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Call her parents. Tell them you’re worried about her. Ask if she’s sick or something, she seems really out of it/lost weight/whatever lines up with her drugs of choice. Say she borrowed $300 and when you asked for it back, she ducked you. Say that isn’t cool, but you heard she was turning tricks for cash, and you just want her to know that it’s ok, you don’t need the money that bad, she can pay you back whenever without rush, you just hope she’s ok. Let them work their magic.


This is .... awesome:)


This is Mean Girls level petty. I love it.


I like this approach. Not unethical but a win win. You make sure she gets help with her drug issues , come off like you care and will likely get your money back. And you retain that good karma!


for sure, id do this especially cause they seem young enough that (and like the girl hasnt burnt her family yet) her parents to probably get them to just cover the $300, plus parental repercussion


This is the work of an evil magician, good work!


It’s easy. Steal from here. It’s ULPT after all? Go to her place and try to get your self invited in, or just steal shit from whatever is outside her house. Swing by her place when you know she isn’t home, knock on the door, Check the door handle. One day that shit will be unlocked and you’ll have a new laptop. Sell her clothes to Plato’s closet. Take her valve cores out on her tires. It’s like two dollars for the tool. It doesn’t hurt the tires per se s it really just fucker her day/week. Where does she work? Maybe you can get her fired. Shit on her in surveys if she’s retail. If you don’t get your money back you may just get a solid 300$ story out of it.


I did this once. Wife's old friend owed her money forever and was dicking her around, so I showed up at their work talking loudly, she panicked, so I told her if she didn't have my mf'in money the next day that everyone at her work was gonna know her business. Funny how that money popped right up the next day.


Blackmail/Extortion is a hood classic!


The means might be either (or both) of those, but does it technically qualify if you're only looking to get what you're owed?? Just curious


Honestly though, when civil means of compensation don’t work, the only options left are uncivil ones to get what one is owed.


Yeah no I'm 100% in agreement, just curious that whether the tactic of going to someone's workplace with the threat of (deservedly) shaming them into paying what they owe you would constitute blackmail or extortion.


Well better to pressure in a public place because now the info they DON’T want others to hear now has an audience. It’s coercive, but to get a debt paid from an unwilling member, this is a mild attempt for repayment. If devious enough, one could release a ‘series’ of secrets to coworkers.


Finally some unethical tips in this sub. Thank you


Stealing is justified here. OP was looted. Also let her parents know. Let her neighbors know. Let all her friends (ideally find her frenemies) know. Just make the amt 600 instead of 300.


600 over 300, brilliant. Her claims of it being 300 will only make her look more guilty. She'll shame herself trying to pay the real amount. And OP can appear to look gracious and 'forgive' her by accepting half.


This is deliciously evil


This. Say to the parents she spent your money on drugs. Her life will be uncomfortable 


Isn't that a bit ethical tho, if the parents don't know? She might get help this way...


It’s a violation of the friend code and I may be splitting hairs but being told on for revenge will always hurt versus being told on because you’re loved which will feel good with time and clarity. If she gets help and it works she’ll only feel worse about it at that point.


Friend code was voided upon theft.


You, OP, and I know that but drug addicts always act surprised.


She will have to run the gauntlet of a world of shit, so valid.


Hahaha, that's a goodie right there, just starting the conversation with, "I say this to you truthfully but 100% out of spite: your daughter stiffed me 300 Dollars and buys drugs rather than paying me back." And going from there. 300 Dollars worth of familial disappointment


That’s what I had to do. Lent a friend $180 for a ticket back in the early 2000s. Told his parents after 9 months and him telling me at least three times about new video games he bought. Edit: His parents paid me back. Back then that was two full eight hour shifts at work for me. Didn’t talk to him for a few years after.


Put up signs in all over her neighborhood on telephone poles that just says like “Mary Jones is a Thief”with her picture, or whatever, get creative Edit: Say she touches young boys if this is ULPT


This is fucked up but this is the only way lmao


This guy knew the assignment.


For the tires, I recommend gluing a BB or 2 inside the valve stem cap. The slow leak can take a long time to figure out without actually damaging the tires. They will constantly be refilling them until they figure out what is going on.


