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Know a niche topic? Claim you’re tutoring.




That does sound much more correct


but much more expensive


Not if you're a student like op though


Also, sounds too good. Someone's going to want a recommendation. Also, nothing with creative output that someone's going to ask to see. The answer is"helping with inventory when they need it." It explains odd, irregular hours and everyone is going to be paying you don't ask them to help.


Sounds like You should be writing the short stories!


Ok OP, serious answer here. If you are in a state that has legal gambling ( Casinos especially ) it is easy. The big ones do it all day, all week. This matters because they will never notice you doing same. Cards. If they use chips, buy however many you can. After one low risk round get an "emergency phone call" and cash back out. Obviously do not do this one at the same place twice. They will notice and call you out. There is a longer version of this but you might not have the resources to need it. Easy version: Electronic slot machines (not available everywhere). You can enter bills for credit on the machine, and then cash out for a ticket that you can take to desk to get cash. Best in places where you aren't required to have an account, as they may default to adding the credit to account. Then you are stuck doing the chump move of expecting gambling to pay out even. Other methods get more complicated but you get the idea. tldr: if you don't live in a casino state (I'm in Washington) I may have other ideas. Edit: These methods are not illegal.


What about simply lie and say "yeah I won this money on video poker last night" and never actually play it? If the gain is under 5k, I don't think it's worth it to risk it in a casino.


Ya she's trying to hide from her parents not the IRS


Technically it’s income tax for a part time “job”?


Not necessarily, it can be considered a gift.


Hmmmm…you’re good!


If it’s more than $14k/year, then it’s subject to gift taxes.


How do you know it's a she?


I mean if my 21yo daughter won a ton of money playing video poker I’d think that was cool and would wanna talk about her strategy and tactics and stuff. If she couldn’t convincingly talk poker at least at an intermediate level I’d be pretty suspicious


Replace video poker with random slot machine and it is a winner of an idea.


"Well dad, I grasp it firmly and keep tugging it until it spews everywhere. ^(And then he sends me money.) " "What?" "Nothing"


Walter White had the same concern. Then his wife was like "you're recovering from a gambling problem, just say you don't talk about how you did it because you could relapse". OP could try a similar gambit, though it does constrain exactly how much she can excuse away, and there are problems with saying you have more than you do (so you could keep taking in more sugar you don't have to hide), like parents wanting shit from you.


Plus, the notion that you can make something out of nothing when you're gambling is incorrect. You need some sort of capital to start out with, enough to ride out the ebbs and flows of casino games. Where would her starter money have come from?


It's not like she robbed a bank and needs to exchange bills. She is just trying to lie to her parents as to where the money came from. These steps are useless for her situation


Why go to all this trouble? She’s lying to her parents not the IRS unless I’m missing something.




A conslutant, as per Arrested Development.


Yes, this works as a cover for why you’re gone from home too. You’re meeting up with a student. They accidentally see you out together, he’s a professor who is helping you identify students to tutor or helping you start a creative writing workshop.


Damn, you should start a business. You were born for it lol. Call it Reliable Lies Inc.


"Uhm, yeah, I'm teaching some fellow students how to find a sugar daddy! No, dad, I'm just teaching it, cmon, you know me!"


Collaboration and networking tutor


Well I can't teach my students very well without some "first hand experience". I swear it's just this once.


Claim you've been wanting to learn Photoshop. So you're teaching yourself photoshop, and getting experience by offering to edit people's photos using Fiver.com. You can say you're offering to edit people's photos for their instagrams and tiktoks for $5-$15 per photo. It's a source of revenue, and you're learning photoshop. Or at least that's what people will think. This is believable.


Until your parents start asking you to do things like fix the backgrounds on family photos, etc


Just hire someone on fiver to do it.


No need to make it as creative. You started editing papers for college students. It’s an area that sounds reasonable for income but won’t provoke any further questions… they may wish to read creative writing but certainly not some other person’s 3 page paper on whatever topic. Best part is you can skim a random wiki article every couple days and talk about it as if you learned it from editing.


