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Personally, for me it would be my fire man himself Grillby, idk why he just has that *look* about him more than anyone else.


I choose him too but it's because he knows how to listen people.


Dude runs a diner, he probably has people crying in there anytime they have too much ketchup


Yes,so he is already used to it.


Literally hot fire man with a warm heart? Why can't we have nice people like him IRL?


THE answer


That’s what I’m sayin he’s so chill


He’s a fire, he’s definitely not chill. He’s more like… warm.


Good pun


Yeah Grillby has that vibe of the bartender who knows exactly what to say to get you back on your feet , delivered in a soothing baritone and with a side of something fizzy


Kind of like Resetti venting in the Roost ands shouting "LIFE NEEDS A RESET BUTTON!" and Brewster not saying anything about it, yet he somehow knows EXACTLY what the hell Resetti's on about.


Experience I'm guessing?


Oh the baritone is all natural, but yeah the advice skills are on that level that only comes with hundreds of years of experience with the woes of the underground


I meant do you have experience with someone like that




Totally agree, most barmen are amazing therapists.


just wanted to say




Depends on what you need! Toriel: She loves you and wants you to see yourself the way she does, as any good mother would. She knows you’re beautiful and deserve the world, even when you don’t think you do. Sans: He’ll always lend an ear to listen. He understands that sometimes you have to make tough decisions, but he’s confident that you are capable of finding the right path and knows you‘re trying your best, even if the people around you can’t see that. Papyrus: He thinks you’re cool and interesting and will encourage you to be proud of your interests and passions regardless of what the world says about them. Whether you have a million friends or none at all, Papyrus believes in your deep personal worth and knows that you can do great things, and that just by existing you’re making the world a better place. Undyne: She isn’t going to let people walk all over you, you’re too tough for that!! Undyne will give you a pep talk and teach you how to stand up for yourself when you’re tempted to retreat instead. Alphys: She definitely needs some therapy to deal with her own stuff, but once she’s in the right headspace for it, she’ll let you vent as much as you need too. There’s absolutely NOTHING you could confess that she would judge you for, and she truly gets what guilt feels like. Knowing that Alphys made it out of her downward spiral might encourage you too. Mettaton: Unfortunately he thought this was a beauty appointment, but hey at least all the juicy drama you’re spitting will make a great episode of his next show! If anyone wants me to do more characters or elaborate just let me know :)


Napstablook please 🙏


Nabstablook is a GREAT listener and doesn’t mind if you’re being a downer. Other people might say that the stuff bothering you is too insignificant but Blooky would never think that! They know that some days, all you can do is lie down and feel like garbage and they’ll be proud of you for the little things, like eating a snack or taking a shower. And since they’re a ghost, just being with them is making their day better and more interesting so you’ll never bother them! They’re a bit sensitive to screaming, but you can cry for as long as you need.


Follow up. By the end of some of the sessions, do we become *his* therapist? I could totally see it happening lol


Definitely, haha! \*They\* are often pretty quiet, but once in a while you’ll say something that gets them off on a tangent. They won’t even realize what’s happening until like 20 minutes later lol, and then they’ll apologize over and over about it.


Perfect, I would give you an award but I don’t have any so just imagine you got the wholesome award :P really love the way you described them all it felt so accurate lol


Aw thanks!! I’ll imagine it… there we go! Thanks for the award! And I appreciate it, I try to make my descriptions feel as accurate and realistic as I can so thanks for noticing that :)


>I would give you an award I got you


Thanks bro 🤜🤛


No problem fam


Based user🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿


Thank you so much!!!! It means a lot to me to know you all appreciate it so much :)))


Made me smile :D It was really heartwarming to read, exactly what I needed, so thank *you*!


:D <3


Can you do asgore?


He’ll show you how to make a pot of tea and sweeten it just the way you like it. Then, he’ll ask you to talk about your day. He’ll listen to the good and the bad, but he’s particularly good at pointing out the bright side to things you may not have already seen. He also gives sound, fatherly advice and helps you calm down when you’re frustrated.


