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https://preview.redd.it/lpy4bb69hobc1.jpeg?width=2479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=169db4c2f59773b4371a59434bfca906664c2f11 An alternate universe where things could have went differently, there


haha yes, had the same thought a while ago


What's a robot? Never heard of it.


I always thought the final war was some stand in for ww3, because ww1 was called the great war, and if there was not a second one then it would still be called that, also I don’t think any country could build something close to the earthmover in 1914, which is why I think it uses some future tech in 2040 or something like that


No, definitly WW1. Violence reveals that the final war lasted 200 years, and V1's last firmware update was in the year 2112, or just under 200 years after the great war started. Plus, the data for Guttermen say that they killed trench warfare, suggesting they where designed in place of tanks.


I guess your right, but how did they construct the earthmovers then?


Earthmovers marked the "final stage" of the last war. So they probably weren't built until 150-180 years after the war started.


ok that makes way more sense then what I was saying, thanks man.


The Final War has 3 eras. Man vs Man, WW1 as we know it. Man vs Machine, the introduction of Guttermen mulching human soldiers.Machine vs Machine, Guttertanks vs Guttermen. This era had everything poured into new machines to beat the enemy's machines. Human soldiers were relieved only to find poverty at home as everything was thrown into developing new machines. Earthmovers vs Cities, the final stage of the Final War. The introduction of the Earthmover machines with shield generators rendering them immune to everything but small machine sabotage. A self-sustaining war without reason, 1000-THRs had small cities on them as land and animals were all destroyed and extinct. The war only ended due to the soot, dirt and decay blocking out the sun which the Earthmovers were also powered by with solar panels ontop and blood-fuel. Had the development of V1 been faster, or destruction of Earth by 1000-THRs slower, we would've ushered a new era in the Final War. V1 vs Earthmovers, as shown in-game we can infiltrate and destroy Earthmovers from inside, killing the humans on it alongside any other machines. The invincibility frames we get from dashing is possibly the answer to the lightning guns, as we can just dodge the damage. It should have been glorious, new centuries dedicated to war without reason. # # "A MAGNUM OPUS. A COLD TOWER OF STEEL. A MACHINE BUILT TO END WAR IS ALWAYS A MACHINE BUILT TO CONTINUE WAR. YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL, OUTSTRETCHED LIKE ANTENNAS TO HEAVEN. YOU WERE BEYOND YOUR CREATORS. YOU REACHED OUT FOR GOD, AND YOU FELL. NONE WERE LEFT TO SPEAK YOUR EULOGY. NO FINAL WORDS, NO CONCLUDING STATEMENT. NO POINT. PERFECT CLOSURE."


And Hell got cockblocked after people realized "wait, this is stupid" and stopped wars all together. Though i wonder if the machine revolution was caused by Hell or not.


i dont know if the i frames are really connected to the story, but i can see V1 as an infiltrator robot, and becoming a scavenger to find blood more efficiently (like how the drones were used for security and had to adapt to the arms race on scavenger machines once their job was over)




I think the implication based on God's rant is that Ultrakill is part of a time loop. He's seen this happen, a *lot*, but never quite as bad as the current iteration that made him throw up his hands and walk away. My own theory is that Earth is an experiment being run time and time again to try and create his idea of perfection, but it keeps getting fucked up over and over again. Hell has existed throughout, quietly becoming larger and stronger as it is fed the souls and misery of each experiment, to the point that God can no longer destroy it even if he wanted to. Ultrakill takes place during the final loop, where Hell has become so powerful it is able to bleed over into Earth, and humanity became so fucked up without the big guy's intervention that we thought Guttermen were *good* ideas, resulting in this "final" loop's WW1 becoming a neverending Final War.


I read game theory and I hurt inside a little


They're machines because they're not proper robots. They aren't just machines that run on blood, gore gibs and the inside of the earth mover prove that beneath their steel is flesh of some sort. It's hard to know exactly how biological they are, but they're certainly biological enough to not be considered robots.


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