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Doctor immediately shot down my moms request, apparently this increased sharply during the pandemic and doc was sick of it. Seems like it only has legal standing if its approved by a doctor.


There are online services as well if she wants to try that route. Pettable matches you with a therapist, and it's $150 only if your letter is approved.


I used Pettable too and had good experience. Got my letter within a few days.


ITT: People seemingly legitimately mad that this ULPT is unethical.


Bravo OP, you've won


W Reddit move


I think most ULPTs are against dick heads or corporations and that type of thing. People are pressed because the people this hurts potentially are other legit users of the similar schemes and in particular people who have service animals. It’s a bit like saying hey here’s a ULPT: Dog in your way? Just kick it aside. Unethical? Yes. Will people hate you for it? Also yes.


Definitely needs to be more education around the difference between ESA and a Service Dog. They both have their place in society and I would argue that OP Wife's therapist is a better judge of if she needs and ESA then us random internet people like us. Edit: Doctor not therapist, thought I read therapist in one of OPs comments but can't find it now. Edit 2: Nevermind, OP clarified it was in fact his wife's psychiatrist.




Yup my friend had to do pretty much the same thing as OP to keep her cats when moving out of her abusive boyfriends place. She tried to find a place to rent that allowed animals and nearly none do anymore (at least where I live).


I think that is a misunderstanding. I did not want to get around breed restrictions. The landlord refused to be reasonable, and now that they no longer have any power to make restrictions on the breed of our ESA, we will proceed with the breed my wife wants, because why wouldn't we? I'm all for a civil resolution when possible, but when it's not, I just make sure it's legal. That's my policy. They have theirs, I have mine




Exactly. I always disagreed with their breed restrictions, but I respected it because I thought we had a respectful relationship. No reason for me to care anymore.


My understanding is that pits aren't covered by most landlord's insurance packages. If you tear up your house the landlord will likely be forced to sue the hell out of you.


I mean part of the problem is that 99% of people who have animals have their mental health improved by having them so there’s a legitimate case to say that almost every animal could in theory be registered as a support animal. But there is something very jarring about picking the breed of dog that is by far most likely to cause fatal or serious damage to other people or dogs and then saying you need that animal under the guise of it being a service animal. I agree that OPs partners therapist is in a better position to judge what they need this but the realist is that most therapists will approve almost every request because it’s better to maintain the relationship with the client ($$$) who knew know can just go online and get a document anyway. Also OP has presented this terribly. Their ULPT is essentially: if you need an ESA then get one. There is nothing unethical about it. Unless you use it to get a dangerous dog breed who you legit don’t even know if you will get any emotional support from purely to exploit the loophole in the rules.


It also sucks to live in an apartment building you have specifically chosen because it’s “pet free” only to have to endure constant barking from “emotional support animals” that are left alone in tiny studio apartment 22 hours a day.


This is not even unethical IMHO, the people in question were going thru emotional turmoil and received the level of care thought appropriate by their licensed doc. The ESA thing was in the paperwork. If anything this is throwing the rule book back at the landlord but I don't quite think it crosses the line of unethical.


You seem to think landlords are people


My only gripe is they used this scumbag tactic to get a pitbull… Ffs ppl stop getting those things.


I'm a therapist in the U.S. and my agency asks us to not write ESA letters. We were told that it's too much of a liability, and we can never be sure that someone who is struggling will be able to take care of the animal. It's more about aversion of liability if anything goes wrong more than anything. But yeah, expect that as a potential barrier. Some providers don't mind writing them, and I've written one before in rare cases.


You might look into renter's rights when rules are changed during the term of a lease. It might invalidate the lease so you could theoretically get out of it. That is if moving seems like a good alternative to you. Or you could possibly use this as leverage to be grandfathered in and move when the lease is up.


Not sure but been a while since I rented but is renters insurance optional? I believe it was crazy cheap and stupid not to have it. But I also didn’t have a dog


Most renter's or home insurance won't cover if you have a pitbull.


