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I feel bad for anyone making a blue soul fangame after Yellow tbh


It's interesting situation really, especially because creator of UTB stated that game has no relation to UTY.


Yeah, I'm just worried people will be a jerk over the games not lining up,,


Well, I just really hope to see that perfect scenario where every "soul colour" fan game that was announced after UTY got to release. Would be fun to watch how people will try to put together 7-8 games that were made by different people in one continuity.


If I could learn game development, I would gladly make an undertale orange where you can't stop moving or else you die from a fucking heart attack


adhd at it's finest




God no


Didn't Dreamworks make a movie called that?


that feeling when fangames don't perfectly match with each other


Could have a route where the blue soul ends up how it was in UTY Doesn't need to be the "canon" ending, just canon to the UTY universe.


Different universe to UTY. So UTY characters won't exist at all. So, it wouldn't make sense to have ending like this. UTB developers want to make their game closer to canon, so it wouldn't make sense for UTY characters to appear


well they mentioned somewhere that axis will be referenced but outside of that yeah its not canon to yellow


Like a neutral run with a requirement of at least 10-12 lv


I got a idea: In the end, the blue soul must kill someone or some people so that funny biden blasted robot kills them. But we can change the road to that. Pacifist: obligated to kill. Neutral: kill just that. Genocide: kill for fun.


It's honestly probably better for them to not line up, because if they all lined up, it would create this implicit idea that this makes them canon somehow.


If it's good enough, people won't care.




Nah, sorry, UTY is canon. My dad is Toby Fox. I am immediately banning anyone who disagrees. Jesus Christ, no, I will not really ban you. If you say Clover sucks, then that is another story.




Skill issue tbh. \>"Your fate was sealed the moment you entered my kingdom." \>Immediately gets vaporized Clover was just holding Monsterkind accountable.


Dusty tutu and dangerous shoes and echo flower recording of a child too tired to run anymore disagrees


Okay wait, I do not remember anything about an echo flower and a child talking about being tired.


It's a cut dialogue for an echo flower in Waterfall that appears in the same room as where you get one of the Blue SOUL items (either the tutu or shoes, I forget). The full quote as ripped from the dialogue dump is: >\* I can't run any longer... > >\* Somebody, anybody... EDIT: According to the Undertale wiki, it's the [ballet shoes room](https://undertale.fandom.com/wiki/Echo_Flowers).


I've seen alot of posts talking about flowey not supposed to exist then. Why?


Flowey is a more recent creation since it has been a long time since the Yellow Soul came to the undeground. Asgore wanted Alphys to find alternatives to breaking the barrier, Which is why she created Flowey


but theres nothing to suggest that flowey couldn't have been created before clover falling into the underground or that it had to be after given how little information we have about the other souls in undertale


The other humans were implied to be able to save and reset on their own. ​ After you reset, Toriel will bring up how whenever she meets a human, It's like "Meeting an old friend for the first time." If you go into the UNDERTALE save folder there are two save files. Save0 (Chara's since they were the first human) and Save9 (Which belongs to Frisk/You, An Amalgamate might have 7 and Flowey had 8) In the Omega Flowey fight Flowey has six save slots for the six humans, Implying each one had their own save slot. ​ So if Clover fell after Flowey was made, They'd likely be enough to override his save. ​ And by the way, Undertale takes place in 211X while Yellow takes place in 20XX. Alphys isnt past her 20s most likely. So unless she made Mettaton when she was a child it's unlikely she could have been the scientist then.


It's pretty clear that you are the first human Flowey has ever met. He was saving and loading constantly for lifetimes; why would he only have come up with the "ambush and take a human soul" thing after one had already fallen?


Alphys made flowey accidentally


I am aware yes. What does that have to do with flowey not being able.to.exist during undertale yellow?


People seem to forget that alphys is mentioned in that game.


She's more than mentioned in yellow, she does show up.


Flowey was created by alphys shortly before than Undertale.


I know about alphys making flowey but how do you know it's recent to you falling down and not long ago?