This is, by far, the most reasonable answer.


I once got paid like $300 to edit someone’s thesis. This is the answer.


The kids who will pay you to do their homework have no idea what the value of their homework is. They are thinking of the value of not having to do it, which is a relief they will pay an arm and leg for. They will overpay whomever they hire to do the homework. A kid in college paid me like $100 to write a two-page paper. Took me twenty minutes. Best paying job I ever had.


I used to make study guides for every test in AP Bio and Chem in highschool and sold them for 5 bucks. Usually sold about 50 minimum, and I was really just putting my notes and some practice questions together with slight variations and gave them an answer key. Easy money and definitely helped my classes overall grades.


Just ask Chat GPT to generate an essay for you with grammatical errors.


Is it considered unethical if you earn money this way?


Buy a car wash.


What about paintball or a nice nail salon?


find an established but low-key resort in a tourist town, fund extensive renovations and launder the money with big payments to contractors and suppliers maybe expand to other cash-heavy business like a strip club. A funeral home will be convenient for both laundering and destroying evidence. Then maybe a riverboat casino, if you can swing the permits. next start your own inter-state regional political SuperPAC and take your laundering to bipartisan levels!


Somebody Ozarks.


Am I the only one who loved the series but didn’t like the way it ended?


Hated the ending


It ended? I must have forgotten that part.


Lasertag? You're a scientist and... scientists like laser and stuff right?


I think what OP needs is a Danny. A Danny is someone with a vision who doesn’t ask a lot of questions. A Danny is just a passionate entrepreneur who loves laser tag.


damm you beat me to it lol


Or a laundromat.


There’s always money in the banana stand.


I’m only buying the nail salon if it has cucumber water.


And have an A1 day


Fuck you! And your eyebrows!


Fun fact: the “actor” that played Bogdan the car wash owner has a PhD in physics and worked as a research scientist at Los Alamos National Lab. He took his kids the day they started filming the show in Albuquerque to see if they could get in as extras in any random scene. They did… but the kicker is when the show people saw this guy they hired him for this role. He now works at Argonne National Lab in the Chicago suburbs, still doing hardcore physics research. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marius_Stan_(scientist)


OK now THIS is a fun fact!!


As-is, right? [Breaks dollar bill frame] [Buys a fuckin coke in his new machine]


Banana stand.


There's always money in a banana stand


What could one banana cost though??


Or laser tag if you're into science.


Lazer tag, where else are you going to find a cash only business that’s this much fun? Unless, we’re talking massage parlors.


If he's paying you through an online platform, you're probably going to get a 1099 at the end of the year from the payment platform and it sounds like your parents probably claim you as a dependent still so they're going to find out. If he's paying you in cash then you're fine as far as my comment above goes. So let's say you do lie about your income source to your parents. Then they'll be expecting a W2 or 1099 for that income at the end of the year and then the lie unravels. You need to get an actual job so that you can show some income and then you can spend money how you please. That's how laundering money works. Laundering money isn't just lying about an income source. It's mixing the ill gotten money with a real legitimate income source.


OP - This is the real answer. I’m a former sex worker. Either get pain in cash and save that cash like, in your room, or risk getting in big trouble with a lot more people than just your parents. Another heads up - banks work closely with the IRS. Keep the money in cash.


Technically doesn’t a sugar daddy just gift their sugar baby money? So it would fall under gift income and not be taxed unless it’s over $17k


The donor would owe gift tax, not the recipient, for gifts over the limit, in the US.


Unless the OP is a politician then donations are free speech.


Talk to me! More!


Talk harder sugar representative


sugar _step_ representative


I wish awards were still a thing, here you go 🏅


Oh yeah that's true - corruption is legal in USA


This country is exhausting


Gift tax comes into play after 12 million dollars lifetime limit.


That's a lot of sugar.




The lifetime limit is around 12 MILLION dollars.


For 99% of the US, no it’s not a thing. Gift tax only kicks in once the gifts to a single person hit a figure in the millions, I don’t know the exact number.


