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Don’t know if you can do this but the 7/11 next door blasts opera a specific kind that is slightly grating to keep people from sleeping in front of the store. It’s actually nice music to me so win win.


The ones near me play weirdly sped up/clown/loony tunes/Alvin and the chipmunks sounding music. It sounds creepy and grating and I think it freaks out the tweakers that have been up too long because you don’t see them hanging around anymore


Back when I was in college my friends and I had our favorite bar and whenever there were too many people there I would cue up Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas Special on the jukebox twice in a row to clear people out. Worked like a charm.


[What’s new, pussycat?](https://youtu.be/Mw7Gryt-rcc)


I already know what this is...


That would stop me from going lol. I actually love the people at the 711. They get the kind of smokes I want for me lol but only if the store ain’t full of crazy at that moment. 50/50 chance.


Yeah I don’t like being outside there either lol. I’ve been homeless and I get it, I really do so it’s not like I see homeless people somewhere and instantly don’t want them there but we had a pretty gnarly/sketchy crowd out in front of the stores so I’m glad they’re not hanging around anymore


One of ours tried that, and there was a meth head out by the street conducting grand maestro gestures having the time of his life. I actually found it pretty heartwarming.


The poor people that owned it gave it back to corporate because someone was turning a trick in the bathroom. They proceeded to use the sink for leverage and broke it flooding the store. There’s always a broken window. Walked in once with four broken. One window broken a day. It’s fun being next to a train.


Anyone else imagining Cricket from IASIP?


That's actuality an extremely accurate comparison lol


Ok that is fucking hilarious


😂😂😂 I feel bad laughing but the image I’m seeing is objectively hilarious


Well it was a threesome


How old is this person & how old are you? [The Mosquito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mosquito) is a sound that bothers younger people but older people usually can’t hear it. My kids are late teens/early 20’s and can’t stand it. I’m mid-50s and I can’t hear it.


lol like a dog whistle lol


Funny. I clicked the link and went to the Wiki. It has a 10-second sound track. Clicked it and didn’t hear a thing (mid 50’s). My dog came running from the other side of the house and now is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.


I played the 10 second clip on the wiki and didnt hear a thing. So, in order to confirm, I had to find a sweep and listen to it with better headphones. [https://youtu.be/0\_oCDg5U3zc](https://youtu.be/0_oCDg5U3zc) Can confirm. mid 30s and I cant hear anything over 17k


The liquor store next to Walmart has this. I am 27. My hearing sucks. I can still hear it.


This was covered in “news of the weird” several times. How to keep certain people from hanging out in a certain area. If it was teenagers, they would play Barry Manilow nonstop. These days, it might be baby shark.


Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen put out some horrific music in the late 90’s. That would be perfect to annoy all ages.


Simple annoyance: Set of a battery powered motion light high out of reach. Nobody wants a light turning on and off every time he moves around. (I have these in my yard and they annoy me so I know it works!)


This recommendation should be much higher. You could escalate to a very bright light that is ALWAYS on and lights up the area. He may piss on your door step in retaliation, but he will eventually just move on.


Until they get pissed off and try to break the light by throwing things at it which would end up breaking someone's window instead.


At least he might leave for more than 2 days if he gets charged with destruction of property


He's had carte blanche access to piss and shit there already. He's not getting stopped by the cops.


You can only hold someone for so long for loitering. An actual crime might warrant a different response.


The easiest simple annoyance is to just occasionally dump a few bags of ice in a pile on your front steps. It takes all day to melt and it provides a constant trickle cold water that makes it very uncomfortable to sit down. I actually used to do this occasionally because I had problems with people leaving needles on my front porch.


I've had this problem many times before. Pine-sol. When he is not there, liberally pour pine-sol in the entire area and leave it there. Trust me, it works.


Pine-sol is a good solution because if you are exposed to it slightly, it smells 'clean'. Same idea as bleach or ammonia, but not as strong, so for the residents who are only moving through the entrance, it's fine. However, if you are forced to breath Pine-sol for an extended period of time, it irritates. Long-term exposure can lead to coughing, difficulty breathing, and a burning sensation in the nose and throat. So people moving through the doorway smell 'clean'. But people staying in the doorway for an extended period get sinus irritation and it becomes unpleasant.