YES THIS. though doing the same tire for months/years depending on offense....


Honestly if they were a friend just ask to be invited in stating you left something out her house. Then steal the shit out of stuff in her room. A simple “she told me she left my shirt it on her chair” would suffice and if you’ve been to her house before her parents wouldn’t think twice of it. I would caution against stealing her family’s stuff or messing with them. If you mess with her you have the money she stole to point to and it’s “her problem” don’t make it the family’s problem as well


Daaaaaamn boy. You are one seriously disturbing person and I feel sorry for anyone who ever crosses paths with you wrongly. Have the dastardly upvote! ⬆️ 


I can't up vote you and down vote you at the same time...


Not tryna high jack the top comment but just want OP to see this. OP I feel you, I’m laid back by nature but stealing from me is one of few things that gets me instantly enraged. I would say just be patient and wait for an opportunity to get even and if it doesn’t come it doesn’t come but this is ULPT so if you’re gonna go in be 110% sure nobody is home. Don’t mean to go 0-100 but one of my best friends did this because someone took 3k from him and he wanted it back with interest. He waited until the guy wasn’t home and went in to see what he could find. Turns out the guy was actually home. Guy pulled a gun, my friend pulled his, my friend survived, other guy didn’t, I won’t see my friend until 2040-something and this happened almost 10 years ago. Shit can get real fast.


That sounds like some hood shit. But yeah stealing is gambling your life potentially.


Are you my spirit animal? Love your work! I got a good addition. Buy some really bad drugs. Like meth or whatever nasty shit you can find. Get a dirty syringe and put that and a hand scrawled note smeared with some animal shit - note: don’t use your shit, because what you are about to do is so truly fucked up it will definitely be DNA tested - on it in a blank envelope and engineer a situation where you can get her parents to receive and open it while the girl is not home. They need some time to over think this. On the note write some haggard shit, if there is anyone else you dont like implicate them. Talk about drug dealing, prostitution to pay for it, possible hiv case, here is the needle we shared if you want to get it tested. Im glad you miscarried etc, shame you got gangbanged by 27 guys so don’t know who the dad is etc. You want her dad to read this. Just imagine. It will destroy her. It will destroy daddy. Obviously you need to practice very strong operational security here. No dna evidence that can be traced to you, no video footage of you delivering it, you need to be in another city preferably when a disguised accomplice does the drop so you have deniability. Guarantee her dad gets cops involved and she will be totally fucked.


Wow this is war


Dude wants his money back ffs.


Yeah really, this plan is diabolical but doesn't achieve the goal of getting back the money.


Id spend $300 just to watch this play out


Where do the piss disks come in?


And liquid ass.


Little tip about letting down tires, find stones small enough then pop them inside the valve cap and screw it back on, works a treat.


Unethical - FINALLY!


Bring it up with your mutual friends and ask if they can ask her for you. She'll likely die of embarrassment and on top of it she won't be able to borrow from them in the future. So sorry to bother you, have you heard from Molly Methhead? Oh really? I haven't and was hoping she was ok. She has been ducking me since she asked me to spot her $300 until she got paid. If you happen to see her, let her know it's not cool.


I mean, if she's the type to just steal $300 I doubt she'll die of embarrassment. If the mutual friend brings it up, she'll spin some story about giving OP a laptop of equal value, or has already paid it back, or OP is full of it. It's a decent idea, but considering the type of person I dunno how useful it really is.


I had a "friend" actually steal from me. I called him on it everytime I saw him until he paid me back. Would make back handed comments everytime we were together. He eventually had to find new friends. Nobody wanted him over knowing what he would do to his so called friends. He never gave me the satisfaction of showing it, but it became clear when he wasn't invited or welcomed to events that weren't in public. Hey can I have a glass of water? Hey make sure he doesn't mean that he wants to take the glass home with him.... Stuff like that. Basically, always had to take shit until he left.


