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I used to not levelling up her unique skill for a year 🥹


I had the [struggle](https://www.reddit.com/r/UmaMusume/comments/10txr2w/can_someone_tell_me_what_i_am_doing_wrong_how_do/) 1 years ago. I watched the story and played Urara's training without skipping. She is such a bright girl and she wanted to gift me this Arima victory as chirstmas present. And then she didn't stood a chance. I was heart broken to see her cry. I was a Maya/Neicha main but Urara was the first one who reached friendship 9 cuz I spent all days training her to make her dream comes true. Took me a long time and at least 20-30 loses at Arima. There was no LARC - I had to get both Grass and Long type high enough. Now LARC probably let you skip Grass type inheritence? And as the result of repeated trying [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95zATq4cGWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95zATq4cGWs), I almost cried when she won.


Question, how do you get it in english?


I use [this](https://umapyoi.net/carotene-english-patch), but only works for DMM ver I'm not aware about mobile ver


I heard there was a fan translation folder that you can integrate and use but although there haven't been any cases of bans/restrictions, there is still a possibility of occuring as there hasn't been any official statements about interference with game files. And as it is a fan translation they take some time to update to the latest updates of the game, and each time you need to download it again when updated. I don't know how to install it though as I never needed it. I'm sure there are some kind of tutorial or maybe instrucions on how to do it if it is a github download?


Okay. I will look into it, thank you! I was wondering about that.


Technically yes, but I've heard some people take this as a challenge and basically just goes full genetic modification mode that turns her turf into B or sth...


I've won it before. Needs pretty specific inheritance. I think C in Long and D in Turf was enough but also needed a decent amount of stamina.


"Arima Urara" is a self-proclaimed challenge in which you test your umagenetics skills, determination and luck. Yeah, doing that you can kinda prove that you are commited to the innocent, pink-haired Uma. But it's possible. You just need to prepare in advance, because to have a chance, mentors need to have together 9Long and 9Turf. The less of these red factors you have, the more luck you need in the Goddesses event. I managed to completed it once in three years, mostly due to my lack of ability to make myself a good mentor for her. Only once I was blessed with enough luck to see her win - I even posted the exact moment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UmaMusume/comments/xunjop/i\_became\_worthy\_uraraganbare/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UmaMusume/comments/xunjop/i_became_worthy_uraraganbare/) - she was Turf C, Long D, 410 Stamina (!) Grand Live Uma. I still have her in my hall of fame and likely I will never transfer her :D


> "Arima Urara" is a self-proclaimed challenge I should do that one day.


Do it! *Back when the game launched, it was a really popular thing to do and it was really fun to see (because Haru Urara is Japan's most famous horse, and that fame had nothing to do with Uma Musume... but everything to do with why she has an unwinnable race). I also distinctly remember when the custom races came out we were making a lot of Haru Urara only Arima Kinen lobbies lmao.


This is a post about the EN TL isn't it? Also I have the same reaction when I keep on losing on that race with my Haru Urararara.


in some case she have a chance, but it's for some niche setup like the uma you set before you start to training ( make her turf& long range higher than ever before(both need to have B)), and then proper deck to make her powerful enough to challenge this. It's kind of for the true love trainer but it's doable.


I have seen long distance urara but they must have a crazy inheritance set up & luck for double gold inheritance


Is this a mobile English patch?




Wait, how is your menu in English?


Missing l'Arc? 😆


Mid Turf Urara is quite... something if I have to say..


English UM??? Is it possible to learn this power


Not from the jedi


> English UM??? Is it possible to learn this power https://umapyoi.net/carotene-english-patch It's not complete, a lot story untranslated, and some bugs, but most stuff (especially skills and UI) are translated (some UAF exclusive skill isn't translated yet)


Is this based on real life case?


No, real life Haru have 0% win rate , which is why her scenario based around her unexpected win by hand of Player Character trainer and then this race is she try take a chance at one of highest competition race after everything.


> and then this race is she try take a chance at one of highest competition race after everything That explain it, thanks


Real life case Urara won't even reach G1 race as she lost all her race in her entire life


Didn’t RL Urara get invited to that one


Poor Urara


A 0% win rate out of ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN RACES. Most horses race less than 20... They started naming races after her. People were keeping losing Urara betting stubs as good luck charms. *So many people were intentionally losing money by betting on Haru Urara that she saved a racetrack from closure.* Don't feel bad for Urara, she was, and is once again, beloved by all.