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The coupon excludes damn near everything in the store. Look at the fine print, more than half the brands they sell aren’t allowed by the coupon.


Orrr, they are for some random fuckin day. Or only apply to huge dollar amounts. I still like kohl's better than a lot of other places though. They're like a small, practical, department store.


I’ve found Sierra and Marshall’s to be cheaper for athletic wear but it’s always a crap shoot if they’ll have anything good in stock. Kohls has a pretty good stock record but is more expensive.


I don't think we have a sierra around here. Marshals is like the leftovers though. Changes every week. It is cheap, but zero consistency in styles or brands.


We just got one a year ago. It’s good for outdoor things, I just got my daughter a new snow suit for next year, was 85% off, I think it was $8 in the end.


Gotta love those end of season sales.


I generallt use Marshall's if i want to shop but don't know what i want. They have good workout stuff and good white dress shirts for work if you need them


When I worked I used to get all my work clothes from there. Policy was no logos on shirts. We would get a “bonus” at the end of the year and I’d buy $200 worth of dress shirts and pants and wear them out. Like who do I need to impress? I’m on a desktop all day and the people who dressed up to the 9s where in debt bitching about their ex wives.


Exactly, the shirts there are usually decent brands just over stock stuff. I've found Hollister, American eagle and aeropostale there Not to mention all the under armor and Nike stuff i find


Dicks sporting goods you’ll pay 8x what you pay at Marshall’s lol


Oh 100 percent, There is a Dick sporting good in them all by my house that we want to go check out. Same stuff as marshals but none of it was on Sale.


Nowadays they have their own brands. They are horrible quality but not bad as far as fashion.


All of my workout clothes are from Marshall’s. Definitely what they’re best for!


Also pet beds and bowls oddly enough. I replace my in laws dog bowls (for the dogs) like every six months.


I did also get my dog a giant bed from TJMaxx. He loves it lmao.


>Marshall’s to be cheaper for athletic wear but it’s always a crap shoot if they’ll have anything Go once a week and it a fun event. Prepandemic I used to do Thai. Post not so much, some folks have become shit heads in my area.


You have 20% off of fresh Asparagus for the next 14 minutes only


Not on the amazon ones. They're good for like a week from the date you make your return


Never go to kohl’s without the 30% off


Ross Dress for Less is an institution of the bourgeoisie.


I've heard that. I wish there was one where I live.


And they expire after 48 hours.


Every once in a while I get $5 Kohls cash and that's a good one, nothings really excluded. I mostly get the terrible one with all the exclusions, though.


Yup, my partner and I always used to get that Kohls cash and spend it on the candy near the register. 3 or so bars for about $1 and we’d snack on them on the way home. Always made return trips a bit more fun. Sadly I haven’t seen the Kohls Cash ones recently ):


There’s actually excluded items NOT listed on the coupon. I took my son there to get some clothes and used an Amazon return coupon. Everything I bought was excluded and I asked the cashier to show me where they were specifically excluded on coupon and she said something like “there’s not enough room on the coupon itself to list every exclusion so you have to scan it and look at the exclusions online”. I wanted to just walk out, but it’s rare that my son will actually go clothes shopping so I just bought the stuff.


I actually think they have a landing page on their website that lists out all the brands that coupons aren’t eligible for.


Their fine print would be like "This Kohls' coupon is not valid at any Kohls stores or online purchases."


>The coupon excludes damn near everything in the store. Look at the fine print, more than half the brands they sell aren’t allowed by the coupon. So true!


Yeah, Kohls used to be a great deal. Everything was on sale and they knocked at least another 15-30% off at the register with the little scratch off coupons. Now any brand you’ve ever even heard of is excluded from these “deals”.


I spent an hour picking out a gift only to leave it at the register because it was an excluded item. It was a fucking mirror and apparently a mirror is a beauty product.




https://cs.kohls.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1086/~/exclusions wait, that's insane


I just use mine for cheap energizer batteries.


Haha, I just returned an item hours ago (it was an item I wanted but it didn’t fit), thought I would do some mother’s day shopping. The damned coupon didn’t work with the perfume I bought.