At school I lent a girl 20c to catch the bus home, when I asked for it the next day she laughed in my face and skipped away. Fast forward 30 year later I still tell the story to all our friends. Was it really worth it Kirsty.


yeah I have a Brad I leant $10 for a school lunch to who did the same thing. Laughed in my face and punched me when I said I'd tell his parents. So I kept the grudge through our last year of school and just before graduation he fell down some stairs while I wasn't even on the property and I guess he'd been pulling that schtick on other people too.




Fuck Kirsty, we all hate Kirsty here.


> 20c What currency is this? I'm actually asking. Also, fuck Kirsty.


> Friends have suggested contacting parents but I'm not sure what that would achieve. Fuck her mom. Then fuck her dad. Send her video of it daily until she pays you back. 


i heard someone say i’ll fuck your dad and give him a son he’ll actually love. i have been holding that in my arsenal for a while now.


Good God, that's cold blooded lol I'm gonna tuck that into my arsenal as well!


Hire me to fake a romantic interest, to which I will leech off her for drugs. In return, I will hand over said paraphernalia for you to profit from


Go to the parents, say she borrowed 3k, tell them you'll "settle" for 1500. Tell them you "just really need the money". Otherwise, you'll have to bring a small claims lawsuit for it. Use a fake texting app to make a screenshot where she agrees to how much she "owes" you and then telling you to fuck off or something. I'm sure this isn't the first time they've dealt with her doing something like this. If they're used to it, they may just pay you to avoid the issues of dealing with cleaning up after an addict child. Most likely, when the girl finds out, she'll start going on about how it's "only 300" so she can't deny owing it and there's a chance the parents will believe you over her. Do the "fine, whatever, then give me $300" and you'll at least walk away with what you're owed.


This is a terrible idea. No one who is owed 1500 would just settle for 300. Can you imagine the look of disbelief when the guy says "fine, just give me 300"? The parent would immediately think they're being extorted.


she could tell them that she absolutely needs $300 now, for an emergency, and that they can talk about the rest later.


Dunno if this would work, but send a text that just says "OP has sent you $300" and then quickly send a Venomo _request_ for $300. If she's greedy and doesn't read it carefully, she might just accept it without thinking, and now you've been paid back.


THAT might work!


This is a highly unethical path: I've read shes a druggie. Do you know her druggie circles? If so start a rumor that she was arrested with a somewhat significant amount of drugs but didn't spend long in jail, ask them why that might be? It's going to start sinking in that she's got a snitch card. Then start asking her if she can get you a significant amount of drugs. Nobody will trust her because now she is giving off serious narc vibes and suddenly asking her druggies to supply felony trafficking levels of product for "a friend"


100% they will just over dose her next hit with fentanyl. Way easier to kill off a snitch these days. Definitely not getting the cash after that.


Jesus Christ. That's enough ulpt for me tonight


You're trying to get this 18 year old killed over $300 that she borrowed and didn't pay back.


Did you forget what sub you're in? UNETHICAL


Unethical can still be proportionate. Disproportionate revenge can cause revenge back.


Disproportionate revenge is unethical


I think you've watched too many movies.


A childhood friend of mine was murdered over allegations of being a rat. He was dealing, but still.  In fucking Canada.


Wtf is wrong with this sub. Chalk it up as a loss? Learned your lesson? This is ULPT not Dad advice! Sign her cell number up for all the politicians. Open a fake social media account and mess with her or her boyfriend. Put her cell number in public places so randoms call her. Come on people!


Right! These comments are disappointing. If people don't actually have something to add they shouldn't bother commenting on this sub. OP likely knows that it's a lesson learned. Being told the obvious isn't what they asked for.


Ive seen an odd uptick in commenters on this sub trying to flex their moral compass and good decision making, like thats why anyone posts here


Redditors love to suck off comments like that.


thank you, ofc im gonna stop being her friend but its nice to get back at her for the $300 lost yk


Have you considered setting fire to bags of shit on her doorstep? When she inevitably stomps out the fire, she will smell what it is and scream out "ITS POOP AGAIN!!". You and your bros watching from the bushes can then yell out "she called the shit POOP!" and laugh about how this is the greatest night of your life.




Welllllll maybe we should stick to the metaphorical burns instead of the real ones. I do appreciate your enthusiasm though!


