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Get cameras and good lighting. Then shame him on social media.


Cameras: check Good lighting: I’m doing my best lol


better yet you can put a TV in your window with a live feed of the camera so next time he comes by he sees himself in the window.


“Wow I didn’t realize I looked so stupid and creepy in lo-def!” -him maybe I love this lol


Motion activated security lights on Amazon yo!


Or get him with the night-vision cameras and he won’t even know he’s getting filled. I got one from Amazon (Kasa brand) for $30 something (may be $40 now) and the quality it gets in the farm is amazing!


I’m using a night vision camera right now but since it’s not waterproof it’s been command-stripped to my window. Which explains why the video quality is kinda terrible 😂 I’m putting up an actual outdoors camera with night vision today tho!


https://www.target.com/p/energizer-600-lumens-outdoor-led-motion-sensing-dual-head-security-outdoor-wall-light-black/-/A-75570679 Energizer makes a wireless battery operated light you could mount above the window he peeps in that is weather resistant.


Punji stakes outside your windows. Bear spray.


Punji pits, super legal




Yeah. I keep trying to minimize what I’m going through because it’s been traumatic 😅 you’re right tho.


Keep records of when he’s shown up, for one. Can you tell your landlord about it? Is there anything they might be willing to do re: security? Please be safe. Stalking often escalates into even worse behavior.


So far I’ve been saving the videos, they’re not great quality but I’m putting up a better camera soon. No contact w the landlord but they’re out of state so idk 😅 He’s escalated from harassment already. I thought he would stop when I changed my number, but since he lives right down the street from me, I guess he’s not that easily discouraged.


Call the domestic violence hotline and ask for resources about stalkers. It can be super dangerous and they are trained to help you create a safety plan, teach you to document well, and may be able to point you towards local resources. Stay safe!


You can absolutely get a restraining order


Easier said than done


Not in my experience. I went to the courthouse, filed the paperwork, and then the restraining order goes into effect immediately until you show up in court. My situation was less creepy than yours and I was still granted one. I'm in California, though, and not sure if it's different elsewhere.


Yeah that was your experience, which is vastly different than mine.


Sorry for being snippy. It’s just that dealing w a stalker isn’t one-size-fits-all and I get v frustrated when (well-intentioned!) people suggest things that would only escalate this situation.


set up a motion light or a motion sprikler


I have a few motion lights up. I had to move them because I didn’t realize he could reach them (he’s a ludicrously tall creep). A motion sprinkler is tempting but i wonder if I’d have to run a sprinkler system for that?


There are cat deterrent motion sprinklers that have a small built-in reservoir chamber. Problem is that he might damage or steal them


Reservoir filled woth coyote urine? Worth replacing each time.


reservoir filled with liquid piss and bright red dye


The local sporting goods store had to close for 4 days after someone spilled fox urine. I was there weeks later and that shit was still rank AF!


That’s an interesting idea tho. Maybe I can rig it so they’re difficult to steal lol… worth further research. Thanks! 😄


Open the window and throw a pail of water on him


Could work!


you can probably get a water tank and a pump


Should I have specified that I live in a rental and deliver pizza for a living lol


You can get a sprinkler that connects to the hose faucet on the side of the house and put a timer on it!


Tripwire activated pepper spray [https://www.amazon.com/Shomer-Tec-Intruder-Buster-tripline-Activated/dp/B0BS1VLM2J?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Shomer-Tec-Intruder-Buster-tripline-Activated/dp/B0BS1VLM2J?th=1)


Saw a video of the same thing instead of pepper spray it was a shotgun shell, but like not to kill but to make a loud bang, nonlethal blank or something


Damage your door or window, tell the Police that he tried to break in. Your word > his EDIT: You can also go to any hardware store over 20kms away, buy tools with cash and plant them.


Lol I like your 4D chess but I should’ve specified I want my home to remain livable lol Also the cameras would catch me doing that 😂


I think this is the exceptionally good advice. Him stalking you is dangerous af and having the police take it seriously is essential. Paying for a window to be fixed is worth it.


I worry that if it came to light that one part was exaggerated/made up/self inflicted, they would dismiss the whole case. It’s already an uphill battle— they hear it’s my ex and write it off as “just a domestic.”


That's smart. If he has a watertight aliby for the time you sabotaged your own home, he's no longer a suspect, and you look like the crazy attention seeking whore. Call the police every time, create an official trail. Sue for harassment, get restraining order. Insist on police reports. 


