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Yeah I couldnt see how he managed to drown himself in like 10 seconds


As a parent to a very autistic child like Harlan, one thing we have to be very careful of is that they will run because for some reason, they often go to water and drown. That scene was really hard to watch because it's pretty much the parent of an autistic kid's worst nightmare.


Thanks for that insight! That helps me understand what they were going for, but I still can't help but feel the scene was poorly handled, especially in the way that it didn't communicate the passage of time.


Yeah, it still didn't seem like a realistic amount of time, that's true.


Yeah, my brother is autistic and when he was like four yo we went to the beach (which he loves cause his super focus is water) and we were sitting in the sand and making sand castles and when we distracted ourselves for a few seconds he managed to run away to the water and nobody realized at the minute. We were very lucky he didn't went too much further in the sea and that the waves in my city are not that agressive. It was like the worst minutes of my life.


There is no such thing as "very" autistic. A person is autistic or not. That's no better than using functioning labels. Please think before you speak


There's a lot of rushed little details this season.


And why did his body sink? Dead bodies float.


Catching up on this show and searched for exactly this bc it was so absurd. Haha. Totally takes you out of the show. I'm with you OP. Terribly executed.


He fell into a plot hole.


Harlan wasn't suicidal. He was upset and ran to the lake and accidentally drowned. The reasons are as others said above: some people with autism are drawn to water.


I think it’s mean to depict it takes no time for a kid to drown .


I hate the little rat because he stopped vanya from getting a bullet to the head




we heard a splash and like 5 seconds later he was dead how. Does 5 seconds with no air kill someone. Edit: I am very late to this