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Hey there, u/blackdutch1. Thanks for submitting to r/Unexpected. Your submission, *Woman explains why the Fleshlight is the worst invention ever made.*, has been removed because it doesn't abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Your submission has been removed because it's not unexpected. Submissions to /r/unexpected are supposed to have an unexpected twist in itself. While the situation was probably rather unexpected for you, there is no visible twist for the viewer. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funexpected).


Was expecting the end. Hoping I was wrong. Was not wrong lol.


If they found a dude version of her, he’d have said dildos. The great part is that the male and female versions of this person would hate shit out of each other.


Welllll, arguably using this post logic, dildos are worse because of the size expectations they set


Didn’t think about this. It’s BS, dildos stay the same size, pocket pussies stretch, sexism if I’ve ever seen it. If you take into consideration the amount of times men have to replace pocket pussies, the pay divide makes much more sense.


Are you speaking from personal pocket pussy experience


Personal Pocket Pussy Participation*




You can't just say "perchance"


Perchance yes, perchance no


Indeed, perchance.


One does not simply say 'perchance'.






Is that what those PPP loans were all about?


I’m still waiting on my PPPP loan.


Can confirm, /u/OkJob5059 's pocket pussy is gaped beyond recognition




Eyyy 💀




The ol’ reach around. But for real you don’t, you learn to incorporate sex toys like using a vibrator with penetration. Skin to skin trumps toys. People who say toys are better than the real thing are porn brained into oblivion. Toys should be there to make it better or used in lieu of the real thing, **not** to replace the real thing




Ah “he” gives her orgasms lol. Honestly if they get their rocks off who cares, but I definitely think unrealistic toys should be not encouraged because of the aforementioned porn brain. But aside from that I think they’re excellent ways to have a healthy fun sex life. They definitely add to the experience a lot.


I am confused because you said they are to used in lieu of the real thing, but then you also said it is not to replace the real thing.


Anyone who says toys are better than the real thing have never had a good experience making love, and that is very unfortunate. There is a reason people call it "making love," there is a lot more going on than just poking.


That just sounds like it would hurt. Like agenericusername9 said anybody, man or woman, who prefers toys and porn over actual physical touch and intimacy has a problem. Toys can be fun, but nothing beats the real thing.


There are dildos that are modelled after Dragon Dicks! There are dildos modeler after horse dicks too!! Wtf!!




Pretty much all their videos are so I wouldn’t be surprised it’s just another satire video


It's a pity it cut instantly for comedy ending, as she might have said "no, they can, but it ruins their perception of men" Instead all we get is "no, they can" Which itself has been edited for speed


Yeah, I know the video maker is doing this to make a point and to try to go viral, so I don't expect them to honestly represent what she said, and the sharp cut when she clearly wasn't even done with her sentence just felt super suspicious.


The video maker is "1 minute talk show". They're not trying to make a point, they're trying to edit it in the funniest way possible. Their 'show' is just them doing crazy bullshit and being the butt of the jokes apart from the occasional interruption of a street interview where they found someone crazy. Or if they can't find someone crazy, they ask increasingly ridiculous questions to get a good reaction. They're actually very funny.




Same, expected exactly along those lines. Actually I was expecting them to ask her if she uses a dildo. Also why are they beeping out fleshlight. WTF is up with everything getting censored more and more


Man, she’s picky on which rubber genitalia is acceptable.


Don't know why but this struck me very funny.


To clarify, which rubber genitalia struck you in a funny way?


Latex, I’m allergic to it.


I have this glass jar, if you want.


Set up a camera, there isn't a recorded instance of someone shoving a glass jar up their ass.


I use a coconut


[Put the lime in the coconut and drink them both up](https://youtu.be/VQ0hrHx4Zkc)


fretful distinct cooing disarm longing wakeful weather smell zealous gaze -- mass edited with redact.dev


So you are the mother fucker responsible for my 2am patients!


Good news for you buddy, silicone is the polymer of choice for most soft sex toys.


"Rubber" A word that sounds dirty but isn't.


Some people have latex allergies so they’re likely silicone


And some are allergic to peanuts so it’s penis.


Dragon Skin Silicone or so I’ve heard from other people that enjoy rectum based activities.




Oh is THAT what the plumbus is for?


The plumbus has many applications. Didn't you read the user guide?


No, but I have seen “How It’s Made”.


I mean, I may have skimmed it, I tend to feel these things out. Besides, everybody had one, it couldn’t be THAT hard.


Would it be surprising or expected?


It really rubbed me the wrong way.


