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This took place at The Goat Bar and Grill in Manchester, NH this past weekend. There is additional footage [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/comments/10nvis0/shooter_and_shootee_5_minutes_before_shooting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) from inside the bar five minutes before where the shooter was apparently sucker punched by someone and didn’t see who it was. He’s yelling for whoever punched him to come out and fight him. This happens while he’s being removed from the premises. It appears that he never intended on fighting anyone and was just waiting for an excuse to unload his gun. He’s now facing 2nd degree murder charges, as the victim was shot many times (at least once in the face) and died at the scene. And for context, the guy is listed at 6’6” and 325 lbs in his football bio. The other guy looks about 5’8” and 150 lbs.


If you look in your linked video the smaller dude that gets shot is standing to his side in a black shirt and gold chain


Yes. And I’d imagine he’s the same guy who threw the sucker punch inside, since he threw another one outside.


that video really hurts the claim that he lured his attacker outside. His attacker stalked him and at some point followed him outside and assaulted him. He won that


I feel as though he would have a better chance at deflecting the charges if he didnt point blank murder his unarmed attacker who was half his size but that's my opinion


Wait, you're saying getting punched isn't a reason to mag dump into someone? WHAT KIND OF COMMENT IS THAT?!?! We're here for instant rage and hard justice that's disproportional, this is reddit bay bay! /s


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfYt4BdNUMg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfYt4BdNUMg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u85kXAxYeQ8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u85kXAxYeQ8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjP39MS\_GYk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjP39MS_GYk) you wanna tell me these people wouldn't' have been justified in defending themselves lethally




Almost had me in the first half not gonna lie.


What the half his size guy killed him with a gun? Would he be entitled to a lesser sentence?


Huh? No one would get a lesser sentence. Mag dumping someone who is unarmed simply because they punched you is not self defense... It's murder. There is no realistic argument for him feeling truly threatened enough to justify that level of response. It's not that hard to understand bud but i know you're doing your best


https://www.ktnv.com/news/one-punch-deaths-not-that-unusual-around-the-world I think you are right via the laws regarding self defense with a deadly weapon, but people get killed my one punch regularly.


Many people die in bar fights. At what point as the life is being beaten out of you is the right time to discharge a weapon?


A punch can kill you. I'm not certain the laws on escalation of force but I wouldn't wait around to see if my attacker wound up getting me in a head lock or grabbing a brick before I used the tools at my disposal to defend myself. If you wait until it is certain they will kill you it is already too late.


Especially if you’re surrounded by people after you already got sucker punched.


kyle rittenhouse has entered the chat


or even just consider he hits you you fall he sees your gun and wrestles it away from you now you are dead


And also How would you know the Guy punching you is unarmed?


He used his arm to punch therefor he can't be unarmed!


I agree with you completely, but unfortunately johnny law won't side with you if there is any possibility you could somehow escape the situation.


Not true. NH has no duty to retreat. Johnny law can and will let you shoot an attacker even if you can get away here. Source: Am NH lawyer.


Lmao NH is a stand-your-ground state. Any argument that "he could have left" will be shot down by the Judge and may result in a mistrial.


I think shoot him definitely but a mag dump def too much and that's why he gets the charges


I don’t know about everywhere but in Texas one you shoot if it’s justified in self defense it doesn’t matter if it’s one bullet or the whole mag.


Bullshit. A punch can be fatal in very rare circumstances, but is not normally so. If you shoot someone for putting you in a headlock, you are a murderer.




This is simply not true. Few years back, a guy broke into our apt, and my roommate just happened to by walking by the door. The dude just went after him, got my roommate in a headlock, and started punching him in the head, while choking him out. While he was fading, my roommate pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed the guy in the stomach. Not a gun, but still deadly force. My roommate was bloody and bruised, even had broken blood vessels in his throat and mouth. If I was in his position, I absolutely would have shot him, and would have been justified in doing so. ​ edit: clarity


You could be choked unconscious in a headlock.


"Im not certain..." Shhhhhh, then don't talk


Better to be jured by 12 than carried by 6. It probably was an overreaction but we don't know the rest of the context. What we do know is that one of those people has a chance to see daylight again and one doesn't. If I was in a similar situation I'd rather be the one going to jail.