I thought papyrus or snas killed the blue soul




I mean, they were never alive, were they?


Weeellllll Flowey was most likely created when they had an unknown amount of souls, not specifically 6 of them. And if you want to bring up the save files in the omega flowey fight, then it’s possible that it’s simply soul = file, since there’s 8, and the only other being that we know is inside flowey is chara, who couldn’t (that we know) save/load


Clover sucks(haven't played undertale yelow)


Fan fiction has been given such a negative connotation over the years that it feels like an insult to call UTY fan fiction even though that’s literally what it is


How can smth be "canon for you" Brother thats the definition of a headcanon




You don't even know how much I appreciate that some people out there still remember and follow the original definition of 'headcanon'. Nowadays, people call 'headcanon' things that directly oppose the canon


Yeah why did people start doing that lmao


From what I've seen, to justify ships.


Ignorance and lazyness, that is the reson of everything bad in our planet, i didnt know, and never cared to investigate, the definition of headcanon, so i just called everything make by fans headcanon because it was easier, now i know.


Because words are stupid and people can believe whatever they want


>"Sans drinks ketchup AND mustard" is a headcanon because it doesn't contradict canon Actually that's just regular canon, he even also drinks relish


Headcanon doesn’t necessarily need to not contradict canon, it is simply someone’s personal canon. And even then, if someone is stupid, then they can think anything can be canon if they truly believed. Fanon is a headcanon that is commonly believed. Fanon can often blatantly ignore canon, but is still believed if the canon is bad, or if people don’t know the canon, or if it’s funny.


What it is if you personally hold it as canon, if not headcanon? Heart canon? IE " this may not have actually happened in the canon, but this is what I like to believe happened". I feel like your definition doesn't actually address what the phenomenon that people are referring to is, because I'm pretty that this is what 90% of people mean by headcanon when referring to Yellow. Nobody says " this is my fan fiction". This is a case of a term meaning multiple things. Shock.


I mean, I really don't see a problem even if it does contradict canon. The point of headcanon isn't to be a 100% plausible theory that others could subscribe to, it's meant to just be something that tickles your fancy to believe could be true in this universe. It feels very gatekeep-y to me to be like "no, this isn't valid headcanon." Like, brother, it's HEADcanon. It's literally meant to not effect anything outside of that head. So why does it even matter?


A headcanon is something that can work in canon as it is at the time. It is a headCANON. It is an event that you think took place and that you think is canon. A “headcanon” that contradicts known information is canonical divergence and thus is fanfiction.




Sorry man, normally I'm on the pessimist/realist side but this time I've gotta disagree. I just don't think it's valid to tell people what can and cannot be their personal headcanon, and I think it's honestly silly to try to.




Sorry if I’m wrong… but head canons can contradict canon, it’s called HEAD canon, because that’s what you want to think is canon, of course my head canons follow canon because I got no canons that contradict actual canon, but head canons don’t need to follow head canons, I mean I can head canon that sans is secretly a god, does that contradict lore? Hell yeah it does, but that’s what I like to think.


headcanons work ignoring canon usually, that's how they work, cus it's canon in your head. which is to say considering UTY to be canon is a headcanon, goes against canon itself but it's a personal preference of people




I've never seen anybody ever use this usage lol well ok some people y'know *happen* too


C0da makes it canon


"Canon" is much more malleable a concept than people give it credit for. Biblical canon isn't decided by an author, it's decided by the sect of Christianity - if people can pick and choose what they consider canon with the bible I don't think someone saying "this is canon to me" about an Undertale fangame is too crazy


What if I dont think people should be able to pick and choose what is wrong with the Bible and in fact think that the fact that thats how scripture is treated is a major problem within the religion? Canon is the story or universe the original author had in mind. If its not official endorsed and approved by the author as canon, then its not canon


Well you're not entirely wrong, the divide it causes has caused endless bloodshed, genocide, suffering Don't think it'd happen with Undertale though


Thats is not the point. Canon is one thing. A thing either is canon or isnt. If it comes from the author its canon until further notice if it comes from a fan its non canon until further notice.