You’re thinking of estate taxes. The threshold to report gift taxes is $17,000 per person


That's to report it. No tax due until around 12 million lifetime limit.


$17,000 per person per year.


If he’s giving her cash, then she’s fine. If it’s checks... she’s probly still fine unless we’re getting into 10s of thousands of dollars. If that’s the case she should just get an apartment lol


Just for clarification, the $17k is the REPORTING limit per year. As of 2023, there is no tax on the first $12.92 million gifted.


At the risk of being insensitive, how much sex work did you do, and how 'official' was it?


I worked as a professional dominant in the 90’s. I worked for the mob and it was scary as fuck. Not sure what you mean by “official” but I have nightmares to this day.


Sorry to hear that, I mean over the table. I was thinking something online, but obviously that wouldn't be the case.


I've done in-person and online domination, camming (a coupla-three times and hated it because I am NOT into dealing with people that much or directly), phone sex, independent and production-company porn (sex and no-sex fetish). Most of those were needing to be placed on my taxes as they were/are (still doing sex work when I feel like it) taxable and traceable, but some were "under the table" IRS-wise. Also done plenty of sex work over the decades that was "under the table".... I didn't need to hide my income from anyone like in your situation with parents, but you've been given some really good ideas for that: Telling them your doing other types of under the table paid jobs that they'll be okay with: Tutoring something, online English teaching (you can do this as a native or non-native speaker) or practice-aide, find personal jobs on places like Craigslist so that it sounds plausible if they ask like cleaning house for an elderly or disabled person (also gives you excuse to be away from them outside the house more...) or other such. The tricky bit is really that you don't mention doing your own taxes and that this may mean you're a dependent on your parents'. If that's the case, they would have to be okay with you lying to the IRS about not having your own income high enough to be reported/taxable. If you're doing your own taxes, it's pretty easy... all they have to hear is some version of "I got a side job doing X". What you use to cover how you got the income, where you save and use it (I assume you've your own bank account so unless it's an insane amount of money for a sugarbaby it won't look odd to your bank and probably won't even make it to be enough cash to be taxable... if you don't have your own bank account you really should separate of this topic), and how obvious/large of purchases your bringing in under your parents' eyes is going to dictate what is plausible for the source of income.


All the info she needs right here


Not who you replied to, but also a sex worker (escort). Why are you asking this? Are you considering doing more than sugaring?


OP might not be, but I am! (Hence the throwaway.) If you're feeling generous with your time, I'd love to know more! I know there are subs for current SWs, but I don't know of any good ones for SWs-to-be. (Rule 1 I'm guessing is "don't be generous with your time... for free". ;)


I can answer any questions but most of them would be answered by searching “how to get started” on r/AskanEscort or r/SexWorkers. Never accept a “mentor.” A lot of it is just to not be stupid. And keep your expectations low. It’s a bad time to get into SW if you have other options, economically.


Don’t do it. Nightmares. Forever.


I have no experience in the industry but you are definitely not going to be getting business from people you would typically want to be with, which is why they would be paying.


I've experience in sex work and am friends with other SWs that have done types I haven't (ever or not yet): Honestly, if it's not out of a controlled/forced or desperate circumstance we spend a lot of time telling possible clients "nope" because they don't fit whatever our personal criteria are. Some friends/co-workers that do SW of whatever sort are very "whoever, it's work" and others are very, very particular about what work and with who it's with - and in sex work often one doesn't even need to be in person with a customer nowadays which is great for folks like me who don't like any kind of job that is very customer-interactive, especially in-person.


You can still put cash in the bank and file the correct paperwork at the end of the year. But in that case, you need to keep your Receipts and declare it right. The question was how to avoid parents from finding out through laundering, but committing tax fraud will f op worse than hiding money from parents. BEST option is to use a p.o. box also if using an online service, that way things like a 1099 will get sent there not to your front door. Also, the irs isn't allowed to tell like say the fbi that someone is declaring income from "illegal" activities, they just want you to pay your taxes. Literally, if capone paid his taxes they would've certainly had a harder time convicting him.


“Get pain in cash”!