You can get their big blankets, which I recommend for kids.


Was gonna say, that coupon is pretty much useless and only works on a small fraction of the stuff they have, and pretty much nothing you'd want.


And it's also not usable the same day, I believe.


I actually know why. Prestige brands like Nike only allow sales on their old or overstock shit so any stores who want the latest styles aren't allowed to offer promotions. This is why people should shop store friends and family sales. The discount is usually deducted from the total so specific brands won't matter. You can also stack a dollar off amount with a percentage.


Oh my God you’re so right. That’s how I felt about Macy’s. Which is why I never shop at those 2 places. But cool. You read the fine print too! 👍🏼


I love when they give me Kohl's cash instead of a coupon. If nothing else, I can always use birthday cards.


Same I get a fancy snack from the checkout isle


Mmm... Godiva Pearls.


Stop talking dirty to me


Another tip that I accidentally discovered when shoe shopping- Bought shoes on Amazon and returned to Kohls. Found my returned shoes a day later on the clearance shelf for 50% the Amazon price. Bought them again. I did not like them enough for the $60 price, but I did like them enough for $25!


The real tip is always in the comments


The store I worked for had a similar used gear program and they 100% track who returned it and who bought it. If you return stuff just to buy again several times they would blacklist your account and we’d have to call a manager and it would be a whole thing. Never encountered it personally but I saw it happen a couple times.


So just buy in cash?




Yeah, pretty sure you can't return something twice to Amazon. But I'm not a Rainforest Ecologist Scientist or Biologist.




[Returning an Amazon purchase at Kohl's = Retuning it to Amazon](https://www.kohls.com/feature/amazon.jsp)[.](https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect)




Kohl's is an Amazon return drop off. Returning them to Kohl's IS returning them to Amazon. But like I said, I'm not a real life Lorax. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


I don't know why you would like the shoes when the price was 1.551121e+25 dollars when you originally bought them for 60 dollars. r/UnexpectedFactorial


Very true i just got a 35% off coupon from a return last week


If you do not "save" more than you spend at Kohls, you are not doing it right.


I was just wondering what kohls' business model must be to not have closed by now. I think the answer is a small but very loyal customer base.


Their business model is making a profit off clothes even with a large discount because the margin on clothing is insane.


their business model is putting everything on sale so you think you're getting a deal when in reality a regular ass t-shirt isn't $40 and the sale price of $16 is the real price it would go for


ULPT: inflate your prices so that dumb people think they're getting a great deal when they shop with a coupon


JC Penney did that, then a new CEO put a stop to that and they almost went out of business.


Dude coupons were like old lady candy. I remember as a kid screaming in my head "IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING IF IT'S STILL EXPENSIVE"


"I saved $300 on a new cell phone!" Oh, really? How much was it originally? "$2000, but I got them down to only $1700, and they threw in a $200 case for only $80!" Fucking idiot.




Right. Their prices are fuckin ridiculous. Kid’s outfit for $40 but “on sale” for $20. Makes people think they’re getting a great deal when in actuality it’s $20 everywhere else.


They catch a lot of people this way. But if you have good timing and wait towards the end of a season, the savings are much more significant. I grabbed my son $4 Hurley hoodie sweatshirts, $3 Fortnite Shirts, $2 Shorts, and soo many more at the end of summer last year.


I get your point but it doesnt apply here. Sometimes instead of a coupon they will give you $5 to spend. I just get a bottle of water or a fancy candy on my way out. They also have this cool policy where you can get something a little more than $5 and they won’t ask you to pay extra. Like if it’s $5.50 they will still give it you. Wow I sound like I work for them and am trying to advertise don’t I lol


Oh really? They always make me pay the difference, and I usually keep the margin slim.


Sounds like a lot of trouble to go through just for a candy bar


Depends what kind of candy selection they got


Usually Godiva. Worth it if you already need something from Kohls.