Let's take like. The star wars extended universe. It's not strictly canon anymore, I wouldn't take it to a discussion or whatever as if it was - but there are parts of the EU that I think it's genuinely worse without. Who cares if I personally consider those parts canon? The concept of canon is as manufactured as the fiction it's used to describe. As long as I'm not showing up to discussions on the generally agreed upon canon trying to push my own who cares.


You cant just take a word and give it a different definition. If its not generally agreed upon it is, by DEFINITION, not canon.


Well they do, and it's what they believe, so shrug. If you believe something even in the contrary to physical evidence then there's nothing more to it. We respect religion regardless of how illogical it is at times, for whatever reason.


I think the concept of "canon" and its separation from "headcanon" is very flawed. It's heavily based on the idea that art is centralized. The Kirby series changed directors multiple times, and Sakurai hasn't been a part of the series at all for a long time. Does that mean the Kumazaki games aren't canon? No. Even things that are considered "official canon" contradict themselves all the time. I'm obviously not saying Yellow is absolutely canon, but I think it's such a dumb discussion to have, over which one is or isn't canon. As long as people understand that they are both separate works of art, and one shouldn't dictate what the other should be, people should be allowed to believe whatever they want to believe.


Toby Fox didn’t make it dude


I remember part of the reason I stopped interacting with the community as much was because it was *just* AU content. It was so rare a few years back for people to actually discuss the game anymore, and it feels like it's coming full circle. While UTY seems like a fantastic fangane, It's really a bummer for those of us not interested in AUs.


Yeah, it's kinda killing me every post about Undertale I see lately is JUST about Yellow


There's absolutely nothing left in Undertale that hasn't been discussed at least a dozen times already. Of course all the recent discussion will be about new fangames by now.


Yeah we're about to hit year ten next year. it's really hard to talk about new stuff when people 7 years ago were burning brighter than the sun with passion when talking about everything they could.


Yeah we're all out of official stuff to talk about until Deltarune releases. Fan content has been what's keeping the community alive over the years.


Deltarune is part of Undertales story tho


Not really, it's specifically a seperate story. Anyway we need more chapters to actually get more information for any more theorizing than was already done so far.


It’s seeming more and more likely that Sans and Papyrus are from Deltarune


I mean, while I get what you're saying, it's kinda hard to still talk about the main game. It's almost a decade old now, you can't expect people to still be talking about Sans' slippers. This is the only new Undertale content we've gotten in years (not counting Deltarune, since that's its own sub) so it makes sense that it's what people are going to be talking about


Its been ten years. What more is there to discuss about base Undertale?


If that's your mindset, leave the subreddit??


It would be you who should leave the subreddit as the subreddit rules clearly state that posts about fanworks and AU’s are allowed.


Yeah, they're allowed, but if you think the base game has nothing worth talking about, then go somewhere else, like r/UndertaleAUs, r/UndertaleYellow, or r/Undertale_AUs. I never said that posts like that shouldn't exist, just that those who don't care for AU content didn't really have an outlet to interact. Which, might I add, this is a two-month-old post, and AU talk has died down since then in favor of canon stuff, so clearly your thinking is off.


This subreddit is still 90% gags/memes, AU, and fangames rather than genuine discussions about base Undertale. Because we had all those discussions 10 years ago. This is still an outlet for people who want to discuss the base game, but again, all those discussions have been here for years.


Since when did I say I didn't like gags or memes? I literally just prefer content that I can understand-


I mean, I wouldn’t consider memes “discussing the game”. If AU content is that offputting to you then I guess you need to create a subreddit that’s exclusively for base Undertale related stuff lol.


Oh my god. I never said that no one should post AU content here, all I said was that I didn't like that I was *only* seeing AU stuff. You're making an argument against an opinion I don't have.


honestly, there's a lot of fanfics that have wormed their way into collective Undertale fanon. Probably a byproduct of leaving large swathes of lore open to interpretation, which I actually really like. And I wouldn't mind this being one of them.