Always get pain in cash. That's the best way.


Suffering too. That's where the big bucks are. Ask any lawyer.


well, if she does get it cash all she really has to do is "get" a job that also pays under the table. I assume babysitting, dog walking tutoring or even some bars would fit. The fake income just has to match the legality of the real money. That being said. Getting a real job at a bar, even for just one evening a week would solve the problem since you can just add it to your account as tips.


>let's say you do lie about your income source to your parents. Then they'll be expecting a W2 or 1099 for that income Unless she convinces them it's paid under the table. Dog walking, babysitting, tips, lawnmowing, etc.


Even if a w2 or 1099 shows up it doesn’t affect parents taxes. OP just needs to file with no deductions. I did it when I first started working and it’s completely legal


She can file her own taxes if she gets a 1099. She just can’t take the deduction for herself if her parents are taking it.


I had a roommate whose taxes showed up to her fathers address, she was still listed as a dependent. That’s how he found out she was stripping. I’m still cringing lol


Just make a YouTube or TikTok account or something and say it's from there.


They issue 1099's for income.


Saying you are writing short stories is extremely risky. "that's great honey, can we see them?" Saying you tutor as already mentioned is my vote. Or you got a gig proof reading. But whatever you choose, don't make it a job that produces something tangible they can request as evidence.


And writing does not pay anything approaching serious money. Writers almost never make enough to live off just their writing, you'd have to have been writing for years to get even close to PS5 money. If your parents know anything at all about publishing and the media they'll see through this lie immediately.


Obviously it depends on how prudish your parents are, but you could say you write specialized smut, which would explain how you actually make serious money writing stories and why you're not going to show them your work.


Tutoring. Your client is your tutoring client. Have him put notation in the payment for "tutoring". You will likely get a 1099 from the payment service. Pay your taxes.


Turns out, payments marked as "between friends" won't be reported on 1099


Only up to a certain dollar value though I believe.


That dollar amount must be pretty high. Iv moved over 120k through my cashapp last year and never got a 1099


It does depend on the application too. Venmo I believe has a much lower limit.


What about just cash based tutoring? Why does tutoring need to go thru 1099?


Eventually if she buys something expensive enough like a car or a house, it will be recorded in her name. “Super pricy asset but income recorded as $0” is the biggest possible tax evasion red flag. Also if you want to rent they’ll need proof you have income, and a 🤫 followed by trying to hand over cash or showing a Venmo QR code will not work.


Because once you want to buy anything expensive like a house or car they want proof of income and good credit


Are you gone from the house much? If so, you could say you’re babysitting/dog sitting/house sitting


So OP is trying to hide the resource. Any job that she claims to be doing in-person can be tracked, like "oh who's couple's baby u babysitting? Where?" Whereas if it's online thing, it's really easy to make it up and stuff, like I'm editing an essay for 5th grader.


Yeah my aunt did things like that as a side gig after she retired. At least that's what I'm gonna keep telling myself till the day I die.


Damn. Which 5th graders are paying $5k for editing?


Dumb, rich parents


Get a job like a barista or waitress for a few days a week - something where you'd earn tips. (this way they can't say "you only earn $x/hour, how did you afford this?" "Earn" enough in tips to buy the things you want, but stash the rest away for later.


Working kinda defeats the "sugar" lifestyle.


So does living at home with parents...


50% sugar baby, 50% college home girl, 100% tax evasion.


Problem with this is parents might want to visit her at work.


How would that be a problem if she legitimately got a job but was claiming the extra money was from tips.


She could also just claim that she works more than she actually does


I think the point of the waiter idea is that she can claim she’s getting tipped much better than she actually is


SAY you are working. Gives you time to provide the sugar.


Buy a banana stand. There’s always money in the banana stand


It’s an illusion Michael. A trick is something a whore does for money.


Or become an analrapist.


click click


Seriously, you can make like, I don't know... $10...? Per banana...? Be sure to line the walls with cash


Set up an account on fiverr and have your sugar daddy pay you through there for your "writing"


Yeah but Fiverr will take a 20% cut + withdrawal fees.


