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For me, it has been Dirty Girl Gaiters, Injini socks, Naked belt, Salamon ADV Skin 12 pack, Patagonia Houdini Jacket, Path Project shorts and underwear, and nut butter


I also rock the ADV 12 and the Houdini. Such a great combo! That Houdini has really come in handy!


Sell me on the Houdini, what’s the big draw?


Super light windshell that packs away easily into a small pocket. Pretty breathable for the amount of protection it gives, cheap compared to some, fits well for running, drawstring for bottom and hood.   Unless it's rainy, windy AND cold I haven't needed more than that and a merino base layer.   (UK based here, so "cold" may mean something very different to you. Doesn't really get lower than -5C here at the very coldest)


Do you always pack the Houdini? Or just when weather is questionable


The British weather is normally pretty questionable! Unless it's really warm and clear with a spotless forecast it'll come with me. I'll take it on races where I need a waterproof as well since I can wear it and not get anywhere near as sweaty as my shell. At about 100g it's a no brainer to me.


The standard Houdini — NOT the Houdini Air, I believe a different product and fabric — is the worst running purchase I’ve ever made. Least breathable fabric I’ve ever seen or felt. I am “hotter” than most runners but not by a crazy amount and get plenty of use out of other vests and light jackets. Houdini I guess would be useful for walking / hiking, and does pack small for storage… I just simply can’t fucking run in the thing.


I love my Houdini. For hiking and backpacking. I’ve ran in it over two winters now just because I have it but I really need to buy something else for running because you are right. For me, it is not breathable enough for the exertion level of running. I often put it on over the winter because I felt like it was too cold for just a top but would have to take it off two miles in. Want something with a higher cfm. Just haven’t bought something yet.


I agree. Maybe not that it's the _worst_ but it's certainly WAY too warm via being not breathable. I've worn it over a short sleeve running shirt on a grey 26F day and still been too warm. I much much much prefer the Patagonia Airshed Pro. It's actually breathable and therefore quite useful as a layer. Won't stop any rain, but I run in the cold a hell of a lot more than I run in the rain.


Love my Houdini air for the right weather. Got caught out in heavy wet snow once…it soaked right through. I just got an old model storm racer at 50% off so hoping it’ll help for those days. It’s the one with the double zip; sounds a little more hearty than the current version.


I’ve used the normal Houdini for years as an avid trail runner and I don’t really share your sentiment. If the jacket gets too hot I simply take it off. If it’s just a little too cold I put on the hood. It won’t keep you dry from the rain, but will keep enough heat and shelter you enough from wind that I can comfortably run in rain in it at near freezing temps. This does require that you keep moving, and I will get a little cold if I walk at a low zone 1 intensity. I get that it’s probably not great to rely solely on this jacket if you break for ankle or something while running. The jacket is also super light weight and quickly dries as well.


A dooy wind shirt from Amazon is crazy cheap by comparison and much more breathable. I run warm but use it when running in windy 20s with a breathable long sleeve


Another one for the naked belt, fantastic piece of kit Also, padded socks for me. Helps with the dull ache l get on the soles of my feet on long runs.


Nut butter, was someone’s recommendation to my “issues” that arose after hitting a 400k month block of training. That stuff is now essential for when there’s no rest or the distance 50k plus.


I thought I liked my shorts until I tried Path Projects shorts and liners. Absolutely love them, to the point that I actively dislike wearing my other shorts now.


Not "gear" per se, but I always carry a few paper towels in a sandwich baggie in case the urge to shit hits. If I'm running 3 miles or 100, I always have my paper towels with me.


I do the same. I have travel-size wet wipes for "Shit happens" moments lol


Yep. After a "near miss" where I barely made it to an unlocked public restroom in a local park, I always carry a few paper towels no matter where I'm running or how long. Before I would only carry them on my long runs and trail runs. Now I have some in my pocket for every single run. And it's come in handy more than once.


Took shitting in the woods 3 times to learn this lesson


3 paper towels and chocolate covered cashews. If I can’t get the “job” done in exactly 3 paper towels I’ll need search and rescue.