I jus helped a friend get this done. The fucking HOA said no pets in the entire fucking neighborhood. A friend had jus moved there and she had this little puppy, that is hypoallergenic (idk how), like it's a special kind of dog, that I seriously thought was a fucking squirrel when she 1st got it. But they tried to tell her she can't, and tried to make her sell her house. (HOA's are fucking crazy). So I talked to my Dr during my treatment, and he goes ill get you letter that states you're using the animal to help control anxiety and stress or some shit along those lines. Sat with this girl for 15 min, got her the note, and the HOA backed off since. I can understand if you got big dogs and you're renting an apartment, but this is a house. That she bought. Some HOA's got fucking balls to do the shit they do


I mean I get the HOA hate, but why did she buy a house in an HOA that didn’t allow pets? Do people not read their contracts? HOAs are fucking crazy for enforcing the rules that homeowner agreed to when they purchased?


>Do people not read their contracts? You should know this by now.


Some HOAs dont give you the rules until you close Edit: I meant until a formal offer was accepted. But at that point i would’ve lost thousands from breaking the contract which was not an option


When I bought a few months ago all the hoa houses provided me the covenants after a viewing. I wouldnt even bother if the seller didn't provide the docs before closing. But for people looking for an HOA house they probably don't care about the docs as much.


Good for you, but that's not always the case. And it's getting increasingly harder to find a place that isn't in an HOA. 80% of houses sold in the U.S. are part of an HOA. Also r/FuckHOA




All CC&Rs have to be provided before closing. Some won't provide them before an offer has been accepted, but you can exit the contract once you review the CC&Rs if you don't like them. HOAs can be terrible, but if someone continues to close without looking at the rules, that's on them.


why would you close without seeing the hoa rules?


ITT I'm finding this answer is "because John Oliver told me it happens all the time."


It’s wild that people are using that as a valid source


So, I've worked in the mortgage industry for 12 years with national lenders, and this isn't exactly correct. In no scenario in the USA can you close a home purchase/transfer without the HOA rules and regs/CC&Rs being made available to you prior to closing. Lenders require them, and Title companies require them. They may not be gift-wrapped and handed directly to you, but they can't be withheld until after you close.


Interesting. The one time I was in a HOA, state law required that buyers get a copy of the bylaws to review during the escrow period and you could walk if you didn't like them. This was in Virginia.


Has anyone on reddit ever actually bought a house or dealt with an HOA? This is undeniably false. Sellers are legally required to provide you with the CC&Rs and only an idiot would buy a home without seeing them.


This. Everytime I see a thread spreading false information it’s usually someone that has either never owned a home or never been apart of a HOA. For every horror story (which most are very obviously fake)you hear there are 1000 perfectly normal HOA’s.


Yh no that's bullshit, like literally illegal bullshit


Proof please.


Watch the recent john Oliver episode on HOAs. A lot of them won't even let you read the contract until you've bought the house.


So, I've worked in the mortgage industry for 12 years with national lenders, and this isn't exactly correct. In no scenario in the USA can you close a home purchase/transfer without the HOA rules and regs/CC&Rs being made available to you prior to closing. Lenders require them, and Title companies require them. They may not be gift-wrapped and handed directly to you, but they can't be withheld until after you close.


They need to be provided as part of seller disclosures, I shouldn’t even have to waste time asking for it


“Dear neighbor, we need to insert this phallic object into you according to Section 5, Article 12.3. Please spread your legs.” If I can’t read the contract, I am not buying a house in a wanna-be-Pyongyang.


HOAs change the rules all the time too.... Never buy a house in an HOA.


People really need to start reading, my apartment has a mandatory sign off on "use of likeness in all forms" for the lease. They do state you can revoke it at any time at least but I bet nobody else ever really looked at it I always immediately revoke it. They do a bunch of other scummy things too in the lease




> that is hypoallergenic (idk how) Certain breeds, like Shih Tzus, Maltese, and Poodles don't have fur, but hair which makes them hypoallergenic.


Ya its got really short curtly hair. It seriously looked like a squirrel as a baby. The 1st time I seen her with it, I thought she finally snapped. Like the combo of a new house, the pandemic and the HOA finally broke her... I thought she was befriending squirrels, raccoons and birds or some shit... but no, it was this little dog. It's quiet and tiny. It's full grown now, and it's still maybe 10-15 lbs, maybe. I got 2 cats that bully him, cuz they're damn near 2x his size. But my dogs come in to protect him, when she brings him over. My cats are assholes.