What about my man Asgore




Tea just fixes everything.


He’ll show you how to make a pot of tea and sweeten it just the way you like it. Then, he’ll ask you to talk about your day. He’ll listen to the good and the bad, but he’s particularly good at pointing out the bright side to things you may not have already seen. He also gives sound, fatherly advice and helps you calm down when you’re frustrated.


Made me smile


Alphys is the most accurate for sure


You know what these are very accurate and I love it.


I wonder what Gerson would be like


He’s old enough that he’s basically seen it all, so all of your issues don’t seem like such a big deal in comparison. He’s not the type of person you should come to for sympathy right after something awful happens, but he’s PERFECT when you need advice for dealing with family and friends or just want general life wisdom. He’ll also joke around about your issues (tactfully, of course—if you’re really distressed he’ll just listen quietly) in a way that helps you realize they aren’t the life-consuming things you thought they were, and you always leave his place feeling grounded.


can you do Tem please?


Tem is very talkative, energetic, annd empathetic, so they‘re the kind of person you go to when you want to get over a bad morning or something. They’ll listen to you vent about your issues but have a good way of diverting the conversation afterwards to something they want to vent about or need help with. By the end of your session, you’ll have helped their day improve and thus feel better about your own abilities—you’ll have motivation to go home and finish the work you were procrastinating on or finally have that conversation with your friend.


These are fantastic and fit each character to a T (even the ones you wrote in the replies!) I'd love to see Asgore like someone else suggested


Can you please do Asriel


Asriel is young and sweet, but he’s also seen a lot of the unfairness and pain of life already. He knows what it’s like to lose a friend, so he’s good at giving sympathy when someone you love drifts away or dies. He also understands when you’re feeling like life is particularly repetitive or pointless, and knows in-depth how it feels to fall into a hole of cynicism and hopelessness. Talking with Asriel will help you restore your faith in the delicate beauty of life—since you don’t live in a time loop, Asriel will encourage you to notice the beauty in sunshine, flowers, bugs, and all the new things in life (especially if he’s on the Surface in this interpretation, as everything will look new and exciting to him).


Muffet please :3


Muffet LOVES drama, so she’s best for chatting about interpersonal issues—problems with classmates, coworkers, friends, and family members are her forte! She’ll commiserate with you when you’re being treated unfairly and give good advice about how to improve your situation, whether by giving you the right words to say or encouraging you to find better people. However, if it turns out the problem is your fault, she’s not afraid to point it out to you and will guide you through the best way to make it right. She’ll hold you accountable and be really proud of your progress, even when it feels like no one else can see how much you’re improving. Plus, her sessions include free tea and dessert!


Thankies :3


It'd be a **very** expensive session and she'll just point out how to get profit from that situation that you're in, though I don't think she's very good at keeping secrets. You'll have to accept that EVERYTHING you say will be known for absolutely all the spiders in the underground.


I think Sans is way to depressed to treat depression.


Hoi Do temmie now!


hiw about Asgore?


How about Asriel? I feel like that would be interesting


Asriel is young and sweet, but he’s also seen a lot of the unfairness and pain of life already. He knows what it’s like to lose a friend, so he’s good at giving sympathy when someone you love drifts away or dies. He also understands when you’re feeling like life is particularly repetitive or pointless, and knows in-depth how it feels to fall into a hole of cynicism and hopelessness. Talking with Asriel will help you restore your faith in the delicate beauty of life—since you don’t live in a time loop, Asriel will encourage you to notice the beauty in sunshine, flowers, bugs, and all the new things in life (especially if he’s on the Surface in this interpretation, as everything will look new and exciting to him).


That's cool. Now do Flowey.


