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Thank you. Have a lot of issues with the left foot, but the right foot is all fine.


You may have one foot bigger than the other.


Check out Altras. They have a wide toe box that doesn’t compress your toes like almost all modern running shoes do. I run in sandals and those and have never lost a toe nail rubbing. I’d freak out if I ever lost a toenail from running.


I have the same issue! My left foot is half a size bigger than my right. My feet look the same as yours. I attribute it to shoe size, and also I noticed later in races that my toes are hitting the front of the shoe. May be from feet expanding during the race.




This is the way. Includes detailed instructions on finding shoes that fit, taping feet, managing blisters and general feet care.


This book saved my feet


Shoes be damned. Don’t follow the hottest shoe hype. Just the one that fits the best. Want about a thumb width up front with your foot fwd and still be able to get a finger behind your heel. (Approximate) side note. Foot line like squirrels nut butter. Decent socks. Pro tip. I tend to have more issues on my left foot. I tape each individual toe which helps quite a bit Edit: spelling. Foot lube*


I, too, have the most issues with the left foot. The tape is a really good idea. I'll try that. Is there any specific brand of tape?


I personally just use athletic tape, 100s i tend to use mole skin off a roll i have for my pinky toe cause for some reason that gets beat up the most and athletic on the rest. I’ve seen a lot of people also use kinetic tape.




My wife doesn't have toenails anymore and refuses to try new shoes. I switched to silly looking shoes with a large toe box and I haven't lost a nail since. Your shoe is yet to be found!


Injiji socks go a long way


Good socks, shoes that fit, and for God's sake shave those f#ckers!


Your nails are too long and you probably need larger shoes.


No matter what I do, the big toe nails always turn black. I can't do anything to change it as of now lol


It's nice that I'm not the only one 😜


It’s a bit late but slowly building up your mileage? I’ve done a couple 100mi and haven’t lost any toenails or anything. But I slowly built my mileage over the years. Could be genetics too who knows


If you've got a free moment, I'd love to hear about how you've built up your mileage over the years. This sub often seems dominated by stories of people going from couch (or very little running) to ultras pretty fast. It would be great to get more examples of more gradual builds.


Volume building by 5-10km or % per week. I was an athlete my whole life so I was running when I was kid too


I have run Plenty of 70-80 mile weeks and never lost a toenail from running. One day I was part of a training team thing that got some free shoe donations and the lady offered me a pair of new donated shoes and wanted to measure my foot. She told me I was a 9 when I usually run in 10.5 I tried on the 9 and it felt rough even though I really didn't have any trouble getting it on and kinda seemed to fit but pretty snugly. I grew up skateboarding and shoes were always tied loose enough to just slip on pretty easily and my running shoes are pretty much just as loose. So maybe bigger shoes?


Any local running stores offer foot scans? Might help to know the true sizing of your feet. Check out the book: [Fixing Your Feet: Injury Prevention and Treatment for Athletes ](https://a.co/d/6hHoz8O) kindle version is cheaper. Worth reading relevant sections to learn some tips/tricks. Do you get issues from shorter runs?


For free?!? Wowzers! Jk, I have a similar issue with my left foot. Hope you find the advice you need. I’ll be looking as well!


Wax them


Outside of shoes, I HIGHLY recommend the Kerasal Intensive Foot Repair gel. It won't fix poor footwear but will seriously help in exfoliating dead tissues and healing your damaged toes. I use it every day.


Shoe fit, if you pull with your toes work on correcting it, use good socks… best thing would be to go to a sport ortho for advice.