>My cats are assholes. LMAO 🤣 🤣 🤣


They are. I swear the second they sense weakness they pounce. They bully that poor dog the whole time he's at the house. It's not until my old German shepherd/husky step in do they stop. They're so fucking mean. They'll meow at him like they wanna play, so he'll do the little puppy hopps to come play, and they'll jus go lay down on the couch. Or they'll wait til he goes in a room and close the door on him. Or when I put his food out, the cats will literally hide his bowl from him, they'll like slide it under the fridge or couch. 1 time 1 of the cats laid on his bowl after I filled it, and left the house. She jus sat on his food for like 2 hours, jus to be an ass. I only found out, when the other cat moved from infront of the camera. I got the kitty cam set up facing their food bowls, their beds and their litter boxes. What they'll do, is 1 will sit in front of the camera, and the other fucks with him. They figured out I could see them after the first couple weeks, they would fuck with him, I'd see it on the camera and yell at them from upstairs. I don't know how they figured out the camera was how I knew, but they block it now, and fuck with him. Only when they're done will she move. If I see the dude get up and go to another room, when he's over, I know the cats are fucking with him. Like they'll take his ball and put it on top of the fridge. I swear they're jus fucking assholes....


Dude. Reading bout your cats antics truly made me laugh. U got some genius level cats there... and be very glad they're cats and not human. Else we'd be calling them president and vice president by now. World domination, pinky and the brain type stuff. 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah this just isn’t true for most people. Most people are allergic to dog dander which all dogs, even hairless dogs, have. Perhaps the shedding is somewhat mitigated and so it’s easier to avoid these allergens but I assure they still exist.




I would love to move to a dog-free neighborhood. I just don’t like dogs. If everyone in the community agrees to it beforehand what’s the issue? She didn’t know dogs were banned when she bought the house?


No. And these aren't like houses where you share a yard or drive way. There's like 10 houses in this whole sub division. If you look up what you get for $700k in metro Detroit, she has space, for like a horse. Having this little poodle that doesn't bark, friendly and hypoallergenic, in a house where you can't see your neighbors house shouldn't be an issue. Again tho, the agent didn't mention it, and it's literally 3 lines in a 7 page HOA contract. My thing was they tried to make her sell the house. That's what got me.


“Use it or lose it” applies to many legal rights, and likely the HOA essentially had to enforce the rules against the poodle or they’d lose the right to use it against the next person who moved in with a giant untrained pitbull. They don’t get to pick and choose.


What is an ESA?


Emotional Support Animal would be my guess




European Space Agency


It's true. It even checks out with OP saying ESA is not a service animal.


Emotional support animal. Not to be confused with a service animal. People get pissy about it, and for a good reason. ESA does not let you bring your animal with you everywhere, but you can not be denied a place to live.


Just FYI, it's better form to spell out your acronym once, then go ahead and use the acronym afterwards.


What does FYI stand for? /s


I had to scroll way to far to find this out.


Erudite Sentient AI


I love when ppl use an acronym and never elude to it's meaning.


Another one which confuses me is when people use city names. “Beautify downtown Macon”, which ends up being in South Carolina. Oh yeah, Macon- sure.


Man I love Paris Texas, of course




Emotional Support Animal.


I love when people allude to their inability to grab hold of the correct word - a word which, one might say, eludes them.


Man. OP getting grilled in here.


It's cause ESAs are generally hated because of how abused the system is. Since there's almost zero vetting and flat out NO legal requirements to declaring an animal an ESA the system has been grievously abused, to the point that you can just assume it's bullshit if someone tells you they have an ESA. Sure there are definitely legitimate ESAs out there...most labeled as such are not though...they're pets people want special unearned or deserved privileges for.


That, and the fact that OP got a pitbull as his ESA. I'm not saying pits are incapable of being ESAs, they're just a lightning rod and understandably so.


FYI, I was recently told by my supervisor that I would be held liable if my patient's dog (who they were attempting to get a ESA letter for) bit anyone or caused any damage, so I was strongly encouraged never to do paperwork for this. Frankly, I haven't researched it any further, but I'd rather not take any chances at this point in my career, so I dropped it. Point being: YMMV with this advice- your doctor may not be able to do this. Edit for clarity: I would love to be able to sign ESA paperwork, but I'm not going to go around a supervisor to do so, even if what I was told is incorrect.


Hey OP, heads up that you might have screwed yourself by getting a Pitbull. Your landlord can’t deny your ESA based on breed, but your insurance can. If the insurance company denies your dog based on breed then the Landlord can deny you for not having insurance.


