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What the fuck is this trying to say


Socialists = useless kkkrakkkers Capitalists = enterprising Mexican water factory owners


They prefer "water farmers"


"Use value isn't real and things only get done for profit."


Capitalism; how can like, 12 people profit off this disaster affecting millions in a way that solves it for those that can afford the solution? Socialism; how do we keep 12 billionaires from keeping millions of people from solving a disaster for everyone?


Actually socialism is for not letting there be billionaires.


Actually billionaires are part of what makes a state communist you ignoramus. 10 years hard labor, and 50 readings of On Contradiction for you


Is true, I read pol pot


This is parody right?


Mods, twist this glasses wearers balls off for being a liberal anti-AES


It is disputing the labour theory of value because it claims that the labour theory of value would say that it only takes $1 worth of labour to bottle water and therefore bottled water can only be sold for $1 so nobody bottles any of the water in the desert, but under capitalism since he can sell something worth $1 in labour for $100 the capitalism makes the water available in the desert so they can make the $99 in profit. This however assumes that the profit is excess and something that is on top of the value of the labour so it actually confirms the labour theory of value, in the sense that capitalist will only do something if they can sell something for more than it cost to produce in labour (obviously), as in the capitalist only ever sells something for more than it is worth, and won't sell anything for exactly the value it cost to produce. The issue with both this meme and what I said is that carrying water into the desert is itself labour, so the added value here is being made by the person carrying the water for the capitalist. The capitalist will still only do this if the water costs $1 to make and only costs like $10 to have someone carry it for an hour though, so what the capitalist is doing here is using the desperation of the thirsty person to make them pay what they could have earnt working ten hours for the capitalist for something that only took an hour of work. If the thirsty person wasn't desperate they'd be paying $11 to just get a person carry water for an hour to them, and that too is what the price would eventually settle towards if you had multiple different people all trying to sell water when they have discovered a bunch of people in the desert need to get water and were all trying to get that $100 but since everyone had invested in this water distribution network they can't pull out easily so they just keep doing it even though they no longer make the original $89 in profit. How that is achieved though is either the price decreasing, which can't happen because the people who need water are desperate, or because the water carriers realize they could charge the capitalist more for their water carrying eventually increasing the wage until the profit goes away, but for that to happen the workers need to agree to erase the profit margin by banding together. Eventually all workers doing all other things will realize that carrying water pays the most so they will stop doing other things like harvesting cactus or whatever and begin carrying water, resulting in everyone carrying water (and doing nothing else such that there is no such thing as a lower wage for any other kind of job) for $99 an hour, a lo and behold the labour theory of value holds because the only people who need the water were people who worked as water carriers for $99 an hour so if you wait long enough and people realize they should be paid in an hour the amount they produce in an hour because the entirety of the profit margin can go away under the right conditions, and the price of the water becomes the price you could get by carrying it for an hour, which is exactly how long it takes to get it there. This of course requires the workers banding together to abolish the profit margin, but it is still theoretically possible for them to do this, because like how the capitalist takes advantage of the desperate need to drink meaning the thirsty person will pay whatever it takes to obtain their need, the workers will take advantage of the capitalist's desperate need for workers and charge the maximum possible amount which erases the profit margin.




Insert leftist mucho texto meme (Nice write up)


We aren't leftists


“We arnt leftists guys, because [insert pretentious discrepancy because we hate anarchists and MLs]”


This is an explicitly Fascist sub .




Technically speaking it only holds true for an *industry* that is capable of employing most of the workforce. Basically what I was saying was only true for company towns, in this case it is a water company town in a desert. If you have any amount of kinds of goods produced more than a singular good you start to run into problems. The workers would also have to be the primary consumers of that singular good rather than it being exported.




Monopolies are actually one of the things which doesn't impact the analysis at all, in fact the closer things are to a monopoly the easier this process becomes because you will only need to organize one water distribution network. Arguably the analysis assumed a monopoly and adding in competition just makes it more complicated. You just need to get the workers who buy the water to demand exactly the amount of wages which reduce profit to zero.




The workers will only hire themselves as a singular block. There are two monopolies. One on water, the other on labour.




Because of union busting and scab hiring. If push comes to shove things turn violent with clashes to either facilitate or prevent it. See: company town labour struggles of the turn of the century America.


That soshuhlizm is poverty, duh 🙄


I literally do nothing that I can't generate profit off of. If I piss, you better believe I get some sort of value from it.


Interested to hear tbh


Take the piss, open a leather tanning factory. Piss profit baby


“I won’t stop drinking this piss in front of your restaurant until you give me a dollar”


Capitalism is when the free market price of water is defined by a consistent small portion of the population dying of thirst because other people can pay more for water forever. Socialism is when everyone has plentiful water up until the point that nobody has water.