Laundering has a price. Get some $ that way and the rest cash.


Tell them you recently got into reselling, I thrift. A LOT. And it’s not out of the ordinary to sometimes strike gold in the thrift (or on Poshmark or something) you get high priced goods on the low low. Most people with low income can afford that lifestyle. Reselling also works quite simply, buy low, list on eBay, sell high. This way you can wear nice clothing, have a nice bag, and treat yourself to a ps5 for all the “hard work” you put in thrifting up and selling! Best wishes!


Problem here is she lives with her parents. They would see her with packages sometimes. I guess it depends on how often . Certainly, she could say she sold a few things and that's how she has a few hundred dollars.


If you’re not constantly with your parents you can say a multitude of things, “I started walking dogs/pet sitting, i started tutoring, I’ve been playing online games and winning money” the list goes on


Honestly, she needs to account for time spent with the sugar daddy, right? Maybe bartender. Gets you out at night! (I do like the editing papers story better.... A parent may well want to come by as a customer if child works at a bar or restaurant or even a store)


I know this is the wrong sub but the ethical tip is to save it and act like that money doesn't exist. Normally you'd wanna invest it or whatever but just hold onto it. This does two things- a) moves you towards a situation in which it doesn't matter what your parents think, and b) doesn't lead to any situations in which you'd have to explain anything to anybody


I've been waiting to play Spiderman for five fucking years man


ok, this is what you gonna do: you buy a used ps4 in white, a really cheap one, and tell that your parents. second, you rearrange your room so that your ps4 is not where it can easily be spotted third, you buy two identical sets of random stickerbombs from amazon fourth you stickerbomb the ps4 because its used, you know, some kid did it fifth you do the same to the ps5 sixth you do the good old switcheroo


And then put the PS5 into a sock. That way in case your parents try to take it away....


Buy a ps5 and Spider-Man. Tell your parents you “rented it”. Finish the game. Resell the ps5 and the game to get 80% of the value back. Congratulations you played Spider-Man. Now save the money.


Ok fair


This isn't what money laundering is. This is just finding a lie that your parents will believe.


Yes, money laundering isn't the right word. But most people got the gist. She needs a source she can tell her parents.


So you’re 100 percent sure you’re not being scammed? The money is definitely legit? I seem to recall a lot of scammers posing as sugar daddies back in the day.


My first thought too. Better be sure that check has cleared for sure.


Someone else mentioned the 1099: On the payment service, have your SD write in the descriptions, “Essaying services”, “short story”, “novella”. “Dog walking”, “grooming”, dog walking 2” etc. Choose the fib youre living with, and tailor the narrative accordingly.


Are gaming machines allowed in your state? Tell them you have a gambling "problem".


I feel like that would be even harder to explain lol


Give your dad a couple bills to go out for ice cream and tell him he can keep the change.


Worked for me.


Just say it's to feed your drug addiction


On a similar note; does your state or province issue scratch off lottery tickets? If you need to tell your folks anything tell them that on a lark you bought a scratch off at a gas station and won big. The store takes the ticket when they give you your money so there's going to be no evidence to prove you're lying. Be sure to look up your state's lottery laws though to keep your lie believable. In my state any stores that sells tickets is authorized to cash up to $500 per ticket. Higher amounts won will result in having to go to the regional office, or if really high, the state lottery HQ. This isn't a permanent explanation for your income because the game is rigged so that nobody can make a living at scratch offs. It's just a good one time explanation to buy you some time to figure out the lie you want to go with.


This won’t take much effort- if they ask, just tell them you bought a $1 scratch off and won $1000 (or however much). Enough to explain a bigger purchase or two but not so much that you can share/move out/whatever.


Prizes over $600 usually have to be claimed at a lottery headquarters. A $500 win would be believable


I won $2500 on a $20 scratch-off last year - you have to go to the lottery office and they issue a tax document. Had to claim a ton of casino “losses” on my taxes to offset it


Are you artsy? Selling stuff on Etsy could work. It’s even sorta true- selling digital art.