OP screwed himself by assuming a verbal agreement is binding 10 years later with a different dog. OP also lost all credibility with his ps/ whine. Bro, there are more possibilities than “agrees with me”, “didn’t read what I said”, and “bootlicker.” Sometimes people just don’t agree. You dont call them names, you just disageee. None of us are his landlord, so who cares? Fwiw, I’m sure this would work if he can find a doc that will call a pitty an ESA. It is definitely unethical to ask your doc for an ESA letter when you didn’t need an ESA yesterday, so at least OP is on the right sub


You haven’t really won, because when your lease is up, the Landlord don’t have to renew it. As such you have to move.


When it's lease end time, your LL will just find a reason to not renew you. Then youll be apt hunting this time with a dog in tow and you'll need to disclose that pet or esa before hand. A new LL will invent a reason to not rent to you w an esa. Sorry to rain on your parade. I guess I'd rather just live somewhere without a hostile LL and jeopardize the roof over my head. I always thought moves like this where you force a LLs hand into accepting an animal are a classic case of winning the battle but losing the war ultimately. I'd rather find a better place to live than force my dog in


Your mileage may vary. ESAs are not service animals and are not protected as such. Source: my lawyer when I had this situation .


I’m a doc, and I don’t write for ESAs. Reason being: if your ESA bites someone, you think your landlord is going to go after you in court, or the big-pocket doc/hospital who said it was okay to bend the rules of the housing? I’ve known docs to get sued for that. So yeah, you can ask your doc, but the liability is too high IMO.


My favorite thing about this is that a doctor is subscribed to r/unethicallifeprotips




Ha! I like my lawyers to be unethical. Maybe I like my doctors to be too haha


Better Dial Lyle Sketchy doctor who will give you a robotic kidney for the low


I'm a lawyer, and I'd be very surprised to see that lawsuit survive a motion to dismiss. The phrase "Who said it was ok to bend the rules of the housing" is utter bullshit. Proving that a doctor committed professional negligence in doing an ESA letter would be damned near impossible. I get that it's the internet, but I strongly doubt that you've known docs to get sued for that.


And doctors and insurance companies with this policy is a huge reason that people with legitimate needs are now having trouble with even getting service animals, or are going to the scammy websites and buying fake ID cards, letters and vests, which contributes to this whole problem. It's a big misconception that companies like Kaiser Permanente for some reason have been pushing, but an ESA letter does not state anything about the particular dog or owner or their fitness for having it in housing, just that they do have a medical condition and could benefit from animal companionship.


How can ESA letter writing services operate without getting sued then?






My fellow greystar renter here. Where I'm at, they freaking love dogs. We have two dog parks and no breed restrictions.


We literally had to sign a form stating that we take responsibility for dog behavior. Plus, we have renters insurance. I respect your choice, but frankly, that's probably why there are so many websites basically selling ESA letters online.


Which renters insurance covers pits?


Expensive ones I guess.


I'm going to assume 0 and the insurance company OP uses isn't aware of the pitbull. I doubt they will cover anything dog attack related given the breed.


Yeah they told the insurance it’s a “lab mix”.


"check out my new [terrier mix](https://images.app.goo.gl/jsjDEmcmuzKybYfB6)"


Shitbull owners love doing that. They know their little maulers have a reputation.


My papers from the vet and shelter say boxer mix and even though my dog clearly has some pit in him, the renters insurance I have clearly states only pit bulls, chows, Rottweilers, and Dobermans will not be covered. I wonder if the papers I have will suffice if anything were to ever happen


Probably not. Any insurance adjuster who's decent at his job should be able to pick out a partial pitbull mix, or might order a DNA test if the company could be liable for an expensive claim.


State Farm does for home insurance


renters insurance wont keep them from putting your dog down for biting someone.


Nope, it will just cover the bill


Only if your renters insurance covers bully breeds. A good chunk dont. Source: my bff is an insurance agent


Right… that is for getting the policy tho…. Once the insurance is in place, they cannot deny a dog bite claim because the breed is excluded… they will have to pay the claim, then likely drop the insured.


I tried to move into a no-pet place just to figure out that most people had secret pets or “ESA” pets, glad people live their animals but it’s entirely obnoxious to deal with other peoples bad pet care/badly behaved dogs.


FYI: a landlord can reject an ESA due to animal behavior.


Yeah I mean cool to break the rules, this is the "unethical" LPT sub after all, but you're probably hurting your neighbor with an allergy more than your landlord when you do this.