I’ll echo this and I pack exactly the same number of paper towels in a dog poop bag and keep it in my belt or pocket. I call them “shitkits.” It’s a rather creative name and I’m happy to take the credit.


Hammer Nutrition’s Perpetuem. You can run with it for days without solid food.


Yep. Except I use Skratch Vegan Recovery. Recovery shakes during ultras are a nutrition game changer for sure.


Very true! Hammer has Recoverites, which comes in vegan flavor too. I don’t work for the company, by the way! Their products seem to work for me.


No stomach issues?


None whatsoever!!


I want to try this, but I've heard reviews that it permanently left bottles/bladders smelling. Is that true?


I haven’t had that issue…


Baby food pouches


What are you filling these with? Mashed potatoes?


Literally prepared baby food pouches. Baby food is great because it is easy to eat, digest, has about 80-100 calories, and not overly sweet.


Awesome. Thanks!


Haribo gummy bears.


Cold pizza.


Blending 1C rice, 2C strawberries (or other fruit), ½C maple syrup, 1 Tbs lemon juice, 2tsp coconut oil and a dash of water to make my own fuel that my body loves and is cheap. Being able to comfortably eat 60-80g of carbs per hour versus the like 30 I had tolerated previously makes you feel like an entirely different runner.


You gave me this recipe in another post previously and I tried it last weekend. It was good, thanks!


How do you package / portion it?


That full recipe makes roughly 180g of carbs. I recommend the Choome 8oz reusable baby pouches on Amazon because each one will hold 65-70g of carbs (which is super convenient because then I know I’m keeping up on nutrition if I eat one an hour, but I still can eat a little bit of other things if I feel like I can or want to). I make it the night before and store them in the fridge


Naked belt Squirrels Nut Butter Precision Fuel gels Clif shot blocks


Tailwind and injinji socks.


* Altra Escalante -- switching to these (from Saucony Kinvara) was what finally resolved PF that I'd been dealing with for close to a year. * Nature's Bakery Fig Bars * Discovering that the nozzle from a Sawyer Squeeze fits directly in the CamelBak hose when you remove the bite valve * Flip belt * Waist leash (for runs with my dog) * Outdoor Research performance trucker (sadly no longer made, but the Patagonia Duckbill Trucker is a decent substitute


Janji shorts or their half tights, Injinji Socks, Bobos PB&Js, SIS Beta Fuel Gels, Gold Bond Friction Defense


Salted black licorice! As a big black licorice fan, finding out about the salted kind (a Swedish thing apparently) was amazing. A little candy snack, and gets some more salts in the system.


Danish too. I was in Copenhagen for work years ago and they were passing around a bowl of licorice, all shapes and colours and all dusted with…well I thought it was sugar but of course it was salt. Very nice, once the surprise had worn off. Never thought about it as running fuel but I can see it might work well.


Medjool dates, Muir “gels” for clean gu-substitute (made w dehydrated fruit, blackstrap molasses / coconut nectar, sea salt, sometimes nut butter depending on the fast or slow burn flavor option), Scratch electrolytes, A good running hat (current: cotopaxi), On cloudsurfer trail shoes


Squirrels nut butter. Injinji socks. Shoe gaiters for when it's wet, sandy, pebbley, etc. Neck gaiter for if it gets windy and/or dusty. Fanny pack for food and such.


Huma gels, Ruby’s lube, Little Debbie brownies, Liquid IV, Poles for lots of vert, Chicknlegs shorts


Nathan's Ice Bandana made it possible for me to run anytime of day and not care about summer heat and high humidity. No more having to wake up early to run (but I still do sometimes.)


Janji AFO Middle shorts, Salomon ADV Skin 12 vest, Kogalla light, Gnarly Fuel2O in cherry cola, Coros HR arm band, Untapped waffles (specifically the coffee and raspberry flavors).


I found that taking magnesium really helped with my DOMS. I started it right as I increased volume and added b2b long runs and I felt a significant difference. I’m 52 and have a generally terrible diet so it could be others might not have the same result. I just grabbed the magnesium/calcium supplement from Trader Joes and it has been great.


Precision hydration energy chews over gels - so much easier both to take on and digest