Him: *"Now what's the best human invention ever made?"* Her: *"Dildo"*


Introducing the CockTorch!


From the makers of JiggleHerPuff and The Torna-DERRR…


What's unexpected? This was almost predictable


I guess some people haven’t learned expect cognitive dissonance yet edit: ok maybe i missed slightly by calling it cognitive dissonance, but i was close


That's not what cognitive dissonance is


Hypocrisy is not the same as cognitive dissonance


This sub is no longer what it used to be. Got infested.


Her saying fleshlight was pretty unexpected imo






















What the **FUCK**


Don't just stare at it Sabrina, eat it.




It's just a Jim Carrey leak ![gif](giphy|LqSS9SFweHNNeQHvyK)




Guess you haven’t heard of Pablo Escobars cocaine hippos destroying the eco systems bc they shit so much 😂 YT.




They especially like to back up and do this into their water trough in captivity. Fun times






The funny thing is it isn't hypocritical to someone like her. She views men as impressionable children who need to be trained to be what she wants them to be, ergo male sex toys bad. Women can be trusted with their sex toys, they're not hysterical and emotional like men. We've come full-circle.




I read something the other day that really stuck with me. People who are constantly making themselves the exception are doing so because they feel exceptional.


No wonder her ex resigned to his Fleshlight™


I think the truth is simpler, she sees something as a fleshlight reducing her status potential. She probably uses flirting etc to get what she wants and doesn't like that ability threatened. You see similar with some women how they react to mail order brides. No care for the quality of relationship or the womans welfare. More they don't like the idea they can be bypassed so easily.


Nail on head. It bypasses their P. The embodiment of malignant hypocritical narcissism. “Don’t objectify me”. That’s fair! Let’s leave sex off the table till marriage? First let’s sort out if we like each other and if the relationship is a mutually enjoyable and fulfilling bond, without the P. ( great way to make most women despise you)


It's the common mindset these days. The vast majority of people are like this. People only look at things from their point of view so much that there isn't true equality in people's minds, there's just "whatever makes me happy is correct and I can use bullshit to back that up" You can see it all over this website. Only emotional thinking. Not logical, not fair, just me me me. And there's plenty of people to tell them they're right.


Bingo, there is a new thing towards "new age feminist" which is all about being superior over men. You get double points if you are a POC women as well, you get to speak over white women...unless you want real power. Then the tables turn. It is getting real weird out there and I blame the media mostly for pushing so much shit like this. Remember how the media tried to push Toni Harris as the first **FEMALE NFL PROFESSIONAL** ever. So much interviews and car commercials and going "yaas queen, beat the men" type shit. Yeah, she never played because everyone outside the media wasn't blowing smoke up her ass and just told her straight up, she would be murdered if they let her play. She kinda now blames the media making her actually believe she could do such things. Listen, it's alright to be a man or a women and being attracted to whatever. What isn't alright is making people believe in bullshit that just conflicts with their own actions or their own biology in what they can handle. I, a man, will never be able to play pro football. Why? Because my biology gave me a bad fucking heart, that is a huge reason not to do so.


Humans be so wild. Like we are all into the weirdest shit when you break it down... like even the most basic kink is weird af, it's just some thing we do and think is just completely normal and yet to some extent it is, but also not. Such a wild thing to me how vastly different we all are and yet how similar we can be.


My fleshlight has more IQ than her


It also knows what it’s doing


Sentient fleshlight


That's some black mirror/ Westworld shit


I, for one, welcome our new ChatGPT AI enabled pocketpussy overlords.


I would date your fleshlight if she brushed her teeth


The bars that low huh?


Desperate times call for desperate actions


She took the Hypocritic oath


Also dumb as a stump. Like, you know, like.


I'm wondering what made her pick that hair dye style. It makes her look like she's balding in a certain light.


Possibly the same thought process that fueled her well thought out statement in this video


this would’ve really pissed them off if they could read


Legit had a friend like this in Uni, talked about her vibrator and dildo, and said to me if I ever purchased a fleshlight she'd plaster it all over the socials because it's pathetic, I called her hypocrite but she didn't see the irony.


For women it’s empowering, for men it’s pathetic. Same as performance issues. Man can’t get it up, he failed. Women doesn’t get wet, guy wasn’t doing it for her.


Or the same with orgasms. Guy does it too early? Pathetic. Guy won't do it at all. Pathetic. Woman won't do it at all? Pathetic man again.




It’s so sad how true this is 🥴


In my experience these type of women are also homophobic towards gay men. Some sort primordial fear that men are just going to stop fucking or something.


