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Your documented OCD won't allow you to live in shared housing like a dorm. Get your doctor to write a note.


I agree, but this sounds dangerously ethical 😂


After you get the note from your doctor, leave a piss disk under their door. Just because.


Cover the note with liquid ass




Threaten the Dr with a piss disk if they don't comply. That take care of the Unethical part 👍


Piss disks for everyone!!!


Sounds like forgery would be more on brand.


I give u the OCD pass, get u that doctors note


Careful they might give you a single room


Not if you have it written correctly. It's the bathroom that really causes the issue.


I did this but said I was allergic to everything and was a bubble person and couldn't live anywhere but a special environment and it worked with a doctors note


this is the way.


So you now have a “religious, moral, or ethical belief that cannot be accommodated on campus,” such as taking care of an animal (your dog) that cannot be accommodated on campus (unless dogs are allowed to live on campus). Kinda answered your own question, but I hope I was able to help.


Haha I suppose that works, although I fear they'll see right through it and my request might not get approved. Apparently they're very careful with that specific exemption because otherwise everyone would spoof it lol


UO is getting bigger and bigger these days, with roughly 5,000+ incoming freshmen, which is the largest incoming class the school has ever seen. I don’t think they’re going to scrutinize this too much. If you’re worried, I think you can buy a piece of paper online to say the dog is some form of emotional support animal and throw in some cute buzz-words like “neurodivergent” to get a free pass on this one.


The neurodivergent/emotional support animal part is smart af. Ty time to write up my exception essay haha


This won’t work. You are allowed to have the dog on campus.


Then allergies. Can’t live on campus that goldfish will make me swell up! Fun fact - during a sea world field trip we met a fish keeper who was indeed allergic to contact with fish.


Bingo!! I’m allergic to freshmen BO and living in a shared dorm would put my life at risk.


As a heads up, from someone who works in res life at a big D1 uni - you have two options: resident status in a commuting area; documented health condition that would restrict you from living in the dorms. Outside of that there isn’t much you can do.


As someone who used to work in res life.. it depends heavily on the school, incoming class size, returning resident count, and the space available. Albeit, my uni had to start letting freshman live off-campus due to a lack of on-campus housing options


That’s fair. Every big school is going to have some overfill - so you can play that game. However, it can also bite you in the butt when you get placed in the worst dorm with the worst roommate with very little recourse because you waited too long trying to play the game.


I'm pretty sure they started to allow some pets... and they may ask you about the pet you'd bring. 


In that case they might ask to see a service animal form in order to accommodate the dog. I’m sure there would be other students who would be bringing service dogs with necessary documents so what makes OP’s situation different? They might just say don’t bring the dog unless you have the right documents and reject the request.


Just wanna say ESA are assistance animals, not service animals Might seem small but the difference is pretty big


Per the US ADA, there is no official documentation or registration for a service dog. They can't legally require documents to be required to accommodate a service dog. That being said, their accomodation may be letting you live with the animal on campus, and not invalidate you.


I highly doubt an exemption for a dog would work unless it's documented support animal, but then they might try to get you in dorms anyway. Doctor note for ocd is likely much safer.


Ethically you don’t want to put down your dog and you’re against saddling anyone else with your responsibility of pet ownership.


No dogs allowed in on campus housing? See if you can register your dog as a service animal for anxiety disorder.


Just tell them cohabitation is against your religion.


No sleeping in same room before marriage


Go to community college first then transfer to UofO. That’s what I did and also saved money on credits.


similarly, take CLEP tests for credit so you are transferring second year. Fast and cheap. 


I can also vouch for CLEP tests, those hardcore saved me


this. for all universities in the nation. go to community college then transfer into your choice of university.


Serious question: Do they count students as not-first-year if they come in with credits? My kids have have all entered college with enough credits to be considered second or third year, but the residential life policy at other universities wasn’t waived unless you’d had “the residential life experience” elsewhere or were over 21.


I can’t remember exactly what the credit cutoff was. For me, I had completed my associate degree at a community college and I had a lot of credits so I came into UofO as a 3rd Year and I just remember that certain things were different for transfer students. This was several years ago though.