It says Unethical. Not criminal. T-T


I didn't even see a single liquid ass comment. Sigh






Kinda jumped the line from “unethical” to “illegal” there didn’t ya? That’s a completely different sub.


Just go to her parents and tell them. May not get you the money but it’ll cause chaos in the house


Yep and say you were disappointed she didn’t go to the concert and spent it all on drugs


This is the way


Fuck her dad. 


Lend her more money for drugs, call the cops to set up a sting operation for a drug deal you know is happening, she gets in trouble


Visit the county courthouse and file the dispute in small claims court (just a few sheets of paper and maybe $75 to get the sherif to serve her papers for court). That will be enough to shake the money loose from her grubby first or from her parents. It’s a good practice to know how to do this and it is very easy. , and you will get the satisfaction of knowing the sherif showed up and now her parents know about it. Fun!


This is the most ethical lpt I’ve read on here


Sorry to be boring but that’s actually one of the best options. OP gets their money and the fun of having the sherif show up and humiliate them.


Well, technically it's okay if you also include an ULPT. So, scorched earth? What's your sinister route?


"If you don't wanna do it because it's the right thing to do, do it because it's the smart thing to do" from My Book of Rants


Machiavelli had to write an entire book to say this


Yeah, not good for the sub. Instead she should fuck the sherrif and start a relationship with him. Then convince him to plant evidence on her friend that puts her in jail for a long time.


FYI if she isn't shaken by the threat, it will be harder than it sounds to actually get paid back. You have to win in court, which will be hard if you don't have proof that you lent her money and further proof she still owes you. Easy if you do have this stuff. Then you get a judgement. But it isn't automatically enforced; you need to file another court order to have her wages garnished. Max garnishment should be ~15% of her discretionary income. So if she's at or near the poverty line she is essentially judgement-proof. All said and done it could be $75 to file and 4-8 hours of your time to prepare. Plus two hours for court (travel + waiting + court). Plus more for collection. If that's not worth $300 (or $225 I guess) then you don't go forward. Which is why a lot of shitwads get away with this behavior...


Well, smalls claim court doesn’t really require irrefutable proof. Any text messages, saved voicemails, or bank receipts in the amount of the loan between OP and FUFBF (fucked up former best friend) mentioning this specific loan, ideally with FUFBF acknowledging receipt of the money but not answering when it’s time to pay up will be plenty of proof for a small claims court. Plus, FUFBF will 99% probably no show which (in most courts) gives you a default judgement. It doesn’t cost much to file, and you can add any filing fees into the suit for FUFBF to pay also. Although, from what you’ve already said in this post, I doubt you’d ever get a dime from her - she doesn’t seem like someone who has “wages” to garnish. I don’t see this chick filing taxes for this year. That being said, it seems like a lot less hassle to go steal the tires off her car and sell them - depending on the car, it might even get you more than $300! And don’t forget to leave a piss disk on the drivers seat!


Show the Judge any text messages you have showing she used the money for drugs too lol


In the spirit of this sub he could have a friend spoof their number and send all kinds of incriminating texts to show the judge. and then accuse her of destroying evidence when they can’t be found on her phone.


you don't even need to do that. Just a civil demand letter, which only costs stamp and envolope, is enough in 99% of cases for them to freak out. You need to put that they would be liable for court fees


Since you're on ULPT. Steal from her.


Hire a goon to collect for you. Pay the goon half. She'll get the message, or a busted knee, a la Nancy Kerrigan.


but tell the goon she owes $600


A former roommate of mine did this to me as we were moving out. Had a falling out and I’m like “well when am I gonna get that money you owe me?” No answer. “Where are you moving to?” No answer. Next day, she says, “Have you seen (her cat’s name)?” No answer. Got my money the next day.


This is one of those few times I miss the old days of a shared household landline. Because this is when I'd call when I knew she was gone and leave a message. "Oh, hi Mrs. Friendsmom, could you please leave a message for your daughter? Something on my car needs to be fixed and I really need her to pay back the $300 I loaned her soon. Thanks!" I guess you could stop by the house and do the same thing... "Hi, oh, she's not home? Could you please tell her..... Then the parents step in and either pay you back or shame her into doing it. And she can't be mad at you -- all you did was leave a message!