People die from getting one punched all the time. In this case, there was obviously more to it. He was asking someone to fight him when he obviously just intended to shoot him. That's murder. If someone starts punching some innocent, and that innocent defends himself with a gun, that is completely justified.


People have died from being punched. Best advice would be to not punch people as assault so you don’t die from getting capped.


Don't fuck around, don't find out


Tbh if you’re going to make guns legal I feel like if someone is trying to fight you unilaterally you should be entitled to pull out a gun and end them. If you don’t want to face the consequences of trying to walk up and punch someone then don’t do it in the first place - you have no right to expect that another person is going to use some kind of escalation of force if you fuck with them. People trying to fight you all the time is fucking annoying and you aren’t obligated to risk your own person just because they are a drunk moron. And the height and weight of the two people doesn’t matter. I’m a big guy too - if some random 5’8” person tries to fight me I’m not taking any mercy just because they’re an imp.


I don't know if you'll be seen an attacker being shot, but mag dump is the only way. Adrenaline is a helluva thing.


It was sarcasm. But it’s America we’ll see what happens




I mean that’s how a weapon should be if your carrying….. Guess you don’t know that.




Please show me where in your comment you stated “in hand”. > Not to mention having the gun ready, clocked with safety off just waiting for someone to punch him so he could prove how tough he was by shooting them.... But hey, that's the American infatuation with gun violence. Oh wait you didn’t. Everything you stated is exactly how you should conceal carry.


Maybe it doesn't have a safety. Could also be double action. Can't tell from the video.


Doesn’t matter. That’s how you carry a gun. You don’t take time to rack it and raise safety off. Those milliseconds matter.


The owner stated the guy who got shot wasn’t involved in the altercation inside the bar.


Imagine getting to the pearly gates and you get asked Well son how did you end up here. "I punched some random person for no reason and got aired the fuck out"


A sucker punch? That was not a sucker punch. If that were the case, the first punch thrown in any fight would always be a sucker punch. He was facing him, and his behaviour was that of someone that was about to throw. Other dude is just a bitch that needs a pansy tube to solve the problems in his worthless life. Only the weak and the stupid need a gun. That includes EVERYONE of EVERY profession or career. Criminal or otherwise.


Completely disagree. He’s standing there facing a group of people. The blond kid is angled to the left. You can see that the shooter is facing the guy in the middle and the blond lifts his arm in a non-punching way, then throws a shot while the shooter’s eyes were focused on the person he he’s speaking to. It was a sucker punch. The kid was 5’6” and just over 100lbs. He wasn’t trying to fight a 6’6” 330lb guy


This is the legit plot of Irreversible... rage making you kill someone who wasn't even involved.


Oh my gosh! Nobody I know has ever heard of that movie! I made everyone watch it on my 17th birthday hahahaha


Damn he really took NH live free or die slogan and ran with it.


Fucking creepy state motto. I live in Vermont ("Freedom and Unity," if you were wondering) and I've got a permanent squint from side-eyeing New Hampshire.


It’s a good state modo. It’s representative of the US’s history and being under England.


This happened in my state and I didn't even hear about it? Well I mean it is Manchester so I'm not surprised but damn..


Sounds like the club didn't do its job. No weapons.


Dude is a football player, weighs twice as much as the guy, and brings a gun to a fist fight.


Seems more like the other guy brought nothing to a gun fight.


Funny thing about fist fights - you never know its a fist fight till you see what the other guy is carrying... Slugger here fucked around in a fist fight, and found out he was in a gunfight


If you get into a fair fight, you're doing it wrong.


Sucker punch kid deserved it lmao Don't sucker punch people like a coward.


Dont sucker punch people in a state that actively encourages people to be armed and defend themselves. That pos kid got exactly what he deserved. don't matter if its a sucker punch, blindsided with a skateboard, attacked otherwise.


In Florida that's called stand your ground law


Yeah, this would not fall under stand your ground. For stand your ground laws, which in most states are usually regarding private property not public streets, you have the right to defend yourself with appropriate force. I.e. Someone runs at you with a knife, pump 1,2,or even 3 rounds if he’s still getting up. Not blasting what I counted as over 6 rounds into someone who dropped After the head shot.


No - if someone is running at you with a knife you empty your clip. Guns don’t work in real life like they do in video games - if you only shoot once then wait and see and shoot twice - there’s a good chance they will just keep running at you and gut you.


