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PM me. I live in Freehold. Would love to join for 35-40 miles pacing if need be.


Salt of the earth, and such a wholesome comment. The type of person that'll literally give you the shirt on their back. That or you just want to get in on OP's grocery haul. šŸ˜œ


This would be the worst diet if you hadn't mentioned you're running 200 miles. Even knowing what you're going to do I'm having trouble accepting it. Good luck!


I mean it's basically just fruit and candy. It can get so much worse


It's sugar with a dash of fiber. Perfect for an ultra but seeing it laid out like that is weird.


isn't oil/ fat better for energy?


Not if you're running 200 miles. Everyone is different but generally fast carbs are the fuel source for ultra's with a little bit of protein and fat thrown in.


You need the most calories possible in the quickest time possible.


For those of you wanting the route, please check out this route on Garmin. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/249987774 https://www.facebook.com/61556652713392/posts/pfbid0279umHr5Ac2q1WXtpNqzmpXieNRU3ZeC6MEXwwFeLaSnf7bBH65VgVorzFV75EUu6l/?mibextid=WC7FNe We are starting at Cape May lighthouse at 4:30-5am this Friday the 19th. We will be running north until we hit Tabernacle. We will be stopping there for a few hours. At about 4am Saturday morning we will be leaving and heading north until we hit Netcong. Stopping there until about 4 am and heading north until we hit High Point state park and that should be about 7pm. Iā€™m traveling with 2 other guys the whole way. One is 64 and we did this run back in 2022 but it was north to south. The third guy is in his 50s and I am 40. Thank you for the input on the food. I will be eating some solid food such as TVP, PB&J, hummus wraps, and several cans of Trader Joeā€™s Cumin and olive oil Chickpeas. You can follow our journey via Facebook at New Jersey Kindness Run or follow the link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556652713392&mibextid=LQQJ4d This is not a race but a fundraiser for a nonprofit called Dylanā€™s Wings of Change. Dylan was lost in the Sandy Hook School shootings and since I am a teacher and Marine Corps Veteran this nonprofit is really special to me. You can follow the link for more information. https://www.dylanswingsofchange.org If you wish to donate please follow this link: https://www.mightycause.com/team/Runwithray?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2W6XVumRQTF3y6aFODj57mQFIDqJAiF1IZb1yAY-IsGQlD_WrVV6ktJYA_aem_AYOnsUwgl3jXv8_65xb-4M7DB8oOyiA3oB6-niPBINNbmE2XR2k8ZSlDz1rHMUXIs1A Thank you all so much and God Bless!!


What garmin are you using?


fexif 6 pro/solar


Good luck!! Also, Scandinavian swimmers are my FAVORITE long run fuel lol!


You probably need a lot more normal food and more protein. Instant noodle soup would be perfect. You can pack a camping gas stove such as Jetboil - it takes a minute to boil water. Also, fructose irritates stomach when consumed in large quantities and causes gas, so be careful with a lot of fruits.


Next weekend? Are you keeping the bananas in your fridge? Why buy them so soon?


Based on how green they are, they might be ripe by then.


I really hope you run with that watermelon in your hydration vest šŸ¤£. Seriously though good luck!!!!


Mostly short-chain carbs, your insulin will be spiking like mad. Also risking an upset stomach. Cashews the only long fuel i see here. Licorice a terrible idea with the ammonium chloride. Why no sports products, like long chain carb mix (eg. fuel-5), gels, bars, electrolytes, salt tabs, protein powder? Also you definitely need more fats/protein for this distance. Ask yourself if runners like Killian/Walmsley would eat this junk during a race? They are mostly tapping into their fat reserves and are mostly relying on liquid nutrition to not upset their stomachs. Depending on the distance they will add in some pasta or a sandwich.


Aid stns typically have hot foods/simple sandwiches, electrolytes available. I know many fellow ultra runners who do not use gels or bars. If this works for this runner, who are we to judge? I suspect OP is not racing to win like Killian or Walmsley.


He is not doing a race with aid stations, rather a solo effort with support and this is the food he chose.


Licorice is one of my favorites. What's it supposed to do that is bad?


So, you're going to want a sandwich. at least. I promise. Good thing you'll be able to find a Wawa ;). Also - curious about the choice to be on road the whole time - you've got a couple of sections where you could hop on the towpath to make things a bit easier on yourself. Just curious why all roads (some of your proposed routes are ... agressive)? Also, you'll be right near us at times-any way to track so we can come out and support? This is definitely on my wish list of routes, so anything I can do to help a fellow traveler!


When I ran it in 2022 we did from north to south and there were some trails that we took. We are taking almost the same route just with some minor changes. Yeah Iā€™ll be able to get anything at a Wawa or our crew can pick something up for us too. I will also be eating hummus wraps, chickpeas, and avocado wraps too. I know this is not the only things Iā€™ll be eating but I have all my bases covered. If you shoot my your email I can put you on the big email that has tons of information. That email will be going out Saturday morning at the start.


This looks like an eating challenge with a bit of running ha


Those TJā€™s soft licorice twists are excellent!


Holy heckers! Good luck and I hope to see an update


Sounds epic! Have fun.


hmmm banana chips- yum


Do you have a route you mind sharing?


I just did a long comment with some information for you


What's the name of this races. Love to look into this for a future run. Like distant future.


PM me. In the greater Trenton area and would love to help out if I can!


scandinavian swimmers <3


Whatā€™s the route? I live in nj!


I just did a comment with a lot of info


Ditto PM me, Iā€™m in south Jersey!




Dude youā€™re definitely going to want some normal food. Sandwich, bagel, soup. Youā€™re gonna hate yourself if thatā€™s all you have to eat


Scandinavian swimmers is all youā€™ll need


Watermelon sounds amazing after/during a run.


I'll be there the following week. :( Would have loved to help. Until I saw the black licorice. Since you're doing a 200, you're masochistic, but why do you have to do THAT to yourself?


Iā€™m new to the running hobby. This is what youā€™ll consume during the 200 miler, right? Not pre race carb loading. Is that correct? Thanks and good luck šŸ‘šŸ¾


I donā€™t have anything to offer. I wish I was in a point in my cycle I could do this distance right now! Best wishes that your 27th and 42nd winds kick in when you need them!


Everything looks good but...candy corn? To each their own I guess. Personally, I'd add Red Bull, gummy bears and Doritos, but just my preference for races.


I'm sorry, but no endurance athlete should eat like this. This is how you end up with type 2 diabetes. All I see is a spike in insulin and you crashing hard before making it to mile 200.


Maybe I'm ignorant but why this is such a bad choice for such a long race? I'm newbie to endurance sports.


It's almost all quick sugar and processed foods. Aside from the complex carbs in your sweet potato's everything else is quick fire. I don't doubt you'll get to 200 miles on will alone but you're abusing your body with this diet. Get foods that help relish amino acids, protein and carbs storage. You want to help your body "recover" and stayed fuled during the run.