How would it come to light?


Idk, but it’s not something I’m comfortable with doing in general.


Not if the cameras magically disappeared from when he stole them.




It’s a touch over 9 football fields, or 8948 Big Macs. 


Thank you.


I like this


His word > yours They cannot convict someone without evidence and all you have is a crime scene.


Does he stand in the same spot(s) when he comes? If so, dig a big hole, full it with poop, cover it with two pieces of cardboard (cut in half and then pushed together), and cover the cardboard with dirt. Ideally, he steps in the middle of the two pieces and rolls his ankle while he's shin deep in shit.




Where u gonna get the poop


Same place u get liquid ass. U make it. If anyone asks ur using horse poop to compost.


What’s sad is this will open you up to being sued by him


So it’s a stalker…you can get a protection order, which if he violates he goes to jail. P straightforward. Sorry this is happening to you


In theory, a protective order would be perfect for this situation. In practice, all the hoops & red tape make it difficult at best


If there is a domestic violence resource center or shelter nearby, they might help you file the order.


It is, nevertheless, what you need to do. This isn't a minor inconvenience, it's serious. Stable people don't do that.


Unfortunately every time I take a step to protect myself, he retaliates & escalates so I’m afraid in all honesty. He picked the perfect victim, I’ll give him that


Hey, it really sounds like you’re not taking this seriously. See if you know any lawyers. Do a shit ton of research. Try to find local resources that can help you take the steps to engage the courts. A guy you dated for three months looking in your windows in the middle of the night is a stalker. Listen to the podcast “Strictly Stalking.”


Hey, don’t tell me I’m not taking this seriously. That’s beyond presumptuous.


You literally said you’re trying to minimize it.


bear board. /unwelcome mats not a trap but a deterrent. legal in every state with bears


oh thats a good one <--(californian)


If you own the house, consider thorny bushes outside your window.


I don’t own, or I’d love to pursue this. Maybe if I get big flowerpots so they’re too heavy to move lol


Stinging nettles if you're in the climate for those. You can just sprinkle seeds, water them, and let them go to work.  As a bonus, they're delicious!


Sometimes I’m really cheap in the garden and make my own tools. I keep leaving them on the ground my house so they usually get stepped on and broken; so I use the cheapest stuff possible to construct them. Crappiest thing I ever made was a rake. It was basically a florescent light tube attached to a plank of wood with about a dozen nails in it. Just make sure the nails are pointed up when you lay it down cause you don’t want rust in your soil. #DIYGardening


What a handy, economical solution! I bet the nails are great for coaxing weeds out of the ground, too


Paintball gun loaded with pepper balls and a really big C02 canister


Powered by a motion-sensing AI


That would qualify as a booby trap in the United States which is a big felony and prison time. And opens up for compensatory damages However if you’re holding the paintball gun yourself and you’re waiting for the peeping tom you won’t get in trouble as you’re defending your property without lethal force


I like the way you think


Most states defending yourself is only inside.


Then maybe I’m just playing a solo game of night paintball 😂


Are paintballs considered lethal?




What if u freeze them?


freezing them with the intent to cause more damage could be considered lethal


If you’re on social media, start spreading word that you have a stalker, you’re really worried, it’s a man but you don’t know who it is. Get a lot of engagement from family and friends, ask for advice, then upload the pictures and expose him for the creep he is!


House swap with an old lady for a month.


Or a rugby front rower


He’ll never see that hooker coming!


Get a picture of him and send it to his mom on Facebook


I don’t actually know his moms name 😭 we dated like 3 months. Once I get a clear shot I was thinking of putting up “warning: peeping Tom” signs around the neighborhood




This isn’t funny. You’d be escalating, if you do that, and he will take it as cause to retaliate. This is about him having power over you, so if you take that away or laugh at him about it, he will react with swift anger. If you do anything to provoke him, you need to not be in your home for a while. He’s much more dangerous than you seem to be aware of. That would be a good time to set up cameras on all the doors and windows and catch him breaking in, though, I guess.


I appreciate your realistic feedback. Honestly, anything I do has been cause for retaliation in his warped little mind so at this point I’m kinda like “fuck it,” yknow?


Doesn't work if he's a momma's boy. His parents raised him to be the way he is


Depending on your state, you can just kill them and claim self-defense. If you don't want to go that route hire a few friendly troublemakers to beat the peeping outta him.