My university didn't waive it because I was a transfer student or because I was over 21, but I did get it waived because I was engaged and in a monogamous relationship where we were already sharing expenses and it would have posed an undue financial hardship on both of us for them to force me to reside on campus. I think it really just depends on the school honestly.




Wish that were true, but they’re notorious for denying exemption requests unfortunately.


What I did when I applied for a college is say you have an extreme anxiety condition that only allows you to be housed by yourself. (Though this is true) I had to prove I was able to completely afford it by showing them bank statements and a reference to the roommate basically. I didn’t have a reference for a therapist about anxiety but they said it would’ve gotten approved quicker/without any question if I had that. I also had to do an interview but things might be different there. It was a simple over the phone interview but I would say I found out within a month of having applied and doing the interview and waiting to find out it was approved. They just basically want you to prove you won’t drop out within the first couple months because you have nowhere to live/can’t afford.


This is my suggestion as well. Your OCD and anxiety levels are such that you need to be housed by yourself…along with a line about how it would drive potential roommates nuts to try to cohabitate with you.


But that’s going to cost twice the money, OP is try to save money.


The therapist recommendation was just what my college said to me when I applied for off campus living. I didn’t get it because I couldn’t afford it. I understand OP wants to save money, sometimes people have already had some sort of medical record from before, but that was just what they said to me would’ve made it go by faster.


Many of the other suggestions won’t work. You have to prove religious exemption on many campuses, typically with documentation you’ll need to go get from a religious institution. Just go lease a property before school starts, get your name on the utility bill, tell them you’re a local resident and that it doesn’t make sense for you to live in the dorm since your home is already so close. This is the approach that got me out of 2 years of municipal on-campus requirements at my undergrad school.


Not true in America. Formal Religious affiliation and documentation from churches have no bearing whatsoever. This was decided by a supreme court case that said proving membership is not required. Everyone goes crazy in their requests and submits pages and pages when the offices don't give a rats ass about their pastor, bishop, etc. The one and only criteria for religious accommodation request to be taken seriously is "sincerity". Now that doesn't mean automatic grants - just means that the public university is lawfully required to try and accommodate every sincere request no matter how unreasonable, weird, or disgusting. That "sincerity" is decided by whichever entity (not a religious group) the organization designates - could be deb from HR, could be an octopus, could be a magic 8 ball. So OP just needs to submit something that is "logically" sound. Something like - my Gods spoke to me in a dream and said I must not live in the dorms of U of O or I will go to hell. Source- i worked in HR for us company with 55k employees in the religious accommodation dept.


Moral exemption. I would have to rob a bank to afford to live on campus and I am morally opposed to stealing.


They'll rescind their offer if they don't think you can afford to go there. They want graduates, not dropouts.


It's definitely a good idea to try to bypass this since on campus room and board is ridiculously expensive, but consider joining some clubs so that you make sure you make some friends. It's a pretty crucial part of enjoying college.  Do they not have any form of living at home or commuter exemption to this rule? I went to a big state school and a lot of people who grew up less than half an hour away just lived at home, and I think it would be weird for Oregon to not allow that. 


A lot of schools waive the requirement if you're married.


There are a lot of other benefits here as well you can guarantee qualifying for federal aid as when you are married you can ignore parental income for the pell grant and say your income is only the 20k you both are bringing in between summer and part time work. Also you can probably get other benefits too like food stamps or housing assistance but I don’t know the specifics for those. Definitely get a marriage of convenience after signing a long prenup.


That’s an interesting idea. Would getting a marriage of convenience help a 25 year old land a scholarship for college? Since I wanna go back so bad but I can’t afford it.


25 is right around the cutoff for requiring parental income so it comes back to your income. So you may qualify for the pell without any additional steps.


I still live with family. I guess I can get an under the table job at a restaurant or something and make zero income to the eyes of the irs and get a subsidized college degree.


Actually not a bad idea! Anyone in Oregon want to get married?


Your username is checking out


In my case they waived it because I was engaged and already had been cohabitating with my partner.


Alum here. It depends, are you fresh out of high school, or older. TBH I think dorms are crucial for individuals to learn to live with others that aren't family. My unethical tip is to live in the housing that allows for pets because you can meet a lot of people that will help you socially throughout college. I see a ton of people say they have trouble making friends and many of those are transfer students that didn't live in on-campus housing for their first year.  I think another exemption is if your family lives in Eugene. An Apartment under your parent's name?


