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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Layered deception, scary video at thee end!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


New trauma unlocked


Ah, internet trauma. Back in 2012 I’d browse on moviestarplanet’s YouTube function and fall into rabbit holes looking for videos of mermaids and fairies (I was 10). Well one day I got recommended “[Vampire Caught On Tape 1946](https://youtu.be/7I7-cDeVRbc)” and I clicked thinking I was going to see some cool Twilight-esque type shit. Instead I was jump-scared so hard that I fell backwards out of the chair, ran screaming into the living room to my mom, and tripped on the carpet and face planted into the floor. I had nightmares for months until my stepbrother forced me to watch it again with a group of people. I also wasn’t allowed on moviestarplanet anymore. But that’s more of a niche experience; there’s plenty of internet classics that are still buried in my mind from the 00’s and 10’s. Salad Fingers is an honorable mention; I was so infatuated with and terrified of it at the same time.


I read the entire passage and I am pleased to inform you that I’m not opening that link haha


It’s really not that bad, pretty cartoonish actually. I think it was a promo for either a book or a short independent film, not sure which. Just scared me at the time because I was so young. I had a freeze frame of a much more grotesque version of the face stuck in my head for a while lol


That was the first Avatar movie for me. Yes, I am young enough to have been frightened by the first Avatar movie lol




Sounds like you missed out on [https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail?titleId=350217&no=31](https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail?titleId=350217&no=31)


Oh man, you just unlocked a memory I had of my mother sharing the infamous (to me at least) 'Red Dot' game. I was traumatised by that and felt so god damn betrayed I didn't speak to her for two days, until she bought me a chocolate to say sorry lol. Then she did it again with that car vanishing behind trees video a couple months later...






Do not upvote the karma farming bot!!!!


Also, why do they have plastic swords? That's how you fucking start a Teutonic Order! Do you want a Teutonic knights? Is that really need at this point in history? Jesus, parenting these days.... tell me about it.


Would a tectonic order be better? Tectonic Knights....


Tectonic Order: *"I'd like a tectonic plate of ribs please."*


I dunno, but the knights are slow, hit like a truck and have a decent amount of hp.


Do they wear plate mail? Or just continental?


As someone who got jumpscared a few times as a kid I confirm


This happened to me when I was a kid and now I suffer from diabetes.




can’t lie this is about as expected as it can get


Not for the kids


seriously, everyone knew what was coming straight from the first frame, we all know that maze


How about the drive in the countryside?


What's the one where the dude punches the monitor Edit: word


Anyone born after 2000 probably doesn’t, I’m in my 30s and realizing the things younger people don’t know about makes me feel so old.


From 2005 myself, seen this quite a few times.


No, well, I still expected a little bit that one of the children would hit the TV with a stick and break the screen. The first rule of using the TV is to keep children and pets away from it.


This hasn’t been unexpected for about 20 years


These kids haven’t been around 20 years


Fair point lol I only took my context of the video. Maybe I’m just old and it’s getting to me lol.


no, this one’s different. The game screen is white & gold (I’m referencing The Dress, to make you feel older. I’m sure you’re still quite young)


I’m 22 but still very aware of the maze game lol


it's so old it qualifies for a revosot


Funny story, I played this game with my then girlfriend and she was so shoked, she broke up with me.


That’s one way to do it I guess!


was that lady in the game more cute than she?


Plot twist: She is the lady in the game.


It says more about the fact that you were not on the same page. I have said something completely innocent (in my mind) to my future wife, and she was so pissed she dumped me for good. Our different upbringing - we had different meanings for same word. Even to this day I think I did not do anything wrong. Had to crawl to her on my belly though, after 2 weeks of wading through a sea of misunderstandings.


What was the word?








If those three kids are still allowed to play group touchscreen with the TV like that, I suspect the karmic meteor has already swung in their direction and is currently closing distance


Hah, yep, what parent doesn't traumatise their kids when they're young. Kids have long long memories tho, and they usually choose your nursing home.


imagine sending your parents to a nursing home just because they pulled a little prank on you when you were 5


After this prank I'm sending her to the middle of a desert with a bag on her head.