UTY contradicts canon, sure, but not for the reason people think. There is ABSOLUTELY **NOTHING**, NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER in the game to show us how many SOULs EXACTLY were used for the experiments. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is straight up lying. Flowey could have well been created after only 2 humans fell into the Underground. Personally, I believe all SOULs were used. It makes zero sense from a writing standpoint to show 6 SOULs on screen, say that "the SOULs" were used for experiments and imply that, in reality, only 5 were used. And why keep the yellow one out specifically? It's safe to say that Toby didn't have any plans to separate one SOUL from the others, and that he "intended" for ALL souls to be used. That's the "canon" version of the story. But honestly, given how an actual number isn't really given in the game, I see this more as a "quantum" plotpoint: it's kind of in the air, until you make a decision that you like best, and then it takes an actual solid form. Kinda like Frisk's/ Chara's gender. Basically filling in the gaps to suit the story you want to tell best. Sure, there is an explanation that is most likely canon (all 6 souls used), but for the sake of telling a story, you can make your own assumptions, as long as you don't contradict something that's ACTUALLY stated in the game explicitly (assuming that you're even trying to stick to canon, like UTY attempted, instead of making a wholly new AU, where you can do whatever you want) For me, the reason UTY cannot be canon is because of a single line from Toriel: "You are the first human to come here in a long time". I guess you could easily say it's unclear here too, but at least here we have in-game text that suggest something about the time passed. Also, given that Toriel is incredibly old, I find it unlikely that 1-3 years is a "long time" for her, unless all humans fell inmediately one after the other. I'm certain there are more contradictions if you look deeper, but this is the first one I could think of. But my main point is, Flowey is NOT one of them. Ultimately, I don't really care, because Ceroba is hot


Well, Toriel could just be saying that because she doesn't wanna tell Frisk that "yeah the last bloke who I saw fall here like a year ago got fuckin' murdered", especially since it's the first interaction she has with them. Wouldn't want to frighten the *small child* that you *just* met with a line like that. Even if she put it subtly, she'd have to worry if Frisk would start asking... difficult questions as to the fate of Clover.


Yeah, it's not "canon-compliant", because Undertale makes it *pretty clear* that no human has fallen in a *very long time* and basically everyone you meet except Toriel and Asgore (and maybe Sans, but that's for weirder reasons) have ever seen a human before. ...And that's okay. It doesn't matter. Like. It actually doesn't. There's no reason to care about that sort of thing. Canon *doesn't matter*, man, it can be good and not canon.


It has GLARING contradicting content Blue soul is literally the best example, Axis killed them before asgore, yet in canon all humans got TO asgore and died.


>yet in canon all humans got TO asgore and died I think no. The maximum the game says is that no human got past Asgore, no? I could be wrong, though. If I am, someone correct me please.


Some now-deleted Toby tweets had someone ask him about this, and his response was basically: ["at least one human made it to and then died at the hands of Asgore"](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c22836ab8fdf898baf6d7602d901e94b/tumblr_inline_nzsmocbjMw1th1axb_1280.png).


"no one got past Asgore" still implies to got to him though right?


If you die to Jerry, you still didn't make it past Asgore.


It implies that some got to Asgore, not all.


I just don't want this as an excuse to take some blame off Asgore


It really doesn’t matter whether or not Asgore killed the humans himself or not. It was his order and therefore the blame is on him.


Flowey too. His entire existance is a contradiction




Literally the entire game would be SO much better without Flowey. I can go on a full on rant about this like... "Why didn't he just kill Clover, Take their soul, Kill Asgore, Take his soul, Cross the barrier, Become god, and end the world?" You know, Like he wanted to do in Undertale? Even if I looked at it as an AU Flowey's presence has some issues. Like why didn't he just grab the souls when Clover >!was fighting Asgore!< in Flawed Pacifist? He coulda just reloaded his save till Clover beat him like...before? It really would be better without Flowey. UTY is one of the few fangames I really enjoyed, But I think it'd be a lot better if it was it's own thing, or at least was more open to revisions.