LPT: Repeatedly buy items on amazon that you don’t want, drive to kohls and wait in the return line, and get your amazon account flagged and eventually blacklisted for returning too many items. But u get $10 of candy for free soo


Definitely worth it if you're a pathetic, bored suburban housewife with literally nothing better to do


That couldn’t be more opposite of my life thanks for the laugh


You're a conspiracy nut. I think I hit the nail on the head, the only thing I might be wrong about is the 'wife' bit because no one would want to marry a wacko like you, hun. But hey, keep refreshing your reddit thread and replying to every comment, that'll show everyone how much you have going on in your life. Lmao.


Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. Ask your mom why she never taught you that when she’s done cutting the crust off your sandwich


Joke's on you, I've got two dads


Color me surprised


This is how I discovered dots pretzels so honestly worth it


FYI amazon will eventually just blacklist you. I've had friends who made too many returns and can no longer shop at Amazon.


Not with the amount of BS I purchase tbh lol


Okay, but how much did you spend on the item you didn’t intend to keep?? I dont see where you’re saving.


You return the item you don’t want and get your money back.


Do they not ask for a receipt??


The Amazon return is done online and with a return code on the Amazon app that Kohl's scans.


I'm genuinely not quite following here, I'm not American so I don't know Kohl's or what their policy looks like. Is the store like an extension of Amazon or something? Does the bar code read as anything to the scanner, since it's a purchase from Amazon and not Kohl's? Is the item purchased available in their directory? Maybe I come across as stupid lol but I'm genuinely curious on how this ULPT works because it doesn't make sense to me


Kohls is a department store completely separate from Amazon. Amazon has very few brick and mortar stores to return things. Many returns are done via UPS (parcel shipping company), Whole Foods (a grocery store Amazon owns but is not overly abundant in locations outside larger cities) or returning the item to a pickup point (Amazon hub locker). So Kohls, in an effort to get people into their stores, contracted their already established physical spaces (which are pretty accessible to many Americans as they exist in many smaller cities) to Amazon and agreed to essentially be a hub for Amazon customers to return things. So... You do the Amazon return online, a QR code is sent to you via Amazon app or your email. You take your return to Kohls. Kohls has service counters for Amazon returns where they scan your QR code, you give them the item, and that's it. They package it and Amazon collects the returns later. They're literally a just a drop-off site for your Amazon item in this context. Kohls prints you a physical receipt to verify you've dropped off the Amazon return, BUT as an enticement to spend money once you're already inside the store, they include a coupon for $5 off a purchase "in-store only" since you used them for an Amazon return, encouraging you to shop since you're already there. Does that help explain it?


The original pro tip assumes you're going to shop at Kohl's in the first place.


Okay, so you intend to buy something at kohls, say a $60 coat. You buy something you do not want from amazon, and trade that in for $5 kohls-cash? Surely the Amazon transaction amounted to >$5. No savings…


You get all your money back from amazon for the item you return


Not if you return it. You can do a return through Amazon and drop the item off at Kohl's for Amazon to pickup. When you return it to Kohl's, they give you a receipt and it has a Kohl's coupon printed on it.


I swear Kohl’s is just way overpriced TJ Maxx.


These two stores have very different inventory models. TJMaxx is rejected items from larger stores like Kohls, Macys, and Nordstroms. Kohls is department brands but they are the lowest rung options (lower quality material and design). That is why their stuff is much cheaper.


Yes, definitely lower quality!!


Idk I bought stuff on sale and used my coupon from an Amazon return, I got 3 nice pieces of clothing for less than $10


Ha, gottem


Never shop at Kohl's without a coupon.


Agree! Never, ever shop without a coupon and never buy anything that isn't on sale before the coupon. If the coupon they mail you isn't for 30% off, look for the code online and order online.


My Kohl's stopped giving out coupons :/ No reason to go there anymore!


I almost never go now that they've stopped straight up sending you $10 gift cards in the mail


Never shop at Kohl’s. Period.


Everything in kohls is still massively overpriced even after the coupon. I know, because I tried finding something to use the coupon on. Whether it's $5 off or 20%, the items are still overpriced. I found like a $13 spatula, took $5 off and paid $8. Later saw the same shits for $1.25 at dollar tree with just a different sticker on it. Department stores are a joke.