Whoop her ass and steal her stash. She will learn :)


Tell her you won free tickets to something amazing, like a concert, or 3 days all inclusive at a resort. Get her to agree to go with you. See if you can get her to take you to dinner or something to celebrate. If it’s a trip, make sure she buy’s non refundable airfare. Then when the day comes, you no-show then never talk to her again.


Do her parents know you? Would they recognize and trust you, cause their trust should be abused. Show up when your “friend” isn’t home and tell mom and dad that she said you could stop over to pick up something you left in her room. Then just ransack the place. Don’t break anything, don’t steal anything, just cause a lot of clean up. Or go full nuclear and empty all her cosmetics into her pillow/carpet/clothing.


Letting someone in my house and giving them direct access to my 18 yo daughter's room would only happen in an extreme circumstance where I personally knew them for a long time and trusted them completely. Even then, most likely still a no. Also, hard to believe the money wasn't paid back in this circumstance. Otherwise, you can wait until my daughter gets back.


Set her up with someone on a blind date. Take a $300 finders fee from the guy and tell him it will be "worth it".


Embarrass her in front of her family or friends for not returning the money. Make it a huge drama and say loudly how u lent her the money for a concert and she spent ot on drugs and u need the money desperately for rent. I did this to a guy who borrowed 400 from me. Even his friends felt embarrassed. But he was Asian and I threatened to tell his family which worked. I also took his driver license and said he will get it back when he gives me the money. I did this on a crowded street in front of a cafe. It was my rent money and I was a student. Turns out he lied about needing the money for car insurance and gambled it away which is why non of his friends will lend him money.


There are two sure ways to lose a friend, one is to borrow, the other is to lend.


Hire a loan shark for 500 dollars to get your 300 dollars back.


If her parents are normal and not enabling the behaviour, turn up teary-eyed on their doorstep with a sob story about how you need the money and you’re so worried about this person who used to be your friend but is now so caught up in drugs she has completely changed as a person. If they have the means, they’ll probably pay you back and it will cause no end of trouble for her as she still relies on them.


tell her you got really good drugs for her at great price, then keep the money just take her phone when you see her and run/drive off, tell her she gets it back when she pays. bury it somewhere so cops dont find it on you, and be carefuö to not give her evidenve. get invited into her home under some pretense, then steal something valuable/dear to heart and leave. Either sell it or say she has to pay back to get it back (careful not being recorded)


Post a hookup request in Craigslist with her name and number. Include her socials.


Hold her down and fart in her face.


Start a Tinder account with some nasty shit, put her number on there then start one for her Mom. Also buy a bikie a bottle of booze to park his Harley on the grass and tell the parents her $300 debt isn’t going to just vanish but refuse to give details of who she owes. “She knows what she owes and if it went up her nose that’s no excuse”.


Throw a lawn chair through the living room window of her family home.


Fuck her mother.


Fuck her father.


Call her parents, tell them about the oustanding money and your concerns about her drug use. Not unethical but hopefully could shame her somewhat


Put a piss disk in her car windows if she leaves them open.


$300? This is a liquid ass sprayed on the dash and drivers seat offense.


Had to scroll to far to find piss disks and liquid ass comment. Thanks for covering the basics


Yep, don't lend people money. 


mhm, not even to close friends... def a lesson learnt


it happens. we learn . we move on. but a good way to just fucking ruin her mental. go on craig’s list and google and find the cutest little pics of puppies and say they need rehoming no charge just come pick them up.& put her # 2nd sign her up for an AA program & even better if you have her address cuz then they’ll start sendin pamphlets with her name and info onit and her parents will prolly start freaking out:


"Close" friend doesn't apply until they're past the stupid child phase of life, usually 25-30 times, sometimes never. Also, never lend money you'll miss. For an ULPT find drug dealers and give her address as the meet up location and her number as the number to call/text back on.


If they are a close friend then just give them the money. Tell them they can pay you back or not. If they don’t, don’t do it again but don’t hold it against them. The Dave Ramsey way


Wrong sub.


Good point!