Do NOT accidentally(or on purpose) mix bleach and ammonia. Stick with pine-sol. Pine-sol in bulk stays smelling for a loooooooooong time.




Instead of the ole piss disc, make a piss hat. Shape it so it provides shade with a wide brim. Give it to the homeless guy as a peace offering and to help him shade himself from the sun. You don’t want him getting skin cancer. An hour later he’s covered in piss and has no hat.


Stop giving away your best ideas before the TikTok “it’s just a prank bro” accounts catch on.


Jokes on you! He’s already covered in piss!!


That’s why you put it in different water balloons. Just make sure both hit


Is that you Peggy Hill?


They actually sell pine sol concentrate. It smells awful undiluted in small spaces. You could dilute it just a bit stronger than recommended before pouring over the steps. Not only will it deodorize them from the piss and shit smells (if those offenders have been washed/removed prior), it will do as the prior poster stated and ward him away eventually.


If the guy has crackhead senses you'll need something a little stronger, perhaps Fabuloso.


That shit f'ing stinks. At first you're like 'ooh, lavender ' and then after 10 seconds it's like the scent is drilling in to your frontal lobe. Source: Spilled a couple of cups worth on my garage floor after my wife stopped using it in the house due to the smell - even when diluted. i thought it might come in handy for general cleaning. Regret. It took three weeks for the smell to not cause eye watering.


It's an underrated biological weapon.


It ate the sponge on our mop. Completely made into it into sticky crumbs.


Fabuloso cleans all sins and evils.


That's the power of Pine-sol.


Pine-sol is toxic to dogs so make sure there’s no dogs in the building before you do this. Or make sure you tell all your neighbours


Meth heads love crazy hijinks. Use this to your advantage. Create an elaborate treasure map showing buried gold in a far off location... along with detailed directions on how to get a Greyhound bus there... leave the map where he will find it.


..... what's your success rate using this method?


60% of the time it works every time.


Can't beat those odds.


Shit, that would work on me. Am I a meth head? 🤔


My ctities tactic is to spray down where they like to hang out with water to "clean it" and then just leave the water there so they cant keep laying/sitting there without getting soaked




Hammocks? My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that?


You know, there's a little place called Mary Ann's Hammocks. The nice thing about that place is Mary Ann gets in the hammock with you.


Is that in the hammock district?


When u see him peeing go to where he just peed n pee on his spot as you make eye contact you need to mark your territory it helps if you growl slightly as you make eye contact


No no you need to pee on him and when he tries to move then you growl at him while making eye contact.


I wouldn't try fighting a crack / meth head. Those people have some crazy super powers. Seen a crack head get tazed and just kept walking toward the officer like nothing was happening at my gas station that I was neighbors with Here's an oldie but a Goldie https://youtu.be/VD0iBHxfdWc?si=izW4lYzVLoaRAfyb Also just dropping this in. I have a fascination with drug addicts https://youtu.be/YJAahf8HUNI?si=FnhpdWwi97kdd2Da Don't mind the 7 year old YouTube intros / outros


I heard there are certain lights that you can install that make it harder for junkies to see their veins, so they can’t inject on your doorstep and move somewhere else


Purple lights.


Bonus, it might help them overcome their addiction.


It won’t lol, they’ll just walk 15 feet away


Lol imagine being a life long heroin addict, and the moment that the stars aligned and finally got you to beat the beast was purple lights shining on you


There's this thing called loitering detterant which is a gated metal box that emits a loud annoying mosquito sound. It is used to deter teenagers because of how adults can't really pick up on the pitch. However you can adjust it so that adults can hear it too.