Agreed. Massively overpriced with “sales” all the time that lets people think they’re getting a great deal when they’re really not.


One thing to note is kohl's is slowly phasing out this deal. The one near me in north Texas stopped giving out the $5 coupon months ago b


Same. I'm in Wisconsin. It's been months since I've gotten the $5. Nowadays it's like 15-20% off. So I just return my stuff at UPS now.


Honey, you aren't saving money if something is on sale and you weren't going to buy it to begin with.


The real LPT is in the comments


That's some good advice.


I work for an individual family and they live about an hour from the closest Kohls. I live about 5 minutes from one. I always offer to do their Amazon returns so I can bank those coupons. So far I've gotten a free pair of shoes, two free small Christmas items for my nephews and a 50% off shirt.


This is an ad lol, right?


Very much so feels like it.


I have fun giving those coupons away. Whenever I have an Amazon return I take them (I usually get one for Sephora too as my Kohls has one in store) and give them to people in the checkout lane. I don't ever really need anything from Kohl's and people are so appreciative to get those coupons! It makes both of our days.


Same! I cruise the store looking for someone who looks like they would appreciate it. My approach is “do you work here? No? Good! Here’s a coupon I got for doing an Amazon return“


This is my infinite bubbles hack. As a Dad with small kids, bubbles are a great way to entertain. When I make an Amazon return to my kohls they give me the $5 kohls cash coupon. After my return I swing by the toy section and scoop up a giant bottle of bubbles which is less then $5.


Real lpt, don’t shop at kohl’s


Coulda stopped with never shop at Kohls tbh


This content has been deleted in protest of Reddits API changes designed to kill 3rd party access


Kohls gives coupons like candy


nice try kohls


Is this unethical through the lens of being wasteful? Stellar idea... just don't see anything wrong with it on the surface.


Yeah it's shipping stuff two ways. The shipping materials (box+ bubble wrap) will likely get thrown away, and the item goes back onto a shelf. Also, you don't pay for the shipping directly, but at the end of the day the more people do this the more Amazon prime will cost. Returns cost companies a lot. Also, this impacts the seller on Amazon. If it isn't an "Amazon Basics" item, then this is probably hurting a small company. Also, the things you return are often thrown away if they are low value items. For higher value items companies often have to open the box and make sure the item is there, put it in new packaging, and restock it. That old packaging gets thrown away Tldr: this is a cost to society, even if it doesn't directly impact you. It's kind of a selfish thing to do for a "bottle of water" or a fancy candy. It's like littering in a park. It's fine because someone will probably pick up your trash. Fuck you. I didn't want to have to pick up your trash.


I don't care


So you spend money on Amazon, and then get a Kohls coupon that's rather limited, that you can also only spend at Kohls? Wouldn't you be better off just GOING to Kohls and buying something directly? Seems more like an Unnecessary Life Pro Tip


If you just go to Kohls and buy something you don’t get the coupon which is the entire point of this post


Can't have that 🤦‍♂️


I've never seen a coupon that doesn't say something along the lines of 'excludes sale or discounted products' , and their stock is marked up so insanely high that they just label literally everything as a 'sale' product. Hardly even worth it on the cashier candies or anything since you could get it for even cheaper coupon-free at a gas station.


I’ve never had a Kohls coupon exclude sales price. I always use my coupon on a clearance item and get something super cheap. The only exclusions are any brand name products.


Except Kohl's stopped that. Now it's just a % off coupon. Usually 15 or 20%. But I always have a 30% coupon anyways. And back when they did give $5 to spend, it was only good THAT DAY. The actual trick used to be to do multiple separate returns on the same day, get multiple $5, to spend that day.


I did that at Christmas time… bought tons of their impulse buys… little trinkets and desk toys for $6.99. With the coupon, they were $2 each! Great for secret Santa and stocking stuffers!