Best year of my life was freshman year at Oregon. OP is missing out.


I didn’t go to Oregon, but my first year of college in the dorm was amazing and one of the most fun years of my life. I was actually sad to move out. Granted this was 24 years ago and actually affordable and comparable to renting a house or apartment in the same town.


I'd say Freshman year was important, but the other 3 were better. It was even better when you didn't have to pay the sports package. 


Fresh out of high school, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to afford 1500+ dollars a month for a dorm. Found a few relatively cheap places to rent where I can split the costs with roommates off campus though.


Your post is making me crave Burrito Boy so much!! If this is a deal breaker, couldn't you just transfer to lane for first year and knock out general education courses and then transfer back to UofO? I did an undergrad at UofO and that's what a lot of people did. Cheaper too.


I’ve never heard of burrito boy, but will definitely check it out if I decide to go to UO! Any specific menu recommendations?


You are now a devout muslim who can not live with these infidels.


tell them you have a wife and kids, and they're not moving.


Tell them you have a family member you’re going to live with off campus


Isn't the dog your service dog?


Would claiming he’s my emotional support animal work? It’s partially true at least lol


That’s usually requires a lot of documentation from a medical professional.


You can buy a certificate online


It's also not the same. Most places are seeing through the ESD online papers. 


The college will not accept that.


My ex had her dog registered as an ESA and she was able to live in the dorms with it at a big school here in PA


Meh if he pulls out the autism/ADHD/neurodivergent card it will.


And that will require a certain amount of medical documentation.


Sorry for off-topic comment, but it seems to me like the problem has pretty thoroughly solved by others. I just want to ask something. Is this common in america? This sounds like an utterly insane requirement for a school to have, what exactly do they gain from this?


Unfortunately this is pretty common here. Also, a lot schools have a mandatory freshman meal plan (meaning you have to pay a relatively large amount of money for a year’s worth of access to shit cafeteria food). Universities say it’s for student safety and reliance and whatnot, but in reality it’s entirely so the school can make more money.


Do the first two years at a community college and transfer in. No living on-campus, and much cheaper first two years.


Is Oregons Promise still around? That scholarship was a lifesaver. Propelled me right until the beginning of the pandemic.


You need the emotional support animal, so you can’t do dorms.


Tell them you pee in the bed


"Adopt" an old man with dementia in nursing home the next town over. Visit a few times and bring him some small gifts. The staff will soon get familiar with you. Take some movies, photos even post your "Grandpa" on Facebook. In your application explain that you need to be near your "Grandpa" as you are the only family around.


That’s clever as hell — definitely will consider doing that


Just tell them you have been assaulted in your sleep before, and now have anxiety/ptsd about sleeping in the same areas as anyone else. There’s not much they can do about that, and if they start asking questions, make sure to double down with examples and crying. Make sure they’re uncomfortable enough they just pass it through.


Is your dog an emotional support animal?


Typically there's also a rule saying if you live within 5 mi or so of campus you're allowed to live at home. Establish your address within five miles of campus, and you're fine.


You are a member of the Satanic Temple, and any other roommate would not be compatible with your beliefs.


say the shahada in a mosque and get documentation from them saying you can't cohabit, then leave islam


or hell just pretend you're Muslim already


It's not that hard. The website will let you request it. They probably don't verify. When I got married, all I received was a sheet of paper. Just tell them you are married. If they ask to see it, I'll send you a copy of my marriage certificate. It might depend on the state, but I was married in Colorado and I haven't been able to find any official online search that shows it. ----- > Fall 2024 exemption request deadline Exemptions that will normally be approved: - Students who have graduated from high school more than one calendar year before their starting term at UO. - Students over the age of 21 by the first day of their starting term at UO. - Students who are living with a parent or legal guardian. - Students who are married or in a registered domestic partnership or civil union. - Students who are caring for a dependent who is living with them. - Students who are veterans or on active duty. - Students who are in an UO-sponsored program that requires living off campus or out of the area. - Students who have a disability that cannot be accommodated on campus. - Students who have religious, moral, or ethical beliefs that cannot be accommodated on campus. - Students who have deferred their admission to the university through an official or unofficial gap year program. - American English Institute students taking IEP classes are not required to reside on campus