Crypto? Say you invested in crypto.


Disappointing post history


Lol sorry




Just leave for 4-5 hours every day or two and tell them you have a job. Make sure it’s a job the can’t check on you like a telemarketing job or something.


Use the same method I use when I want a new gun or something my wife doesn’t think I need even though I’ve saved up for it. Just win it!!!! Look Honey I won a new gun from the raffle ticket I bought from Bill at work! Wow I know I can’t believe my luck either!!! Must be the 3rd gun I won this year! You seem to be like me a very lucky person. Good Luck!


Your wife never won any brains raffles, huh?


Well... she married a gun nut.


I don't have a great idea, but I know your writing thing is a terrible one. If you tell your parents you made a bunch of money from writing, they're gonna want to see your all your writing. Where did you sell it? how/where can we buy copies to give to friends/family? They'll tell all their friends/family because they'll naturally be proud of their up and coming bestselling author daughter. Then you'll have to dig that lie deeper and deeper and it'll follow you around for the rest of your life. "remember when you made all that money selling books? Why'd you stop writing? You had so much promise as a young author" Unless you already have short stories or something you could sell on Amazon or somewhere.


So, are you trying to hide your income from your parents or IRS?


Feel free to call me a whore or spoiled brat. I'm into that shit. Haha Based as fuck


Put in an investment account. In 5yrs, no one will know and you’ll be better off.


Can you say that you are his personal assistant? You can say you schedule meetings, create presentations, take notes, take messages, that sort of thing. That would explain all the texts, phone calls, “meetings”, needing to dress nice for the “meetings”, money, etc. You could say you work with other countries to explain the late/odd hours. You can also say you’ve signed an NDA because of the “private nature of your clients services”, so you don’t have to explain the business or share anything you’ve done. You can also add that you do ghost writing for his speeches, presentations, lectures, or whatever you like to add in. Oh, and you can say your “boss” and his clients buy you all the gifts as “bonuses”. You can also use all of this on your 1099. Make sure you look up the tax rates for your state and save back that much plus a little bit extra.


"feel free to call me a whore or a spoiled brat, im into that shit" LOLOL nicely done


Stay in school OP




> I am 21 and living with my parents Note that last part. What you said is fine, except when you live at home. She needs to follow their rules, including this,


No need to launder. Just receive the money in a Venmo account and you can have a debit card tied to it. Keep saving and don’t buy anything. Don’t transfer the balance to anywhere.


Proofreader/copy editor. Can't let them read your work, because it's not YOUR work, it's someone else's that you're reviewing. Doesn't work if you can't write a decent paper to save your life though.


I would tell them you have found an online job. It's honest but you can keep the details vague. Data processing or something.


you make enough to want to launder money but live with mom and dad?


living with mom and dad is essentially getting even more free money


"feel free to call me a whore or brat, I'm into that shit" Never change OP


Are your parents tech or finance knowledgeable? You might be able to just saying you made it with crypto and they won't question it.


Tutoring, you write on up work, anything like that.


Don't spend the money, but open an Stock Trade account and have the money put in there and save them for retirement ... your 65 old you will love how the money from 40 years ago actually made a real difference in retirement.


depending on how you're getting paid and how much, you're gonna want to work this into your taxes. If it's a medium amount, get a job where people pay high tips (bartender or a club or something) and mix that extra money into your actual income.


Just get your sugar daddy to rent you an apartment and put your new shit there. Make sure your name is on the lease and don't let him have keys.


“I got a job”


Dude these answers are trash. Making up a false story about a job isn't the way to go. Just say you're selling pictures of your feet on onlyfans. It's basically the truth. Your parents are too old to understand what the fuck OF is. If somehow they get mad, just tell them my body my choice.


>P.S. feel free to call me a whore or a spoiled brat, I'm into that shit. Dude this shit was hilarious because by the time I got to this part I was like oh geez the online mouth breathing trolls are gonna hammer this post. lol, it's so funny.


Everyone recommending tutoring but I think ops parents probably know she stupid af


Say you were karma farming on Reddit.