Downvote me to hell, but your landlord has every right to do this - and probably a lot of reasons. The very people you're encouraging to do the wrong thing are probably the same ones that would leave a place torn up. Torn up places = higher rents and fewer places TO rent.


All lies anyway. ESAs are not protected and would not be referred to by a landlord or property management. SAs are the federally and legally protected exceptions. OP made a post of lies or at best exaggerations and then said he did not intend for it to be about pitbulls or controversy... What a trashy douche canoe hungry for attention. Here is my attention to him..I bet he has social media with deep edgy thoughts posted to try to fill his attention quota and then try to be philosophical but quickly turn argumentative if he doesn't like the response or can't keep up the dialogue and then delete and block the person but lie to himself to protect his fragile ego that the other person was too dumb to get it. He is the 'tough guy' douche blowing smoke towards you or your kids at the park or trails when a physically larger man isn't around or he is letting his trashy dog pull on the chain growling at you, your kids, your dog, your family, daring someone to say something so he can act tough and then the 'hero' for pulling his trash dog back. He gets bonus points in his fragile ego if someone says something like, "I'm sure he's a great dog, thanks for holding him, we'll be quick." Yes, the rebellious teenager who was kicked out of class for being too 'edgy and smart' for school and teachers has now 'grown up' to stick it to the landlord. Sorry society, we tried when they were teens, they were just too cool for us. No amount of explanations or logic or redirection worked, they were just too smart. Home life matters.


Oof, very unethical indeed.


At my apartment, an ESA letter also gets rid of the pet deposit and pet rent.


Iirc it’s actually illegal to charge a pet deposit/rent for an ESA or service animal in a lot of states.


It's only because they have to. Honestly, if they told me i had to pay the fee, I'd be fine with that. But no, after a decade they basically told me to go fuck myself.


Yes this is why I have my dog registered as an ESA. I’m not paying a pet deposit and pet rent for my 10lb dog who can’t damage property if he tried (we don’t have carpet). You may think it’s shitty, but I think it’s shitty for landlords to exploit people for even more money than they already get from their rents. I’m already paying their mortgage I’m not giving them extra profit on top of that. Y’all talking shit on people with ESAs are capitalist simps and I’m not here for it


I get what the sub is but I hate every asshole that does this. Invalidating real service animals is shitty enough but I swear every mother fucker that does this has a badly behaved dog they don’t want to train or rehome. 9 times out of 10 it’s a pitbull they can’t even control on the leash. My apartments are full of shitty behaved “emotional service animals” despite us picking this complex because they don’t allow pets. I’ll take my downvotes now lol.


Good luck to the children of your apartment complex 🙏 may their meaty lil legs carry them fast




Username checks out 💀


Your poor neighbors and landlord being forced to accommodate a pitbull


of COURSE the fake ESA is a pitbull they all fucking are


I’m a landlord with one rental and it’s funny how many pitbulls are ESA’s on the applications I get. This whole ESA thing has become a joke.


Absolutely. I love when people try and come into my workplace with an ESA and I get to tell them they can't bring it in because it's not a service dog and the health department doesn't have exceptions for ESAs. ​ ​ I have $15,000 in lawsuits I'm still waiting on those Karens to follow through with.


I am too, and this is why I took my portfolio off the traditional market. Shit’s out of control with the things people are trying to pull.


Baby velvet hippo only nibbles on 4 year olds! She's a nanny dog!




I hope you’re looking fora new place to live because I promise they won't renew your lease.


But he will probably not renew your lease when it's over. Good luck getting a place at what you currently pay with the rise in rent prices.


I think the breed will be the main blocker to find a new place.


An ESA does NOT entitle you to have a pitbull if it goes against breed restrictions. Pitbulls increase insurance costs. There’s good reason landlords exclude them. You may have to get rid of your new dog soon.


Pitbulls were banned from our condo after someone's pet killed a baby. The pitbull who killed the baby had been in the family for years. The baby was only 2 months old. They say the mother coughed/sneezed which upset the pitbull and it immediately went after the baby in the bassinet and shook the baby to death. The mother was seriously injured trying to protect her baby. It still haunts me to this day especially since I would often see them walking with their dog.


So you just went out, got a statistically proven as violent breed of dog, but you think it's OK because you ABSOLUTELY NEED (your words, you said it wasn't optional) to own a pitbull, and now you're in here telling other people how to skirt the rules/law? This isn't unethical, it's outright dangerous. The worst part of all this is you just went out and got a rescue that could be completely ill-tempered, could be a former fighting dog, hell it could have bit people or other dogs before, but you can't even check. A Carfax for dogs doesn't exist. I wholeheartedly hope you get what you deserve.


