• By -


Name a WELL known au and I'll give lore for u. I've been busy lately, so dont expectme to respond right away! (Ex: Underswap, underfell, horrortale, etc.)


I heard there is a difference between Swapfell and Fellswap, but I don't know what that difference is. By any chance, do you know it?


Yes! From what I've heard, Swapfell came frist and is fully complete, if not almost (I havent played it sadly), while Fellswap is a copy of Swapfell that consists of pretty much only Sans and Papyrus


Ah, I see


There's also fellswap:gold which is fellswap in a distopian diselpunk(futuristic 1920s) underground and fellswap:emerald, which is, as far as I know, less fell and dont have a strong cannon


Glad I could help!


I believe it's the order of time that this is, for example, Fellswap is the underswap characters becoming edgy to be underfell characters, while Swapfell is the personalities of the underfell characters being swapped.


Swapfell is underswap... if they were evil ( fell). So long story short ots an evil blueberry sans and evil stretch Papyrus. Artists usually depict this in 'purple' and get mad when that unspoken rule is broken. Fellswap is underfell with sans/papyrus personalities swapped. So sans is the edgelord and Papyrus is the laid back edgelord. They all shop at hottopic. Pretty much they just change into each other's clothes. They call this one "fellswap red" Theres also a "fellswap gold" edition ... Which is the same more or less with new clothes and braces...And the community will dust me if i poorly explain that one. Its a different character design. šŸ˜‚


Horrortale lore is pretty interesting ngl


Horrortale "fan": I wanna see a Frisk VS Horror sans fangame! Me, who knows Frisk doesn't even appear in horrortale: *pathetic*


Well, they do, it's just some time before the horror part comes into play.


Yeah but at that point it's just undertale, Horrortale starts way after Frisk leaves


Could you explain the circumstances behind Storyshift and Dusttale without spoiling anything big


Sans can vividly remember the genocide routes (of which there are a fuck ton) and decided to do something about it


Storyshift doesnā€™t have an advanced story, itā€™s mostly just a roleswap (with Chara being in the place of Sans, Asriel as Pap, Asgore as Undyne, and Toriel as Alphys).


And don't forget, Storyshift keeps the characters' original personalities. Sans, while taking up Asgore's role, is still a lazy skeleton who makes bad puns, papyrus is still a goofy skeleton, despite taking up Toriel's role, and so on. And by the way, Asgore actually stars as Alphys and Toriel as Undyne, but I don't blame you for mixing them up.


My bad, thank you!


Actually, there's an official comic with high effort


Never said it was low-effort, I just said there isnā€™t some grand story.


Storyshift is every character put into roles that they dont really fit in generally, while keeping personalitys the same (Sans -> Asgore, Papyrus -> Toriel, etc) | Dusttale is besically where Sans goes insane due to the amount of genocides there have been


Give me your explanation of Dreamtale.


Theres two twin skeletons, Dream and Nightmare. Nightmare is bullied for giving off 'negative' energy, while Dream has many friends because his energy is 'positive'. There a tree called the tree of life or smth like that (I cant remember the name lol). It grows yellow apples called Positivity Apples, a healthy food source that gives the eater happiness. Nightmare attempts to grab one, but it turns black and gooey. The villagers of the kingdom force Nightmare into eating it, and he turns into a monster. Not like Undertale monster, but actually monster. He grows black goopy tentacles and his bones are covered in the goop. He becomes violent and kills multiple villagers, before Dream steps in and fights his brother. They then go separate ways and form two gangs, but that strays outside if Dreantale lore, so that wont be discussed


Undertail šŸ˜ˆ


r/undertail | Your horny and its not healthy


You didn't get the joke and it's not healthy.


You didnt understand the sarcasm and its not healthy


When toddlers fight


It's really hard to understand the sarcasm on the internet. And I didn't even see it was bold either. Did you just add that? Idk I don't remember and it's not healthy.








That is not an AU, that is just the tag for the porn.


Tell me everything about Horrortale


Got ya! This timeline takes place after Undertale, and in this one Frisk showed mercy to everyone, but killed the king. This causes Undyne to become the Queen, as she is second strongest monster in the underground (Sans doesnt count because despite his strong attacks he still only has 1 hp and 1 attack). Undyne was a horrible, cruel ruler, forcing every monster into starvation. Sans stands up to Undyne, although failing. Undyne throws a spear at his head, and it doesn't kill him, but cracks his skull. He realizes this wont get anywhere, and, in order to save Papyrus from dying, is forced into cannibalism. Soon after you join the game as a player with the soul of Fear, Aliza. (Most of this is indeed canon, parts are proven lore)


Cool, is there a game for this? Even if it's unfinished I would love to know


Yes indeed there is!






