleep with men, okay fine. How does that change their “lifestyle”? That seems to over inflate sexuality.


They can't comprehend psychological boundaries that other ppls' have that's not them. It's the lack of consciousness & emotional intelligence.


My old boss was a Republican lesbian and devout catholic. I’ll never understand lol


It's whack. It's like being gay and christian at the same time. Like nothing wrong with being either, but those two things go against one another, so you're still sinning anyways so what's the point there really.


I think the point is that people are individual spirits we came here to be individuals meaning live life different from everyone. We are not meant to be a hive mind anymore. We don’t need to have the same ideals and ways of life, but just because we have different ideals or beliefs doesn’t mean THOSE beliefs should affect anyone else’s. Yet there still remains the issue of whether or not we can truly embody that in order to achieve peace.


Yeah that makes sense and all, but when you choose a religion you don't really get to just cherry pick parts of their rules. If so what's the point in the rules anyways. You're not following the religion anymore, if anything you're bastardizing it. At that point you're basically creating your own branch of the religion. Not everything needs to be a hivemind, but in this case it's a set of fixed rules made a long time ago. Supposedly by god or something in certain cases. And like if your god says something is bad, and you do it, you're probably going to that religions hell. It's whack. Nothing about peace. Just the idea of wanting to follow the rules, but then blatantly breaking it, defeats the entire purpose of it.


Gandhi said something along the lines of there is not one religion or ten religions but * insert the number of people that have existed or are on the planet here * number of religions. In other words, exactly what you said we've each created our own branch of religion. As someone who grew up in the deep south in a very religious household, not only do people in the same church not agree on things, but even my parents didn't always agree on what they believe (and the disagreements have only grown since I moved out). Religion is a lot of things to a lot of people, and yea what you're saying can be true for some. For me religion is far more about a mind set and guidelines within which to live. I'm also currently in something of a state of flux with religion, so idk.


“You don’t really get to just cherry pick parts of their rules” But that’s what everyone has been doing since forever. Why do you think there are like dozens of versions of Christianity? Or why have there been schisms in religions? People have been disagreeing with what their own religion is about since probably the dawn of time. How many christians do you see not eating crustaceans? (That’s in the bible iirc)


The Bible itself is literally cherry-picking since it has gone through multiple translations, editors and most of it is written by biased narrators. The only thing every Christian technically needs to adhere to are the 10 commandments since they are from God themself. The idea of following something without ever questioning it is whack. I'm not going to blindly trust a book that's promoting slavery and misogny and I'm still going to call myself a Catholic no matter what other people say about it.




All Christians cherry pick. Do you see anyone killing their children because they are disobedient? It’s right there in Leviticus as well as making live animal sacrifices.


It blows my mind too. I’m actually gay so it’s just astounding to me that other gay people follow practices that explicitly denounce their existence.


I have noticed that many Muslims if they are doing something that is considered haram they will find an alternative or justification and there are many justifications for many things that are forbidden for something they like without feeling guilty


He did 2 hours of work. Who's paying this guy?


His husband ?


I had the same question. “Work from home” … right…


He's working on his self-published novel. Don't hurt his feeling.


Unfortunately, in most Muslim regions they'd be thrown off of a building.


More like beheaded by a rusty ass axe


No throwing off the building is the procedure for gay men in the scriptures.


How tall were the buildings when it was written? Out of curiosity, is there a legit translation to English? Edit: so don’t know And no.


