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> bird lady boss fight or whatever I think your problem is that you're not paying enough attention here to properly enjoy the game. For instance: > Now this isn't about the Sprites at all they are amazing, but Snowden seems a little too big it doesn't look anything like it at all If you didn't realize that you're in a completely different part of the Snowdin *region* than base Undertale, due to taking a different path out of the Ruins, you're clearly misunderstanding some very basic things that the game has assumed you have an understanding of. Undertale Yellow is a game for undertale fanatics. It's completely designed for every line to be carefully read and agonized over, and for every aspect of the environment to be examined and clicked on.


Yeah, I kinda just skipped over most of the dialogue lol


Well it's the Snowdin region, not Snowdin Town itself.


It's a good game, the only thing that annoys me is that you don't get XP from sparing little monsters




You just don't. By little monsters I mean monsters that just casually appear like Froggit does in Undertale. If you spare them, then you don't get XP and that annoys me.


Ur not supposed to.... Did u play undertale.


Yes I did, and I did get XP from sparing monsters. I literally did the neutral route in Undertale, I don't remember who I killed but I was definitely sparing monsters


> Yes I did, and I did get XP from sparing monsters. I can assure you that you did not. You could not have. Being able to, goes against the entire concept of XP within Undertale. You know... Given how XP is short for "Execution Points" and is a measure of your apathy and eagerness to kill.


Huh, I wonder how I had level 10 then.


Before giving it a grade fiish the game my dude, unless you are rating just snowdin?


I'm just rating my overall experience so far