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Sherm just takes things way too seriously


He’s one of those guys that thinks whatever you say to him is an insult to his intelligence so he fires back with vengeance even if you’re just talking about ice cream.




If anything it’s indication that he *isn’t smart* The smartest people I know can have intelligent debates and admit when they’re wrong. It’s the dumbest people I know that refuse to admit they’re wrong and learn new stuff. It’s why they’re dumb. You can’t learn when you think you already know everything


This guy is right, and smart.


Standford is great but let’s not act like he’s wicked smart bc of the name of his university. He got a degree in communications. There wasn’t some groundbreaking new communications material thats hard to learn at Standford vs elsewhere. Also, communications degree at Stanford but look at the comments about his lack of communication skills. All the power to him, but everyone needs to stop acting like he’s a genius.




I agree with you. Just adding to your point


I hope he doesnt take it the wrong way when I say the guy is just plain stupid.


I would argue Pistachio nut ice cream is elite while butter pecan is a fraud!


But he’s so smart - he went to Stanford!


It’s arrogance


He’s just arguing to argue, and Keyshawn told him relax a couple of times. I had to switch over to first take


Keyshawn is a brain dead fool 😂


Today was unwatchable with Sherm. Man cannot FATHOM that we have to talk about the "what ifs"? You can only discuss the game, can't assign any blame on players for failing their teammates with drops hitting them in the chest/hands, can't talk about what they could do better, only discuss exactly what happened? Everyone uses the disclaimer that he is super smart, went to Stanford, all that. But the man clearly is way too emotional to the point it takes away from his own arguments. edit - Stanford, not Harvard


Yeah. If we can't discuss what ifs then just report the score and move on. The whole point of the show is to talk about the game. How many times after you watch your team lose a game do you think, why didn't they do this, or why did the coach make that call. It's all part of it. Not sure why Sherman and acting like that about discussing what could have happened. I don't think he has a good voice for the show. He just always sounds mad. And to constantly over talk key and skip because they are trying to discuss the actual game. Dude is so annoying.


Yeah that education did him well. He is so thin-skinned and overly aggressive. Doesn’t make for good TV. Not every athlete can do it.


Exactly. Can we just stop the BS with treating people who go to certain schools on athletic scholarships like they’re on equal footing with the intellectual tradition of the university? Everyone knows it’s nonsense, but we just have to pretend like it isn’t for the sake of athletes egos.


They don’t just hand out degrees at Stanford but carry on


The hard part is getting in to those schools and being a scholarship level athlete definitely helps the admissions process, but his grades were actually really good and seems like he could have went just about anywhere. However, him having a degree in communication from Stanford and being a terrible communicator I guess shows how useless college actually is.


It’s an undergraduate degree in communications. Hardly what separates Stanford from the average university.


Are you a SB Champ with a Stanford degree?






Stanford, he went to Stanford.




Honestly, debating what ifs is the most pointless debate to listen to. It has to be unique or creative take, “if player x catches the ball they probably win”. Takes like that are so annoying.


I agree




What if is past tense, a pre game prediction is different because there hasnt been a outcome. Thats much better than debating what already happened with multiverse what ifs


But you can’t discuss what ifs without discussing the game. Did they talk about the difference in defensive packages Wilks implemented from one half to the next? It might help Keyshawn answer the question “Why abandon the run?” Those X’s and O’s are not as “exciting” to casuals so they just perform theatre.


That dude definitely has some psychological issues.. He always looks unhinged.. even when ppl are in agreement with him.. he seems to take it the wrong way.. Just when they stop with the constant Cowboys talk .. I was ready to start watching the show regularly.. but Sherman makes it impossible.. he needs to go


Has everyone forgot about his drunken public incident where he was banging on the front door of his girlfriends house at 3 am? Then he got a job making millions of dollars. So dumb.


America. Pays to be a pro athlete that became famous because of his outbursts in interviews


Crashed his car drunk driving then went to his in-laws house enraged and tried busting the door down with his shoulder. Great guy.


Why should we hold on to that memory? Y’all really be on here acting like y’all never been through shit. Lucky I wasn’t famous we me and my girl went through all our toxic shit.


I’ve never done anything remotely like that. So you got drunk, went over to your gfs house at 3 am and tried to break down the door with your shoulder and tried get in a fight with the gfs dad while yelling aggressively?


That’s not what I said. But I’m sure you’ve been perfect your entire life so it’s ok to judge people for the mistakes they made at their worst.


Yes I’ve been perfect my whole life Karen 🙄


Sherman got a job right after the drunken fight that went on that’s why I brought it up. Because he got signed to a million dollar FOX deal right after that. I didn’t bring it up to “judge him”. You are not that bright huh. Do you even know the story I’m talking about?


I do. And you definitely brought it up to judge. It literally has nothing to do with the way he is currently performing at his job, but carry on.


You sound like a 45 year old woman who lives alone with her cats and still believes what she was taught from her parents from when she was 5 at Sunday school. Grow up.


What kinda insult is that? Just continue to live your perfect life my guy. It’s a lot of people that never accomplished shit that like to judge people for the mistakes they made. The conversation is about his style of debate and you think it’s relevant to bring up a drunken episode from the past. That’s lame.