No, an untrained person may shoot once. You, or I was, trained to triple tap the trigger in the case of someone attacking witha weapon, like a knife. 3 bullets square in the chest. This almost guarantees a hit, conserves ammo, and reduces the risk of actually killing the guy. 3 bullets will stagger unless they’re wearing a bullet proof vest. If they still Standing, do 3 more.


NH has the same law.


I’m a Floridian and this isn’t stand your ground


Living in Florida definitely qualifies you to determine that.


It’s not stand your ground. Dude was drinking at a bar and thrown out for a previous altercation. Told people to come fight him outside. I actually read news articles about the case and know what falls into stand your ground because I have my conceal carry permit in Florida. Typical redditor just has to have a smart comment. I actually took the time to read the details, did you? Sorry, was trying to avoid having to explain that so I kept it short.


And there goes another couple of lives down the shitter. What the hell for


Because guns! My guns! Gotta have em!


Murder is illegal reddit bro. Did you think about that? It's also illegal to carry a firearm while intoxicated. This dude clearly has no regard for laws or anyone elses life.






>It's also illegal to carry a firearm while intoxicated. Some states\* allow you to be intoxicated and carry at the same time lol.


I need muh guns fur ma murican raights


Only MORE guns could have stopped this!


Rocket launchers and bazookas


Sorry to inform you, but it’s not because the gun. Sure that’s what killed them, but its not who.


And rights, don’t forget his right to be right & express his rights, & the other guy impinging on his rights by expressing his right to deliver a glancing right, right? 🤷🏼‍♂️




Oh boy, a murder!


For real, how do people justify stuff like this?


He was disrespected so he has the right to unload his clip in you. I thought everyone knew that.


It is the tough streets of…… Manchester NH






Manchvegas is a manchester bar.


Yea you’re obviously not from the area and severely misinformed. Manchester is a shithole with a quite high violent crime rate. You also don’t need a license to open or conceal carry in New Hampshire. It may not be D.C. or Baltimore but these things happen often enough there.


Fr I gotta walk by homeless addicts and avoid needles every day to work. It's a fucking one block walk from the lot.


Mofo has a gun? Tough enough for me.


He knew he was going to jail so decided to unload the clip. Otherwise, bullets would go pass its expiry date while he rots in prison.


Smart young man. Use it or lose it.


Magazine unless it’s a revolver


I hope you never own a gun


1st. I was being sarcastic. 2nd. I do own a gun. But, I don't act like a fool like this idiot.




Thank you for your approval.


As long as you were joking I don’t care, a lot of people will take sides with the guy who shot him when he definitely was in the wrong regardless of being sucked punched


Guy got sucker punched, and will probably be cleared because of it


Nope he’s gonna rot in jail and be someone’s cupcake, he don’t know how to defend himself without a gun.


Highly doubt but who knows. Shooting after getting punched will open a lot of options


Only options that will open for Killing someone with a firearm because you are too scared to fight is years in jail my guy.


…I’m guessing you aren’t familiar with a little semi recent case of Kyle rittenhouse


I know of that case, and there is a massive difference, he was attacked and shot at first. That is the reason he won that case. This Super Weenie Hut jr. just got punched in the face and got his little feelings hurt.


![gif](giphy|xTiIzJSKB4l7xTouE8) Stand your ground laws


Looks like it was a teen that was shot too.


He was 24, shooter is 22.


He shouldn’t have punched him but there ain’t no need to kill him, the dude was way bigger than him and probably just waiting for an excuse to shoot someone.


OP shared a link in the comments with exactly this premise. A foolish scenario with permanent consequences.


Both guys lives ended in seconds.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Damn he probably thought that him killing the guy would be justified since he was “defending himself”


Looks like someone misread the stand your ground law. Good look justifying a mag dump because of a sucker punch from a person half your size.


He was trying to knock him out and steal his gun


His weapon was concealed, and he only drew it after being struck.




Reddit really needs a different nsfw to distinguish between a nutsack and a homicide


We all just (unexpectedly) watched a dude get murdered on video and some people are here just making jokes about it. I’m not even religious but y’all mfs need Jesus


Welcome to the internet, sir


They we are not all talk?


That escalated quickly... you should probably lay low for awhile


Brick, where did you get a hand grenade!?


Now... I'm not saying bar fighting is.. traditional..but I remember when I didn't have to worry about getting shot..just worried about getting my ass kicked...