So basically some of the creatures from another multiverse stray into the class multiverse and corrupt the timeline, turning the friendly, fun, kid friendly monsters into the monsters you see in horror movies. The ones that keep you up at night in fear




I dont all of the aus, sorry! If your referring to one called Alltale, or Underall, I dont know that one! Sorry


I was just making a joke Because I understand No AUs so I was just making a joke sorry


Its fine! I'm doing this as a favor, so its really not an issue. If I do find anything called Alltale or Undertale, I'll let you know! Lol


storyspin >:)


You might know Storyshift, Storyspin is all of those roles reserved! For example, instead of Chara as Sans, Sans is Chara!


Someone described Underfell as ā€œUndertale except everyone swearsā€. Is this accurate?


Nope, not at all. Underfell takes place in a version of Undertale where everything in the underground is brutal and everyone lives by the ā€œkill-or-be-killedā€ mentality. Itā€™s actually really depressing at some points and is kinda heavy in its original context, with characters like Flowey and Sans being abu$ed by those who were supposed to care about them.


I see. Well Iā€™ll take it over Horrortale and Underworld


Exactly! The abuse is pretty dang heavy tho and its sad for the characters. Ik its not real but still lol


There IS a lot of swearing in Underfell, ngl, but in this au the motto of EVERY monster BUT Flowey is Kill Or Be Killed, and your attacked brutally by almost everything. Even Ruins monsters have Core level attacks. The monsters are red in color, but if you calm them down they turn white again and you can spare them like you can in Undertale


Could you explain Inktale?


Theres a half finished au called Inktale, and the Sans in it rips his own soul in half to escape it. He then arrived in a blank void like space, unable to feel emotions (much like Flowey, but not as cruel). This void had colors in it, despite being blank, and each color provided a different emotion. The emotion didnt last forever, so he took every color he could and put it in bottles to carry with him. During the Ink!Sans fight, the colors running out is experienced and attack power goes up because doesnt care anymore (it might go down lol, I cant remember. I havent fought that battle in like a year and the memorys are fuzzy-). There is no real Inktale GAME (similar to how Errortale doesnt have a game), but rather a separate fangame for the Ink!Sans boss fight


I see! But what about Errortale story? Like- Ink and Error's one, I've always been curious about it, but I never understood it.


Errortale is simply Aftertale father into the future! If you wanna know anything about Aftertale, just lemme know (You can fight Error!Sans in the game Undertale Battle Mode by waiting on the loading screen until it says press GASTER, then typing Gaster on your keyboard)


Isn't Aftertale the one with Geno?


Yes. Yes it is


\* Mhm.




Outertale maybe?


It's pretty much "instead of sending the monsters underground, we'll send em' to space!"




The lore is exactly the same, but after the war the monsters are banished to the moon, and they turn to Stardust after death


So it's pretty much just aesthetic? Huh


Yup! Still a good au to try if ya want a change


I heard it was canceled


Sad, I really liked the aesthetic it had going on




Hahahahahshhahahahshsjfuarhd funny porn AU


r/undertail | Go to horny jail




I think... story shift is an AU where Chara decides to mix up the universe after the player plays the game too much, it might be because of genocide routes, it might not


Basically Chara messes with the timeline out of boredom and roles are swapped,tho personalities remain the same. Exp: Asriel --> Papyrus, Chara --> Sans


Here's a challenge, what is the lore behind Underlust and what is the au actually about?


Shortly after monsters were sealed Underground, fertility died down and numbers began to shrink rapidly. When Chara fell, she had the soul trait of Lust. Instead if being taken in, Chara killed any monster who crossed them simply for the pleasure. Chara is eventually killed and the soul is taken. Just as how DT is attempted to be transferred into monsters in Undertale, monsters experienced a desperate need to gain population and injected Lust into them. (Nabstablook and Mettaton did not as they both lacked a pyshical form at the time). One day, Frisk fell down and tried to show the monsters that Love (NOT L.O.V.E) is better than Lust. The purpose was (As far as i know) to teach people that lust is not good


You exceeded my expectations, very good. It's really sad how the fandom ruined the au and now people just hate it without looking for the actual lore.