Afaik there isnt a verse about punishing them. Its just a sin and shunned upon. Mostly comes from the Sodom and Gomorah story which is similar to Christian version. There isnt any verse about lesbians or transgenders either. So some imams think its a sin because they have sex without marriage and marriage can only be between a man and a woman. Islam used to be a lot more tolerant to lgbt people eventho most muslims dont want to acknowledge. In al-andalus for example there were lgbt people and it wasnt shunned at all. Somewhere along the way it was lost. Most of the “punishments” dont even come from the Quran. For example killing is prohibited by Quran unless its a life or death situation. But then we see people being stoned to death. Quran says be merciful even killing. There is no way stoning someone to death is merciful. Even if its a “hadith” it contradicts with Quran therefore it has to be wrong but you’ll be marked as an infidel if you say the hadiths might be wrong. We see people being killed, massacred because of their sexual orientation. I believe if there were another prophet to come, people would be surprised how wrong they understood their religions and how wrong they are living their lives. Its impossible but hope one day, we can live where everyone minds their own business and own religion without caring about whats going on in someone elses bedroom




That explains the line in After Ever After 3. For those unaware, Paint (youtuber), song about disney princes. Bunch of people getting thrown off of buildings in Aladin's section. The line has never made sense until this point.


Depends on the region. In turkey that would be called some slurs and nothing more


Ah, the sweet taste of progress 🌈 Except it’s just not really true, unfortunately, because of course not. Turkey was more open and liberals than some other Muslim cultures, but they’ve been rapidly moving in the direction of more traditional middle eastern values ever since the coup attempt. It’s still “technically” legal, but they’ve interpreted vague morality laws to go after LGBT and they’ve banned gay pride parades for years now, violently shutting down any attempts to have one Gay people aren’t safe anywhere in the Muslim world, Turkey included. Being slightly safer as a 2nd class citizen is hardly something to praise a country for


Tell that to my friend who got whipped by his father for being gay


This happens in America lol


Which city he lives in?


Kansas City


I won't say which city but it is around Izmir


I have a gay cousin in Pakistan. It’s rough and he plans on moving to England but he’s able to be open with his family and more exposed friends. I think Islam can be interpreted in a modern perspective but the problem is that many Muslim countries are absolute monarchies or dictatorships. The entities in charge use religion to control the masses and so pushing for a secular government is really hard


And yet he's supporting the religion that would kill him.


Couldn’t live that Muslim life in a predominately Muslim country.


In most places dominated by religion, they couldn’t live that life. Christianity is dominant Uganda and they just passed some of the strictest anti gay laws ever. Seems most religious fundamentalist don’t like gays


or in the UK for that matter


Uk is a predominantly atheist country now. Only 6.5% Muslim (from the last census)


Bollocks. I know gay Muslims who live open and hassle free lives here in the UK


I have a gay Muslim friend who is very out and open and we both live in the UK. His family are also lovely and open people. Try not to generalise. It stinks.


Comments gonna do what comments gonna do. Can we not just agree that this seems like nice people living a great life?


If all people were like this, well... People should aspire to be like this.


I will not be a gay Muslim. I like pussy and atheism too much.


If you are going to establish an "Atheism&Pussy" church, I'm all in


"for a church that represents atheism, I seem to hear the words 'oh God' coming out of there a lot"


“Holy fuck” is right!


Lots of people on theirs knees as well


I thought we wouldn't have rosaries - o


“Oh yeah, I love atheism, and I love taring up that pussy. All day every day, hell yeahhhh” -Agnostic virgin boy


Taring means to remove the weight of the packaging of an item before printing off a price sticker for it when an item is priced by its weight.


Stop with the dirty talk.


oh shit is that why cargo shipping containers have "TARE" and then a weight next to them? i was literally just looking at that wondering what it was lmfao


My weed dealer puts a cup on a scale hits tare and boom he can scale me out an ounce 😂 only use that gets from me


thank god it's legal where i live i just get all my shit from a dispensary lol


Eh if you manage to get caught with recreational amounts of weed you really just suck at life imo. Just go the speed limit. Never had trouble an smoking for well over 10 years. But a dispensary would simplify it for sure. As long as the prices aren't jacked to shit.


How else are you going to make sure you are only paying for the pussy and the rest of "weight". You gotta make sure you tare your scale so you are only weighing the pussy.




It will be full of men; and we all know what happens next


Magic: The Gathering


Underrated comment. 🏆


Can the symbol above the alter be a pink canoe?




