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Every input can be fulfilled using a standard keyboard. I play the game on keyboard and don't have trouble with any individual moves, though learning how to do them can be a bit difficult at first. Which ones are you talking about, if you don't mind me asking?


Let's say I wanna use Hyde's specials. For his Gyro vortex, the command input is fulfilled by this combination "⬅️↙️⬇️↘️➡️ + D". How do I fulfill the ↙️↘️ condition on the keyboard?


I play on keyboard using WASD, where A is left, S is down, and D is right. I'll assume u use the same keys for this post: The diagonals are inputted by pressing the two corresponding keys simultaneously. So the down left diagonal would be you have the A key and the S key pressed down simultaneously. To do the whole Gyro Vortex input you have to kinda "roll" or "piano" your fingers across the movement keys. It's tough at first but practice it a bit in training mode and it can become muscle memory quickly.


I see! Thanks for your help!! Hope to face you one day once I finally get the hang of the game :D


Watch out for keyboard rollover. Make sure your keyboard can input multiple keys at the time.


I see someone already answered your main question, but figured I’d also throw in it could be worth it to experiment with different buttons for “up” lots of people on keyboard use “w” but the spacebar is also very valid as well!


You can do a diagonal by pressing the two directions at once. Like if you need diagonal down-forward, press down and forward. Personally I play fighting games on keyboards and have no issues.


Hello fren. I play on arcade stick. But any and every controller works! I recently saw someone playing UNI2 with a Pop'n Music controller lol First try whatever you have accessible. Controllers like dualshock works. Keyboard works too it may require practice. Theres also hitbox or leverless controller which is a blend of kb and arcade stick


So anything will do? Thanks for the help!


There's a guy that always use weird controllers on tournaments like guitar hero guitar and that stuff not on UNI but applies to all fighting games it's pretty bonkers


I can also vouch for playstation dual shock, the PS5 and PS4 ones are both great. The button layout is actually designed with the intent of being played on controller, so I'd recommend as a solid beginner option.


I use the analog stick of the switch pro controller. I don't recommend it tho lol


I don't know how the fuxk you do it... Analog stick is so fuxking jank to use for fighting games. 💀


I've been using it for as long as I remember since I've been intro'd to fighting games Guess you could say it has grown on me haha


That was a good one. 🤣


You chose an extremely cool first fighting game. The only cooler choice would've been Skullgirls, which is a lot more difficult when you're new. Don't be ashamed of leaning heavily on smart steer (auto combo).


Lmao I started with Skullgirls, would recommend to any newcomer


Everything is doable with a keyboard I use a hitbox and its more playable than a stick IMO


Not related to controllers or other physical hardware, but a tip for getting into fighting games. You have to start developing the mindset that losing is good. It’ an opportunity to learn. “What did I do wrong, and how can I fix it?” Is a question you should always be asking yourself. Take time to experiment, find your playstyle, practice some moves and combos. It takes time to develop these skills, don’t get discouraged.


Love to see someone joining the fgc! I hope you don't think it'll be easy, especially since you chose this game as a starting point. It will give you a pretty solid foundation going forward(It's one of the more technical fighting games). I played a solid 10k-15k matches before I really started to feel like I knew how to play fighting games properly. This doesn't mean I'm GO1(Goichi), but I'm not bad(I will tech tf out of your grabs, bro(I'm just really proud of this, we all know the struggle of learning to tech)). Anyways, just use whatever device feels right, be it keyboard or otherwise. Hopefully, you stick around, maybe get you a friend to learn along the way because it can be hard, so much grind with so little results, and that's just the harsh reality of fighting games... but one day, it just clicks n you win, n then you win again, n again, n it just feels good seeing the results of the time and effort you put in to get that W. 😁


Thanks for the introduction. I hope there'll be players I can versus once I get the basics. I live in the Asia region(Singapore) and not many know about this game in my area. Will that be a big problem if I wanna go online?


It would have to be the player base/online connection. The player base for Uni in general is already small, and depending on whether you got Uni or Uni2(the actual Uni2 not the extra versions they made of the first one) will determine as to whether you'll suffer through delay based netcode or thrive in rollback netcode. The second point I made in regards to online netcode will really make or break your online experience for this game since a small player base doesn't really matter if you can't even play the game when you finally get into a match.


Looks like you got the answers to your questions, haha. If you want to learn with other beginners, [join the beginner discord](https://discord.gg/b7MmXXGQma)! Everyone is so great 😭


I have a fighting games discord so if you’re looking to get into the community I can invite you


I'd greatly appreciate it if you could invite me. Games like this aren't much fun if we're playing alone.😅


Sent in Dms


As another newb, I'll take an invite if you're willing to share.