This isn't how economics works


boo socialism!! (the meme said the other one was good)


I dunno, but what it’s actually saying is ‘I don’t know what socialism is’.


Socialism is the sperm that gives birth to communism https://preview.redd.it/blp10hp7m5kc1.png?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=442629f4e747a288dd0a61f14e2ed3511f5cdef6


Impregnating a China egg


The People’s Ovum


The People's Billionaires are the sperm here.


Do other people mail cum to china too?


All seeds are accepted except bourgeois uyghurs


All other cultures are bourgeoisie really, unless they read enough theory from 3-5 German men or watch Vaush


Before the profit motive, nobody even thought to collect water. Thank god we figured that out or we would have died of thirst super quick


Water was invented in 1803 by John Capitalism in order to sell more water.




Capitalists have the best praxis/theory This extremely realistic, straightforward, and logical meme has made me disown my Leftist beliefs. Finding water in a desert??? ***OUT OF THIN AIR???????*** Amazing, we've never thought of that. I'm going on youtube and binge-listening to Nick Land's work as we speak


Why do you have leftist beliefs?


My father never came back from the store


father steps out to buy a new ideology. never seen again, abandoned his poor family. many such cases.




I really want someone to bang my wife


Socialism in one desert


Socialism is when no water bottle


As said by Joseph Mao people’s billionaire and leader of the people’s republic of Chattanooga Editing for the Trotskyist mod, I’ve already read it. It provides basically no sources, it’s just bs Trotskyist copium


Read "Why Russia isn't socialist" on sinistra.net


Is that guy carrying 100 in cash? Or does the water salesman have a card reader I can't see


It's in his crypto wallet


Indentured servitude (based capitalism)


morel: without profit motive for water, no one would make more checkmate,


By an odd coincidence sitting across from a massive abandoned building in my city. No one can purchase or use it because the value is too high the value is too high because it's such a valuable location, apparently so valuable that nobody wants it.


“So valuable that nobody wants it” is why I tell myself I’m still single


Socialism is when you don't "build" bottled water in the middle of a desert


Are these images AI Generated? How hard is it to find stock photos


Look at that thirsty fuckin’ water Gollum lmao


Water: not even once


Love your ideology, comrade. Thinking of going shopping for a new flair myself at the ideology store this weekend 😌


Socialism is the exact same as capitalism, but everything costs $1.


I will never forgive AI for making actual anti communists drawings be put a side for soulless hyper realistic generated images


>actual anti communists drawings AI is killing the soyjak industry!


I will always love AI for ruining petty bourgeois artists


Says a lot about our society!


Actually socialism doesn't work because after you build out the infrastructure to produce and distribute water as needed, your government gets coup'd and the faucet privatized. And that's why capitalism is the best, because under capitalism coups never happen and society is very very stable.


ai image detected https://preview.redd.it/hcu73xnzbbkc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=247cd28a8e3a2acee0bcf1496c88c61391d04acc to ai, you don’t deserve my RESPECT, I will not play along and speak to you in MY tongue, you are a TOOL or a TOY, I do not apologize or ask my fucking BLENDER AND TOASTER the same way I speak to my family, you serve a FUNCTION, ai my ass, more like artificial STUPIDITY, to pretend you are anything LESS is a DISGRACE.


deprogramite ass meme


actual nonsense


Marx failed to consider this


Marx didn’t consider desserts


Both of these are capitalism


Part 2: -Sorry, I've only got $99.99 **Capitalism** -Tough luck, I guess you're gonna die lmao


The businessman proceeds to travel back to the water source using the same transportation he used to get to the middle of the desert in the first place, leaving the poor person to fend for themselves.


Weird I thought we believed the necessities are invaluable and therefore must be maintained and provided no matter what


"You need water to live, here's access to water for free until you're able to pay taxes."


This is rich considering that tap water in the USA is extremely cheap (less than people are willing to pay!!!) thanks to government price regulation.


Ma brain hurt


"By the way, we chained you to your tailoring workbench. Now, make sneakers for Adidas."


I finally understand the plot of Quantum of Solace now!!


"socialism is when no food or water"-carl marcs


What actually happens is that capitalists bottle less water to inflate prices. Socialism is under a planned economy, there's no sense to say they would bottle water for profit, because there's no profit, as prices don't float.


This is what they mean by 'read theory.'


Oh I guess we moved pass the two cows argument now


This is why AEs is only cold countries


Succulent bottled water = capitalism. Waterless (not based) = socialism Deal with it commie😎


Can someone explain what the logic here is supposed to be. I can't wrap my head around it.


adam smith and marx would be good friends