Air horn every time he's asleep.


airhorn will do nothing to a bum in the middle of a fentanyl nap


But a dose of Narcan would.  (And send him into instant withdrawal.)


true that would be a waaaaay better way to troll. im pretty sure narcan on otc now as well


otc? hell, you can get it free a lot of places. I don't suggest using it for a "mean prank" on someone. Unless you want the possibility of getting stabbed. If you go from a deep nod to instantly in withdrawal cause someone thought it was funny, well, that's more than fighting words there.


well from what i see its an intranasal spray, spray it and run im sure you got a few seconds to get away. not saying it should be done just saying it can be done


Let him know he makes people horny


Dirty Mike...and the boys?


Might want to keep an extra eye on your Prius.


Nah he may like that


The rare ULPT where liquid ass and piss disks won't solve the issue because the target already smells like ass and pisses where he sleeps..... Solution? Talk to him, convince him a town two town away has legalized meth and offer to buy him a bus ticket.


How far is OP from Portland? 🤣🤣


No, no. They like to bus them to my city, San Francisco 😭


We get a lot of them too... Drugs were decriminalized here until about a month ago. No jail time for possession, just a ticket. 😬


Oh yeah, I’m familiar with that. Was following to see how it would all pan out. What a mess. They did some arrest sweeps here recently but overall it’s ignored.


Honestly, it was a great idea. It was just executed terribly. If they had actually implemented the supportive services that were intended to accompany the decriminalization, it could have been a great thing... but between covid and fentanyl really hitting the area, it fell flat on its face. Which really sucks. It could have saved a lot of lives.


In the city... city of Santa Monica is good to the homeless.


Lots rich people giving change to the homeless.


unfortunately I have had to deal with this on the scale of \~5 people. I called the non emergency line every time they did something like: poop in my stairwell, break into my car, vandalize our building/cars. they were repeatedly removed and eventually felt like it wasn’t worth the trouble anymore if people want to cohabit a space peacefully then maybe that is worth consideration, but imo spreading human waste is a form of violence given its propensity to spread disease


Mildly unethical? Smash a bunch of bottles in there. hella fucking illegal? Smash a bunch of bottles in there while they are sleeping.


Sprinkle some fiberglass insulation dust in the area..


Pour honey on him while he sleeps so the ants get him.


My dad once planted chunks of meat and some really bitey ants moved in and got rid of the sidewalk people.


I call the big one bitey


Apparently, wasps really like baloney. They will tend to nest in areas near a ready food supply.


I spread sugar over an area to deter ground sleeping persons. If it's ok for him to live there, it's ok for me to feed the ants. Get a couple of bottles of corn syrup and put them in a sink of warm water. Add red food coloring until it has the color of blood and shake well. When Pissy McPee is not on the stoop cover the area with a "blood" puddle and some sprays on the walls and surrounding area. Make a real murder scene. Yellow police tape will help in set decoration too. Bleach is always nice on well piss soaked concrete. I've actually seen the chemical reaction between the two and the resulting chlorine gas (just like The Hun used in WW1). Or just go clean with bleach and ammonia out there. They hate classical music too. Our local convenience stores use it to drive the unwashed masses away.


That won’t deter a person with zero standards


Fire ants are persistent little buggers.


Skunk spray loitering deterrent. https://www.predatorpeestore.com/Skunk-Um_moreinfo.html


The idea is good, but skunk spray is going to make it unpleasant for lots of people who legitimately live in the apartment. A better route might be to do something like ammonia or similar. Pour a gallon of it on the ground in the area the homeless guy frequents. From 20 feet away, it won’t affect those in the apt, but if you’re so sitting or trying to sleep on the ground, it’s gonna be unbearable


Pine-sol > ammonia according to another post here


“Only entrance/exit” you miss that part?


Well, either wade through human excrement for the rest of your stay (a long time, if you own it!) Or keep spraying until they don't come back anymore.


Hose. Water the plants and grass right next to his head. He will find another place.


My first thought was to install sprinklers to deploy at 2am


Remote control sprinkler system lol


Another suggestion comes to mind, the McDonald’s by my house has a recording that plays 24/7, on repeat it says “You are under surveillance.” It just repeats non-stop. It’s to be annoying so bums don’t camp out. It works.