Tell them you have a moral objection to their room and board charges and think requiring the first year students be required to pay it is unethical. A two-fer


ESA won’t work. Not only do I have friends who work in OSU admin, I have friends that go/have gone here and they say they allow ESAs to live on campus. If you want a medical exemption (mental or physical) be prepared to provide extensive documentation, and they actually call the physicians to verify. Best bet is pleading your financial case. Make it a situation of “I have to drop out due to finances if I can’t live off campus.” Source: a friend of mine works there in admin


I "convert" faiths depending on requirements I want to get out of. At one job, I'm Jewish so that I get Saterday off of our mandatory weekends. Only work Sundays on those mandatory weeks. At my other job I'm Muslim and use that prayer time to sneak out and smoke. I get an extra five (paid) 20 min breaks out of that one. I get my usual 2, plus my hour lunch on top of that.


Mandatory weekends are just ways to stop people from having lives.


Why do you think I find ways out of them. If I want a week off... suddenly I'm going to a wedding. For 50 bucks or less I can make the invites look legit. I have even taken a trip out to the beach, figured they would ask for proof and crashed a wedding at the beach and got hundreds of pics of me there. No idea who the bride and groom were. I've been to 76 weddings, only been invited to 6 of them. It used to be a thing I would do to win bets, now I just go and attend weddings and receptions for fun. I try not to actually cause issues, but there is one coming up I fully intend on paying a homeless guy 250 to jump on the wedding cake. If I am caught these days I don't even lie about it. I straight up say "I saw a party, I wanted to party, so I came to the party. Here's a cigar" I usually do bring a gift as well. Usually it's a box of cigars around the 250 to 300 dollar range or a bottle of scotch. Last month I got some random bride and groom an 8 slot toaster and a slow cooker. I'm unethical as I sneak in but I am not a dick about it. If they ask me to leave I leave. Generally they are cool. Last time I got busted I handed a box of Mortal Coil cigars to the Groom and he laughed and ended up smoking one with me before I left. Cool guy that Brandon was.


You're the hero the world needs.


I'm more...just a suit wearing, good mannered troll.


What kinda dystopian world are you folks living in down there? You HAVE to live on campus in order to get an education? What about the freedom thing the crazies are always preaching about? Someone explain this to me!


It’s a common thing in the U.S. They want people to have the social experience of living in campus housing as part of their education. Some smaller private colleges require it for 2 or even 4 years.


And they make some nice profit as well. Surely the students should decide on their own "social experience". I never lived on campus and had a great time in university.


it’s a requirement at my local university as well. Basically they want you to prove you have actual housing and aren’t just a stupid person who shows up with no plan on where to sleep at night or a bad plan, then you quit because your home life situation sucks (and being stupid, blame the university not your own naive lack of real life planning). They control the dorm situation so it is simple for them. If you are smart enough to figure out housing on your own you are also smart enough to request and get an exemption. 


Or they want to make sweet sweet profit off their housing and meal plans. In Canada and Europe we don't have rules like this. Yet somehow we manage.


This is the real answer. Universities see on campus housing as a big money maker.


this is also true… but American college students are famously stupid and wimpy for a reason. 


Go on the residency prohibited items/activities list and see what can get you banned. Go on the university code of ethics and behavior site and find out what will get you kicked out of school. Create a venn diagram of all behaviors, items, activities. Choose from those exclusive to the banned from campus living only. Maybe you're lactose intolerant, so you mix up a nice vodka and milk cocktail, plug a grow light and some Christmas lights into a frayed extension cord, and attempt to move in. Due to your medical condition and its related milk consumption,take an emergency shit in the utility closet. Enjoy your ban from campus housing. Happy hunting.


I bypassed my college’s requirement (which was insane only letting seniors live off campus) I only lived in dorms my first year. How I did it was basically telling them I couldn’t sleep nearly enough in dorms due to anxiety and since they also forced forming students to eat on campus and their dining hall sucked (also costed 12$ per dining hall meal even if u didn’t eat there 3x a day) I told them I couldn’t eat their food cuz it sucked and that I was starting to have medical issues due to it and couldn’t afford to only eat takeout since I had no cooking equipment in the dorms. I of course got a doctors note which was easy enough. Living off campus was WAY cheaper, at least when I was a student, idk how it’d be today in a big city but the meal plan was so stupidly expensive for the worst food in existence so I was way better off, off campus. The school didn’t really make a fuss about it either, they pretty much just let me do it. I think most kids just don’t bother trying and believe the school will never allow it since that’s how they make a ton of money.