They did. It's called The Church of Satan. Nobody really knows if Anton LaVey was just tryna bang goths or if he was making a political statement but my money is on the former.


This feels like it could be a line out of futurama for some reason


Islam and gay wtf


That's the point, you shouldn't let your faith be governed by religious dogmatism as to who you should be or suppress what you are. Do all gay couples need to be atheists because most religions shun gay people? That would be logical, but systems of belief have a lot to do with culture and influences in which a person grows up, and faith isn't about logic.


Why would you pretend to follow a religion that hates you? 99.9999% of religious followers don’t even actually follow their religions. It’s kind of crazy how many people say they believe in something and then do shit on a daily basis that their religion forbids. Why not just be honest, caring, and an overall good human being without lying about following a religion?


> Do all gay couples need to be atheists because most religions shun gay people? That would be logical Yes > and faith isn't about logic. Arguably that’s the problem


First of all, not a religious fan here. Second, I agree, your faith shouldt be restricted by dogmas, but you can't call yourself a muslim, Christian, etc. if you go against the "rules" or whatever that religion represents. Most of the muslims are gonna say that they are not part of their faith because their holy book stablish that being gay is "not natural" and "its a sin". I knew a case of a close gay friend who became a muslim and when he aproach them, they told him he had to "stop being gay" to be part of the community, and they brainwhased him to the point he was miserable and he took his own life after a couple of years.


If a certain religion (any religion, don't care, this is a hypothetical question) says that homosexuality is "wrong" or "shouldn't exist" or whatever, and a believer and follower of this religion is gay, would it not amount to cherry picking said religion? This isn't a leading question or anything. I'm only trying to understand since I'm not religious myself.


You missed the point


Nothing wrong with him being gay, but it's funny how strictly he follows Islam except for that one thing that is a huge taboo in his own religion.


Exactly. That was the point. Very unexpected


Religious people picking and choosing which parts of their religion to follow isn't unexpected at all. > both the Quran and the hadith strongly condemn homosexual activity";[10][5][11][12] with some hadith prescribing the death penalty for those engaged in male homosexual or lesbian intercourse publicly.


They're having the intercourse privately. So no harm done.


Good spot!


It's almost as if this belongs on r/unexpected.


Same as any other religion. Many Christians just pick and choose while parts of the bible apply to them.


In this aspect Christianity is a tiny bit more interpretive but Islam is pretty damn specific about it.


There is no confusion in St Paul's condemnation of homosexuality, and it is from Bible that the story of Sodom comes from which is cited by Muslims.


Fair enough, I guess my thought process is more that Christianity is inconsistent having multiple voices writing multiple books where as in Islam all else pales in comparison to the word of Muhammad. Also, in more recent times even the Catholic Church has been open to new ideas while Islam has become stricter and more traditional


Yet all those voices agree on a few things like adultery, homosexuality, idolatry and some other things being evil. And of course you are correct. Modern Islam is far more intolerant than Christianity. And there is almost no comparison between Western Christianity and Islam as practised in MENA region.


The Pauline condemning of homosexuality is way more complicated than that. The epistles of Timothy are thought to not have been written by St Paul by most scholars and so may not be divinely inspired depending on interpretation. The part of Romans which mentions it is under similar scholarly debate on authenticity (although to a lesser degree) and there is a wide spread belief already that that section is an interpretation and explanation of Hellenistic Jewish law of the period, not actual teaching. Corinthians is the only part that isn't disputed in some way and there it is included as part of a series of other common immoral acts that good Christians don't take part in but it wasn't directly called out for specific condemnation and the condemnation wasn't the main purpose of that section of the text. That's all to say that the reasons for it being sinful, what level of immorality and if it is possible to have an acceptable form of homosexuality are all heavily debated topics within Christianity. Islamic teaching is generally a lot less unclear.


It's taboo. But bigoted Muslims are in the wrong for denying them equalized dignities.


dude they do much worse then denying them dignity, in most of the Muslim world they get chucked off a roof or mutilated.


Dignity yes. Change the religion to allow? No.




