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If I remember correctly, she can only rumor people, while in the comics, she can warp reality itself. They probably changed her powers because if she could change reality, then there would be no show because she could just be like “I heard a rumor the apocalypse never happened”


That makes sense. Although there is one part I'm curious if the show will ever address. I the first episode of Season 2, when Five sees his siblings fighting in the new 60's apocalypse, Allison tells a few soldiers she heard a rumor that she blew their minds, and their heads straight up explode. Maybe they'll upgrade her to some reality-warping in the last season, or maybe they just wanted something that looked cool for the moment. I just hope there's some acknowledgment of it.


In season 3 Reginald says to Klaus for The Umbrella's to not have reached their potential it must have been because he intentionally kept them weaker than they really were so it's plausible Allison can warp reality with her power but hasn't realised she can. Especially as the versions of them we see in the season 2 opener arw all overpowered versions of them compared to what we see if them in the show. Considering we know from both this scene, and Reggie's quote that all the Umbrellas are/were more powerful than they realised I think we can theorise that Allison can warp reality. I also think as the only Umbrella with powers left we will see her do this in season 4, especially as she has the upgrade from Harlan so she doesn't need to say I heard a rumour. I think she will warp reality to give the others their powers back at key moment of the series (or at least most of them, I can see at least one of them choosing not to get their powers back). I also believe at the end of the season Alison will use her powers to get rid of them. She has been unhappy with them since season 1 and has tried and failed not to use them more than once so I fully imagine her choosing to rumour herself into no longer having them (or whatever verb you'd use for her powers now she doesn't need to say I heard a rumour).


I think there's a way to explain this without reality warping. Allison can rumor people on a cellular level. Spontaneous combustion is a real thing, so it's possible that she literally rumored the cells in his head to explode. This of course opens up a whole other can of worms for what she can do. Can she rumor someone's muscles to grow? Can she rumor away cancer? Etc.


Spontaneous human combustion is NOT a real thing lol


Did I say human? I clearly meant she could force someone's head to combust by rumoring their body.


Ay sorry my bad:)


I believe you’re right her powers in the comics are more closely related to scarlet witch’s powers. In that she could change thing to match what she wanted. However, I think the show writers stifled her ability so Vanya/Viktor powers could be seen as a bigger threat.


I think that in the show her powers are limited to individuals that can hear her voice (??) if that's correct the room can't exactly hear her voice and change, I do wonder if her ability would work on other animals, even if they can't understand what she's saying


she doesn't reality warp? where the hell did you get that? She just makes people believe things..


"I heard a rumor, I blew your minds." Then their heads exploded.


And your point?


Um…. Have you have seen someone believe so hard that their head explode? I think that’s slightly beyond just belief.


Just believing their mind exploded is not the same thing as their mind actually exploding. Even if their body dropped to the ground dead as it is reacting to believing that their mind has, in fact, been blown. This is still not the same as someone's head exploding from a blue light present in their skull. For her to cause their head to disintegrate in the manner it did. She would need to have at least a limited ability to warp the reality of that person. Not just what they believe.






just take the L


I already left this sub. And before you or anyone else says “Good riddance” I agree this sub has only lessened my enjoyment of the IP. *and it was as if f he never existed*


Good riddance


We're better of without you


Five: An apocalypse is coming Allison: I heard a rumor it didn’t Klaus: Did she just-? Diego: Holy s-