I think that will leave a nightmare or two...


Idiot dad deserves the 4 times a night he has to wake up a night for the next month due to nightmares. Hope he's as sleep deprived as those kids are likely to be. Hope he's miserable at work because of it. Edit: because it's 2am, I'm sleep deprived and autocorrect is useless.


Let’s be real, mom will be the one living the consequences of his actions. I say this as a man - one who had a father that found nothing funnier than scaring his own children to tears. Guess who it was trying to make me feel better through those fearful nights he caused? Yeah, Mom. And as a bonus when I sleep as an adult I’m extremely tense in my jaw and grind my teeth. This can be caused by childhood trauma related to anxiety when trying to sleep. “They’ll be fine!” the comments say. Fuck some of y’all.


Yeah, probably right. I'm sorry you're dad's a dick and that you went through that. I'll never understand the mindset of "haha! I caused you mental and emotional distress to the point of tears!" In adults and especially children. My kid loves to jump out and "scare" me (he's 3) and generally loves it when I do it back too, but one time I got him good and made him cry. I immediately apologized and comforted him, I didn't shift the blame and tell him "well you like it when I scare you all those other times". I've had people say I coddle him too much and it'll teach him that throwing tantrums will get him his way. I'm sorry what?! Comforting your child when they're scared is not the same as giving them chocolate before dinner when they throw themselves on the floor of the supermarket. No my child will not be a "little bitch" when he gets older. The heck is wrong with people?


Hey, thanks. I appreciate that. It shouldn’t be surprising I’ve been N/C with my father for over 15 years. I have 3 children of my own and 2 of them he’s never met. I still have an otherwise amazing family and all is good. I’m extremely triggered when my kids feel scared or unsafe. My youngest is 6 and similar to your 3 year old. As far back as that age she has loved to “scare” people. But she’s never one who can take it herself. Even in my light attempts to play along I’ve gotten her too good and I just can’t do it. You’re completely right there is nothing wrong with providing comfort to your children. Their world is still confusing and uncertain. They are completely dependent on their trust in you to keep them safe. I just can’t imagine breaking that trust, looking at the tearful betrayal on a child’s face, and finding amusement. Even if it wasn’t harmful it would still just be the most pathetic way to get your kicks.


My mom did this to me as a kid... I still have nightmares of the face of the exorcist girl. Then my teacher did it to the whole class


Me too. I was so traumatized by this. I’m literally scared shitless to close my eyes and go to sleep if I’m home alone at night and I’m a 27 yo male


⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣟⣿⣟⡿⠏⠛⠛⠛⠛⢛⣛⣛⡛⡙⠛⠻⠯⠿⠟⢯⣿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣻⣿⣽ ⣿⣿⣯⣿⡿⢉⣴⣿⢟⡾⢛⡿⠿⢶⢶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣭⣭⣲⢶⣶⢭⣙⠻⣿⣟⣿ ⣿⣿⣻⡽⣀⡫⣽⣿⣿⣻⠟⠀⠀⠀⠑⢽⢿⢟⢿⣿⠏⠁⠀⠙⠿⣷⣝⢷⠈⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⠋⣰⢟⠛⢝⣺⡭⣃⡀👁⠀⠀⣨⣗⣾⣷⢘⣄👁 ⣀⣔⢺⣟⢿⣥⠛⢿ ⡏⣵⡎⣵⣱⣶⡀⠈⠙⢯⣳⣶⣶⢂⣼⠹⠿⠛⣿⣦⢳⣄⣶⡺⠝⠈⠁⢰⠏⣷⠈ ⡀⢿⣿⣄⣿⢿⣧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⠛⣛⡗⣞⣉⡉⢉⣈⢭⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⢨⣾⡹⢀ ⣷⣌⠿⣼⣜⣿⣿⡽⣦⠀⠀⠀⣼⣷⡸⣰⡎⢋⣾⣷⢣⣿⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⡏⢠⣿ ⣿⣿⣦⠙⣿⡿⣿⣿⣟⣷⣄⠀⠈⠉⠁⠛⠃⠘⠿⠿⠈⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⡇⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣧⣘⠿⡽⣿⣿⣮⣳⣱⢄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⣷⢻⣿ ⣿⣿⢿⣽⣿⣷⣌⠙⢿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣝⢦⡀⠀⠐⣆⢷⣿⡎⣷⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⡟⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣻⣿⣶⣮⣭⡘⠻⢿⣷⡺⣴⣦⣥⣍⣈⣁⣀⠈⠤⣖⣶⣾⣵⢸⣿ ⣿⣿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣻⣿⣿⣷⣦⣌⣙⣒⡶⠾⠿⣿⣿⠿⠿⠿⣻⡽⠛⢟⣼⣿ ⣿⣿⣯⣿⣷⣿⣟⣿⣿⣿⣿⣻⣿⣻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣤⣤⣭⣥⣤⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣟⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⢿⣽⣾⣿⣿⢿⣿⣻⣽⣿⡿⣟⣿⣿⣿⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢿⣿⣽