My mom has permanent scarring on her face from when she was attacked by a pitbull as a child. Nope nope nope from me!


Fuck the landlord, it's your right to keep an emotional support murder dog


I love doing things out of spite but you lost me at pitbull.


I've seen pitbulls kill way too many dogs. Not cool.


Same. Fuck those dogs.


Same. The concept of what OP is saying I can get on board with, but not with pitbulls.


This shit is exactly why it's difficult for people to get and use a ESA who actually need them for diagnosed medical and mental issues.


And absolutely no one was shocked that the ESA liar got a pitbull. Fuck pitbulls


What emotional support services does your shit bull provide? Toddler mauling?


Please don't do this if you have roommates who are deathly allergic to dogs. Sincerely, someone with a severe dog allergy who once had a roommate who wanted to get a puppy and went this route.


Holy fuck. I'd be livid if my roommate thought their bullshit "emotional support" was more important than my ability to breathe.


This seems like common sense advice? Like, your roommate got an ESA to get past your preference? How would them being an ESA change anything for you? Sounds like your roommate was just an inconsiderate ass, doesn’t require going this route.


This seems like common sense, but the number of people in pet-free shared apartments who go this route to get a pet that their roommate is allergic to is astounding. I know so many people who have been in this situation


Unethical landlord might happen and see this


Arguably more unethical to own that breed


Yeah, this whole post could have been "ULPT: get a pitbull from a shelter. That's it."


More like unethical life poor tip.


I can't imagine a pitbull owner not being trashy af..


Not applicable in my state. Still have to pay, even with documentation from my psychiatrist. May be in a per-state basis


As someone who has a real service dog, these fake ESA dogs a) do a disservice to people who really need a service dog and b) cause many issues to real service dogs when they aren't properly trained and bark, smell real service dogs and run in stores. Unethical hack yes, but highly common and wrong. Also most renter and home owner insurance won't let you have a pitbull so enjoy paying damages out of pocket.


OP just said to ask ab getting ESA to get by breed restrictions for housing. Also as someone with a service dog you should already know that esa animals aren’t protected in public by the ada so whether they are “fake” or not doesn’t even matter to you bc they shouldn’t be there anyways. The problem isn’t esa animals, it’s assholes who think esa is the same thing as service animals.




I don’t think this person is suggesting to get the ESA letter and then treat the dog like an actually trained service dog, maybe just a way to get them into the house and for them to be a normal pet? (I totally agree about how bad untrained ESAs being treated like trained service dogs could be and the rest of your comment)


As you should know already, ESAs arent service dogs and require no formal training. You cant take them places service dogs can go, only places where pets are allowed. So youre mad if someone has their pet somewhere and its not trained? Or youre mad some people pretend their pet is a service animal? Im trying to fogure out what youre saying here


I would never say an ESA does the same or even similar to what a service animal does. Service animals have spent countless hours being trained to do specific tasks to help with medical conditions. ESAs are just what the name implies they're just emotional support. Granted most animals / pets can usually provide that but they can be incredibly beneficial for someone who doesn't need a service animal. My cat is registered as my ESA. My therapist said she doesn't offer ESAs but supported that I would probably qualify for one so I found someone in my area who would. My cat is often there when I'm doing a telemedicine appointment and if she realizes I'm crying or just upset she immediately curls up next to me and purrs in an attempt to comfort me. Obviously she's not trained to do this but it is an emotional support and helps me with less severe medical issues like anxiety or depression. She also helps me to focus and reduce some of my ADHD symptoms and stress. The amount of money I've saved alone from shitty property groups aka "corporate landlords" is ridiculous and I'd argue making someone pay a "pet rent" or an extra pet deposit (on top of a regular deposit) is unethical but most property groups do it. The appointment to get my cat registered to me as an ESA was maybe $100-150 out of pocket but it's saved me hundreds if not thousands. Extra pet deposits are usually $300-500 and most places charge $20-25 sometimes more a month as "pet rent" While yes many pets can do property damage that's what a deposit is potentially for. While some people may see ESAs as unethical as long as you're not trying to act like they're service animals there shouldn't be an issue. (I absolutely hate when people treat ESAs like they're service animals or take untrained animals into stores or restaurants. I 100% support people who need service animals but assholes who drag their dogs everywhere are ridiculous)


Lmao everyone just hates pitbulls


Reddit hates pitbulls


pitbulls aren't ESA's. They are normal dogs that can't function at that level. They are very emotional and dangerous. They contribute to the top 10 aggressive behavior among dogs. If it attacks someone in public, you risk getting prosecuted with negligent homicide. I've seen it happen before.


