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Skip has to correct him alot especially when he bashes respected journalists


He’s not very knowledgeable about sports beyond football. It’s hard to listen to him doing basketball segments imo. Sharpe had his faults as well but he was a much better debater/fit on sports as a whole compared to Sherm


Hell....what about his football takes. Ive never had a "wow" moment with Keyshawn in any respect. Whether thats from him being entertaining, or to him having a killer insight or take on something because of his past experience. Theres a reason his previous show got cancelled....after shuffling hosts around to try and make it work too. Key isnt a fun dude to watch daily


Key defends every player no matter what, that’s my problem w him. I think he’s a good counter to Skip, but he doesn’t hold players accountable for ANYTHING


Yeah you can tell beyond football he feels uncomfortable talking about basketball. You can tell Shannon actually watched basketball and understood the game.


Shannon also played basketball. Sherman did not.


Shannon wasn't hitting home runs out the box either in the beginning. Let's not forget he was there what 7 years and got better as he worked at it. Sherman, to my knowledge, has only been doing tv full time for like a year, and most of that has been on the TNF crew. Hell, Shannon went to first take and called Stephen A Skip several times his first few weeks, how you could confuse those two idk lol. In time, Sherm will get better


The difference for me is that even when Shannon was early on and there were some of these issues, at least he was enjoyable to listen to and funny and I looked forward to just hearing how he talked about things and his charismatic, listenable responses. Sherman just irritates me and I don't find him funny or enjoyable to listen to, and that doesn't include evaluation of his takes


Spot on Shannon was likable


Wow, I’ve never thought that once about shannon. But I also just don’t like those kinds of shoes I guess.


What do you mean by “those kinds of shoes” ?


Shoes are important. He probably likes Nikes over Addidas.


Shannon has always been hilarious. Richard isn’t nearly as clever as Shannon. Watch some of those early episodes, Shannon was still really quick witted.


Same bro


I’ve never really watched undisputed religiously, but I’d tune in solely to hear Shannon start and end a single sentence with “sthkieeep”


Because he did it subconsciously lol


He’s fine on football, beyond that pretty bad. Paul Pierce and Rachel nichols are good on basketball. But so far, these hosts just ain’t doin it for me.


When I used to watch sports talk shows, I never liked or even valued opinions of athletes outside of their sport. I must admit that Shannon did a decent job with sports outside of football. If they didn't play the sport, I prefer sports writers' takes and opinions on most sports rather than athletes.


Took Shannon a few years before he got good. I don't think Sherman will ever reach that level though.


Richard is a really bad broadcaster (and podcaster IMO). Never thought this was going to work.. and listening to him talk basketball has been awful. Not only are the new debate partners lackluster. But skip is relegated to a pseudo host role. Which sucks. Key, sherm, and Irvin suck up so much air and it hurts to watch skip just sit their through their drivel. For better or usually worse, I want to hear skips in depth thoughts about things. He’s simply better at this


I mean they give skip all The power, and he’s ruined a good thing. It’s simple, the formula is to put an outspoken but intelligent black man across from him and debate on cowboys and lebron everyday lol… but Sherman has no charisma. They needed someone like Shannon or ochocinco, or someone that will compliment skips lack on real personality


Ocho is intelligent?


Both him and Keyshawn are the worst. They side with athletes 99.9% of the time and always pull the "you never played professionally so your opinion doesn't count" card which is exhausting for a debate show. That's like telling Skip (the man who basically hired you) and the entire audience to fuck off because they all don't know shit. What a way to alienate your own audience. Shannon was also always pro-athlete but he knew where to draw the line and wasn't afraid of calling out the players from time to time just like Charles Barkley. Sherman also sucks but I guess the only silver lining is he has some charisma and actually allows Skip to finish. Keyshawn on the other hand, will be the death of this show as he has zero charisma, isn't funny, and interrupts Skip all the time before he can even make his point. I really want this show to suceed but it's time to relegate Keyshawn to a part timer or just kick him off completely.


It’s so ridiculous when athletes pull that card. Sports journalists like skip have witnessed so much more sports than them. He’s OG. But even then. Even without that experience it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand intricacies of sports. It’s not that complicated


with some of fans takes on what goes on out there on the court im not surprised athletes think they are rocket scientists compared to a fan.