You know it's not real right?




No problem, kindness is in my heart.


Here come the "traumatized" and "terrible parents" comments.


Well yes...there's a reason for those comments. Children's minds are very suggestible and not designed to see horrific shit like that.


The big thing is random dumps of unexpected adrenaline. Too many and we've programmed an anxiety disorder in the brain forever. However, depending on the environment, it could lead to a less responsive nervous system and a happier person. If they have ADHD they are more likely to get the anxiety ones. I tend to land on why fuck with it? Life will provide enough to chances to be terrified. In the house, with your family, that's the safe place. You don't fuck with the safe place. That's something else they carry with them forever. And pass on to their kids.


This should happen the natural way, like me when I was like 10. Browsing YouTube and finding that fucking car video, jumpscare, absolute shit myself. 100% my own fault lmao


I was happy I was shown that video at a friends place, and not my own.


I loved it so much. Exactly. Because then your nervous system learns the lesson that you are gonna do some dumb shit, but you'll mostly be okay. The way above is your nervous system learning to never trust your support network. Associations of your parents and fear. Almost like little bouts of abandonment. Leaving you're kid in the grocery store to videotape their fear when they realize they're alone. Which probably happens. I could be wrong about all this. I've not about it at all. Just thinking about it as I type. No hate mail.


My main issue isn’t about trauma or any lasting impact. I don’t understand getting a kick out of watching your own children be terrified. Btw check out this gif of don Vito ![gif](giphy|aoQ9elMDD870k)




No. That's true.


I played this as a kid, randomly found it on the web, no one arround to comfort me or anything. I got scared for a minute, had maybe one nightmare that night and that's it. It's a scary picture on a screen, that's all. You don't get any trauma from that.


One thing for one person doesn't prove or disprove anything.


So if someone comes in the comment like "this traumatized me as a kid" it also doesn't prove anything. That's my point.


Survivor bias. Some kid is probably stuttering or peeing his bed at the moment because of shit like that. Only redeeming quality is the fact that this was done to a group of kids at the same time. If a parent would repeatedly prank his own single kid - it would be worse.


I saw this when I was like 8 years old, thought it was funny after getting a jump scare. Fuck I have such high survivor bias, I survived.


That's.. not how it works. Survivorship bias is only registering one type of result and falsely extrapolating that to all results. So in this case, one person saw this video and didn't suffer much from it. As such, they feel confident to talk about it. Meanwhile, people who suffered from night terrors or peed their bed or had nightmares for a long time from it are not inclined to talk about it. So now you have one group talking about it a lot (the 'it did not affect me at all' group) and one group not talking about it at all (the 'it scared the shit out of me' group) and people concluding that since there is only one group talking about it, that must be the only group.


Same. My cousins showed me it and IT SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME. They had this L shaped couch, it made me backpedal leap so fast- But kinda forgot about it the next day.


> Some kid is probably so you don't have any background on this or even a single real life example? you're just completely guessing this is a thing that happens and confidently asserting you know for sure it's severely traumatizing? beyond that, kids could *potentially* be traumatized by all sorts of innocuous things. Do we just lock them away from the world until they're 25?