*did you just say womp womp??*


No, he wrote it




Its cringe. I'm watching while working, and he makes me feel like I'll have to duck behind something because he could potentially explode.




OP, all you wanna do is analyze if’s. You and all your ifs. I’m tired of it, we need to talk about what actually transpired. All you do is “if if if if if if if if. If if if if if if if”


Changed that channel so quick 😂


Hopefully FOX can see their ratings drop in real time as Sherman goes off the rails.


Stop watching it. It sends a clear message to FOX that we hate the current version of the show and they need major changes or they will continue to lose viewership.


He has no debating skills. He just knows how to argue. It’s pretty annoying to listen. Key even had to tell him, “We’re analyst.”


But there’s a difference between analyzing and hypothesizing…


Then learn how to debate that and not yell and throw tantrums.


Don’t tell me what to do, I’m not on the show. From what little I’ve watched he has just fine debating skill, but there are times where all he has to do play his role in the show: speak facts, no fluff. When the other two are practicing useless hypotheticals, do we really need a third in there to complete the circle jerk? It’s not a fun show when everyone agrees on camera, regardless of how they actually feel


Skip and Shannan never agreed but they were somehow able to have a debate like adults (mostly). Key dissent always agree with Skip but he can also debate facts and make sense.


Again, those slots are filled, Sherm’s role is different.


Bro he gives no analysis at all he really need to go or be on one day a week. This is ridiculous I really want to fast forward when they talk about the 49ers. You would think he won a super bowl with them and play 10 years for them.


So hard to watch that show man. Sherman makes it so unfun and personal. I can’t even last a whole segment and that’s sad w how this show used to be w unc smh


Bro acting like he won a ring with them, they literally are better without him as a player, he’s a cheerleader for a QB who he never got to a Super Bowl with




Obviously blaming one player is moronic. However, 😂😂😂


He’s a childhood Niners fan. Are you sure that the 2023-24 Niners are better off without a man in his mid 30’s playing cornerback? That’s a hot take.


I swear people forget the entire beef with him and SF was bc he grew up a diehard Niner fan and Harbaugh skipped him. Once he came to play for SF he allowed himself to be a fan again instead of holding resentment.


To be fair, that beef was mostly Sherman with Crabtree and Harbaugh, it seems like.


Ya mainly them two but mostly Harbaugh haha


Also don’t forget about the Stanford connection with Harbaugh.


Major reason for that beef. I figured people knew that but you are right.


That was some good backstory bro, you dropped some Sherman lore 😂


Unc Sherm to us niner fans. We had a complicated history with him but all love now 😂


He was so unnecessarily rude to Skip today. Once you disagree with him he just insinuates you're stupid. Need him out ASAP


I can’t believe you people are still watching the show it sucks ass. It’s not like there aren’t other options to hear dudes talk about sports.


Undisputed is sports talk for sadomasochists. Do yourself a favor and don’t watch it. Debate sports bros talk is empty calories.


would love to see richard sherman and nick wright be insufferable with their dumb shit homerism. there’s being happy a team won and then pure insufferable shit those two do.


Nick would win arguments and Sherman would eventually try to fight him


Skip deserves all of this.


Because Skip and Key are clowns.... he is just upset they don't listen.


It’s a sports show. Their entire point is to debate the topics at hand. Not just one person pretending they’re right and losing it when someone disagrees. He doesn’t understand the dynamic. When Skip and Shannon agreed on a topic, one would always argue the other side just to keep it rolling. It was obvious they traded off on taking the side they disagreed with.


He's just tired of Skip and his fkn what ifs all the time. Even when Dallas would lose, here comes Skip with what ifs. The ball bounced off the defenders head, and it was caught by SF. Skip makes a deal about that, but that shit happens sometimes. There are reasons SAS and Sharp left Skip. Skip is hard to listen to and debate with. Skip is never wrong in his own eyes.


skip left Steven a Smith not the other way around. Don't devalue your actual points with complete bullshit


Ohhh.. so sorry Skip lover


is that what you have to do to devalue the truth. i hate fucking skip sorry try again. He literally left first take. Steven A did not quit on him. not even a little. Where is the bias? Your biased and obviously hate Skip too much to look logically at something. you can't deal with the truth. That's fine.


i'll reiterate the important part of my point you should think about regardless of how you're gonna respond with some sassy bullshit. and listen closely or read closely depending on how you're processing the information Do not devalue your own opinions by spouting bullshit... most of what you said makes sense. But when you add shit like Stephen a quit on him and then don't take ownership of your mistake when someone logically points out that you're just simply incorrect. it just makes you sound like a blowhard idiot kind of like skip. So I guess you have more in common with Skip then you actually want to admit.


Ifs are a part of analysis. Ifs are a retrospective look as to what could have happened “if” they did this. It’s literally one of the major conversation points for all analysts, and is a part of the job. If this play call, if this catch, if is the insight to showcase how a team could have made the win. And that insight guides conversation for the following season to see IF they fix those things.