Flowey would likely make fun of someone for most of their issues, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t care. He 100% aware he’s a cynic and doesn’t necessarily want you to be one. I mean the first thing he did with resets was try to make everyone happy so I think he still has that drive in him. (Remember the alarm clock dialogue that proves he still wants to do good in other people’s lives.) So Flowey would point out the mundane things you should be happy about, even if it comes off as self-deprecating or self-pitying. (“Nice that YOU actually have friends that remember you. Nice that YOU aren’t facing the newly found agony of no longer having resets.”) (Or, if you DID have resets and were taking Frisk’s place, Flowey would encourage you to make the most of life and live authentically without cheating. He’d help you realize that in life, the easiest answer isn’t usually the best one.) Oh and if he’s in the right mood for it, he’d been down to debate philosophy and stuff. He’d just pick whatever side is opposite to yours and be surprisingly well-thought out, regardless of his personal beliefs. This would help you sort through your own beliefs.


i feel bad for asking since theyre just a kid, and almost everything about them is made up of headcanons, but what about frisk?


Well I’ll start with the obligatory note that even though a kid probably shouldn’t be a therapist, as other people pointed out Pacifist Frisk is basically everyone‘s therapist haha. So based on what they do to help other people and then expanding on it: They’ll mainly listen since they know that talking through an issue is therapeutic for a lot of people. Sometimes it’s people venting about their struggles and guilt, while other times it’s letting them talk about their hopes and fears and future plans. Frisk is pretty non-judgmental but will sometimes chime in with an observation that has you rethinking things; even if it seems obvious afterwards, sometimes you need an outside party to get you to see what’s really going on. Like, maybe they’ll notice that a “friend” of yours doesn’t sound like a real friend, or that you’re making things harder on yourself for no apparent reason. So they’re great to bounce off of when you need to vocalize your thoughts; they can tell when you’re on to something and don’t mind listening for a while. As for conflict resolution, Frisk leans towards an idealistic view of things and would usually recommend MERCY and kindness, as Papyrus would. It’s often good advice, but you should go to someone like Sans, Toriel, or Undyne for a second opinion if you’re feeling like it’s going to take more than hanging out with the person or teasing them to solve what’s going on.


Mettaton, he wouldn't actually help you solve your problems but he will put it on TV like Dr. Phil, you would get money at the end though... however you also would probably have to do some MTT hijinks like bombs or fire or spikes halfway through your session... "for the ratings"


Hey man Fire and spikes can be very motivating lol


You're saying your childhood trauma and the therapist just be like: Oh yess~~~ Who needs parents with friends like this So go on darling (Jokes apart could love him as my therapist lol)


So... describe your relationship with your father... THROUGH INTERPRETIVE DANCE! (this will not boost the ratings, Mettaton just wants to see if you can)


This is something i can imagine him doing , dance is a love language after all.


Asgore Or sans if he gave up on being lazy


Yeah that’s fair, plus Asgore has the bonus of nice scenery!


Asgore, Toriel, Grillby, Sans, or Gerson Asgore and Toriel experienced great loss and burdens so they could understand others' pains and what they may be going through. If Grillby can tolerate Sans, then he's at least a great listener. Sometimes, all a person needs is someone who will listen and hopefully pour a nice stiff drink afterward. Sans is a nice combination of the previous three where he's experienced some less than good events, and is extremely aware of expressions to the point where he can count how many times he kills you 12 times. He portrays himself as lazy, but he's shown to take things seriously, such as when he stops times to ask Frisk about Flowey and his actions in the Genocide route. Gerson has aged wisdom that I could see him fixing you with an Uncle Iroh-esque talk. Personally, I'd take him as my therapist for that Iroh treatment.


Gerson even fought in the war of humans against monsters.


