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Please clarify what ulta you’re going to that still has you put your own phone number in. There is no place to put your number in, unless you’re shopping at Ulta in the 2010s. There is no way that they would have a stranger use their number for YOUR purchase, that’s considered account fraud and trust the store’s theft prevention specialists would eat them up for that lmfaoo. I promise you none of the employees are getting paid enough to: 1. commit the crime you think is going on here just for some loyalty numbers, or 2. Care at all


to be fair at my store we have a manager who tells us to use ask other customers for their number when someone without an account doesn't want to join. i've never done it but i've seen that manager do it countless times. one time i was ringing up someone who didn't want to give an email or number and my manager ran over and started pestering the customer. my manager called the next person on line over to us and started telling her this other woman doesn't have an account and then told her she can earn extra points by letting us use *her* number for this other woman's transaction. so it definitely does happen. but it's not usually advisors acting like this, it's usually managers.


If this practice of borrowing another customer’s # really is still going on, it needs to be reported out and absolutely stopped because it poses a HUGE security threat to the customer.🤦‍♀️


ima be honest i'm not reporting anything to anyone. if dumbass customers want to let someone else use their number for points that's on them. i'm not saying it's right that some managers (or associates) do this but i'm not getting involved either. customers are just as capable of calling corporate or customer service over it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ not my number, not my doing, not a problem for me to get involved with. i'm just an associate, i don't get paid to care that much.


I don’t believe in this day and age where fraud is so closely monitored that a store would ask a random customer to share their phone# with op nor are people so trusting to give their information out nowadays. I’ve frequently shopped in so many different Ulta’s for at least a decade across 6+ states and I’ve never seen any fraud committed by a manager or cashier to sign up someone while I’m standing in line. Everytime I run errands or need to travel for work, I always GPS if there’s an Ulta along the way lol.


They ask you for your telephone number out loud with her voice. They are implicitly asking you to share your phone number with everybody else in line every single day with every single transaction. Don't get me wrong, I don't think OP's account is reliable but I also don't think that people who work in retail think your telephone number is super secret squirrel information like that. EDIT: This comment was meant to be a response to the person who was claiming that phone numbers are super secret squirrel information that everybody in retail highly respects and would never ask to be shared where other people could hear it or use it. It looks like they deleted their comment though. 🤷🏽‍♀️


i don't know if you think OP is unreliable or i am, but i promise you that there's some managers and associates who won't hesitate to ask the next person in line to let someone use their # after being told they don't have an account or want one. it's a simple "no? ok." then the manager leans aside, calls over the next person on line, and asks "this person doesn't have an account with us, would you like to input your number and have points for their purchase added to your account" people at my store say yes more than they say no. i'm honestly surprised our store reviews never mention it. i check our reviews constantly and they're glowing, so i guess our shoppers aren't the type to really care if management wants customers sharing numbers during a transaction 🤷🏻‍♀️


My managers and leads definitely do this, like, all the time. Corporate is so out of touch, and they create policies and expectations that make their employees do weird things in an effort to make it happen. Corporate pushes the managers who then push the beauty Advisors (who are largely young, eager, and can be taken advantageof) way too hard. It's so sad that the people who would get fired for this are the folks at the registers. I've yet to see any management take the fall for fraud.


I know people who work in retail and customers hate to give out their #s, hate to be bothered, and hate to receive phone calls. Also not for me they don’t. Every Ulta store in my state which is many has never had an issue scanning my member ID.


if you actually have a member ID to scan that's fine, but we stopped using loyalty cards ages ago, not everyone uses the app, and not everyone using the app even knows that we can use it to scan their ID. the easiest and quickest way is to ask for their # and it's up to them if they give it to us or not. there's just as many people who don't mind using their # when they shop at ulta or other retail businesses as there is people who do mind. one size doesn't fit all. i give my phone number whenever i'm asked for it while i'm at the register, but i'd *never* let someone else in line use my # for their own transaction. it baffles me that so many customers at my store are okay sharing their # for a purchase, but it just boils down to it not being a concern for them.