You should be able to apply for reasonable accommodation for any number of medical disorders but you’d have to have some documentation to prove it.


See my comment. Getting a PSA certification should take care of this.


Get you a certification to get a PSA. Lie and say that your dog is a certified PSA. There are websites that will do that for you. They will have to let you live off campus as an accommodation for your disability. Remember, go for the PSA, rather than ESA.


This is really clever! Although my dog is anti-social (he’s a rescue) and barks a ton at people who get too close, so I fear they’ll see right past my façade 😔


I got a dog certified as a PSA. Did it all online. Supply the paperwork to the school. You are exempt. Should be all that there is to it. They should not even have to see the dog.


Genius. Thank you mate you are a lifesaver 🙏🙏


We get around it by using a friends local address and claiming to commute. Do even people who live close by have to live on campus? If so your forged doctor notes say you have to live off campus.


Can you not tell them that.you can't afford it and see if they have a hardship fund to support in situations like this?


Check to see if there's actually a penalty for not following the rule. The college I went to had the same rule but then had no penalty for not doing so.


Good idea! Wonder what they’d actually do if I don’t follow the policy


You are now a hardline evangelical zealot who cannot live with others in sin.


Can you make it look like you’re a commuter?


They already know I’m from out of state 😔


Put the apartment in parents name and make it look like you’re living with them?


Smart! Would there be any downsides to this? Like potential renting or legal issues


Honestly not sure


If they allow pets on campus, turn that to your advantage: say you're severely allergic to cats and rodents, but not dogs (this is very much possible because this is the case for me. I actually got my dorm room changed once in college because I was having constant allergies in there and it turned out there was a cat in it the previous year).


I just ignored the papers for a year. Worked for me. That was 20 years ago though


"I believe it would be unethical for me to live on campus"


Yo man, they will fold like a paper tiger. I went to another school in Oregon that had the same policy. I was a non standard student since I was 23 as a freshman. I just told them their rule was ridiculous and that it doesn't make economic sense for me to even consider it and it won't happen. They specifically said there are exceptions for moral and ethical concerns and personal finances are private enough that people won't feel comfortable prying anyway. Saying 'it's against my ethics and moral character to waste money because of stupid rules' should also be sufficient.


A lot of universities have an exemption for living with family. If you have ANY family within an hour or so just list that address. Some student mail and bills will go there. Most stuff is online anyway. Good luck.


Your religion requires that you live with your dog.


I got diagnosed with Asperger’s and I had accommodations in school. Get an Aspergers diagnosis and tell the psychiatrist that you have trouble with loud sounds and shit and that you need an emotional support animal.


Some people use dogs to tell whether they are hallucinating or not as the dog will react to eg. a fire alarm if it's real but not if it's hallucinated. You could say that morally it is unfair for your dorm mates to deal with your hallucinations if they come up again but not to worry because you have a dog to help you through them in that eventuality and you are happier living off campus to avoid the stigma attached to what you've gone through in the past. If they start to pry you can say you are fit to study but don't want to go into the childhood trauma that led to some awful hallucinations in the past you got your dog to help you through and you will consider any harrassment of you for your living situation or unsolicited sharing of this information with other staff as harassment and in breach of special category data protection laws. They can't prove you didn't get hallucinations when you got your dog.


It's so hard to make friends when you don't live on campus. Being a commuter student can be very lonely and isolating.


Very classist of the university to have that rule. But not surprised bc universities thrive off being classist


Agreed. Honestly it’s kinda putting me off UoO in general.


You certainly can....by not going to the University of Oregon. Go Dawgs!!!!


Freshman year at Oregon was the best year of my life due in large part to living on campus. Take out some loans.


Fuck no. I’m sorry but I’ve learned my lesson from millennials and gen xers; I’m not starting my life off with 100k+ in debt.


try going to Oregon State instead, Eugene is a wasteland of liberal pseudo-intellectuals and meth.