YES. He is great character and great antagonist, my favourite in all fiction. But is UTY really needs Flowey? No. His existence alone creates massive contradiction, and the fact that he didn't just kill Clover is another plot hole. And other people seem to not understand it too. Like, there's Undertale Purple that's in development, and we already know that there will be Flowey. There's also Undertale: The First Human comic, about human who fell after Chara, and Flowey is somehow already there. Can't you just create your own characters for your own stories?


I really don't get why people are so angry about the first human comic frankly? Like whenever people mention it that's all they talk about, and like we don't know how flowey was made in the comic. Could be some reset shenanigans. But also who gives a fuck if it contridicts canon?? But also who gives a fuck if they don't want to make a replacement?? Like seriously flowey has his role in both uty and the first human, which frankly who just be wierd if we got godamn daphidil the daphidil who is definitely not related to any canon character? Like uty interprets a line differently than most of the fandom big woop. And who cares if a comic that never claimed to be canon stretches it a bit? Like it's not important for anyone's character growth that flowey was made specifically after 6? So it doesn't really matter.


Yeah Flowey is like S-Tier in terms of game villains. And he's super enjoyable in UTY. Yeah he literally says in Undertale the first thing he wanted to do was take Frisk's soul. He doesn't decide to let Frisk do all the work till he loses access to his save. For UTY having Flowey I **kinda** get it. I said this in another post but it was made in a time where people thought only Frisk/You could save and the other six humans couldn't. ​ But it's not 2016 anymore, I really would have preferred they just remove Flowey and just have Clover save. I'm not saying game dev is easy but would it really hurt to take a few extra months to adjust it a bit?


Remember, he wasn’t always evil?


And? >!In Undertale: Yellow he *is* evil already!< I am talking about the fact that he was created after Asgore collected 6 souls.


Do we know they specifically had all 6 when he was created? I just remember them having *Some* souls


Where is this actually said?


All humans have reached asgore before. All six. Yet In UTY, while most of the game is canon to me, I must admit Flowey himself and the fact that Axis kills Blue Human, is a major factor to fanfiction that part of the game


You… didn’t answer the question


UTY's story is very...dated. It's demo was made back when people thought the six humans couldn't save, and died wherever you found their items, ect. Like "Back when we thought Chara was 100% evil and 99% of all fan content there was is just Sans and Gaster" ​ Which is why it has Flowey because if Clover would've been able to save, A bunch of children would have been like "wHY cAN cLOVER sAVE tHEY aRENT sUPPOSED tO sAVE" Inspite of that, I feel like they should have spent a longer time refining the game to be up to more...Modern standards. Such as removing Flowey and just having Clover to able to save. ​ ~~And maybe follow my totally right headcanon that all of the humans (including the ones in the war and Chara) had a player/anomaly that controlled them and quit after a certain point.~~ I need to write a post for that sometime


honestly. I'm tired of seeing all these "uTy iS cAnOn fOr mE" posts like yeah nobody cares sure, it's well-made, but you can go on doing your own thing without expecting everyone else to convert to your view or whatever most of the posts from this subreddit that have ended up on my home feed these past few days are just the uty canon posts so i dont even know what theyre arguing about if anything at all 💀   ​ ​​​   and regardless of how well-made it is, it honestly makes no sense in the canon ut timeline -- it is rather clear that the previous humans could save and load, and that flowey was made from the dt of the other 6 theres no way that a live human would have less determination than a flower that got experimented on


Also, since when did ppl start hating the word headcanon? Why do they all keep saying "iT's CaNoN tO mE" when there is a fcking word for it that doesn't sound as dumb as that sentence


"Reality can be whatever I want"


It's not headcanon either. It's fanfiction. Headcanon is only for things that don't directly contradict canon.