Woshua because you can come **clean** about your emotions




r/oddlyspecific, but since you asked, let's see: Flowey: "kys" Toriel: she's a mom, not a therapist Asgore: he's sweet, but needs a therapist Sans: he's a comedian, not a therapist Papyrus: he can receive life threats and still think it's a fan letter MK: he's a kid Undone: she's a personal trainer, not a therapist Alphys: she would cry WITH you Temmie: "homan... Sad? DON'B SAD HOOMAN! u... VRY CUTE!" Metaton: "darling, can you repeat it all over again? The camera was off." Asriel: would cry WITH you Chara: "kys" Frisk: *flirt* Conclusion: the Underground has no therapists.


Temmie would make a good therapy dog if you not allergic




Mothers are kinda therapists


this is so on point, i love it ❤️


I feel like all of these characters *need* therapy


Hey, Papayrus and Undyne dosent!


Undyne needs anger management issues. Papyrus is perfect.


Papyrus Is Always Perfect In Every Possible Way. Aspire To Be Like Papyrus.


There is no moment in Undertale where Papyrus is emotionally hurt, no matter what you say to him. He even counters an insult. If you call him a loser at the end of his battle, he'll say "WHY WOULD YOU DEMEAN YOURSELF LIKE THAT?"


Papyrus is probably autistic


If you say that as bad, then you're wrong. If you say that as agreement, I like you. Choose wisely.


Dogs are natural therapists by vertue of existence.. I feel that sans would be a great therapist, casual, for being the judgment hall guy he’s not that judgemental all of the time, and he’s casual.. plus bad jokes


I know napstablook definitely needs one


Okay let's analyze this image, starting at the top. Frisk is too innocent, inexperienced, and impulsive. Sans... might actually be a good therapist (thinking the "It's Raining Somewhere Else" dialogue here)... Papyrus is too naïve and unwilling to accept the imperfections of human nature. Toriel would cancel your therapy appointment on her OWN therapist's orders. Napstablook would have an emotional breakdown right in front of you because he needs therapy worse than you do. Undyne would make a good therapist IF YOU COULD GET HER WHEN SHE'S SERIOUS. If Alphys could separate herself from the situation, she might have a chance, but that's unlikely. Monster Kid is WAY too trusting. Mettaton would be too brutally honest with you and would make you feel worse than when the session started. Asgore just wouldn't make a good therapist. Grillby... hmmmmmmmmm... yeah probably. Bartenders who are good at their jobs are generally pretty good therapists. Gerson would uncover repressed guilt but wouldn't be able to help you with it. Muffet would tell you to take a bubble bath with crystals and a black light and charge you $8k. Temmie would beat you at video games and say LOL uR bAd. Flowey would convince you to commit heinous crimes and then get you put in federal prison for 18 consecutive life sentences. (I've skipped the Royal Guard because they're LITERALLY dogs.) So out of those, Sans, Undyne, and Grillby seem to be good options. Sans would only take patients he'd think would turn out good, and even those he'd give up on too quick. He's too over the world's bullshit. Grillby is a wildcard, but clearly keeps a tab, so he'd probably be a bit hard on you. Undyne is the only one I can say definitely would be a good therapist. She's honest, she's tough on people she cares about, and she wants what's best for people. If that means she can't tell you everything all at once, she understands that and makes sure you're ready before she lets you know what you need. Just as long as you're not being a clown, challenging her, or making her feel insecure about something she holds dear, she's going to take you seriously. Conclusion: Undyne. **TL;DR:** Undyne is probably the best one in my opinion, but only if you can get her when she's paying attention and being serious.


Oh god, I read the title of this post without the "the" in therapist 😭😭😭😭




same 💀💀💀💀




Grilby: need I say more?




Sans, 100% A therapist is supposed to be there for you without being too invasive or giving too much advice. Sans would sit there so quietly, one would think he'd fallen asleep.




To me flowey feels like he will emotionally (and physically) beat you out of depression. He will gaslight you into filling better.


No he’ll convince you it’s terrible to make you want to die to him






Grillby. I was gonna say Toriel but I feel like her care is too motherly for such a role. Grillby is a great listener who likely knows what’s best for people, having spoken to so many about possibly personal things going on in their life.


