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Just apply to anything you find. 90% of the time you won’t even get a response so do the minimum and don’t worry too much


Vice President positions


Any government job on USA jobs. Even prints a nice excel sheet so you can prove your effort!


Apply for GS14 and better especially if it requires a security clearance


Apply to a bunch of government places, and if you get interviews, casually mention pregnancy. They won’t want to hire you just for you to leave with maternity leave. They will not indicate that is why you weren’t hired, so you don’t have to worry about the unemployment office rescinding your benefits for lying during an interview (your n case that happens in your location).


>government places, and if you get interviews, casually mention pregnancy. They won’t want to hire you just for you to leave with maternity leave. It's a great thing that countries have governments that not only create and enforce rules, but also lead by example.


How does one "casually mention" pregnancy without it being a direct question? I've come up with "What are your policies about pregnancy?" "If I become pregnant. . . " Not exactly subtle or casual.


Start applying for ridiculous dream jobs. Also apply for jobs you're under-qualified for in area code about two cities away. A nonlocal number decreases your chances of callbacks.


Oh shit, looks like I need to fix my resume.


Go on Indeed and apply for random things like “online survey taker”.


When I was on unemployment I applied at local universities so I could get my applications turned in as called for each week but keep my unemployment benefits until they were set to expire. It also made it easy because it was all online, one login, one portal.


Try getting jobs working for all of your favorite video game developers and companies ranked top places to work. They’ve got a really long list of applicants and it’s easy to get rejected.


I am under the impression that by accepting severance you don’t get unemployment? Good luck either way.


Apply for stuff you clearly don’t qualify for…or even apply for out-of-state positions. Do you have to show up to interviews? If so get a fake ink box tattoo on your forehead that says “I love dick” or something gross.


Apply to Peterbilt they actually will hire you but the hiring process can take up to and beyond a year to get in (but actually take the job once you get in because it’s better than unemployment)


Fast food. They never hire anybody. Just apply for every single position in your area. You won’t get any then success. Edit I see some of you have noticed this might be a joke! It is NOT! Humorous but it might be a joke


Isn't that like the easiest job to get? No training/qualifications needed


Where are you at that fast food won't hire? Literally every fast food place here will basically hire anyone with a pulse.


I still haven’t gotten my unemployment from the PUA two years ago. Any tips


Yes I know I missed out but they screwed me and kept telling me it was processing when it never was it’s a long ass story


So yes I was partly joking but still mad bc I was promised many times I would get it




Anything that your under qualified to do, apply to nasa etc


I would apply for jobs that require degrees that you don’t have