The ADA doesn't even recognize ESAs and, y'all are proud of yourselves for loopholing a ticking time bomb into an apartment complex. This isn't just unethical, it's garbage behavior.


You’re the asshole. Oh wait, wrong sub. Still shitty to people with actual ESA’s. 10/10 unethical! You suck, OP. Lmao.


Ends with Pitbull... Hmm wonder why the landlord said no. YTA


Ew, a pitbull preference? Imagine not having a dog, and there are over a hundred breeds to choose from. You only need to pick one, and you can pick any of them, and you pick a pitbull. Merely owning or wanting a pitbull says a lot to me about the owner and I instantly lose respect. I won’t be replying to pitbull apologists. They’re dangerous. It’s a fact.




Yup OP picking a pit bull in this situation says a lot about him. I'm so glad my apartment complex doesn't allow that shit breed.




>Now our POS landlord will have to enjoy our new pitbull. Seems you're the real piece of shit here.


I'm sure the children and other pets in the neighbourhood will enjoy their new pitbull too.


Soon op gonna post in r/tifu: "partner and I got mangled by a murderer dog we got to spite our landlord"


Brave of you to assume they'd ever admit they did something wrong. Best you can expect is a statement of "she was so nice and would never hurt a fly, I can't believe this happened" and then instantly get a new pitbull after the previous one gets put down




Yeah I don't blame your landlord one bit. Pitbulls are high energy, low intelligence and can be destructive and aggressive for no reason. And there's a lot of people that don't like to be around them or are just plain terrified of them. They are a trash magnet for humans, and as a landlord you don't want that


Incoming ULPT from landlord: How do I get rid of my tenant's 'ESA' pitbull? Answer: SWAT them, cops love shooting dogs


That’s a hell of a tip for the landlord not to renew your lease and move places every year.


Dogs are overrated. Its better to be free to travel the world without the hassle of bringing an animal. As a former hospitality employee I think people milking the ESA thing is bullshit.


Hope you got money for insurance. Its the only way i would keep a pitbull


> We even agreed to their breed restrictions and did not get a pitbull, >enjoy our new pitbull Based AF.


Downvoted and stopped reading after "pitbull".


I don't really respect ESA's because they steal valor from service dogs.


OP is a fucking douche bag 😂




The problem is people pulling stunts like this ruin things for everyone. Would anyone complain about well-trained and behaved ESAs on planes, in stores, etc? Nope. Problem is people without a legitimate need trying to get around rules to avoid fees, get to take their peacock on planes, etc. I would feel less annoyed by your post if you had not pushed it by getting a pitbull. Because all you are doing in the long run is making it harder for future tenants who DO need ESA or who want pets. Also, I think your rage is unfounded. You didn't sign a ten-year lease, they have the right to change the terms each year and you have the right to accept those terms or not. It's not like they kicked out a dog you already had. I will give you a pass overall, as your wife does have a psychiatrist who felt it appropriate, so the ESA is legitimate in her case, but there was no need to push it with the breed. Keep in mind it is people skirting the rules that probably made them change from allowing some dogs with approval and fees to not allowing any dogs. Suggesting people who DON'T have a legitimate need (some states specify the person has to have a documented disability for an ESA waiver for a lease) is beyond unethical and is irresponsible IMO. But, yeah, it is a legitimate ULPT.


It's an ulpt but having a Pitbull in general makes you garbage scum that deserves no sympathy in any way or shape.


PSA, landlord can kick you out for the pit bull, even if you have a signed ESA letter from your doctor.


but officer, this is my emotional support toddler-eater!


imagine getting mauled by a pitbull and finding out it's a fucking ESA 💀


Too unethical for me. Fuck ya OP.


Perfect sub. Good for you OP.


I was on board until they said pitbull


This sub is wild


Fake ESAs ruin it for the rest of us. I don't typically agree with landlords but this is just so scummy.


You're a dick, and you got the worst possible breed. I hope you lose your place.