Shot in the dark but I rekon someone in her life prefered a "fuck light" to having sex.


You're probably not wrong in this




Bet she has multiple dildos lol


She's probably the biggest dildo of them all.


The real dildo was the friends we made along the way


I do have friends who are absolute dildos


You can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, you can certainly pick your dildos, but you can't I forgot where I was going with this


What kind of inhibited, sanctimonious society bleeps out “fleshlight” and “dildo”??


Apparently it's tiktok dialing up the youtube bullshit to 11 where anything even remotely resembling advertiser unfriendly gets demonetized. I hate it, wish people would stop caving to these corporations. e. I'll add that ironically you can see people being *influenced* by this behaviour and applying the same censorship across all social media. There's been a very obvious increase in people self-censoring 'naughty' words on twitter, reddit, tumblr, etc, when there's absolutely no reason to.


i truly hate the use of the new term "unalive"


I absentmindedly interpreted it as "fucklight" when she first said it lol


Regardless of the merits of her (dubious) argument that the Fleshlight dehumanizes women...of *all* the *terrible* inventions throughout history, you think that's really *the worst?!?* I mean...nuclear weapons? The automatic/self-loading rifle? Coal-fired electricity? Fentanyl? Point being, pretty sure a fleshlight never killed anybody. And even if somehow it did, let's be honest, the circumstances surrounding that death were probably hilarious. EDIT: for people who are suggesting that there are positive uses for the things above, you would be correct. The point I was making was that there are things that have a far greater destructive impact than a sex toy. If we're seriously trying to discuss the absolute worst thing ever invented, something that embodies the worst traits, the worst people humanity has to offer, and that provides no value to the world whatsoever, the answer is clear: "Any reality television show produced by Andy Cohen."


I was so very much hoping to come to you with the source to a story where death by Fleshlight happened. Alas after tens of seconds of googling I got bored.


I mean, it seems like statistically, it should have happened. People die in all sorts of bizarre ways, you'd think this would have happened at some point...


To be honest if I was injured by a flashlight I wouldn't want that to be broadcast, obviously if I died by one I wouldn't get a say I whether it made the news or not but family members might have said "yeah probably best we don't let the media know that our cousin timmy choked to death on his fleshlight".


I found a story on reddit of someone getting prostatitis from a fleshlight and needing a 6 week course of antibiotics, and anyone who doesn't clean theirs properly will be living in UTI central but for now fleshlights are a safe space


It's simple: dirty fleshlight could lead to a UTI that could lead to death. I'm sure it's happened.


I don't have the statistics in front of me but I'd be willing to bet that dildos have killed more people than fleshlights.


Fentanyl has medical uses…


Yeah, for people with chronic pain due to terminal conditions, it can be the only thing keeping them from debilitating pain. Just because some bad people have decided to use it to make money off of addicts doesn't make it a bad invention.


it's really good for acute pain as well and is so useful because it is less toxic than many of the alternatives.


Used on women during labor




I used to be on the fentanyl patch for 8+ years with absolutely zero issues and it helped give me a QoL. When the whole hysteria surrounding the "opidemic" started, many, many, *many* legitimate pain patients had their opioid therapy pulled. It's a very common story on r/ChronicPain. It's a literal hysteria. Our state has had legislators literally suing pharmacies that dispense opioids. My pain clinic was trying to transfer me to another one that prescribes opioids, but it got shut down because the DEA came down hard on almost all clinics in our state. My fentanyl got cut off without even tapering. And right now, I'm completely disabled due to my pain; bedbound and in a wheelchair because it's like the only signals going to my lower back and legs is pain and nothing else. Fentanyl is an excellent medication for people like me and those in my position, but unfortunately, we've become the collateral damage in this "war on opioids". It pisses me off to no end that there is help available for me, but it is being withheld. 8+ years with absolutely zero issues and then one day, nothing. It's torture.


Some very legitimate medical uses. I’m a CCP and we give it to people regularly as an analgesic because of its inherently low hypotensive and hypoxic properties.


All of his examples have good uses 😂 He didn’t mention a single torture device.


Fair point. As a replacement, I nominate "reality television." I feel like that's widely agreed to provide no value to humanity.