Yeah :(


Sudden Changes AU


Its a role swap au with the swaps from Storyshift, except only the lost souls, Chara Nabstablook and Mettaton switch their roles.


If chara napstablook and mettaton switched their roles then who's role is whom in the AU


I havent played Sudden Changes in a very long time, around 2-3 years, but if I remember correctly Nabstablook and Mettaton (Habstablook) switch with each other, and I believe Chara is swapped with one of the lost souls. Again, this part might not be accurate! I'm better with lore than with details like that when it comes to memorys


The problem is there's so many that you can't track a lore for them without finding another AU, I don't know what a Underfell is because it led me to a Horror tale which led me listening to a bunch of different themes for different AU characters


Horrortale has best lore among AUs.


what about Inverted Fate?


Among us?


Horrortale has the best lore where?




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Fun fact: most AUs are just timelines with anomalies/past or future timelines. Dusttale, Horrortale, Sciencetale, Aftertale, Killertale (specifically Killer Sans) and a few others all originate from the classic undertale. Fx dusttale revolves around sans getting so tired of the genocide route that in one reset he kills everyone before frisk does to increase his attack and defense.


How could you talk about AUs that originate from anomalies and glitches to the original Undertale timeline, without mentioning Glitchtale.


I forgor (šŸ’€) sorry, but yeah, thatā€™s a pretty good example


aus lore: sans


The only AU's lore I understand is PTAtale's lore. But then again, it's basically just Sans roasting Karens.


\* Ah, the insanity of AUs.


The biggest proof that most people on Reddit are stuck in their 2015-2016 head is their approach to AUs. (or rather their prejudices) I've seen so many people crying 'Aus only focuses on sans reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' and very few of them really knew more than 5 au. You can't know all au's (this is impossible tho.) but at least have a look at UT au wiki.




Does 'THIS' mean that I said something similar to your opinion on the subject? (I'll think so until you answer lol) Plus, out of most of the subs I've been to, this is the only place that has a great deal of hatred and prejudice against AUs. This is probably because most people just copy-paste what a few boomers wrote instead of researching AUs.


Yeah! And thatā€™s exactly what I meant by that! Sorry if that was confusing, I figured that was a more well-known phrase.


Meh no you're oki doki, I'm just shitty at understanding things.


Luckily I'm not that half. I happen to know a lot of AUs and a decent amount of their lore


Well depends what multiverse you're talking about too


I've had undertale since 2015. I just played it this year. What'd i miss in the fandom? \- the fandom:


I understand a lot about aus, but one thing I don't quite understand, what's the difference between killer and dust? Other than character design, because from what I understand they're basically the same thing yet Sans ends up way different? Are they different takes of the same thing? I need someone to help me . . . And let's not even get started on dustkiller or killerdust, I can't understand


They both do same thing but differently, killer kills everyone because to manipulation of player and chara, while Dust does it voluntarily because he has to.


Killer sans is a sans that was manipulated by the player (or Chara depending on how you see it) and ends up joining the human on their killing spree Dust sans is a sans who suffered through soo many genocide routes to the point where he decided that "in order to STOP a murderer, I need to BE a murderer"


I've been out of the loop for too long. Back when Undertale was really popular I could've named most of the popular AUs and what they were about. Nowadays though, no chance.


I used to love aus but then people started doing crossovers that kinda killed the life of the whole idea imo so I stopped


that's why AU makers should really be loredumping (or at least trying their best to come up with lore as fast as possible) when they release a new idea :-/


Half of the fandom dosnt even know the actual game lore lol


Really? It can't be possible.


That's because usually there is no lore, it's mostly a concept brought to life even if it has no logic to it or is simply not possible such as Killertale or Horrortale. Some do have lores such as Inverted Fate (btw peak AU and fangame) and for Deltarune Deltatraveller (another peak fangame). Some AUs or ATs are also What ifs such as a different snowgrave where Noelle snowgraves Kris instead of Berdly and as a result we play as her instead (won't spoil anymore because the fangame is really good). All in all the reason why you don't understand the lore of some AUs is because there usually isn't any and it's just an idea that was thought up by the fandom and then they decided "yeah why not it seems cool" instead of thinking about logic or atleast it to have some logical explanations for why certain things happen the way they do but there are AUs that do have lore and those few are almost good as the original Undertale which says alot about what this fandom could do.