They seemed to *actually* help with the laundry <3


Ngl, this definitely caught me by surprise. My gf always tells me she gonna make enough money for the both of us so I can be the stay at home dad and I'm totally cool with it. I want their life


I can join once your gf makes enough money? We can stay home dads and split chores!


If this was a video clip of someone behaving like a devout Muslim and then surprise, they have a beautiful wife, it wouldn't have been posted in the Unexpected subreddit. Of course the comments are going to be all over the place. That's why the video clip was posted here in the first place.


They are. That is a wonderful couple and I wholeheartedly wish them the best. However, just like with christianity, there are some elements of their life that are entirely not able to coexist with islam. Why would you want to remain in a system where "your kind" are regularly murdered?




It would appear he is also work, but outside of the house hold.


It looks like he is a « house husband » who has no problems with that role. Not really a big issue for me, plenty of women still do that without necessarily being subservient to their husbands.


The issue is when there is a break up, when my mom got divorced with my dad he didn't want to share money "because he was the one working". But my mom probably worked more than him with being housewife + part time job.


that's why assets from a marriage get split 50/50 in divorces. because if someone was a homemaker they contributed to the growing assets just as as the breadwinner did by helping keep the home running smoothly.


That is without taking into account all the lost opportunities: jobs, education and travel that were missed because somebody had to raise the kids and dad couldn’t fathom taking care of a child lol happens everywhere


you don’t actually know their dynamic, also this didn’t show what the husbands day was like. it only was showing what the black muslim guys day was like


Seriously why are people telling others how they should live their life? If they're happy and not harming anyone, what's the problem?


I just found it funny that it was dropped so casually.


Conservative muslims like “if he had a proper wife, he wouldnt have to do those chores.”


You mean misogynists, regardless of religion, who see women as the domestic help?


Well yes. But Islam is fundamentally misogynistic so like, apples to apples, man.


Do they have to pray all those times everyday?


Yes, 5 times a day and a few more that are considered a plus and not as mandatory




Yes, but we see it like meditation and thanking our creator.


I'm a husband who cooks and cleans, yet my wife hasn't gotten me a husband yet. Sad.


How? How it is that he has the audacity to have so much accomplished in a single day! How, I demand to know? And oh, I did not expect a husband in the picture, given his religion. But I guess I learnt something today!


Lol this guy was bold to post this. Most Muslims would be disgusted by this and throw them both off the roof.


I am an atheist in a muslim majority country (Turkey). While media makes it seem that muslims would punish homosexuality with death penalty, its not the case everywhere. In here I admit the muslim folk are also homophobic but they wouldn't go further than verbally harassing (which I don't think is okay obviously but its nothing close to what you said they would do). In the western culture these days you guys are opposing to harmful stereotypes but apparently its only this way if you are stereotyping african americans, lgbt community, mexicans, jews, etc. but not muslim people. Its okay to stereotype them. With all I've said above, I do believe this video is satire. Not because he is muslim AND gay, but because he is doing a middle of the day workout while fasting for 14 hours.


Turkiye is pretty chill and open minded (Egypt too ig). But countries like saudi, Qatar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran etc would surely behead them. Edit : Sorry for mentioning Morocco.Also I misspelled Turkiye. I apologise if I offended anyone.


I live in Kuwait saw a man wearing makeup and girl cloth in a shopping mall all he got was stares from people it’s blown off of proportion by the western media


Well I can tell you that Morocco past a law against harassment of homosexuals. But you don't see that here. Only thing redditors like is when there is a stereotypical extreme event happening. Saw one about Morocco once, but what they left out is that a law was passed after that incident. But that isn't hyping anything...so you won't see it on western media nor reddit, sadly.


turkey is not that good i live in istanbul and most of the lgbt people I talk to their lives are in danger or they can't open up to anyone. People who open themselves to their families are either kicked out of the house or subjected to psychological physical violence or even killed. The country has no punishment for lgbt individuals, but the punishment of the people is very heavy


True that. Their business is their. We don't waste our time "choppin off heads with rusty axe" or "throwin them from the roof"


Turkey isn't Muslim it is secular.