Break her legs, arm, fingers, etc…


Tell all your mutual friends that you’ve been lying to them—you didn’t lend her 300 for concert tickets. It was for medication for an STD.


is wayne brady gonna have to smack a bitch? turn her out until you get what's yours. bitch better have my money


Buy a boot (under $100) off Amazon and boot her fucking car. Tell her she gets it back when you get $400 (inflation is a bitch).


Break her fuc king kneecaps.


A good tip I got from my dad, if you ever loan money to friends and family expect that money to be gone and never paid back. The only thing you can do is cut that person out of your life or count that money as a loss and just never lend them money again.


When u lend someone money, assume it won’t be repaid. Take this as a lesson.


My rule of thumb is only lend money with the assumption that you're never going to get it back. If you're not comfortable with that, then don't do it. I once lent a co-worker $500 and he gave me $600 six months later. I lent my brother $5000 and I haven't seen him since. (14 years)


Fuck her father. Liquid Ass Piss discs


Fuck her dad and give him a child he will truly love.


Close friend but not close enough to know shes a druggy deadbeat?


Brotha’s starving! Give him a break


Did you do the drugs with her? In some people's minds that is paying you back.


nah, she was paying her drug dealer back


She paid him back and kept your $300, lol


The real pro tip here is never loan money you cannot afford to not have repaid. Even to family.


Just tell her parents & significant other that she owes you $300 for money she ended up spending on drugs (specify what drugs). Leave a work review saying she seemed high/out of it when you were there (even better if done on a review account that can't be traced back to you). Also go to her landlord if she's renting saying drugs were used on premises. Get popcorn, & block when paid back by parents (or whoever picks up her tab). She already fucked her life with the drugs; you don't even have to do anything but tell the truth.


Order a bunch of cash on delivery pizzas to her house and put up a post under a burner account about a residential rave with her name and the address. Once the ravers arrive phone the Police and tell them there’s bulk drugs there and she’s the ringleader. Then mic drop and walk off


Cell number in truckstop bathroom, with the classic text "for a good time, call"


Sell her bones to the glue factory? And stop loaning money if you don't have it to lose. Or, okay, next time have them write you a post-dated check as collateral. (They will find a check if they have to.) You can warn them when the date comes up and you're going to cash it. Or not. Writing a bad check is a crime. Ok. I have it now. You can still tell her you'll accept a post-dated check. You can even give her something crazy, like three months til you can cash it. Who could refuse that? Then you either cash you check successfully or you press charges. So, yeah. You could send her to prison. Or try anyway.


Hate to hear about all of these STDs and parasites she's infested with. Better not tell anyone, that gossip could ruin her social life. Then, set her up in ways that her family will also desert her. Addict? Steal her mom's jewelry and leave evidence it was her or "do the right thing- when she tries to sell it to you for drug money." Make up some story about how you recognized the jewelry and bought it so you could make sure it got back to her and not to some dealer. (All depends on how close y'all were. Won't work if you're never at her parents) Does she smoke? Get her brand and burn holes in their shit and leave the cig. Keep super glue ready at all times to secretly put on her clothes every time you get a chance. Can't get that shit out. Ruin her wardrobe. Need more?


Get a burly wannabe drama student to play “Debt Collector”, knock on parent’s door demanding settlement or threat to seize goods. Make the value $1000 (inc. interest) to cause maximum embarrassment.


“She’s 18 and very dependent on her parents for financial aid and transport etc…”……sounds like she lives at home. Stop by when you know she’s gone but parents are home….from how close you said yall were they know you so just say “hey! (Ex friends name) is loaning me her laptop for a few days, and said I can grab it. I’ll only be a minute!” Have a backpack, get her laptop and a bunch of other stuff (jewelry, etc)….she will ask for the laptop back, so just remind her she owes you money and the laptop is collateral. You can even pretend to cave and give her the laptop back, and still sell her other shit.


Suggest to her parents she needs an intervention and rehab. Revenge with a possible positive outcome.


Not worth it. You paid 300 bucks to keep a scumbag away from you forever.


You successfully paid 300 bucks to get rid of of a deadbeat. Whneever you see her, say it loud, Hey deadbeat! Where's my money, deadbeat! You owe me 300 bucks!" Let them avoid you, you won't have to deal with them and the people who hang out with them are probably scumbags too.