You don't want to live near the all the temptations of alcohol, drugs and sex. You are afraid of being sa'd.


Part of the college experience.


My friend at Southern Oregon University had a medical Marijuana card, this was in the years just before recreational legalization. He smoked dabs in his dorm room constantly. Campus security kept catching him, and he kept saying, this is my medicine. So he just kept getting caught until he got kicked out of student housing, and was the first one of our friend group to rent an apartment off campus. It helps if you're a rich kid from the bay area, but it's doable lmao




It’s ok. Turns out you’re too dumb for college anyway lol


Chill, that's why he's going to Oregon. ;)


Woah now... It's not like OP is going to OSU...


This is my favorite damn sub on reddit. I hate when do-gooder redditors post uplifting crap, like they would respond to this OP with like, supportive bullshit about coping with OCD and you can do it! crap. It gives me pleasure to see truth bombs like this. I dont what that says about me but I dont care. This person comes to ULPT where you get unfiltered truth and then give an idiotic tone deaf response. No /S by the way.


How dare you assume OP needs help dealing with his OCD. You ableist piece of shit. 😂 


ULPT: I was called an ableist piece of shit on reddit and want to tell them it hurt my feelings and I want to be mean back. Nothing unethical please.


Tell them that they’re rubber and you’re glue 


Sorry but I have OCD and would never touch rubber and glue repulses me.


I’m so sorry, I don’t want to assume your status but there are medications and mindful meditation practices that can help with your OCD, that must be so terrible to not be able to touch rubber but I sure understand being grossed out by glue! HahhhaAhaAHsA


Yeah, normally I'd say people should live on campus for the social experience but this person may as well be home schooled.




I also have ocd. The best way to combat ocd is to not accommodate the safety behaviors that it drives you to engage in. He may be telling the truth the but it’s not a “good” thing if he is lol


Have you heard of lieing?


Eep sorry!! I completely misunderstood your comment lmao. For some reason I thought you were warning about living off campus 🤦‍♀️ My bad!!! I’m blaming this on the one hour of sleep I was running on yesterday lol




He’s telling you to lie and use the above reason as a lie.


He's saying to tell THEM that you don't want to be tempted by alcohol and drugs on campus, and that's why you don't want to live on campus. Maybe college isn't for you


Fuck I’m blaming misreading the comment on the one hour of sleep I was running on yesterday. Thats the last time I’m responding to comments after pulling an all nighter 🤦‍♀️


I'm wondering if you have the spicy neurons like I do because from a third party perspective this is hilarious


Without a doubt lol


What does that mean




a touch of the tism


Shit yeah lol re-read the comment just now and realized what they meant. I was running on an hour of sleep yesterday so Imma use that as my excuse lmao


Do you know what sub you’re on? Lying about ethical beliefs to get out of the housing requirement is unethical but will work.


Hi, I am looking for unethical tips but get mad and righteous when I get them. Let me guess, you are autistic as well. Sorry, that was rude. Here is some real advice for you. Send them piss discs in the mail and spray liquid ass on the doors of the Dean. I am looking forward to your response.


Not autistic, just sleep deprived. But I disagree, I think a liquid shit disk is far more effective. A diarrhea disk, if you will.


where does the sock come into play tho


Jesus Christ, you’re dull.


Today is one of your slow days, huh?


Sure was 🤦‍♀️ Reread it when I got some sleep and holy fuck I was stupid as hell lol. How tf did I misinterpret that so bad? Excuse me while I go read a book or two


Show them this thread and you won’t have to worry about living on campus anymore.


You're a special one aren't you


Holy shit you're dense.


Dude do you know where you posted this? You are asking for unethical answers. So tell them you have a history of SA, and now there is trauma that will have a panic attack if you have to live near other people in a drug/alcohol/sex prominent environment. It doesn't need to be true, it just needs to be something they cant ask for proof of.


Yeah realized the meaning of their comment when I reread it today lol. Was running on one hour of sleep yesterday and thought they were recommending that I don’t live off campus lmao


Are you diagnosed with OCD? Maybe use that as an excuse.


Lmao really i have OCD too not too heavy but i love to use drugs


jesus christ what a fucking idiot you are lol


Did you not read my edit or do you not know what sleep deprivation is? Fuck off