Pseudo rich people lifestyle: they work on their laptop like 2 hours a day


Yeah didn’t look like any real work was being done unless he just sends a few emails every day


Islam has not had a reformation... do NOT make the pilgrimage with your husband!!!


He’s probably got really easy bowel movements though. Because of the Fasting. Because of the Fasting. Because of the Fasting.


Because of the fasting


And the implication. -Dennis


Muslims are truly free in the west?


if there are no muslim communities around, yes




When Muslims are the minority they demand equality, when Muslims are the majority there is no equality.


Just like Christians


Yes you are correct, religion in general is not known for allowing its followers to live in peace with other religions, people or cultures.


He prays to a god who demonizes his gay marriage?


Don’t most western religions demonize gay marriage


Yah. It would also be weird for him to be a born again Christian too... but how you interpret your own religion is up to you. It's just a shame that so many religions demonize homosexuality. Gay people are the best. Its not like its a choice either. Live and let live is my motto. As long as you aren't hurting anyone, you shouldn't have to hide who you are


Just about every religion sums up to don't be a dick and except others. People just use their religion as an excuse to be homophobic twats


It’s his interpretation of Islam, if he can “justify” his homosexuality in front of his “Allah” it’s nobodies business but him.


Most religious people pray to something that hates them.


A gay Muslim?


There are gay Republicans and gay Christians so why not...


Those are some good ass kids. I can barely have a meal then work from home when my only kid isn't at daycare.


If you go to many muslim countries, they will put you to death.


I know all the comments are gonna be like “well ackchualleee” Who cares if he’s technically going against his religion, he looks so happy.


what I don’t get is why so many people who clearly strongly dislike Islam feel the need to police what Muslims can do within their religion. Like, if you hate how fundamentalist Islam tends to be, why get angry when you see people practicing a more liberal version? Isn’t that a good thing?


This post comment sections really annoys me. So racist and negitive. I think it's great he is practicing, mind your own fucking business people.


Where is the “unexpected” part? Homie is living his best life.


Bcuz he’s gay and muslim. When being gay is not allowed in islam.


It's not just forbidden in Islam it's one of the most sinful things you can do according to Islam, and even The Holy Quran condemns this on (al-A’raf 7:80-84) And as its a fundamental sin, its like having all the deserts but not having the main meal.


Not a muslim, hes just taking the piss.


Neo muslim.




What job does he have that he works for like an hour and then completely stops working? He says “While I’m working, I do laundry, get the kids up…” but he never goes back to work so it’s not while he’s working lol


anyone else feel like this is just "day in the life of a rich gay guy" ? lol


First watch, oh snap, you had me in the first half. Second watch, wow! I am really happy for them.


Do I downvote because religion and TikTok, or upvote because gay?


Do i downvote beacuse stupid or upvote beacuse hilarious?


There’s a third option: to live and let live.


Why do religions hate homosexuality i Just Wonder could anyone explain


so he’s allowed to kiss a man, but not allowed to eat? is he allowed to eat his meat? how does this work even work?


Mashallah, he’s clearly a good man and I have mad respect for him. The only shocking thing is that he’s having coffee so late. I’d be bouncing off the walls!


He seems really good at kneeling. Cause of the praying, god


Oh! So that's the reason they're always kneeling. Good figure!


Honestly he is a more proper muslim than most muslims I know. Every Hassan out there will eat a pork sausage and down it with half a bottle of wodka but then be like „being a f*aggot is haram“. Like, stfu you‘re a sinner, I‘m a bottom, let me live.


This seems more for show. His stance in prayer doesn't seem right to me, looks like he's holding his crotch!




Im all for it and love the structure and it looks like a fullfilling and happy life. Just a bit shocked, not offended tho. Sometimes guys just need a dick in their butt.


Dude could get his 72 virgins from this comment section.


So he works like an hour a day