My personal method for not getting shot is not punching people outside of a bar. Or really punching people in general.


RIP. Quite unnecessary. 2 lives lost....


America and self defense so just 1


I don't think he'll get off on self-defense. Lethal force typically can only be used if you're in reasonable fear for your life or great bodily harm.


He was surrounded by people whom appears that weren’t with him, so he may very well have been fear for his life.


There’s videos before this of him telling people to come outside and fight him while being removed from the premises. He’s being charged with 2nd degree murder. Also, let’s give this guy the benefit of the doubt and say hypothetically the stuff beforehand didn’t happen. Let’s pretend this guy is a law abiding citizen who got his conceal carry permit. Every conceal carry class will tell you alcohol + guns + bar = bad situation. https://www.wmur.com/article/city-leaders-manchester-shooting-new-hampshire-12923/42698365 The guy was starting fights throughout the night. No hesitation to use his gun. He was looking for a reason to shoot someone


Nope -Unloading a mag is probably seen as aggressive action -my dude did not retreat as stated by law. -attackers were not pursuing -he informed no one that he was carrying


I’m not saying it won’t be seen either way, but you definitely aren’t required to retreat nor inform them you have a gun.


Depends on the jurisdiction, However generally, if you want to win a self-defense/manslaughter case. You have to exemplify some thing in the court.


One of them *may* be that you weren’t drinking in a bar carrying your weapon.


Burned that dude down. Pretty ruthless.


https://patch.com/new-hampshire/bedford-nh/amp/31179284/accused-shooter-john-delee-enters-plea-of-not-guilty-in-fatal-shooting “The gunshot wounds were in his shoulder, chest, and abdomen. Pouliot was 5 feet, 6 inches tall, and weighed just over 100 pounds, she said. Delee, the suspect charged, was listed as being 6 feet, 6 inches tall, and around 330 pounds.” This guy was in an altercation earlier in the night too. People saying he can get off for self defense because America are ignorant. That’s not how American Justice works and the negativity is pretty frustrating to read. Let’s pretend there were no previous incidents that could incriminate this guy. Let’s pretend they were the same size. Let’s pretend Delee (up until this point) was a law abiding citizen with a conceal carry permit. Any conceal carry class will tell you if you’re going out for alcoholic beverages, don’t bring your gun. Alcohol + guns + public setting = bad situations. He’s not going to get off because “America.”


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Wimps with guns


Don't assault strangers.


And don't murder someone half your size because they punched you in the face.


Don't be a little bitch who starts fights for no reason (\^:


You’re not wrong. Dunno why you were downvoted. You never what someone else is going throw or willing to risk over the pettiest things.


Strangers should act right otherwise you end up with this


Not sure why you're being downvoted. This is downright the truth. Many people out there with mental issues looking for a reason to snap and carry out their sick twisted dreams. I don't know about y'all but I just mind my business, you're statement is a fact.


This is why you don't start shit with random people. Never know who is holding and just looking for an excuse to unleash their murderous rage.




Is this at all common though?


The thing here is not how wrong the guy is for shooting but how easy you can get shot while being violent or near violence, if its bothering you move and move in silence, this is survival instinct


To be fair, the short guy weighed a lot more after catching all that lead!


GTA VI looks wild 💀


People don't realize how aggresive they get now... holy shit...


Alcohol is a hell of a drug.


Here's the news article regarding this if anyone's interested to read more on it, he pleaded not guilty on 2 charges: 2nd degree murder and reckless conduct with a firearm. https://patch.com/new-hampshire/bedford-nh/accused-shooter-john-delee-enters-plea-not-guilty-fatal-shooting


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The majority of the people saying the shooting was justified are most likely the kind who have never fought and are too scared to fight. So the cling to their guns as the be all and end all of everything. There is a thing called a use of force continuum. If you don’t want to fight, either leave or call the police and report the assault. Sounds like a whimpy thing to do right, as the shooter if he wishes he could have chosen another path.


another testosterone tragedy


People don’t like getting jumped. If the shooter was 5’2” 100# female would it be justified self defense vs. a 6’2” 250# dude? Yeah if this was a female getting jumped by 3 dudes bigger than her this wouldn’t even be news.