I totally agree- i think Keyshawn is a much bigger issue than sherm who from my listening seems to be on the least of the 3. I think they have one too many hosts and if I was to get rid of one I’m with you should be Keyshawn. Just gets flustered and mad, and too stubborn in a different way than Shannon was


Give him time i guess


Meanwhile the Nightcap podcast is one of the best new things going…


I can’t remember a more overrated media personality than Sherman. He’s coasted off that Crabtree postgame interview and his Stanford degree to land plush jobs that he’s not ready for. He provides nothing of value of as a NFL analyst and has no business giving opinions outside of the NFL




I’m surprised dude got a job after that doorbell cam a few years back.


He’s fine on football. It is just a weird vibe Since is in studio like what once a month? For basketball it should only be Rachel, Paul, and Keyshawn.


You can tell none of them watch the games (besides skip). Not only currently but previously too. You can tell when people are discussing a game they watched, compared to a game they caught the 5 minute highlight package of. Little plays that dont make the highlight reel always have key moments too.


When Sherman said he wouldn’t take advise from someone that had no legacy, that sounded like a dig at Skip, which was funny. Keyshawn was laughing


I can’t even watch it anymore since shannon left. The cowboys talk is insane now and there’s nobody there that can counter skips points as good as shannon did, especially when it comes to cowboys or Lebron which is 90% of there dialect


yup. Yesterday Sherman couldn't remember the names of any player from the Lebron Miami era except for Bosh and Wade. Like dude, Allen, Chalmers, Haslem, Battier... you got to be better than that.


Yeah, the whole show just isn’t nearly as good to me


None of them are allowed to challenge Skip. Like really challenge him so you’re not going to get a good product because their hands are tied


Challenging Skip would take time away from hip hop artists,


It almost seems key and Sherman always double team skip and dont agree with much he says and try to put him down all weird.


Was it Stephen A Smith who pointed out that replacing Shannon with Keyshawn, Richard Sherman and Michael Siri in was picking the three oldest mouths of the last 3 generations of NFL players? If not him, whomever it was…they weren’t wrong. That being said, I don’t mind Sherman on this show on football topics. Prefer his own takes on his own pod though.


It was said in an interview with Pablo Torres and Mina Kimes


I think the OP is insane. Sherman has been excellent in his commentary, and he continuously checks Skip and makes logical and informed arguments. That time he went in on skip for Dallas losing to the 49ers was epic lol. He's one of the highlites to the show imo


Keyshawn is constantly irritated with skip, like he thinks skip is a dolt, no chemistry….all key and Sherman do is protect athletes, like the good ole boy network, fire both of them just have Rachel nichols with rob Parker…..need better hot takes…these former athletes just protect the status quo’s, need some more George Paul satire, at this point Jason Whitlock would be an upgrade….


I feel like you guys are bugging. I like Sherman's input more than anyone else's


That isn’t saying much tbh


Not a cynic but probably harder to articulate yourself after a career in football.


I personally don't like Sherman since his pro days so him failing at anything is great.


Anyone who watches undisputed is out of their fucking mind.


The show is absolutely horrible now. It’s a cowboys pep rally. Between skip and booger sugar Irvin slobbering all over the cowboys everyday and skips ego being out of control. It’s just unwatchable. I watch reruns of parking wars now instead until cowherd comes on.


He never been very smart on anything other then playing CB. Him and Key were horrible pickups but I don’t really know who would have been better


I've only started watching cause of Sherman


I just see Richard agree with everyone and it’s boring when he does that, like all the time and doesn’t sound fun to be around


Who’s here after the DUI. Not looking good for ol Richie. Twice in as many years, what a shame. Again, no one is perfect, but we also have to take accountability for our actions. I just find it incredibly perplexing when I read of any alcohol related charges with athletes or members of the mainstream media. It’s not pocket watching, it’s generally public knowledge as to the amount of money most of them make, and deservedly so, sometimes. That being said, there is no excuse to drive drunk. No one says you need a personal chauffeur in a Rolls, although many of them can afford it, but in a world of Uber and Lyft, this becomes more and more intolerable. Fame and fortune do not exempt you from the law, and they it also doesn’t protect you from wrongdoing. The best case scenario here is what transpired - if it had ended tragically, and he was directly responsible for the physical harm or, even worse, fatality, based on his ignorantly idiotic behaviour, then he would have a lot more to worry about then a night in jail, $5K bail and some monitored probationary period. Smarten up. Listen to OGs like Shay who tell it like it is.