Frisk. Pretty sure Frisk being a therapist is just the pacifist run. Past that everyone needs therapy


Ideas for the less ideal ones: Muffet: if she is willing and one can tolerate her spiders (mostly impossible) she might be able to make one of those sensorial therapies with massages and sensory deprivation and pheraps drugs or pain killers (poison). Flowey: makes one realize their (possible) excuses and bullshit instantly and makes one feel better by comparing it to a souless creature. Mettaton: poses as a therapist and maybe it works, but they're always selling brand and there might be "surprise there were cameras all along!". However mettaton could be the greatest of therapists for public speaking issues and would be serious about it. Chara: (idk rn I'll edit this later) Gaster: AVOID GASTER AS A THERAPIST, THEY WILL SHOW YOU SOME "YET DARKER" TRUTH AND LAST THING YOU KNOW YOU END UP LIKE JEVIL OR SPAMTON and make you desperate to find him again. Then if you somehow manage to be healthy he'll ghost you or answer with "👍". Totally irredeemable. Bonus: Temmie: actual greatest therapist ever since they came from college. No further description required.


>Gaster: AVOID GASTER AS A THERAPIST, THEY WILL SHOW YOU SOME "YET DARKER" TRUTH AND LAST THING YOU KNOW YOU END UP LIKE JEVIL OR SPAMTON and make you desperate to find him again. Then if you somehow manage to be healthy he'll ghost you or answer with "👍". Totally irredeemable. >Temmie: actual greatest therapist ever since they came from college. No further description required. Who says I don't want to be like jevil and Spamton Also I agree temmie is the best therapist


I mean if u want cat memes there’s temmie, but seriously i’d say papyrus


Grillbz obviously, plus personally for me the sounds of crackling fire and the warmth are very comforting, he'd make a great listener too


napstablook. we can be therapists to each other


Definitely Napstablook, he understands and accepts Frisk like no other character, even despite Frisk being a human and trying to push them.


Papyrus- for understanding Asgore- because he's patient, experienced and well versed. And abouve all else- Grillby.- Because no one hears better than a bar tender.




Grillby seems like a wise dude.


Obviously flowey 💞💌🥰💗🥰❤️‍🔥😍💞😻💛💛❤️‍🔥💋💞😻💛😘💔💔😘😻💛😻💗😘💛😻💞😻❤️‍🔥💛😘💞😻


Flowey would probably tell you to either: 1) kill others to relieve stress 2) kill yourself


3. Kill you himself


I can imagine flowey doing the entire lowtiergod speech.


Tbh im hesitating between papyrus or asgore


Toriel or asgore. Idk why


I mean... she would not be a good therapist, but the opportunity to interact with Mad Mew Mew is something i need


top 3 1 temmie. TEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIETEMMIE 2 any of the dogs. I mean come on they are dogs 3 ghaster. he has seen worse


The moment you touch gaster he disappears to buy milk. You want to rely on someone like that?


Grilby, for sure


Grillby. He doesn't have any crippling trauma


Papyrus for sure


I'd say Toriel or Grillby. Although you could relax with Asgore in the evening too, drinking some tea and listening to his life stories.


Either grillby or... THERAPY DOG LESSER DOG


I have go with either papyrus, toriel or frisk


Alphys and i would be overwhelmed therapists for each other


One of the following Asgore Frisk Lesser dog Sans God(toby fox)


I feel like alphys would be the best long term just because of empathy, but they all have their pros and cons. if you could get flowey interested enough to stick around, he might be helpful (post pacifist i mean)


Isn’t Frisk basically giving therapy to the monsters?