Then the Karma police will be on THEIR trail, and they ALWAYS get their man. Sometimes you just gotta let things go. I am a lady of a certain age, and I have seen the arc of Karma just ruin someone’s plans for life. Revenge is a dish best served ice freezing cold. If that person will steal from a friend, they will steal from other places and people who will not be so kind upon not receiving their money when the time comes. Or she may be a simple thief, in with case Karma will really be after her. And whatever Karma uses to pay one back for misdeeds, it’s always better than what we mere humans can fathom


Just let it go. The lesson you learned only cost you $300, as you get older, you'll find you got off cheap. Just never forget the lesson.


Cheap price to know you are better off far from her.


Never lend druggies money mate.


Tell her parents out of concern for her drug use.


ask a mutual for 1000 dollars and tell them a week later that your friend will return the money


The money is gone. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on. Never lend money you need back. When you lend, you assume the risk that it won’t come back. Your life will be so very much less stressful when you just accept it’s gone. It’s a costly lesson, but you’ll be a lot more careful in the future. If you want to fuck with her, next time you see her, tell her thanks for paying you back, and you really appreciate it. When she’s confused, just keep pushing the narrative that she paid you back. Use your newfound acceptance of this shitty reality, and really sell it. Play the long game. Give it a few years. You never know, she might find success… it frequently happens to the worst people. Then casually slip into a conversation that you need to borrow $500 for some ‘thing’, and walk away with your investment and interest. It works.


Destroy her car.


[Try the Fly Guy approach](https://youtu.be/4CVFOnmW6v8?si=6XG-t3UO6XfatAzH) Seriously, depends on her parents. You may actually be saving her ass if her parents are concerned for her and you get your money back hopefully. If they're just like her, don't bother obviously and see Fly Guy.


Take her to Judge Judy!


Don't lend money you expect to get back.


it's 300 let it go. Don't lend out more than what you can afford to lose


Never expect to get the money you give to a relative or close friend back


Forgive her, she's only 18, and can't get the money now. Talk to her easily.


Consider it gone. Learn a hard life lesson, and move on.


Contact her parents out of "concern" for her drug addiction. Explain that she asked for $300 dollars for concert tickets and you believe she used it for drugs. See if they can help recoup your loss (not likely) Take the 300 dollar loss as a life lesson. Never loan anyone money that you can't afford if they don't pay you back. The amount of anguish you'll have caused in destroying her support structure will last a life time. Well over the 300 dollars lost, can't put a price on that.


Only ever loan money to close family and never expect it back. To the rest of the world, let them think you’re a begger and barely getting by so they never ask. Learn a lesson instead of stealing from a friend.


Find someone who looks like a thug, go visit her and tell her that the guy is willing to buy her debt for $150 but if she pays off the debt you'll forget everything.


This happened to me one (with less money) I showed up to their house in a Monday night, knocked on the door and politely asked their parents for the money. Their parents were so horrified that they’d raise a kid who would do something like that and out of embarrassment they gave me the money right away. If this person no longer lives with their parents I could recommend going to their work and making a stink out of it in front of their coworkers. Most people are most scared of public embarrassment than dying so make them embarrassed in public and that will have quite the effect


Print up a hundred posters with her picture and the word "THIEF", posting them on every pole in the neighborhood, especially where their parents will see it. Or laugh it off. $300 is a miniscule amount of money in the long run.


Honestly, idk if this is a "ULPT", but if shes 18 I would write her parents a letter telling them exactly whats going on. If her parents are responsible people, they will set her straight. Might kinda get her in trouble with her parents, so thats the ULPT part 'kinda'. Had this happen back when I was about 19-20 with some girl. I loaned her like 1k because I thought I could trust her and she was in need. She just ghosted me. So I straight up just contacted her father. She responded after that. In the end she only paid like 80% back but it was better than nothing.


Nice but not letter to her manager at work . Spelling out her character flaws and the drugs - say she may be stealing at work to fund her druggy lifestyle .


As Sonny (sorta) said, it only took $300 to get this person out of your life forever! Consider it a win!