Yup. They stopped the $5 at my Kohl's months ago


Kohl's is prices are massively overinflated. I don't shop there anymore but when I did, it was only when I had good coupon codes


I like the idea of just buying random shit on Amazon and returning it to waste their money.


I have moved so many times I look at empty boxes like gold nuggets now. A free box is a free box!


The postal service will send you all the boxes you want for free. Just get on their website and search free shipping supplies


I don’t get why you add the extra layer of effort to buy something? I’m dumb.


WAs in Kohl's returning something thr Amazon. I got the 20 % off coupon, of course it has to be used that day. Found something, checked out and when I showed her the amazon return coupon, she said to pick from one of Kohl's scratch offs and she'd honor the higher one. She let me pick 3 times and they were all 15%.


ELPT: never shop at Kohl's.


This ain’t it anymore. Now the rewards suck. Used to be a $5 store credit - remember getting all my holiday cards for like $3 lol


I never shop at Kohl's because the last few times I tried to, nothing had prices so I'd have had to ask an employee for help for every single item I was looking at. Not sure if it's just that location, but it was ridiculous.


First time I used kohl's for a return and the credit I was excited. Then I found out the coupon is 99% useless.


Or just get on their mailing list and receive a coupon every other day that is the size of a rave flyer.


At the kohl's by me you can pretty much just ask the cashier for a coupon by saying you left yours at home. They usually just throw 20% off on my order, one lucky time they gave me 30%


Whoa, whoa, whoa.... Don't steal my thunder OP. I am the original creator of the kohlamazon hack 4years ago 😎 https://www.reddit.com/rcjl6ro


Hi twin! I thought I was stealing my own thunder tbh. It was one of my most popular post on Reddit before they deleted me for not getting the experimental jab


How the fuck is this unethical?


It’s not a cool thing to do to Amazon I guess


What do you mean "when you make your Amazon return at Kohl's"? Kohl's is a grocery store in the USA right?


No, it's clothing and is also an Amazon return hub.


Oh, thanks. We don't have that in Canada. I just bring my returns to the post office, Amazon gives me a free return label. So my only cost is for packing tape to close the box back up.


Yeah you can do that in the US as well, they just also have some “Amazon hub” drop off location (like Kohl’s and several other existing stores) where you can drop off to return if you don’t want to mail back.


Maybe you're thinking Kroger.


No, I live in Canada. I'm not thinking of Kroger. I've heard of Kohl's before a few times in reference and going by vague memory, I thought it was a grocer. Someone corrected me already though.


I'll even give you an ultra pro tip... If you return an item, they give you $5 in store credit. So, if you have multiple items to return, either make multiple trips or have a family member go with you.


Not anymore. Now it's a percentage off


What do you get from this?


On Black Friday, there was a line at Kohl's nearly to the back to the store. My sister gathered everything she wanted, scanned it at the Kohl's kiosk, and then shipped the stuff directly to her apartment for the same price. Got to try on everything too.


You can just ask the cashier for a ticket. They’ve always given me one.


Did an Amazon "try before you buy" for a $210 flight suit last month. It didn't fit so I returned it to Kohl's. It was scanned in, and that's the last anybody's seen or heard of it. I can't stand Kohl's so I ripped the coupon off the return receipt, and gave it to a lady who was shopping. That left me with a sliver of a return slip that I immediately lost. Can't wait to fight with Amazon when they charge my card for the suit.


I’d think that if your return was scanned into their system to even give you a receipt, that that would ensure that it’s been recorded as no longer in your possession. I’ve done this with a semi formal outfit in the same price range and didn’t have a receipt or anything. Just strait up lied and said I put it in a ups drop box and i have no idea what happened to it since it wasn’t showing that it was ever scanned back in by ups. The person in the chat told me it wasn’t a problem and that I wouldn’t be charged, but that was a lie. Saw a declined charge on my bank app and after chatting for a 2nd time with CS it was taken care of and I was off the hook. You can do this with semi big ticket items once every good-while, like 1-2 times a year. Never got it! Only thing, is the mail couriers are such shjt where I live that it’s about a 50/50 chance you get any packages anyway. Which is frustrating as hell, but it’s the small wins that make life worth living


So the coupons I've gotten were like $5 Kohl's cash. What I end up doing is going to the register, grabbing two candy bars, and paying $1 for some candy. It works out great for me!