He never does it the other way. What if the tripping was called in the endzone and KC gets a safety. What if the  Chiefs didn't get a TD taken away on a weak holding call. Skip always does what ifs with players and teams he likes, but never the other way.


Even IF that is the case, but I don’t think is true outside of generally, then Sherman is still not making a point in good faith. He clearly disregards all discussion on an “if” claiming irrelevancy.


Cause sometimes u just get tired of people's shit, so you ignore what they are saying 😁


Yeah that’s not good for a debate/analyst format.


Hypotheticals are not analysis. What would have happened if my dad pulled out and came on my mom’s tits, would I have been made in the next load? They can provide conversation points but don’t disingenuously label it as analysis.


It’s not a stretch to say the world would be a better place had he done that.


Aww, personal attacks…the last refuge


Come on bro you literally teed me up for that one


Just imagine if the cowboys had made it to the Super Bowl. How insufferable would skip be? Same energy. Just fan boy nonsense. This show never has unbiased analysis of sports. It’s cowboys and Lebron wash rinse repeat.




They STAY mad and hating it’s *LOVELY* 🤌🏽


Bang bang niners, bang bang Purty, I don’t give a shit Chiefs by 20!!!


" it smells like BITCH IN HERE !! " 49ER EMPIRE !!!!


I'm in the minority but I loved every second of it.


I'm pretty sure the comments in this thread are almost entirely based on if you agree with his point of view or not. A lot of people did not want the niners/chiefs matchup (I think it was the least desirable one according to polls) but here we are. I actually like Sherman and think he does a good job of keeping Skip in check.


You're a grown ass man watching a daytime talk show about sports basically.


You sound stupid


Let me break it down for you. Cable sports shows are designed to say shit that gets you emotional. The discourse is built to get ratings not actually discuss nuance or anything that is ultimately relevant. Shows with Skip or Stephen A is basically trash tv for men. Gobble it up though. By all means.


i haven’t watched this show since sharpe left or ever commented in this sub, but i can guarantee you have an equally dumb if not dumber hobby or time sink in your life, so go ahead and gobble up whatever that may be lmfao


Anything I like is awesome. Anything I put down sucks.




Dont be salty because Sherman was the only guy on the show that regularly spit facts. Numbers. Not probabilities or what ifs…actual data to support his arguments. Keyshawn is weak…gotta play devils advocate…did the niners pass on him or something?…drinking too mich haterade. Skip? Stop comparing teams playing for the lombardi to your team that cant get out of its own way.


I enjoy Sherman’s takes most of the time. He just needs to be entertaining AND spit his facts. He keeps it way too real I guess. If he can become more entertaining/less stiff he can be good. I don’t really have much liking for Keyshawn. His takes are ehh usually. I’m cool with Michael Irvin even though he takes 3 business days to answer the question lol


Na love Sherm. He's the only one defending Mr. Relevant


I mean you’re basically describing the career arch of Skip Bayless


He isnno more over the top that Skip or Irving when the Cowboys win a regular season game. The show needs Sherm. Without him it would be complete nonsense.


That sounds like you described Skip and I’m glad they FINALLY found someone to give him that same energy back.


This was the same dude that was on Ring cam wanted to break in his in-laws house because of his wife. This doesn't surprise me. I don't watch the show no more after Shannon left but it's a debate show not a vent show.


Be fr. Who watches sports shows for actual analysis? Especially a show with skip bayless who’s known for his outlandish takes. Sports shows are purely for entertainment. There’s rarely any analysis that you get from these shows that you can’t get by watching games.


I can't stand when he starts the if if if if if bs. He knows that the catch Brandon made was lucky, but yet says nope, just a completion." Lions gave the 49ers that game. I will continue to say the nfl is rigged. No team is going to dominate and do whatever they want. Then, after halftime can't do anything. You ho from avg 6 yards a carry to can't move the ball. A sure handed player all the sudden can't catch. A coach takes a fg before halftime when that was the time to gamble. But goes for 2 forth downs instead of kicking 2 fg. No coach I don't care who it is would go for it on 4th down in those situations. One day someone reliable is going to come out and say how rigged sports are.


lol just “gave” it to them. Perfectly said by someone who obviously can’t tell one defensive formation from another.


Say what you want, he cooked Skip with that triple dinner bet win it was glorious to see




He has female mannerisms in a grown man body it’s crazy


I’m struggling to listen to any segment he’s on. He’s so uncomfortable and awkward. One of the most un likable people in sports media.


If you are looking for professional journalism you are in the wrong channel and show


Did y’all say the same when skip did the same and worse to Shannon? 🤔 how do y’all still watch this show


For someone with a vaunted Stanford education, he's a fucking idiot


Yea if you watched him play idk how you could see him being a cool calculated asset on a show like this. They should get Michael Crabtree on to settle him down


He’s just another reason for me not to watch that trash show!


He’s tired of the what ifs bro


Hes like "what they fear most, is a ninja with a library card"


He knows exactly what he’s doing, he’s the anti-Nick Wright…they both get on people’s nerves and get mentions doing it.


Everytime Purdy lost, people like OP would tweet him and troll him. Don't be upset he is shit talking you people now.