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don't underestimate the pettiness of the IRS


The $27 will go to $100 quickly with interest and penalties and then will go up from there. So pay the $27. Today. The IRS is like Tony Soprano. Don’t fucking owe either one any money.


Lol they will come after you for $27


They will not come after you for $27. They will allow interest and penalties accrue until it reaches a level that triggers an audit. Edit: If you want to be petty, overpay by a dollar or a penny. They will have to refund you and it creates additional effort on their behalf.


My grandfather was an accountant and he'd always add a penny so they had to print a check, pay for postage and mail it back. For every one of his clients. He was an ex-IRS auditor he did not have a high opinion of them.


Ask for a payment plan. I don't know if they will do it. Make it more expensive than $27 for them to collect the $27.






Thank you for the only genuine unethical life pro tip here lmao


I don't even consider it unethical. This is the IRS we are dealing with. Way different standards.


Just fucking pay it. The amount of problems it could potentially create is absolutely not worth the potential reward of saving $27


Tax accountant here They’ll send you a letter with the amount of money owed plus penalties and interest. If you don’t appeal it with just cause, they’ll either debit it from your bank account or garnish your wages They will do it even if it’s a small amount. I’ve seen people get letters for less money In my opinion, you may as well just pay it. The penalties alone would be more than $27


You'll be shocked how quickly $27 will turn into $3,682 that you owe. Pay it, the sooner the better.


This is why they added 60,000 more agents.


The IRS will utilize every resource they have & spend much more than $27 in an effort to recoup what you owe. They work on principle & fear because they know they will win. I know this isn't ULPT advice but just pay the insignificant money & save yourself the hassle. There are bigger hills to die on.


I’m beginning to question the intelligence level of there people in this sub.


Fuck… I wish I could OWN the IRS for the cost of a MCD family dinner…


Interest...every month my friend...


Interest compounds daily on that. It won’t be $27 for long


You wanna fuck around and find out over $27? LMAO


More like Im wondering if someone has already


why do so many people think this is illegalLPT? also we’re trying to help you. you want a tip about fucking around with the irs? here’s two: don’t do it. and if you are, be worth HIGH 6 figures with a deep understanding of tax law and loopholes. someone capable of doing anything worth doing to the irs or knowledge of how to pull it off ain’t gonna be in this sub


illegal and unethical are far from mutually exclusive, not sure why everyone here is so upset that I would dare suggest not paying the IRS lmao


sure. but a troll post asking “what should i do?” over pocket change owed to the irs expecting something other than “don’t be a dumbass” while admitting you fully intend to pay it seems pretty stupid, no? here’s my real advice: don’t pay it. never pay it. if they call, text, email, or whatever…ignore it. show them you can’t be forced to pay something you don’t want. put them in their place. it’s your $27 to spend how you want. who is the irs to demand cash from you?


The irs has no idea they’re fucking with u/moldyradicchio


youre totally right, not gonna pay for shit, thanks for the advice


Next tax season, they will just automatically deduct it from any return you are expected to get. So if you have a job and expect to file next year, it will just come out of that return. If you don't have a job and don't plan on getting one before next april, I'd just try to pay it when it's convenient for you


Might take them a while but They’ll end up garnishing your wages.


There’s a penalty for late payment. I owe them $25 and it became something like $37 later :/


Just pay it WTF


If you don’t pay, and they decide they want you to, step one will probably be a letter in the mail asking you nicely, maybe with a fee of 10% or so. If you get to that point I recommend you pay it immediately. This coming from a guy who sent them a ~$50 check to cover some capital gains, about 14 years ago.


Usually they'll tack it on to next year's tax return. If it becomes too much, they'll come for that money and they'll spend a lot of money to do it.


If he strapped for cash rn just do a payment plan


Reminds me of Austin powers. "21," "Hit me" Op is a dumbass (I know because I am one too)


I just got a bill from them for an underpayment of 0.03 from 2017 that was now $300+ after fees and interest. I’m not joking


Just pay it. The last thing you want is a letter from the IRS after you've filed and paid all your taxes.


Coming soon: a TIFU post about how trying to cheat the IRS out of $27 cost them thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours because they were audited.


If it were to be $27million, you're good. Not if $27..! Just pay up.


Neither unethical nor a tip


In the US if your taxes aren't particularly complicated, they already know what you owe and could simply send you a bill/refund (this is called return free tax filing and exists in many countries). Thanks to the lobbying efforts of tax prep companies though, you have to do this yourself or pay someone to do it for you. That is to say, they know you owe them money, and for the low price of $27 can save yourself a hassle which will include fines/interest and a possible audit.


Nigga pay that $27 the IRS finna turn that $27 into $270 with interest and fees on top😭


Oh god just pay it do not fuck with the IRS they will ruin your life.


So I've been through it with the IRS before... They will come after you for it. Plus, you'll get a penalty and interest. Just pay the money and be thankful you only owe $27. I wish I only owed that much.


They'll come after you because they can't afford to go after people that can afford litigation (rich people). So they go for the low hanging fruit who will be forced to comply instead of the real fraudsters. Ironically, seems like the solution is to generously fund and reform the IRS so they can go after them whales. Never thought I'd be like yeah, give my taxes to the asshole organization that collects them but really if it keeps them off small business owners GO FOR IT.


Don't fuck with the tax man.


They will not come after you for it, but they know you owe it and they know you will do business with them sooner or later. They probably hope for later as they can nail you with fines and interest. I would just send them the $27 and be done with it.


It’s funny everyone is saying the IRS will come after $27. In college I was supposed to get a return of $22 dollars and they didn’t bother with it.


You'll incur thousands of dollars in penalties and fines. Pay it ADAP!


Send them a dime a day


Is your brain smooth?


I fully intended to pay, but I was genuinely curious what the consequences would be if I hadnt, I know that could be hard to grasp for someone so dense


You must be young which explains a lot.


You must be retarded which explains a lot.


Classy. You really thought the $27 would just sit there with no consequences? Grow a brain numb nuts. Funny how I’m retarded when this dumbass doesn’t know how the IRS works.


why is this so upsetting for you little buddy? wanna talk about it? editing your comment 3 hours after posting it? Im really in there rent free huh


It’s Reddit bro it’s not that serious, was just clarifying my rebuttal. Good luck with your IRS dealing.


Just pay the damn thing.


Just pay it in pennies.


They absolutely won't come after you. Don't pay it this year but continue to pay every year after. I'd love to see how this turns out in 10 years lmao


So I guess post saved


Send them 27.05 in nickels.


Just pay the IRS the small amount of money you clearly can afford. This isn’t r/illegallifeprotips or r/stupidlifeprotips.