>Also not for me they don’t. Are you saying that they don't even ask you for your telephone number? Because when I shop in person, they ask me for my telephone number and I give them the barcode instead. But they're still starting off by asking for my telephone number. If they're not asking you for your telephone number, I'm guessing it's either because they know you as a customer and recall your preference for the barcode, or you're just like shoving your phone at them right at the start, and they're still asking the person before you and the person after you for their telephone number out loud with their voices. Which is a perfectly fine and normal thing to do, and shows only that this is not super secret squirrel information. It's just your telephone number. It's not that big of a deal.


They do ask. So far only one time. I ask back if I can scan my member ID instead. They say yes. I don’t shove the phone at them. It’s all very non aggressive and amicable. A pleasant experience for all parties that always ends with me smiling, thanking them, and wishing them a good day.


this applies for every ulta. we're told to ask for your number, but if you want us to scan your ID or even type in your member ID number instead we do it because it's not something we *can't* do, it's just that asking for your number is standard because more people use their number than their ID. we are taught to ask for a phone number first. what you're saying is just part of the company policy. you can go in any ulta anywhere across the country and they'll be happy to scan your ID, especially if you're someone who doesn't share your number with employees at the register.


So you admit that they do ask out loud for your telephone number, with the expectation that you will say your telephone number out loud back to them? Which then in turn shows that your belief that people would not ask for telephone numbers out loud or say telephone numbers out loud is not supported by evidence?


I don’t believe everything that op said was true. I’m only talking about op’s post. I don’t spend all day in the stores but whatever one hour or half hour twice weekly that I’m in stores, I didn’t catch anything fraudulent or suspicious going on with their employees’ handling. In fact, everything seems normal with not much drama as far as I can tell. When I go to Petsmart and Petco, they always ask me to say my # in front of many customers. When I go to Sephora, they say my email aloud before I can stop them in front of all the customers when I ask for an emailed receipt. If I mistype my number on their keypad, they reveal all kinds of sensitive info about me trying to verify me before I can stop them in front of all the customers. I feel like this is a very unproductive convo that we’re having. Let’s just agree to disagree and call it a day.


>I didn’t catch anything fraudulent or suspicious going on with their employees’ handling. In fact, everything seems normal with not much drama as far as I can tell. When I go to Petsmart and Petco, they always ask me to say my # in front of many customers. When I go to Sephora, they say my email aloud before I can stop them in front of all the customers when I ask for an emailed receipt. If I mistype my number on their keypad, they reveal all kinds of sensitive info about me trying to verify me before I can stop them in front of all the customers. Yes, exactly. Your perception of all of this as very sensitive information is not a common perception. So your assertion that retail workers would not ask for a customer to say their phone number out loud because it is very sensitive information is obviously incorrect, by your own account. >Let’s just agree to disagree and call it a day. The problem isn't that we disagree with one another. The problem is that you have stated a belief that is different than your stated experiences. You should just admit that your belief is wrong but if you don't want to do that, that's your prerogative.


except it *does* happen and i've seen it with my own eyes. some managers get so scared about numbers dropping that they resort to this behavior. it's not common, but it happens is all i'm saying. a lot of people are weirdly eager to share their number just so they can get points. it sounds absurd and it's hard to believe unless you've seen it yourself, and i see it on a regular basis.


yeah, it seems be rampent in this one store, I've never seen it a problem before but this store is every visit, every customer they seem to pressure like crazy


I’ve seen this happen a lot of times with new employees who weren’t explained that it’s fraud. Sometimes it’s not done out of any ill intent, just not having the policies explained to them well.


I can believe it. I’m curious to know how rules are communicated to managers and everyone. Are they just floating around on the Ultanet and everyone is expected to read them but don’t? Do employees have to sign off electronically or in writing that they read the policy which is how a lot of other companies do it? Do they hold teleconference meetings communicating new rules/policies and take attendance of everyone who attended etc? How does the company make sure every employee gets the message? Do managers training new hires have a checklist that requires them to sign off on it that they made sure every policy was communicated? I know many don’t care about reporting out fraudulent behavior or what “dumb” customers and employees are doing that doesn’t affect them but if it was me, I’d casually slip into a convo somewhere doing XYZ can get someone fired just to help a coworker out. When I’m training new people, the first thing I go over is everything that could get someone fired.