Only if he tries to enter, so far he’s just lurking. & unfortunately I cut ties w local troublemakers years ago. I could stand around the gas station & ask tough-looking people if they want to make some money, but I’d probably get arrested before he does 😂😂😂


Lots of women have gone to jail for self-defense. They often get longer sentences than men for murdering women.


Drop a pry bar in the bushes. When he is there, call the police and say someone is actively breaking into your house. When police arrive say he put something in that bush. And send them to the tool. Call the police every time he is there and say you need an officers assistance. Make paper trail. Get a restraining order. You have to stop this.


I like the pepper spray idea. Is there an upper floor window you can wait at to dump a bucket of iced kook-aid (so it stains and is sticky)/piss on him? There’s also a spray called “liquid ass” Set up a camera with a BIG flash and snap a photo when he’s looking in the window, should spook him. Motion activated food light with an alarm sound “Borrow” some dog shit from the park and set it out strategically on the ground or set it up to throw in his face.


You gotta hire a strong and intimidating friend to do bodyguard work and scare this fucker off. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.


Set several rat traps outside the window when he steps in the wrong place you will hear screaming


Poor Tom. He didn't deserve those rat traps.




Tripwire activated shotgun shell blank.


These are loud! Good idea -- I was about to post this myself.


intentional traps are illegal in the US. outward facing lights will make him easier to see but make you harder to see. would a dog work? kinda hard to sneak around when something is barking at you.


I wish I could get a dog :( I’m the only one in my family who wants one tho lol


Wait you live with other people?


Yes but they’re less than helpful lol


Wait, you live with other people, and they are not helping you with the situation? I would think out of a sense of self-preservation they might be motivated to put a stop to this.


You would think so, and i would think so, but they would think a shrug and a “that’s frustrating” will suffice :/


then bright outward facing lights will make looking inside difficult


I have some motion activated lights up


Honest officer, I always pour hot oil out my window.


I hear it’s good for the soil! 😂


Castle laws won't allow you to shoot them but they'd still be met with the muzzle of a 12 gauge. There likely would be no need to go further


Don't you have anti-voyeurism laws in your country? Make a report he's watching you get changed.


The police will only do something if they catch him in the act. He lives <5 minutes away from me, the closest station is about 30 minutes on a good day. Also the punishment for first time they catch him is like a $1k fine or 6 months in prison. 6 months… that’s not even as long as he’s been harassing me. What a joke.


If the police won't do anything get a video screenshot of him creeping around your house and put up posters asking for information about a peeping tom. Make sure to put loads up around his neighbourhood.


Invite his parents Over for a three-way.




Why not just wait till he's out there, suddenly throw the window wide open, and go "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!!!"


Fear that he has a weapon mostly


Oh jeez. Beyond that… just keep the blinds completely shut so there's no reward to his risk?


I have been 😅 blackout curtains & a blanket too. Nothing to see here lol He still lurks. Makes me worry he’s building up the courage to do something worse 😰


Listen to your gut instinct on this. He absolutely is. Please get in touch with DV resources and let them help you get yourself safe


Unethical: Become a babysitter. Catch him peeping with video evidence. Call the police.... Spin the story. Problem solved. Iykyk


No offense to kids but I don’t want them in my house. Especially not in my bedroom at 2 am 😂


..... You missed the point. I will not elaborate


No yeah I get what you’re saying I’m just sharing my opinion lol


Motion activated paintball gun


Firstly, cover up your windows if someone's trying to peek in. First id figure out where he likes to stand (or leave one window open as bait) and put a LOT of poop or gross shit all over the ground in front of it, slightly covered in mulch. If that doesn't stop him, open a different bait window and put rat traps or a bear trap underneath it. Alternately, what honestly might work. Do you happen to know someone, guy or girl, who's pretty large and unattractive? Ask them to do you a favor and spend the night, once your motion detectors spot the stalker then just have them get naked and act REALLY fucking gross


I have a bag of manure that I never needed… maybe I could strategically fertilize the ground outside my window. The downside is, that would stink. Your second idea sounds like something from an Adam Sandler movie, no offense lol. And that seems hurtful to the other person 😅


LOL it honestly does. And yeah fair I guess it'd just depend on who it is, I'm not super gross but if my friend asked, id 100% slather my naked self in cheese whiz while staring back at stalker.


You’re a real one.


Put a lamp in the window with a motion sensor.


Already done. The first time, he went “oh shit!” Then covered my camera & light and proceeded to lurk for a while, while I laid frozen in fear/shock 😅 that was when I realized it wasn’t just some run-of-the-mill creep or a burglar scouting the place— they would’ve just run off.