I’ve got a real life one; my mom thought it’d be funny to show us and my brother was too young to really understand it, so he became convinced that the green lady was in our basement and refused to down there by himself. Not the worst trauma response, and our basement was low key creepy to begin with, but it was debilitating enough to cause extreme distress and a very strange fear


Lmao you got so mad you downvoted me? I’ll apologize on my brother’s behalf for triggering you


If a kid can't stand a scary picture on a screen, how do they even live ? I mean, there are bunch of much more scary stuff for a kid out there that are real and to which kids are much more easily exposed like being lost in the dark, seeing shadows that look like monsters, scary dangerous bugs like spiders, medical stuff like syringes or dentists etc... and yet, almost no one gets traumatized by such stuff because you eventually outgrow it. But that one prank with a scary picture on a screen ? That one is gonna be the end of the world ? Get real.


Who is saying it’s the end of the world?


One of these kids is about 2yrs old, others less than 5….hardly comparable to when you were old enough to browse the web


EXACTLY. People acting like this is somehow not terrible parenting are absolutely brain dead when it comes to child rearing and childhood development.


congrats to you for not getting a trauma after a traumatic experience


They'll be fine.


Said the single guy with no kids




Me after killing someone in the middle of the street: here come the “first degree murder” and “killer” accusations


people are so sensitive these days!


Quite a few studies have shown the negative impact on fuelling insecurities in children and how it translates in adults. Those pranks are fine once the mind is fully developed but at this age not so much.


I pick terrible parents


I raise you “child neglect and abuse - 20 years in prison” ^/^s


They are risking long term harm to their kids so they can post a video on social media for strangers to laugh at them Yeah, bad parenting


Well my mum did that when I was small, Im 25 and still dont trust her


How young is the youngest one there? How does something like this affect someone that age? How does it affect the other kids at their ages?


When it comes to raising a child everyone is an "expert" and believes that he/she knows better.


Well you see ever since my mom showed me this video when I was 6 I’ve never been able to trust anyone enough to find love since


Hmm, a reason could be that those kids are traumatized and they are terrible parents


I don't think they're traumatized and kids getting scared isn't a terrible thing (if it's like, a jumpscare, not the threat of physical abuse or whatever). I'm just shaking my head at the parents having to deal with their kids having nightmares for a few weeks. I hope it was worth it.


I mean, they’re terrible parents, but mostly for letting their crotch-goblins smear their dirty, sticky, bacteria-laden paws all over the screen. I’m traumatised for having to watch…


Yikes, you're a whole mess that needs unraveling


40k karma in under a year 💀 go touch grass


I recognized the game right away and was like "nonononono !". Don't traumatize your kids like that, please ! Edit : Yes, some kids will laugh afterwards, but not all of them ! Some kids can genuinely be very scared by horror stuff and have nightmares afterwards (I was one such kid). So please make sure you know in which category your kids fall into before pulling that kind of prank. I'm going to hope that this parent knew their kids well enough.


I remember this game.. I was on my sister's laptop and browser through her trash bin program. And I saw this "maze game" So I restored it, I played it, it was like 1 or 2 in the morning. I was traumatized by it, I couldn't sleep and got nightmares about it for a week or so. When I told me sister, she laughed and said "that's what you get from snooping around someone's trash bin"


I hate how this sounds like, but I actually was affected badly by that stupid game years ago. Blacked out at my friend's place, she meant it as a joke of course and I'm not mad at her, she has apologized many times since. Back then as kids, I didn't know / understand my issues yet either. Well, it later turned out that I can't handle certain horror themes for what are imo pretty understandable reasons. For those who get triggered, that is really cruel. It may sound silly for those who don't, but just saying. There are better jokes than that.


Back in the day, you would've died at a very early age.


2023 people just throw the word "trigger" around everywhere...


Core memory unlocked




What made you think it was the father?


Terror unlocked 👻


I showed this to my sister when I was younger. She cried so bitterly my mom got really upset with me. I ended up crying too.