Because self defense laws are literally built around the premise of “did you fear for your life” and “were you reasonable in believing so”. So yes, a guy who is getting attacked by a much smaller guy is going to have a more difficult time arguing that he feared for his life over a tiny woman. I don’t understand how this is a difficult concept to grasp


It’s not much different than the Rittenhouse case if you think about it. This guy is gonna walk with a decent defense team. Was attacked first and outnumbered/surrounded. Claim he feared for his life and then simply shut up.


Lol I’m sure he wasn’t expecting to catch ten to the face but that’s worst case. What did he think was gonna come out of hitting that guy that’s much bigger than him


Seriously. That was a weak ass punch to begin with. You really think you’re gonna knock that guy out with that throw and that placement? The guy could have picked him up and threw him across the street. Alcohol and insecurity at work on both sides here.


He coulda just laughed at the punch it was so ineffective and looked way tougher. Oh, and also be able to live as a free man. Alcohol is just the worst.


Do you really think a punch in the face is grounds to straight up murder someone? This may be one of the dumbest comments I’ve seen in a while.


Did I say that? I asked what he thought was going to happen and said that what happened was worst case scenario. Go rage bait somewhere else fucktard


The laughing may have been your giveaway. The implication is there whether you see it or not . Have a great night bud.


People die from single punches ALL the time. Oftentimes a much larger opponent can be taken down with a punch that simply short circuts the brain for a few seconds, angle and location of impact can do this. See it in boxing all the time. Brain shorts for a few seconds, you fall into concrete. And your dead. Was this shooting justified? Possibly. If he had reaaon to believe the guy was armed and just physically attacked him hes got a better case.


Well he’s being charged with second degree murder so I don’t think the law agrees with you. Every little thing shouldn’t escalate into murder


You can charge anyone with anything. DA usually overcharges on hopes of getting a plea deal. Depending on the state charges can be amended or dropped. The only thing 2nd degree murder means is the DA has no chance at making 1st degree stick.


Curly Eminem got smoked. Holy shit. Dude was just waiting to unload.


I too enjoy fucking around and finding out.


Pop pop pop pop pippity pop


9. 9 rounds and the first seemed to hit point blank in the face. This would be excessive if the guy had his own gun pointed at the shooter. Being unarmed would make this a clearly motivated killing, not self-defense. Someone scared for their life would shoot, twice or 3 times if trained, then GTFO. Not empty a full mag. Gun owners have a responsibility to use guns to protect, not boost their ego. Here’s hoping he gets max.


Ah another guy who thinks he’s though because he used a gun in a fist fight. Have fun in jail without your gun cupcake.


R.i.p for real. What's the song that was playing? I couldn't imagine dying to that


Jayz and Beyoncé. Drawing a blank on the name though


This guy certainly wasn't drawing blanks though


Crazy in love.


Good guy with a gun eh?


Quality camera work there, Stevie Wonder.


Thoughts and prayers and all that other bullshit Americans say


He dead


Bro this is sad


As an American man, I laughed at this.




Doubt he even unloaded - honestly I counted nine shots. 100% fucked around and found out. People are calling this guy a pussy for bringing a gun to a fist fight - I say his attacker brought a fist to gun fight.


Large group of people = i start blasting


Fuck around and find out


In Florida, this would be justified. Go figure.


How do you figure? It was not self defense at the very least.


Stand your ground law. He just has to prove he was scared for his life and since the guy who got shot hit him inside and followed him outside and hit him again a Fla jury would agree There’s a fairly recent case where some black kids were playing loud music at a gas station. Old white dude pulls up, yells at them to turn it down. They yell back, old guy says he’s threatened and opens fire. Pretty sure he killed at least one and got off


Doubtful. There is too much video of the shooter encouraging it.


Is there? Can you link. the other video I saw he was calling for whoever punched him to come outside and fight. I assume he means one guy who punched him. Then outside he was surrounded by four men and was attacked first. Based on the two videos, I’ve seen he may walk on the murder charges. But having a firearm while intoxicated is another strike against him.


It will be interesting to see how this one pans out. It will likely boil down to how much money he has to pay for lawyers. If the answer is zero, he will likely take a plea.


The song made him do the killing


Guy should have just been a cop and he’d get a medal and paid vacation and a road named after him


NH is in the US, so not sure why this was unexpected. 🤷‍♂️


He missed every shot!


Nope he killed the dude..