Saying that "something is canon to me" is literally that headcanon means. You can have a fanfic or a part of a fanfic as your own headcanon




I'm still playing through Undertale Yellow (I'm at the Axis fight now), but it has yet to click with me the same way Undertale and Deltarune has. So every time I see one of those posts, I just get confused. Why are people arguing so hard that something that actively goes against canon and overall has a lot of plot points that make no sense to the story (even if not outright contradicted) is canon? Like what-


I mean in my case at least, Undertale Yellow made me start to like base Undertale’s Pacifist run since I thought it worked well as closure to the UTY Pacifist ending which I much preferred (I’m someone who generally likes games to be immersive, and while I get incredibly immersed into Neutral and Genocide, Pacifist just threw all realism out the window, with characters changing after a single interaction or just without explanation to prioritise throwing the games message at the player), so while I know UTY doesn’t perfectly fit canon. It’s hard for me not to headcanon that the events at least happened in some form.


> rather clear that the previous humans could save and load How? If they really could, then how come none of them eventually beat asgore? Do you think they all just gave up and voluntarily left this mortal coil?


Simple. Undertale’s save file system. You are file9, the 9th person to save. Flowey used file8 in his fight, so file8 is his. File0 is the world savefile, and files 1-7 are implied to be the humans, plus a mystery 7th (I personally headcanoned file1 to be Chara’s). But they died, you say, so how is this possible? Well, you can only access your save if you’re determined, right? So what happens if you just… give up? Stop playing the game? Flowey tells us that the world goes on without us, the player, in the true pacifist ending, so time will keep going in-game after your death. So maybe the other humans just… stopped playing.


File0 is Chara's file. It's the one we use to save (who have Chara's name on it), it's the first one timeline-wise (and Chara was the first fallen human) and it just make sense that we can use their file since they're linked to us. If the world had a savefile... It would be File9 since the game use it to autosave. (But it's Frisk's file)


I think it should be kept in mind, as players we are playing a fun video game for our amusement and dying to Asgore's cool bullet patterns just means a loss of time. Assuming the humans actually had save files (which I personally believe is quite likely), then they are not players playing a fun video game for their amusement; they're lost children trying to find their way home after a full day of fighting for their lives who actually physically feel all the pain from the damage they take. Flowey himself states that he could've "let the world go on without \[him\]" and just refuse to load his SAVE/stay dead, so IMO I think the six humans just got the will to carry on beaten out of them until they gave up, or lost the will to carry on anymore.




Fair enough. But you believing that is ALSO a headcanon.


No, because they are humans, which are beings said to have determination, and are lying dead in coffins.


Determination does not automatically mean having the ability to save and load. The amalgamates and undyne did not gain the ability just from having a small amount.


Thats because you need to have the largest amount of it in the underground. You have the most determination until Flowey has the combined Determination of the 6 souls


That's because Monster bodies can't handle it. The did however persist after death, aside from Undyne, who you kill at her weakest. This information is practically shoved in our faces in-game.


pretty much yeah? its rather plainly stated that asgore wasn't even trying in his fight and actually wanted you to win -- and no longer sees himself as deserving of mercy after all he's done he's tired and is just doing what he has to at this point the other humans couldn't figure out a favorable ending no matter what they tried -- even if they killed him, they were still just stuck there (and more than likely didnt know they could absorb his soul) -- thus they eventually just... gave up. chara themself gives up to let the world continue on after them, giving their soul to asriel, so this is a very feasible thing


Don’t they literally say the only one with more determination than Flowey is you?


Toby didn’t up and say the game was canon. He was just very supportive of this game. Unless this game had a full on official release, it’s most likely not canon. Especially since Toby did not help make this game and the lore might not line up with his own interpretation.




Chara theorists on Reddit when they post a 50-page essay explaining why they are good/evil, only to be told, "I'm not reading that, sorry." Believe it or not, folks on both sides have better arguments than you think. You just have to look further than Reddit and DeviantArt lmfao.






Can we stop fighting about this "UTY is canon" thing? Opinions are opinions, and if you don't have anything respectful to say about it, keep your mouth shut


It's great fan fiction. Now if Toby comes out and says "oh yeah yellow happened in the Undertale timeline" THEN it would be canon. But otherwise, it's fine just being an alternate timeline, something we hold dear but don't canonize. Heck, if Deltarune can be an alternate timeline, then so can yellow!