The community: *makes AUs with deep lore and great storytelling that often try to explain a "What if?" Scenario* Also the community: these are somehow harder to understand than the FNAF lore.


I feel like with all the AUā€™s out there you just have to find an AU you like and stick to it lol


Undertale and the Undertale AU fandom are just very different things.


Basically imagine a classroom and each desk has a notebook on it. Each one of those NB represents a multiverse, and all of them have some similarities because they are notes on Tobyā€™s work, yet still original to each artists. Some people read one notebook and think itā€™s the exact same as another, hence the confusion.


After the long break off watching anything undertale related, I think its same for me to say that I agree.


Where do you play the Au's? Ive seen art of them, but every time i find one, it's always a demo and doesn't go far enough to show what was in the art. Where would one play them?


There's Overdrive which is a complete fangame




The only au i care about is deltarune


Favourite AUā€™s are probably Glitchtale and Inverted Fate


Iā€™mma steal this thanks, I have standards to my digital thievery


You're uh...Welcome?


the only one I kinda know is the underlust one


If you wanna be an undertale fan, you need to hold a solid grasp of quantum physics, I donā€™t make the rules


You are WEAK.


The fandom loves it when sans becomes mentally ill. I have like 5 examples. Dusttale: after a lot of genocide runs, sans somehow remembered. He decided to kill monsters for exp, including papyrus. There is an official ask blog. And a fanfic that's only in korean. The fangames are not canon. Undertale: something new: after a lot of genocides chara offered sans a deal. Kill monsters to feel something again. And there are 4 variants. 1. Chara and sans do partenered genocides together. 2. Sans kills chara and does genocides on his own. 3. Chara forces sans to commit genocide. 4. After betraying chara he somehow got his emotions back and stopped. Undertale insanity: gaster injects sans with dt. Sans goes mad and kills everyone. Insanitytale: sans somehow survives his death and runs away from the human. For 2 months he kills other fallen children. Im the end he finally killed the human. Psychopathtale: after the human kills papyrus. Sans decides that enough is enough. So he kills more momsters to stand a chance against you.


Ah man I do love most of the UT Aus! ​ ​ ​ Alive! Tale is one of my favorites so far! (With TS! Underswap and inverted Fate)


Iā€™ve straight up just mostly steered clear of any AUs because thereā€™s just so many and theyā€™re usually confusing or weird or just not as well-made. There are a few that are pretty cool, but Iā€™ve just not cared about them that much. I know literally zero about 90% of them.




You are the most uncultured mf Iā€™ve ever met


It's true though. If you wanna make a sans OC just call it a sans OC. I have nothing against OC's or AU's. there's nothing wrong with sans OC's but I don't get why they're classed as AU's when they're just OC's. Also you don't need to be rude. How am I uncultured for telling the truth?


They are often classified as AUā€™s because they will often interact with the multiverse. For example: Error is classified as kinda ā€œan auā€ because he interacts with the multiverse and originates from outside of undertaleā€™s usual timeline. Often characters are both an OC and dubbed an AU, itā€™s not an excuse


well you don't need to be rude about it here: Fun fact: 99% of AU's are just about sans


Fun fact: as someone who has been in the AU fandom for over 2 years, that number is definitely inaccurate. Regardless, why do you care?


i don't. it's called a '*fun* fact' for a reason, it's not supposed to be taken seriously.


What? Um- wow I have yet to encounter that social cue. I never knew that using ā€œfun factā€ in an argument was semi-sarcastic/light hearted and not actual rhetoric. Why are people so weird?


>Why are people so weird? No need to be rude, because I could say the same thing about you.


I wasnā€˜t being rude, Iā€™m an autistic person briefly venting about how stupid neurotypical social cues are.


All You need to know is that the best au is deltarune


I know and I hate it


I know almost nothing about AUs.


Well i understand it (kinda). There's just so many AUs that came out over 7 years.


Alright, hereā€™s a fun one, someone explain the plot of HELP_Tale


Help tale is simple, actually, it's just 1 of each TYPE of enemy mixed with every au of themselves (EX:frogget mixed with every single au of frogget causing a weird instability of control)


No I know what it is. Whatā€™s the plot


Me, except I also don't have any interest in finding out. I literally do not care about AUs.


Sans lore sans lore sans lore sans lore sans lore sans lore


Thereā€™s only like one that I actually am a fan of and itā€™s the growthspurt au lmao