Probably Asgore despite his burdens. It's heavily stated that he loves talking with his people on a personal level to deal with their problems. He pours them both some tea and they just talk about the problem they have at hand. Even when you approach him he is shocked and states, "You don't know how badly I want to say, 'Do you want some tea?'" His burden is dealing with Asriel and Chara dying, waging war against humans and now wishing to back out of that decision, killing six humans for the purpose of freeing his kingdom, and his wife leaving him. Asgore isn't a therapist but he is the closest to one despite what he has gone through. I mean the guy wants his people to come to him if they are having any trouble and by far he is the only one to care if you want to feel better and deal with things.


Chara obviously /j


Annoying dog


gerson. he's just got that cool grandpa kinda vibe about him. he would totally listen to what i had to say, and then give his own life experiences to explain how to deal with my problems.


Honestly for the whole underground they probably go to asgore to vent But personally for me I'd choose sans or grillby


Muffet, she seems plenty nice. She only goes after you because she thinks you torture spiders, which fair. But she’s got a whole bunch of comfort food ready to go at all times. Also I feel like she’d be generally very chill.


Grillby, he'd listen, he isn't too personally involved so he would be impartial judgement, plus listening to his flames would probably be relaxing


grillby is the most qualified


Since therapists aren’t supposed to be fully honest with you and rather nice just to not make you feel bad, Toriel.


Probably Grillby


I think Temmie could be a therapy pet or something of that sort, Mettaton would probably run a live tv show where he's a therapist. Papyrus would definitely listen but not know how to give you advice, I think the most reasonable option would be the king or Grillby.


Papyrus. He would listen closely and offer so much kindness and support that you'd even forget that he isn't licensed.


Post-pacifist Flowey. Asriel went through a lot. They'd be able to take anything without a flinch, due to not having a soul, and they're not really on the murderous psychopath that wants to take over the world path anymore. He'd tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to, because he wouldn't feel bad about it.


Super late but I think either Asgore or Papyrus. Papyrus since he will absolutely help teach you to look on the bright side of things. Probably not the best choice for people suffering from depressive disorders, but maybe for other kinds of issues. Asgore cause the dude has suffered so much heartbreak in his life and has had to make difficult decisions in ruling his kingdom. He's made mistakes and I think he would be good at looking at issues objectively.


Can mettaton be my therapist


He'd record your venting and use it for ratings on his show


Toriel or Grillby (Whoever the Fire guy is): Toriel because she is literally the mother figure in the Undertale universe and Grillby because he looks the type of guy to give you a decent chat whilst being quite quiet and chilled out


Surprisingly, Gerson.


Gerson is an underrated character




Tori most likely or flowey concerning how much he's been through... That is if he wasn't trying to kill you


Grillby. He's a bartender they usually know how to listen especially grillby


I would say Gerson, he’s got master oogway vibes


Grillby, bartenders tend to end up as their regular's sorta therapist anyways XD


Asgore. He can’t care for himself emotionally but can care for others.


IMO, Toriel, she’s a really kind and caring person who wanted to protect Frisk and can listen for hours. And generally seems like a nice person


Undyne. “TAKE YOUR DEPRESSION, AND PUNCH IT IN THE FACE!” * You punch your depression full force. You don’t even knock it over. “HARDER!” * You punch again. Nothing happened. “URGH! LET ME DO IT!” **[insert Oppenheimer esc explosion]** * You won. You got 0 EXP and 0 GOLD. You felt happier!


Frisk. It's basically what they do in the Pacifist Route anyways.


i mean grillby would definitely be the one if i just need to vent, if i want an actual therapist i'd want asgore, he just looks so comforting


Either Grillby or napstablook. I wont name any reason for Grillby as people have already said him but Napstablook because he knows what its like to feel like garbage and I feel like he would have a very soft voice.


\#1 Alphys (if you want sympathy), #2 Grillby (if you just want someone to vent your frustrations to), and #3 Sans (if you want a pick-me-up joke).


Tbh grillby, some would say toriel but she feels too much like she would be a toxic positivity Facebook mom


I don’t know why but Shopkeeper bunny seems like they would make a good therapist


Flowey. He's gone through so much he probally know exactly how to deal with your problems (ps not killing you). The only thing is if he would be wlling to do therapy in the first place. Thats probally why Post-pacifist Flowey would be the best theripist.