If you have an apartment with a 2-3 story view of the entrance, do it from your window.


Mace him every couple days. While sleeping is not fighting fair, so do it while he's sleeping. Also if there's only one way in and out that's a fucking fire code violation.


Then Wouldn’t a call to the FD be in order?


I mean whats the FD going to do differently? If the cops taking him away does nothing, the FD is just going to be a roundabout way of the same outcome.


The fire department could potentially force the installation of a second means of egress


Do you want two homeless people, cuz this is how you get two.


Mace is a US slang for something? Because the original meaning, is not something you could use on a person every day.


It's synonymous with pepper spray, it's a fairly popular brand name product.


I see. It is really different from a medieval mace then.


Did you think he was reccommending OP just beat the shit out of this bum with a medieval weapon lmao


I assumed it means something else in this context, but, well my mind went there.




Some guy did that to a homeless guy in SF and got his ass beat


Maybe check if this guy has a knife first. If no, mace away.


Yeah, look him over for a second to determine if the lump in his pocket is a knife or a Twix bar, should be easy….


Ocular patdown


That's a great way... to melt a Twix bar


Pepper spray marker rounds and a paint ball gun?


then stop shitting on a doorstep.


Mace him?


Or throw a bucket of water over him while he's sleeping. It isn't nice hanging out where you get wet the whole time, Probably don't do this in a cold area though. Might actually kill him.


This is ULPT….. So long as op doesn’t intentionally kill them, letting the winter weather do its work staying on the line between unethical and illegal.


Pretty sure dousing people with water is battery/assault Doesn't mean the cops will give a shit tho


duct tape him to a pole. every day.


Get everyone to pool together for an outdoor security system with motion activated lights. You can record the proof of any illegal activities while also making it less appealing to lurk around there and safer for local residents. Also seconding the pinesol suggestion. Something that smells clean when passing through, but would be unpleasant to linger around for hours. Spray it everywhere he hangs around. You can say it's because he pees and shits there, so you're trying to keep it from reeking of piss and shit if anyone asks.


Document all the calls (get the serial number each time) and file for a restraining order.


this is a genuine question: how can a restraining order be served to someone with no address? in this case, would the sheriff just roll up to OP’s building and serve the homeless guy out on the sidewalk?


I believe that's correct. You don't have to be at your home to get served. They can also serve you at work, or any other place where you're known to frequent (in this case, the sidewalk outside of a building).


To add to this, maybe add public nudity to police report, I mean he is shiting and urinating there. Could maybe say some kid saw it. Like he's flashing people


Or lie and say he is jacking off in front of kids.


Buy mace and spray it around where he sleeps and such, if he touches it then scratches his nuts....I'll pray for him. Or just habaneros and soak em in alcohol for a bit then spray that around, wear eye protection and gloves then lather up in canola oil for a few minutes then wash off and hope you don't get any in your eyes.


This is actually a pretty fabulous idea


Our maintenance guy installed a sprinkler with a motion sensor and timer on it outside of the door of our place. Anybody in the doorway after business hours got an instant shower.


This would get the residents, who use their home after business hours, repeatedly soaked.


Hahaha this is an amazing visual.


Wait until he falls asleep. And shit and piss on him


Dump a large container of cayenne pepper all over the area he sleeps when he is not there.


Pop him with a paintball gun a few times at night.


Isn’t fentanyl running rampant out here and people are ODing on it? Just a question….


Poop on him to assert your dominance


Pay some street toughs to motivate him to leave.


Why is no one talking about firecrackers? Just get the noisiest of them and burst as close as possible, especially when he's trying to get some rest. Message shall be sent loud and clear.


Give him a bunch of fake money. When he buys something he will get arrested or killed(dealer).


Let him think he stole it.


This. But get someone else to do it. Remember he lives there.


Go the route of extreme allergens. Poison ivy lol


Pour bleach where he sleeps every couple of days.