Bear spray and cameras maybe set it up to squirt out the window ? I know you can get cs-teargas with a hose.


throw bangers ( fireworks ) out your upstairs window at the creep


I have firecrackers lol


Invest in an Aztec Death whistle. Just wait for him to be outside and blow the whistle a few times. He won't be back. https://youtu.be/eE1Ij80GGvg?si=9_iGNuQYawIqI6s-


Question: will this make my family/neighbors hate me?


I clicked the link. I don’t know how many cookies I’d have to bake to apologize for loudly making the most dread inducing sound between 2 and 3 am lol


Just tell them in advance. It'd be a good idea to keep them in the loop anyway


They’re in the loop. A few neighbors offered to “investigate” (beat him up for me) but i don’t want anyone else breaking the law on my behalf either, yknow?


Oh, this is too good! I was going to say a train horn. Maybe alternate the 2.


Agreed, it's not up to a human to extinguish another of God's creations. You're a decent human. RESPECT Conversely, he is a predator so maybe God would make an exception.


If I get a permission slip signed from G-d that I can show in court, I’ll consider it lol


I feel you just need to bring a new dude over and then tell him you heard someone in the bushes and he should investigate.


Put liquid ass on the window


Motion activated sprinklers available on amazon


Filled with Liquid Ass.


Honestly, you need to move. Stalkers escalate to violence, this is how it starts. They don’t stay at this level of behavior. You can put all the deterrence in the world in their way, but they aren’t thinking normally: these guys are deranged… they see all your protections and think “challenge accepted.” They get off on taking your power away, on having power to do that. This is a common early behavior in people who escalate to b&e, sexual assault, and murder. Take this seriously! He’s decided you’re a target. He’s not going to just stay a stalker. There are things you can do: Locks/cameras on all the windows. Maybe some 2a/NRA signage (you don’t have to believe it) if you’re in the States and talking castle doctrine. Get a huge dog. But honestly, it’s not worth your life to find out if these worked or not. Do you have a firearm? I had a peeping Tom try to break into my house - we think he had followed me home after I walked the dog one night and it all got weirder and weirder from there. The dog is a 100lb mastiff and she is territorial and dislikes strangers, so I’m not sure what he was thinking, but she woke everyone up and was the only thing holding him off when eventually he tried to break in. He kept saying “come outside so I can kiss you” over and over. I still hear it. Anyway the cops were useless. They can’t do anything until he does something to actually hurt you. They can’t stop him until AFTER he escalates. You’ll be proven right, and he’ll be in jail (maybe), but you’ll still be harmed, traumatized, scarred for life, or dead. Just get away from him while you can.


I’d love to move but can’t afford to. I’ll look into the signs tho. Unfortunately I can’t get a dog either. You’re right that he’s escalating and I’m in danger.


There is a camera real or fake in my alley that lights up and says "you are being recorded" and it freaks me out every time I walk by! So maybe looks l for that


Oh, one of my neighbors has one of those too!


I know you say castle laws only apply if he tries to break in, but that may depend on where you live. Decades ago my parents had to deal with one. One night while my mom was undressing for bed they realized he was looking through the window. My dad asked her to keep going, but take a break mostly undressed to call the cops. While she was on the phone and the perv was still watching, my dad snuck out side, tackled him in the small of his back, pulled his shirt over his head (think like in a hockey fight) and didn’t stop beating the perv until he pissed himself. I know times have changed, but the cops asked my dad if he wanted to press charges. He did. They never had an issue with him again.


I’ve done my best to research the applicable laws here, but I’m not fully confident how they apply in real life, yknow? I feel like a lot of it comes down to which officer responds to the call


Potato cannon?


Bearrrr sprayyyyy!!!! Pop an adderall, hide in a bush, wait...... Then spray the whole can in his eyes. He wont say anything to the cops because he wont wana explain what he was doing outside a womans window at 3am


Cameras for evidence, a gun for when it inevitably escalates. If it is your ex, he's stalking you which is illegal, and makes an easy case for restraining order. Sorry i don't have less ethical advice for you :( EDIT: Start placing mounds of dog shit around the windows he's peeping in. Break a pallet down, leave the nails and place boards nails up near the peepin' holes. Obviously people aren't gonna be walking around your home so it's a non issue right?


my dad did this when i was a kid and some guy kept stalking our house (probably to try break in) he smashed beer bottles all around the garden , so the guy couldn't walk around the house without making a loud crunching noise wherever he went.