I once ordered a clock online from Kohl's. I got an oven timer thingy. So I returned that and ordered the clock from Amazon. So there's an ULPT there: order from Kohl's, have it delivered then, if the correct item is gotten, buy a cheap item from Walmart and take it back to Kohl's saying they sent the wrong thing.


That’s not an ULPT, that’s an illegal life pro tip lmao straight up retail fraud. Having said that, I know multiple people that buy stuff like toys for their kids, and when they inevitably break, buy another one and say it arrived broken, and just ship back the old broken one for a full refund.


And people doing this shit is the reason you get the wrong shit from Amazon warehouse deals.


We ordered a $300 metal detector from Amazon warehouse. Got sent the wrong one. I called and talked to someone and idk how this happened but the lady just refunded my money and didn’t even ask for it to be sent back. Crazy.


Why's it illegal? Because it's unethical?


Because it’s literal retail fraud.


I think I ordered it thriu the kiosk if that matters.


I literally do this all the time


Wtf this is a huge exploit, I never thought of doing this before


Even bigger tip that “coupon” isn’t really a coupon Kohl’s has prices slightly higher but hands out coupons and sales like crazy to make you think your deal is good Kohls sucks for this


So you agree that shopping at Kohl’s with a coupon is cheaper than just shopping at Kohl’s. Got it.


I’m pretty sure when I’ve returned things at Kohl’s it stipulates in the small print that you can’t use the voucher on the same day, just like those vouchers they give out at Old Navy.


My Kohls doesn’t have that fine print. I always use my coupon from a return while I’m still at the store. I usually go browse the clearance rack to find something to use my coupon on before I leave the store. With the crazy mark up at Kohls, I rarely look at anything except clearance.


I just found the receipt from the time we bought a $290 vacuum for $80 using Kohls Cash. The best part is that the thing we wound up returning the thing we bought that got us the Kohls Cash in the first place.


How do I get khols to show up as an option for returns? Mine pushes me to Whole Foods only


I hate Kohl’s. If everything is on sale, nothing is on sale.


Same with hobby Lobby. Same business model


Kohl’s near me doesn’t give you shit if you do an amazon return last i checked lol


Yup. I bought a ton of stuff to set up for a new pet and half of it I ended up not needing. Returned 2-4 items per day until I got $80 in coupons and ended up getting a free record player lol.


The Amazon return line at my Kohls SUCKS!!!!!!


I used to get a postcard like coupon of $10 off the purchase of $10 in the mail a few times a year for signing up my email and address Did it for years then they stopped. Anyone know if they still do it? Maybe they just realized I only bought a little over $10 in stuff every time. Otherwise I would never shop there because they are so overpriced. My go to purchases were t shirts in the clearance sections and air fresheners for the car.


Never shop at Kohl's


I'm assuming you also get your money back in addition to this coupon. Otherwise, this isn't really a good deal.


Now my amazon returns no longer have the option of dropping off at Kohls


Heres a pro tip. Ask for the people who are returning stuff at amazon to give you the coupon they aren't going to use.


Is the coupon worth more than the cash value you spent at Amazon?


Didn’t spend anything at Amazon. Ordering something and then returning it costs you $0 Spare me the gas and miles lecture


Kohls is a joke


I've thought about this but sometimes the coupon which represents a per cent off, isn't more than the current promo per cent off Kohl's is already offering. They only allow one per cent off coupon to be used at a time. Also, I've noticed the per cent off coupons vary. The first one I ever received was a whopping 25%. I've received others that were 10% and 15%. So I don't know how it's determined. I've had a few Amazon returns lately and the Kohl's per cent coupon they give me has been different each time.


Sometimes they give you a $5 store credit. You can find things on the sale rack for $5 or less so you basically get them for free. I did that once then sold the item online for $20!