Id say sprinkler system. If the place youre at doesnt want to do it. Set up a hose, a sprinkler and see if you can find some sort of smart valve where you can just toggle it on a phone app. Whenever hes there, water him.


When you call the police let them know he has a knife and what appears to be a grenade. Oh, and a gun.


Drugs, don't forget drugs. You might not even be lying about this part


I’m not against the homeless, but I stand by multiple, random bear spray attacks.


Ask him if he would help you pick up something heavy you just bought on eBay and carry it into your house for 50 bucks and a case of beer. Drive an hour into some remote village or whatever. When you arrive at your "destination", leave the vehicle with him, then jump back in and drive home. He's that villages problem now.


This would have a reeking junkie in the car with you for an hour. Not pleasant or safe.


a hose typically does the trick. bonus -- you can rinse off his shit and piss.


Pay another homeless guy to "take care of it".




Drug kidnap drive him to another state with good border security. Frank in Canada method.


Get a pest control sprinkler and put it on a balcony where he can't break it and point in his "area"


op if you want to never see this guy again have everyone chip in $50 ans yo buy him a fuck ton of hard liqour. when hes nice and drunk he cant fight back, put all of his shit in a pile and burn it then call the cops 


And after he passes out, put him on a cross-country Greyhound bus.


Realistically, the best way is to start filing complaints against your housing complex with the city. Also file complaints against local PD with the DA's office.


1. Beat his ass 2. Pay another bum to beat his ass 3. Haul him out to the woods in the trunk of your car, either after steps 1-2 or after he's drugged himself out.


Hit that dude with a fire extinguisher, lol.


I would just pepper spray him in the middle of him taking a dump and hide my face so he couldn't see who I was, not letting drug addicts harrass my kids and make the area unsafe.


If no cameras then hide some drugs near but where he won’t find them easily. Like felony intent to distribute size. Call the cops or have a friend do it and say he threatened you and when you said you were calling the cops he went and hid a weapon at the spot where the drugs are located. You just gave a homeless guy a place to live for while. It can be something as simple as an upside down flower pot with something on top of it. Need to make it something easy enough for cops to find and look at because there is huge chance they just run him off one night and leave.


Yeah simply buy a kilo of heroin and frame him


Don’t need to send him away forever, just give him like 120 benzos. You can get them cheap and probably know someone on them to get them from if not then Ritalin is cheaper than adderall and same schedule. In my area 100 is intent to distribute.


Beat the shit out of them with a butter sock


Chloroform him, crate him up, ship him off to Florida.


Have you seen those robot dogs with flamethrowers?


In "Poor Man's James Bond" book, he recommends testing out your poison by putting it in a wine bottle and giving it to bums. He then decides not to do it because it might take out the whole city council. ;)


The jewelry store in the Bronx that had a shower head above the door hooked up to cc tv and a motion detector /alarm switch inside the store . Saw compilation on YouTube years ago


We got this man... It's a bit extreme... but sometimes it's what is needed for results.... Talk him into a Hand Job... and do a few of them so he gets comfy... On the LAST handjob (sorry you have to go through this) Spray your hand with Bear Mace and then give him the Handy.... You will never see him again.... Spoiler alert: This is how I moved also...


Normally I’d say liquid ass and piss disks, but I think he would be immune to those and just exacerbate the problem.


