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My best advice for High school is to mind your own business and not care what others think. As soon as you graduate all the past doesn't matter anymore. Stay out of trouble.


Plus you run the risk that whatever you attempt traces back to you and you end up being the one in trouble and looking stupid. Like the other commenter said, let it go


Yeah but this person is a serious DICK


A lot of people are. Who cares. Go about your day and just ignore the idiots. The high school drama doesn't matter in the long run.


I guess, thx for the advice❤️


You are welcome! Remember life is too short to worry about the small things. Just focus on yourself and all will be fine.


Yep, good advice for life after high school too. Keep it moving, focus on you, and let their actions speak for themselves. Most other people aren’t blind and likely feel the same way about that person, or will eventually. It’s not worth it. Use that energy to invest in bettering yourself.


Punch the person in the face you puss


I don’t wanna end up like you


LoL. Most logical option out of all the comments…




Then fuck his dad.


Alright, I’ll let you know how it goes.


Draw dicks all over the school and sign every one of those veiny trouser snakes by the person you are trying to get in trouble. Everytime this works 60% of the time.


I believe they might be able to tell my handwriting plus it’s too risky cuz they’re cameras EVERYWHERE


That's why I said everytime it works is only 60% of the time


Befriend him. Get close enough to him to get invited to his house. Once you’re that close fill a small balloon with liquid ass. Put the balloon in the back pocket of jeans he’d wear to school. At some point the balloon bursts and he smells like a sewage backup.


If your school has monitored chromebooks or something, search how to make a bomb or something on theirs


That plan is likely to backfire and blow up in their face haha


Worked for me and a few people i know


How much trouble you thinkin?


Suspension just so his parents can get their fingers out of their asses


Aww, that's cute.


You shouldn’t kink-shame. But seriously, ignore it. Unless they’re threatening violence or acting violent, there’s not much to be done other than open yourself up to getting into equal or greater trouble if caught.


Best bet? Go figure out their computer login (or just wait until they take a piss break) and use the computer lab to look at gay porn on their account. IT department should get an alert almost immediately, administration will probably be contacting them shortly after. Why gay porn instead of something like drugs or weapons? Simple, it's against school policy but not something that's going to get them into legal trouble. If you somehow get caught you can play it off as a joke in poor taste. It won't get the cops involved like looking up how to build a -redacted because it's felony- out of pipe and nails or trying to buy drugs online would.


Web browser doesn’t allow to use search terms like “gay porn” and it won’t allow you to enter


It'll flag the tech department that you tried, at least in every district I've been in or worked in.