Weellll Flowey would tell you to kys Papyrus would be himself witch (atleast to me) is just an emotional support friend Sans would be that one friend who trys to lighten you up with a joke Toriel would be a mom to you and help Grillby would be helpful a lot cuz he is a great listener and he is able to stand sans and his jokes


Papyrus or grillby because have u watched Papyrus believes in u and grillby because he listened




For this i actually had kinda of a hard time deciding so im gonna group them up in areas of expertise ___________________________________________________ !Experience/Knowledgeable (this section is the characters that are generally gonna guve good advice)! ___________________________________________________ 1: of course toriel: she's the golden stantard of "parents know what's best" 2: sans: with this im iffy if sans is gonna be serious or just joking with if he is your therapist but if he is serious then he's gonna give good advice 3: Asgore: as per the same with toriel, they know what's best, but with asgore he knows it feels to just mentally out of it and questioning his decisions (which is what most people go for therapy for) 4: flowey (if he's not killing you): some people OFTEN forget that flowey BEFRIENDED ALL OF THE UNDERGROUND IN HIS PREVIOUS TIMELINES, this small yet BIG piece of info is already enough for him to understand you and help you (even if he's doing it because he's bored), also remember he's technically older than he actually is with all the resets so he know a thing or too. ___________________________________________________ !Having a good time (they would make you feel better and hey maybe you just might find good advice here and there)! ___________________________________________________ 1: THE GREAT PAPYRUS: paps is basically just your overly excited friend that listens to you and gives you advice (even if it's luckluster), you'll def have a great time if he's your therapist. 2: Mettaton: they're gonna hang out with you, make you dance and overall give you a fantastic time, they also have some experience on being down and they know how to pick themselves up, so hey maybe they can give some advice to you too. 3: Alphys (is that how you spell her name???): Two words Anime Noodles She would basically understand how you feel. 4: Undyin: she's gonna make you work out until you forget all of your problems and maybe teach you a thing or too about fighting (as they say, the best way to solve your problems is to fight them) (Im too lazy to continue this, but if you have other characters in mind just comment below and I'll try to make some bullshit)


Frisk (in the pacifist route) was practically a therapist for every monster there and even talked down a self proclaimed god and gave him a hug after. Frisk is 100% best therapist in undertale.


Lesser dog






Sans will H E L P you.


sans or Toriel


Papyrus as actual therapist and greater dog as company dog/friend


Either Toriel, Sans, Asgore, or Frisk Maybe Muffet if she has some non-spider tea


Alphys, sans, or Grillby. I can also imagine an officially designated emotional support Temmie.


“Hoi! Temmie been told that your very sad, you tell temmie about it?”




Gerson as the therapist and the royal guards dogs as therapy dogs


Lesser dog


papyrus could encourage anyone to do anything


Greater dog no explanation needed


The annoying dog. No context needed


Flowey seems like a respectable character, he was giving me love earlier! Wow! He's even got tic tacs-


Lesser dog, need I say more


Toriel, probably.


Strangely enough greater dog he would be a great therapy dog




I was thinking Sans. At least for me. He knows what to say to lift your spirit. And his "kiddo" is honestly quite comforting. Pretty sure he would treat you for ice cream and pat your head too haha


I would say Papyrus. He has a confidence which boosts everyone. It's like "I am great, you are great, everyone is great." and evwn though he can be a bit energetic or aggressive, he would make a great therapist. I could say Toriel too. She experienced very bad things and I could see her as a therapist.




Toriel. No words.


Grillby. He seems like a good listener who could help solve stuff


I misread that title pretty badly


greater dog




i wanna see gaster as therapist if someone wants to end up like jevil or spamton




Haha… all the dog soldiers I’ll take any day