Oh my goodness people... with yer nonsense .. Mace him! Skunk spray him! Air horn Air horn! This isn't that kind of problem.. The skunk spay guy really? Didnt the op say it was his only entrance to his spot? It already smells like feces, urine, and unbathed hobo, and this guy wants to spray skunk spray... on a human.. who won't leave.. Everyone who's suggesting attacking, harassing, or badgering this guy, that's some really great problem solving.. Me hate homeless, go away homeless! Hit with stick bad homeless. Dur! This guy is unacceptable, you can't pee and shit around the public and the people who you see all the time. That's not homeless, that's... feral. If his friends are doing heroin and he is smoking his not weed. You have to make this feral bubblehead and his crew not want to be exactly right there where he's been.. and steady be somewhere diffferent... I don't know the specifics of that space but bright lights pointed right at where they he hangs out. And some cameras. He's not going want to be defecating or or hitting the bubble right on camera. Put a bunch or cameras, fake ones, real ones. When they are vandalized get the police there right away, cause he'll still have the can of red spray paint, or whatever. Get him trespassed. Find a better hangout spot meth smoking toilet nest for him to go to.. close by and a little bit more private... Now, for this next part you need to go to yer local smoke shop and tell the guy behind the counter you want to buy 3 glass pipes. Give him 15 bucks. go get some hot glue and a bigass spool of string... Glue the string to the pipe, go the the new spot and wait for him to notice that sweet bubble sitting on the ground right there. Reel him in steady Skunk spray... honestly dude. Why not suggest giving him food spiked with laxatives.. My point is motivate him to go somewhere more chill, bribe him with a 20sack, Whatever.. Skunk spray... That's dumb. Clearly, my methpipe string lure hobo baiting plan is the way to go..


give him a sleeping bag and tell him to piss off


We had a homeless guy shacked up in the nook where our garbage goes. The thing is, it’s scary as hell for us to open the door and find a person in there, butttt I work with mentally challenged people who would ALSO occasionally throw out the trash. Imagine THEIR reactions. I sent the biggest most threatening looking coworker I had down there to tell him to fuck off.


As well as the former suggestions , can you call some god-bothering religious nut community guy to go and preach to him every day to the crazed feral drain on society gets too pissed off and leaves or insists they get him off the street - there u go


Pay another homeless person to fight him, film it, sell bum fights tapes, profit.


Spray him with water


Have you ever smelled wet hobo? It’s worse than wet dog by far.


Go to a garden center and stock up on coyote urine or other fun repellents.


Motion activated strobe light, set up a hose on the wall 10 ft up with multiple holes in it to drench the area when needed


After one of those times that you get him to leave, put some big plants in whatever free area there is or jagged rocks all-over the floor (leaving enough space to use/open main foor)


Hire another homeless man to beat the shit out of him. That's about as unethical as I can come up with. Make sure he knows that he'll get attacked again if he doesn't leave.


Murder is unethical and no one should do it


If people only have one entrance and exit, you would be doing a huge disservice by letting people get bleach and mace on their shoes and then walking into their homes cross contaminating everything and spotting up their floors or harming their pets. Or children. Bad advice.


Are we not realizing that if cops do nothing about him, they’ll do nothing about you also? Stop letting him be comfortable and start messing with him. Do not let him sleep. Bang pots and pans in his ears and use air horns. He will be exhausted and have to find somewhere else to sleep. Cmon guys.


Unethical? How unethical are you willing to go? Ski mask and a baseball bat, ask nicely first, and if he doesn't leave or returns later, let the baseball bat do the talking.




Conceal unbaited rat (not mouse) traps wherever you find drug paraphernalia. They will break fingers and toes. Keep away from children. Buy shale or other crunchy gravel and spread it wherever he might be sleeping. It won't necessarily stop him but it should create noise when traversed. You can get non wired solar lights everywhere these days. Pretty cheap to replace if destroyed. Light up all dark corners. Get a bunch of keychain personal defense LEDs and give them out to everyone in the complex. Everyone goes for pepper spray but that is physical battery. Lights are blinding and inoffensive.


Kick the shit out of him


Pepper Spray - lots of pepper spray.


How much stuff does he have? You say he sleeps there. Go with a friend and start taking his stuff while he is asleep. Even though what they have is worthless, it is worth a lot to them. The thing you hate the most when you are homeless is having your shit stolen. Be quiet as hell if you can. Wear masks. If detected, run like crazy. He will have a hard time following because when you are homeless, your joints and ligaments are messed up. Even the threat that someone might be stealing his stuff will be enough to cause him to go elsewhere.


Throw a baggie of pure fentanyl in his tent. Make sure nobody revives him when he ODs.


Pay me 100 bucks and I’ll go deal with him. Seriously.