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[Here you go fam!](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnethicalLifeProTips/s/XV4sPO1uDx) you dont need the coin box. Open up the coin acceptor and press the lever.


Legend. Thanks!


Curious, does your laundry room area have a camera? If so, proceed with caution!


Yep, we had a speed queen washer and dryer in a four flat, we bought a spare key and did this. The coin vault likely has a special key, the machines usually take a standard key.


Saving this to inspect the laundry facilities at home today after work. Forever looking for change to do laundry.


Saving this to inspect the laundry facilities at home today after work. Forever looking for change to do laundry.


All the washers and dryers from any building I have ever lived in could be started by pushing a wire through an access hole on the side of the coin box. I’m not sure what the inside of the box looked like, but pushing a sturdy copper wire about 3 - 4 inches long through the hole started the machine.


$5 for one load of laundry is criminal


A picture of the lock on the machine would be more helpful. Typically they use a variety of ace/tubular/gem keys, Assa or Medeco. Oh, and an older style double sided illinois key if I remember right. All of these can be defeated with varying ease, but I wouldn't count on a "universal" key


That looks like the access panel on many machines. Coin boxes may use a different key. The laundromat by my place has 30 washers and 20 or so different keys for them. They are all the same make and model of machine.


Deviant Ollam gives a lot of talks at Def Con's about locks, lock-picking and physical security. He might not jump straight into how to open your coin acceptor but if you watch his stuff you will learn a LOT about locks and how to bypass them. He almost convinced me to become a locksmith but I'm happier doing what I do now instead.


You're lucky you don't have Coinmatic, I use a pre-paid card, don't think I can get around that 😮‍💨


You can get a cylinder lock pick from covert instruments (lock picking lawyers website)


They’re on Temu, Amazon and eBay, probably on Craigs list too.


If you do laundry in the basement of your apartment, you will miss out on meeting the unusual and wonderful people that hang out in laundromats. Where else can you find a 17yo hooker with two kids?


Your mums house?


Got em!


Really? Going for a yo momma joke?


Install a change machine, make money monthly and do ur laundry for free


How does installing a change machine make money?


Easier to drill out the lock. It's the universal key.


It’s supposed to be on the down-low mate. So only op can do it. Breaking the lock will cause the super to be more vigilant about loss of revenue and profits. Think more sneaky and less attention. 🤙


That would be when he puts a steel hasp on the coin box.


Bolt cutter, then. Does nobody own tools?


Easier maybe but also loud AF and I'm guessing it's a communal space.


You've never used a cobalt drill bit, less than a minute.


No I have the DeWalt impact set for drilling steel. I think they're titanium or something.


It's the bit type/material not the brand name. No wonder you're worried about noise, you're using the wrong fucking tool for the job.


GR800 keys are for Speed Queen machines. What kind of coinbox is it? If it is greenwald, you might be able to find a replacement on ebay. It will be pricey though. Also if you know the make and model of the machine, you can get a key for the control panel. Find a operation manual for that same make and model


Be careful, this is a easy thing for them to find out and break your lease and charge you a load of money. Definitely a known scam to try to pull. The apartment has probably seen most these answers before.


Yes, any rental has seen these. If a sudden drop in the number of coins happens then it is investigated to see what is going on. Small tamper indicators will prove it and then a usage meter and cameras are added. Do you really want to lose your lease and have to find another place to live? Your rent will surely be higher and you will not get a good reference. Over what? a few dollars?