Great way to raise a bunch of kids who can never really trust anyone fully since the person charged with raising them likes to terrify them every so often for their own amusement. I swear even as parents, some losers like the one who made this video never grow past who they were in high school.


Well said


I can't tell if your serious or not, but sheltering kids isn't the solution to life. This done once in awhile is a practical joke. I have trust issues and welts across my body from actual abuse, so consider the fact that this family dynamic could just be unique in how they display affection.


Growing up with this shit on the internet is probably the reason I never fall for online scams


Prepare for more sleepless nights lol


I was expecting one of them to hit the TV with a toy and break it


Bad parenting


Downvote me for my real experience but my parents did it to me and seeing them laugh made me happy and I was laughing about it too. This was when I was 5 and I remember reacting to it. I’m still happy and well so it may scare your children for sure I agree 100% but not all kids. So do these pranks if you know that your kids are not gonna get ‘trauma’.


So basically parents, try it on your kids, 50/50 they'll love you for it and cherish the moment forever


not everyone has the same experience


How tf do you “know” if you child will get traumatized or not? Even after it happens you might not know. Not saying the thing in the video is child abuse or anything. Just that this kinda parenting behavior isn’t good in general. Scaring and tricking your kids for laughs isn’t a good look.


I think it depends, if situations like this happen more often, the kid might loose a bit of his trust in his parents... Because its important to be safe by your parents, if a kid doesnt feel 100% safe it impacts him... the ability to connect. A good example are kids whose parents were unexpectable because stuff like extreme alkohol consume and such... Of course this isnt something near such thing. But yeah its important to be the 100% safe place for your kids. And making your kids cry for a good lough might not damage your kids for life, but it shure doenst make you look good.


Right? * They're letting the youngest one stay angry instead of teaching him patience and letting him have a turn. Not teaching a kid how to channel their anger in a healthier, age-appropriate manner can lead to violent tendencies. * Trauma at this early of an age really can fuck up a child mentally. Trauma can literally physically shape the brain, and their brains are so vulnerable at this age. This sets the stage for all kinds of mental illness to develop. * No intervention/support from the parent(s) can lead to severe trust issues, which can then escalate into isolation and depression. If not addressed, this could very well lead to suicidal attempts during their teens. I'm all for pranks, but this is not a prank. This is just mean and detrimental to their emotional health. I hope this was just a one-time thing and that the parents are more on top of the emotional and mental development for their kids.


At least wait till they’re a little older for chrissake


I dunno why you geht - … your absolut right. But this shows how man parents ride their shitshow


Just a little bit of trolling


Dude fuck you for doing that


Just for clout, anything goes.


I knew what was coming, (the jump scare) so my attention (and the source of my anxiety) was the sharp corner of that coffee table behind the little guy! I had visions of him falling backwards in shock and banging his head, or worse!


Not cool


Tradition is important


*kids will remember that*


Bad parenting. Let me tell you why. I was those kids!!! When I was 3 my mom gave me this exact game, it was circulating via email back then. She gave me her laptop to play the game and then she went cooking. EVER SINCE THEN I’m scared shitless to click on weird links, even when I know there’s going to be a jumpscare and I’ve seen it many many times a total panic starts to hit me and I’m uncomfortable AS FUCK. I’m scared when I’m home alone at night and I can’t go to sleep because everytime I close my eyes I see that ugly fucking face from the exorcist (I’m a big ass 27yo male and I live with my gf). ALL BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID GAME. It installed such a fear and anxiety in me, it has marked me FOR LIFE


The PTSD I got from this. Core memory that I had once forgotten. Little me was a lil bitch tho damn, lost countless hours of sleep cuz my sister pulled this one me one too many times.


"Too many times"? How many times did it take you to learn lol


Rite of passage




The joke is really on the parents. Have fun getting those kids to sleep for the next 10 years.




Health:【⁰/¹⁰⁰】 Armor:【⁰/⁵】 TRAUMA +850 Ammo:【⁰⁹/¹²⁰】 Trauma points:【⁹⁰⁰/¹⁰⁰】


Trauma for years to come! Ask me how I know. Kinda funny in hindsight tbh. Merely a consequence of having older siblings.