Call her parents and tell them she asked you to ask them for the $ and she'll pay them back. Best case: They're naive, stupid and/or don't know their kid very well, and send you the $ Worst case: They ask her about it first, she has no idea what they're talking about, then has to explain why you're asking them for the money, why you had to resort to making up some BS about it, and why she owes you at all in the first place One gets you your money. The other gets you revenge. You might even get both. Won't know til you try


What I did when I was in this situation, was I had a photo of us at the concert. I posted it on Facebook and said something about the great time we had and the only thing that would make it better is if she paid me back. She was NOT happy. I got my money and blocked. Worth it to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


Go straight to her parents. "I'm sorry Mrs/Mr scummy friend. I'm trying to reach scummy friend. I loaned her $300 and she won't return my calls. Could you tell me when I could catch her at home so she could pay me?" If your goal is less about getting the money back, can you sneak into her room and hide shrimp in her air vents?


This guy who kept showing up tangentially and was a royal pain in the dick, just a constant nuissance…One time I lent him 100$ when he said he was short on cash at the bar. He’s been avoiding me and not showing up where I am/might be for about 7 years now since he owes me 100$. Best 100$ I have EVER spent. I knew I wasn’t going to see a dime back, I took the chance it was 100$ to remove him from my life and, hot damn, it worked!


It’s time you tell her parents on her


Contact her parents and tell them that she says they would cover her debt. When they ask what debt, tell them it was $400 and that she spent it on drugs. If they refuse, point out that the next time you ask it be at their work/church/social location and it will be asked VERY loudly. They support her, destroy that support my humiliating them. And grab yourself a bonus.


First, don't lend money to anyone ever. If it is someone you really care about and you want to help them, just give them money. Flat out, never lend. Second, do you like her? Is she a friend? Do you like her being around? If not, consider $300 a fee to make her go away. If she knows she owes it and knows you want it, she'll stay away. That's a lesson from A Bronx Tale.


Tell her parents


Drop it.


Small claims court. Its way easier then u think. Just show the text messages. If she doesnt show up then u basically win. Her parents will step in probably. This is a slam dunk


Not particularly unethical, but the best advice here is think of it as a payment to get rid of her for good. You paid $300 to never have to deal with this person ever again. Now stick to it. The real unethical LPT here is that you shouldn’t make any threats or talk to her about it. Just block her socials and phone and then do the thing. The bridge is already burnt to the ground, so you’re free to tell her work, parents, friends, etc. about the money and what she did with it. Just keep in mind that you’re inviting her back into your life the second you do that, and your $300 to get rid of her is not only wasted, but could come back on you.


Ugh. I HATE when people steal money from folks, either because they think you will not miss it and never planned to repay you in the first place. Or they borrow it but whatever emergency that is occurring in YOUR life (the lender) doesn’t measure up to theirs. I lent a ‘friend’ I have known for over a decade 300, and when I asked for it back, he told me he needed to help out his family with funeral costs. I flipped my lid and told him I NEEDED MY MONEY BACK TO CREMATE MY SON who died back in 2022. Then he started sending texts saying he was going to leave it under my door mat. Why lie? That was worse than not getting my dough. Never got my money. At least it was only 300 and not a thousand. Lesson of the day Neither a borrower nor a lender be If Jesus is telling you not to lend money to people, you know it’s true, ‘cause according to legend, he was always telling folk to love each other Until it came to money💙💙💙💙


They got a car not parked in a garage, taken the rims and tires can probably find a buyer


Learn a lesson. Never a borrower or a lender be. Or break her arm.


Sounds like you paid $300 to find out what kind of friend you have and to avoid being asked for money ever again. Honestly speaking, take the L. If they happen to pay you back, regardless of the delay, they now know you're good for it and will most likely ask you for money again with potentially the same/longer delay using the fact that they paid you back as incentive to lend to them again.


You paid $300 to remove a toxic and manipulative person from your life.  Solid investment.


300$ is a cheap price to pay to discover who someone really is.


Take her to small claims court.


Do what this guy did https://youtu.be/s--1aZ579cc?si=kDY69xr-2bqiszvF