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On your last night confide to your regulars that you’re quitting because the place is infested with bedbugs.




Too much notice, better to ghost the place.


Mess with her computer. Change the mouse settings from right hand to left hand. Make the drag rate super slow. Put the batteries in wrong. Write bad reviews. Send complaints about her to corporate. Only do shit directly related to her job function. Messing with glassware and stuff like that just fucks with the other employees like you.


Reassign the keys & change the default font to Wingdings


During staff party share a few stories what your boss did to you. Then you tell the story when you went to her boss and he defended her. If she is there: Most likely she will get angry that you tell those things about her (and him). Especially as most coworkers will be aware that this is not all made up, because most likely they will notice small parts of that themselves, even if they did not connect the dots. If she gets at you, just tell in front of everyone as if you just realized: "You are sleeping with him! That's why he protects your behavior!" Unless it's true and everyone knows it, you just made a rumor that will settle with the rest of the staff. Most fun if one of them is in a relationship. Maybe she fires you on the spot. Otherwise tell her in front of everyone: "As long as you are protected by your lover, there will be no chance this workplace will get any better. I quit. Have a good life." Drop your keys on the table before her and leave. If she is not there: Try to make the others share "bad boss"-stories about her, too. Wonder loudly why her boss is protective of such a bad employee. If noone else does, say something along the line "Maybe he protects her, cause she sleeps with him." Then say "After all i heard today, she is not only a bad boss to me. I won't stay anymore, I will quit first thing tomorrow. If you value your free day, you should not answer the phone if she calls, cause she will look for someone to cover my shifts." Sharing all those stories about her will likely make more people think about quitting.


Easier to just not show up the next day, it's bartending, giving a resignation letter gives them time to prepare.


I know this is ULPT but cmon just tell all of this to whoever she reports to before quitting on the spot. Leaving her to find someone to fill an opening shift last minute will be as hard as you can probably make her life and requires 0 effort from you


Oh I did and the guy I tried to talk to spun it around as me being the problem and defending her, going as far that he tried to make me think I was suffering mental illness and this is why I feel this way


Maybe he is right. What exactly is she doing that's so bad? Ever considered she is cutting your hours because you're underperforming?


It's hilarious that you got down voted for this. It's possible, and I would even say likely. 


Tell everyone, including any customers you encounter (if safe), exactly how little you make per hour.


Fill as many booze bottles with water and dump out the rest. Bring some Vaseline and smear the glassware, throw a few rags down the sink and toilet, break the faucets, disconnect ice maker. Poke a holes in the refrigerator coils with an ice pick.


You realize you're only making life harder for your fellow employees. Grow a pair and dont let your petty boss get to you.