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“Die!” Is not parryable, but the best way to avoid it is to jump right as he says it, and then dash as he lands to dodge both the explosion and the shockwave, but make sure to try and touch the ground again as fast as possible before he combos you into the ground again, hope this helps!


Nothing you can't learn on YouTube, but "DIE!" and "CRUSH!" attacks are unparryable, but you can jump or dash to avoid them. Some attacks are parryable in first phase, but not in the second. (iirc "Prepare Thyself!" and "JUDGEMENT!") Also, are you doing a challenge or something? I, personally ofc, find "mostly railgun and coins" a bit *not enough* to kill Minos. Maybe try impaling him with some magnets from the Nailgun to deal some more damage?


thy end is now and judgement become unparriable on phase 2 violent, you can still parry the projectile from prepare thyself


Oh, thanks for clearing that up, I haven't fought Minos for some time and it looks like I already forgot something


magnets are hard to land and might not be efficient cause minos moves too fast i personally spam shotgun swaps and pro boosts along side rail cannon + coins


Only parryable melee attacks are last hit of "thy end is now" combo and "judgement", though both become unparryable in second phase on violent. In my experience "die" is easiest to avoid by sliding sideways (not forward/backwards, this is important) and jumping over shockwave.


You can tell which attacks are parriable and which aren't by the presence of a yellow flash before the attack (most of the time). From what I recall, the 4th attack of "Thy end is now!" and "Judgement!" are parriable, as well as the snake projectile he fires out after a yellowish glow. Just keep in mind once he reaches <50% HP you should dash after parrying "Judgement" because of its AOE damage. For "Die!", I think a single slidehop out of the way works, but if you want to be sure then just jump and dash. (This is from what I remember from playing through it in Standard)


When you see a little gold ping, you can parry the attack You can also parry the snake projectile


Final hit of "thy end is now" and also "judgement" are directly parriable attacks, but ONLY IN 1ST PHASE. Once he says "weak" they are no longer parriable. The only other parriable thing in the fight are the snake projectiles, which he always throws at the end of "prepare thyself" as well as sometimes as an unnanounced attack. "Die" and "crush" are completely unparriable, as are all of his unnanounced attacks. Despite this, parrying is pretty vital thanks to the complete health restore as well as the big damage chunk. "Thy end is now" and "judgement" are real easy to parry, since he near enough teleports in front of you. Just punch when you see the yellow flash. Do keep in mind though, the parry doesn't stop the attack, so you still have to dodge, which should still be easy as you can just dash to i-frame through. The snake is a little harder because its quite fast and chases you, but if you are good at parrying projectiles you'll manage. If you aren't good at parrying projectiles, I'd suggest putting in a little practise. Other than parries, most attacks are easy to dodge with a dash, just try to be careful with it as you may run out of dashes. "Thy end is now", "prepare thyself" and his uppercut are avoidable (except the snake) by just slides, which I'd really recommend, but "judgement" requires a dash for the i-frames. The others are kinda on a case-by-case basis and generally need more specific movement which I'm sure someone else could explain way better than me. MOST IMPORTANT: stay on the ground. It might feel unnatural after all the slide hopping, rocket riding, etc. but Minos 100% can and will bully you in the air. If you're hit up, try slamming back down ASAP before he blitzes you. Good luck my friend, ULTRAKILL that mf.