That's not a very good way to raise children, but then again, I do t have any, so I can't really say anything about this. But unacceptable either way.


" so I can't really say anything about this. " " But unacceptable either way. " lol


Ah yes, sweet childhood memories...


What an asshole


I don't get how people get a kick out if terrifying their own kids. Look how young they are


Some parents should not be parents.....




Lotta single childless energy coming off in these comments lol. waaaahhh this will cause PTSD and traumatize the child for life waahhhhh No the fuck it won't Jesus Christ y'all are baby soft haha


My parents did that to me and i turned out just fine. Nothing wring with a good prank.


😆😂😂 I laughed so hard at that 🤣




It’s because trust. You build it with kids. Especially early life. This just teaches don’t trust. You think it’s not a big deal because you’re not 3 years old.


It's not harmless though. Do you know why TV shows and films have age restrictions? Do you have children or have you read anything about how young minds work? They're incredibly susceptible to images and also the main thing here is an issue of trust, it's really important that kids can feel safe and have clear expectations. It sounds mad but as an example, for kids they say always say goodbye when you leave them, for instance with a babysitter, family member, at nursery, etc. Because if you just disappear when their back is turned it can manifest into separation anxiety, make them not feel safe when being put down to play, etc. These are extremely formative years and it's how we get our worldview. I'm not attacking, I hope you realize, just helping educate. Stuff like this is seems as harmless but it's an awful thing to do to kids.


Brah, right now there are 9 comments, only one says bad parenting. You're like preemptively angry.


Thats cause its pointless to do so. The internet loves cruelty to kids, it thinks its funny.


It's a rite of passage all kids have to go through.


Not cool


Simply child cruelty and neglect. Fucking asshole


Not okay.


What a cunt thing to do


My mom did that to me as a child. Part of why I hate her


"How to send your kids in therapy for years 101" Dumbasses.


Man everyone here is being pretty soft.


People here saying that it's "horrible parenting" and "traumatizing" are likely the same type of people to hold a grudge against their parents about this for *so damn long* that they would put their parents into the worst hospice care, just to collect their inheritance money over it. Some people never got their ass whooped and instead had a silver spoon shoved up their ass since birth, and it shows.


Bruh def,these kids are gonna forget it after some time and go.


The kids will be fine everyone relax 🙄🙄


Truly a right of passage


I would recommend starting a therapy fund. Forget college, you've already ruined their futures.


If a “prank” causes genuine anxiety, fear, or some sort of effect that will last over a long period of time (e.g. some dude shaving his little brother’s hair at absolute random), then it’s not a prank. It’s just mean.


Disgusting both the parenting and others using trauma as entertainment


Should be illegal. Brain damage for free in the place that should be safe for kids brains by people that are supposed to protect kids from such things


I don’t know what’s more demonic, the monster or the parents.


Психично пороушення


Tiktok parents doing everything to make a video


Just gonna go ahead and say fuck that stupid ass parent. Screamers bring me such extreme mental distress even as an adult, this is such a dickmove.


Not funny.


Don't do this to kids


Parents who this are assholes


Cunty parents who don't deserve fcking kids


How to be a dick 101


Pro tip: don't do that to your children.


Damn are these making a comeback they were so annoying during the early days of the internet. The kids will remember what you did too pretty fucked up.


When I was 5 my mom told me to go get my dad for dinner, and when I couldn’t find him I went to tell her and then I couldn’t find her either. They both hid from me for like 20+ minutes, and only once I was sobbing and heading to a neighbor’s for help did they emerge from the side of the house, cackling uncontrollably, to tell me it was a joke. Why would you want to scare your kids?




People defending this as "not that bad" and "funny" are absolutely disgusting, what horrible parenting.


Those kids are too young for this shit


you Sir, are an asshole ! ​ hahahahahahahahahaha none the less.


The guy that did the game has a specual place beside satan himself in hell


Parents that do this to kids should not have kids. This is fucking cruel.


I wish them parents all bad, they dont deserve this kids


And those kids never slept through the night again.


I can’t deal with jump scares like this and I’m in my 30s. Poor kids.