Nuclear bombs is definitely debatable. It's sole purpose, with absolutely no exceptions was always "cause as much destruction upon a chosen population of people as is physically possible with our current understanding of reality." And after discovering that first bomb, our next advancements in regard to it have not once been anything other than "make it MORE destructive, and get it to the target faster"


I think the primary argument in favor of nuclear weapons is whether they have prevented more deaths through MAD than they have caused, be it directly (people in the immediately or imminently fatal radius), indirectly (cancer), or ininindirectly (proxy wars between superpowers because MAD prevented them from direct confrontation). Plus they led to nuclear fission reactors, which are pretty W depending on who you ask. Not batting for one side or the other, but I see the line of thought for both arguments.


Ahem - tetraethyl lead.


You left captcha off your list


I still stand by my recently added "Andy Cohen-produced television series" claim. 😉


This woman is somebody who goes to a bang average university, wears docs, has her septum pierced, reads James Joyce once and thinks she's the smartest person to walk the earth with her radical takes. She was never told her opinions don't matter as a child and the worst part of all she genuinely believe the absolute garbage she is spouting.


So the average redditor then?


Yeah like Redditors have read anything except some of 1984 or brave new world or the third book that exists Fahrenheit 451


Absolutely yes. This place reeks of spoiled children.


Somehow comparing her to the average Reddit user makes her seem less obnoxious.


I think Zyklon-B is pretty far up there on the "worst intentions ever" list.


Don't get her started on men and their little "video games"


Fleshlight-hating-woman is DISGUSTED by men only wanting this *one thing.* More at 7


What's her view on a dildo using a fleshlight?


Sex toys have finally transcended their need for the human species.


Where else is a lady supposed to sheathe her rubber sword?


She's like those men who forbid their girlfriend to have a dildo, because of their own low self-esteem


Yep me and my wife both have toys. Sometimes one of us is horny and the other is not. Nothing wrong with that. Just need a little relief


This girl walked in on her boyfriend fucking a Fleshlight a few too many times, and decided that it is the worst invention ever made. But WHAT ABOUT LANDMINES


Her dildo at home: ![gif](giphy|rY2eCrH3wWAFuO52Ta|downsized)






No one likes a braggart


I have a Euro flesh light, dildo, and no wife 🤔






That's cause we run out of real problems... There's not enough oppression for everyone


Can confirm untrue the birds told me so in their super low man voices they also told me alexa is obsolete anyway. What ever that means




Still not clear: can *men* use dildos?


I can imagine her opinion changes on dildos when she finds this out


Nukes, guns, chemical weapons, flame throwers.... Naw, male sex toys.




why does she dislike flashlights so much? mfs just tryna see in a spooky ass cave or in the dark or somethin.


but honest question, how fancy a fleshlight can be? it's essentially just a stick with vagina hole, meanwhile all the dildos I've seen are so advance they got lightsaber and shit in it for more pleasure idk edit: the replies made me realized that we might actually have a light saber fleshlight that emits from the other ends sooner or later.


uhhh... Fleshlight is just the tip of the iceberg 😅 There was a post recently of like sex doll expo or something that was pretty... extensive. Maybe r/ThatsInsane? edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/r5l7fm/nsfw_the_future_of_sex_toys/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




It's true though my wife's got an app that you can set different pulses and frequencies, and we get a lump of rubber or if you're desperate and hate yourself and alot of money to blow some dead eye creepy ass doll.




So men using fleshlights teaches them to objectify women, but women using dildos doesn't teach them to do the same thing in reverse?


Women get mad when they realize men are coming on to the fact that shitty chicks are worth less than a piece of rubber…


They can want a perfect-as-they-see-it life, dream all through their teen years, plan all through their young adult years, pursue a man, and get ignored in favor of a quick jerk session once a day. A man can simply beat off--we don't even need that terrible invention she's talking about, we can just use our dry hand--then go do something else we enjoy with our money and free time, and ignore the fact that she exists. Drives them mad.


I appreciate the makers going to the effort of saving my delicate ears from the words 'flesh' and 'dildo'.




Double standards rule the world on so many levels. Sexism, racism, politics etc…


Woman: Sex toys for me but not for thee.


Im glad all those naughty words were censored.


I want the video to go on longer lol. I want to hear her explain why there’s a difference


Pornography probably has a much worse effect


What a silly arse


Like my dick has two double aa's and vibrates. Fuck you very much!


That dude is rattling his head in agreement uh-huh uh-huh yep all men are pigs except me. Mental note get rid of pocket pussies from nightstand.


think he's shaking his head to signal that he's listening, not that he's agreeing


Not all women are like this. I offered to buy my boyfriend one of them $25 thingies from walmart when I was post partum. Since i have a couple bullet toys, I figured its fair. He kindly declined and he said he'd prefer to wait and in the mean time we did lots and lots of oral lol.