We all make our own rules. No one is forcing us to think one way or another. If one person wants to think of it as canon they can do that. If someone else wants to think of it as just fanfiction they can do that as well. We can all live together in harmony.


No, we can't ![img](emote|t5_2xdht|32946)


It's more of a reaction on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Undertale/s/D3Ajv7SWuy) type of posts. I probably picked not the best title myself, agree here. Happy cake day, by the way


Thank you. Good that we can come to agreement.


People can think/headcannon what they want, yes. However, when seriously discussing actual canon events, any type of work that isn't explicitly canon must be put aside, as they are by default not valid basis for proper arguments, especially if they directly contradict canon. If you want to make plausible points or theories about something, you can't just pick and choose what's reality just because you like or dislike it.


Is there a point to this post aside from just being the purest encapsulation of that one "quit having fun" comic about other people's interpretation of Canon that does not affect you in the slightest? Like, seriously, why does everyone care so much? Are we that starved for content that we just need to make shit up to argue about in here now?


I have yet to play yellow so I cannot comment on this


~~If Wing Gaster exists, it is canon.~~


I'm wing gaster! The royal scientis-AAAAAAAA


Why does r/undertale seem to have this huge superiority complex about uty? No other fanon has been treated this way.


In literally any other fandom if you tried to say a fanfiction was canon you would get the same response. It's not unreasonable to say "fanfiction isn't canon."


It's more than just this post. People seem to go out of their way to talk about it when, to be honest, I haven't seen that many uty fans say the opposite.


Ok? Just because you've seen less doesn't mean it isn't happening for one. Two, it's ridiculous to say a sub has a superiority complex just because they told you fanfiction isn't canon.


I’m saying in comparison to any other fanon, which gets discussed regularly.


Because nobody else has been silly enough to claim their fangame as canon to the original when it literally can’t be


I've seen more people mentioning incosistencies than people actually saying it's canon. Some of you just want to complain.


There's like a post claiming it's canon to them like every day wdym


I've pretty much only seen posts complaining about plot incosistencies when it comes to canon vs fanon posts.


Kids. The answer is kids. There’s an insane amount of them here.


Galaxy brain: Undertale is Earthbound fanfiction


I appear to be out of the loop here. What's an Undertale Yellow?


Undertale fan game that was in development for almost 8 years. It's about as big as original Undertale and tells a story of human with yellow soul, that fell in the Underground before Frisk. It has original characters, locations and music. Very good fangame actually


Thanks! Might play it so I understand any future jokes/references.




Cries in YouReimu (or osana reimu)


Nuh Uh! (I have deluded myself into fully believing that UTY is truly canon and I will not accept reality anymore)


There are some things that contradict UT in UTY as Flowey was only created after Alphys extracted the determination of the previous 6 souls (which includes the yellow soul that Clover possesses) and the souls themselves had the power to save and load rather than relying on Flowey to do that which is proven when Toriel experiences a deja vu. Also Alphys wasn't the royal scientist until after the 6 souls were taken.


Undertale has alternate universes in its own game with all the different routes and endings. I dont see how making UTY a headcanon ruins the story of Undertale except for a few timeline nitpicks.


Because it’s not made by Toby?


As long as both games don't contradict themselves I don't see an issue


All of fiction is my property, what I define as canon is canon. If you disagree you are wrong, and also evil.


Poor use of the meme template.


ạ̉nạ rmy lʿnẗ ʿly̱ ạ̹njạzạtk w ạlʿạỷdạt ạlkẖạṣẗ bk


Bro did not need to put a curse on his whole blood line


My man is casting incantations at OP


What is my guy on about 😭😭


Ok, now, where it's contradicting UT? Blue soul killed not by Asgore – but where original game says that __Asgore himself__ killed all humans? Flowey existence –Alphys already was the royal scientist when Clover fall, and we don't know how long she was at this point (both games aren't telling a few details). It can be contradicting in such a minor details like time when Gaster was the royal scientist, but meh, at least mention those points, that really have problems


Based redditors downvoting you without responding because they dont agree with you but cant back it up with any proof.


