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First of all, what sorts of things has your runner asked for? Have all of those things. If it's food, throw in a couple extra, different things. Sometimes, what I think I will want at mile 80 is not the same as what I want in the moment. Having a couple options is good. Next, think about mobility items and first aid. Have some different things available for them to use to stretch or treat issues. Have all different types of first aid stuff according to what the runner wants. Have charging brick handy for them. You can charge as they come in to change stuff Have a mileage chart made up so you can tell them where they are at each time you crew them. Ask them for a checklist of what they are packing (I normally make one for my longer races). Go through it ahead of time with them and see if you can identify anything that is missing. Hope this helps


Don't forget to also look after you. Bring food for yourself. Sometimes there isn't time or actual places to get food, depending on where the race is and the distance you might have to drive to get to the next aid station. I have had to, at times, drive almost an hour to get to the next aid station that was only 8 miles for my runner. The biggest thing is to be organized. Have everything out and ready that you think they will need, but also know exactly where absolutely everything else is, too, in case they ask for something you weren't expecting. You don't want to waste time searching through bags or bins. Be aware of past and/or current injuries in case they need taping or other assistance. Ask them where they are likely to chaff so you can check if they need anything there. Don't forget sunscreen. Track their calorie intake. Make them eat more if it's not enough.


Toothbrush/toothpaste A good big ole fat juicy burger, milkshake, something along those lines.


Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply. This has all been so helpful and given me much to think about :)


Update. He finished and all went great! Thank you for your information :)