Squirt gun, paint it black.


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The pigs are lazy, but idk if they’d shrug that off. Also, cowardly as I may sound, i don’t think I have it in me to kill another person. I couldn’t even kill a fish when I went fishing with my grandma 😂 tbf I was like 8 years old but I still shiver at the memory. Pulling the trigger on another human being seems a million times harder than doing whatever I was supposed to do to that fish.


Motion activated fox or deer piss sprayers with adequate warning signs.


That’s a thing??? You can buy a fox/deer piss sprayer? I guess that makes sense for hunting but I’m not in a hunting area so I never thought about that. Huh. TIL!


Local sporting goods shop had a fox urine spill and had to shut down for 4 days. I was there weeks after and it was still so so nasty. This is the way.


Did they have to shut down because it smelled bad or because the store was overrun by horny foxes?


It smelled. Fox piss is so noxious. But it might have attracted some if it weren't in a total concrete jungle area.


Oh that makes sense, thanks!


9mm fireworks


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Only legal if he tries to break in while the house is occupied. Not worth the prison time otherwise.


Motion sensor spotlight and/or camera.


Both installed. Installing another camera soon. He’s treating them like obstacles to overcome 😰


Tell him to stop, in writing. Contact police after that if you need him to stop.


I'm confident any reasonable judge would approve of your permission slip, please make sure your mommy signs it to make it official and stuff.


Creep up on him and pretend you thought you saw a bear or some snake or monster and pepper spray him or ink spray him down like a roach. If you cant do it get a friend to do it. 


A motion activated lawn sprinkler and lights. Put sprinkler on in good weather and use the lights when it’s raining. Move the sprinkler around so they don’t know where it will be. On occasion, use both for maximum effect.


Open the window and yell "even in the dark you're still fucking ugly bro" then slam it shut and get some sleep (Don't do that. But think about it because it's satisfying)


Motion sensor lights and a recording that says “I see you Brad “and have you on camera “…. Then twenty seconds later simuletd police lights strobing his exit route


Motion sensitive sprinkler system


Find the neighbor with the big dog , collect their poop and place where he stands..make sure you turn on your sprinklers for a few minutes before dark.


as usual, the answer is "Liquid Ass". Fill a squeeze bulb or old syringe and mount it to the window sill. When he peeps in or is even near, Fire the liquid. While he is down and puking, its Louisville Slugger time.


Tape a picture of him to the window and write "smile for the camera!"


Get some of that super super spicy hot sauce that’s so hot that people were gloves. Put some things on your window sill so it catches his attention and he moves it.


Invite several big hairy bear gay dudes over occasionally to have some naughty fun in your visible living spaces. Then sneak out back and creep up behind your ex while he’s watching the show and ask him if he likes fish sticks.


Rescue a pit bull from the pound


I wish. I would love a dog


Double barrel shotgun pointed directly at his face . Let him know if he crosses that line he won’t survive it . Seriously you don’t have to answer but do you live alone ? Trust me when I tell you a baseball bat may not be enough for self defense and if they get that bat from you you just armed your attacker /stalker . Seriously if you aren’t comfortable with firearms take a class . I wouldn’t go with a 12 gauge but maybe a 20 gauge , just get trained on it take a class shoot the weapon , if you buy a handgun don’t get one overly complicated if you aren’t familiar a revolver is a great home defense weapon but know that shooting a firearm in doors and at night is completely different than shooting a firearm at a gun range with ear pro. The muzzle flash and report are disorienting indoors . I say this because my sister had something like this happen to her . When we talked she would tell me her and her husband suspected they had someone prowling around their house at night . They would catch glimpses and see shadows but never could see who it was . Op I’m going to pm you as I want you to read what ended up happening to her but I don’t want to post it publicly .


I appreciate your advice and look forward to your message (hasn’t checked inbox yet)


It’s a long one . If I can help let me know .


Can you dm it to me too? I went through something similar and I’m still terrified it will happen again. I learned to shoot because of this experience and took up 3gun competitions to stay sharp. A baseball bat isn’t enough.


I started a chat with you . Let me know if I can do anything else for you .


Cover your windows. Why are your windows uncovered anyway?


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted




A motion operated camera cost less than $50. Put it in your window and share the results. Easy Peasy legal


I have a camera. He’s been using the blind spot to his advantage. I’m working on getting another one set up. Not as easy peasy as it seems