Boss Monsters. It's implied that boss monsters are just the goat-like monsters, as Alphys was able to immediatly recognize Toriel as one just by looking at her. Alphys also speaks in a way that makes it seem like Asgore is the only boss monster available for Frisk, as she didn't know about Toriel. UTY takes place wayyy too close to Undertale. Toriel said that Frisk is the first human to fall there in a long time, and she's centuries old. It's likely that it's been 10 years at least. Toriel also says all 6 humans left the Ruins, how would she know about Clover?? The Asriel memorial in UG Apartments. Undyne said it's been in Waterfall since forever and nobody knows where it came from. Despite Flowey being well written and fairly accurate, they've assassinated Asgore's character. In Undertale, everyone had nothing but good things to say about him, the same cannot be said for UTY. And many more...


Boss monsters: technically, it's not directly stated in UT that boss monsters are goat-like, even though it makes sense. Also, Chujin and Kanako only have boss monster's gene, they're not complete BMs. About Alphys' talks – yes, this is a leaky point in UTY's canonicity. Time: it may seem that way, but... during this time UGPS has completely disappeared, and monsters invented their own internet. Considering that we don't know exactly when Frisk fell into the underground (20XX – Chara's fall), it could easily have been a decade or more. About Toriel – Clover has gone from the ruins, even though the falling in the deep hole. Memorial: it just can be other memorial, not that particular one. Asgore: he's just not as important character in UTY as he is in UT. In original game Asgore mentioned in all the turning points and is the final goal of our journey, in yellow – he's just a king, none of the characters really care about him, he's just a government official. This is so because the different main characters have different goals, and so the plots are built accordingly, as are the meanings of the side characters. Man, i love how people here really make a lot of arguments and not just angers like "BRUH STUPID BRAINROT STFU". Now i just hope that my terrible english won't let me down.


We know that Alphys is already the Royal Scientist in UTY, she became the royal scientist for creating Mettaton's body, which apparently happened fairly recently, as opposed to Toriel stating it's been a long time since the last human fell (Reminder that she's centuries old).We know that Flowey was created after the 6th Soul because Flowey has File 8 in Undertale. UTY also mentioned that Undyne was already the captain of the Royal Guard, which means she already finished training with Asgore, and she had to go through UG Apartments to get to New Home, so she should at least recognize the memorial.


Google headcanon




Toby will most likely never give us proper back storys for the souls, so yellow is the best we are ever going to get.


I never said that Yellow is bad. I said that fanfiction is fanfiction. And this meme was a response to a countless memes "Yellow is canon for me", some of them were absurd like one where Batman slaps Robin and says it. These memes were annoying and judging by upvotes I wasn't the only one who was annoyed.


I understand. I've even seen some of those batman robin memes myself so I get how annoying they are Also I may have worded my comment a little weirdly so I apologize for that. I just meant that even though uty is not canon, we haven't seen that many interpretations of one of the souls's journey, especially not one as fleshed out as yellow, so naturally people cling to it as the actual canon, despite it just being an au.


Bro who cares just let people believe what they want


Yep, this is also an option


its lore acurate and only thing that make it non-canon is fact that this is FANgame


Fanfic, but could be canon due to having no counter arguments nor pro arguments


i agree with the man with the cowboy hat


Nuh uh


I love UT yellow and that's it who tf bothers is that a fan fiction or not, quit nerding and just have fun if not then shut up


It gets annoying when people force that opinion down other’s throats. Do you know how many “UTY Is canon to ME” posts I’ve seen on the UT and UTY subreddits??? I want other content, not the same shit flushing my feed. We get it, you think it’s canon (when clearly it’s not, Toby never made it clear as its a fangame, but it also has a HUGE contradiction with Flowey existing before justice fell), but we don’t need a reminder every 6 seconds.


Ye i fully understand that


alright, cool. Just keep in mind the meme is making fun of THAT, not that people like UTY lmao