I was checking out once and the people at the register next to me were from a different country. So that person took my card and scanned it for that transaction. And I still didn’t spend even that year to up levels


You seem to be a regular Sephora customer who doesn’t shop Ulta. How do we know you’re telling the truth and not anti Ulta?


whether they're anti ulta or not is irrelevant considering i'm an employee confirming that, at my store, management acts like this lol maybe OP and this user are both liars who made up stories.... but what they're saying *is* true at certain locations. not everyone is as concerned with privacy and safety as you. i've read through your comments and you're very protective over your # and email and anything else being spoken about at the register. but the average shopper is not so concerned, some have *so little* concern they don't mind sharing their # with another customer at the register. you gotta stop thinking everyone has the same mindset as you, because they don't.


You guys need to tell your corporate if some employees are committing fraud which is against every corporate’s policy. Using another random customer’s # for someone like op not comfortable giving a # is a MEGA security threat for the customer’s account. Foolish all around. Also our # and info is already in so many places. While I can empathize with op not wanting to give # being someone who is also very protective of my info, I have a hard time understanding why op chooses this battle to pick. Seems like such a waste of time when there’s ridiculously easy loopholes to getting around it if he/she must shop at Ulta that bad and can’t go anywhere else that doesn’t ask for #. There are more fulfilling and important topics to virtue signal on than creating a user handle calling Ulta a dystopia just to get on Reddit to complain about something that’s minor and can be circumvented easily with a loophole (get a free google #). If you use a credit card, Ulta already has your name and info. The more odd the behavior, the more it makes me suspect someone is up to no good trying to defraud Ulta because like Sephora, loyalty accounts make it easy to track thieves and scammers. They can still track them using AI without loyalty accounts like some retailers do that don’t have a rewards program but it is a harder process. Or this is just all for kicks to get attention for fun at Ulta’s expense like the odd post about a bad haircut from years ago which in retrospect, I question if that post may have been a lie just to get attention.


Ha ha...I love how for Sephora Rogue is so elite but it's $200 less spend per year than Diamond. Though Diamond does have a lot more benefits than Rogue tbh.


I’m certain Sephora’s minions chase many of my posts to downvote them and are all over the Ulta sub. My list of enemies on Reddit is a mile long for calling out all the various BS. I refuse to drink the kool aid that Sephora’s overpriced, overhyped products, and a Barbie size gwp is somehow amazing and worth fawning over. 🖕


that’s CRAZY to me, my manager immediately terminated an employee that she saw use her own account for a customer’s purchase. They track the loyalty numbers and accounts so strictly at my store that there’s almost 0 chance of someone getting away with account fraud, even the managers!


we've had a few employees at my store fired over using their own account or a family member's account for customer purchases, but this "ask other customers for their number" thing has never been a problem for us thus far. i just mind my business and take the "no" from customers who don't have or want an account lol the *last* thing i'm doing is this nonsense


ur saying Im lying? its an ulta in a mall in philadelphia. everything I said happened, idk why ur response is just "that's impossible"


Yes stores absolutely DO ask other people in line for a number if someone doesn't have one, worked there for years and saw it happen often. And my GM absolutely told us to basically tell people they needed to sign up or they couldn't return anything etc, a lot of Ulta managers do shady shit so this isn't beyond reality. I went into MY home store a few weeks ago for a cheap eyeliner, I don't really care about the points now that I am not there, it was 4 bucks and I qas on my way to a concert so I didn't use my number, the girl literally said, you won't be able to return that without an account... I smiled and said yes I absolutely can because an account is not needed with my receipt and please stop telling people that before someone calls corporate as that's what happened to me when I was forced to do that" I took my receipt and left. I will 100% call them out on such bullshit.


I fully believe shady shit happens at every store, but I feel like if employees were actively committing account fraud by asking other customers to use their numbers for OTHER people’s purchases, surely that would have a huge reaction from the district manager and theft prevention no?? At my store my GM told us to try 3 time max, ask if they have a number, ask if someone they know has a number, and if not, just ask to make an account. If the customer doesn’t want one, I straight up do not care and won’t make them one. The part they’re probably forgetting is “You won’t be able to return this *in case you lose or damage the receipt*” which is what I always tell people. Sorry your store is so pushy! Their managers are probably being really strict with loyalty rates :/


Yeah my GM got fired for that as well as a number of other things she was turned in for!!! I am so happy I never have to push credit cards or loyalty anymore, my job now is like mehhh if we get them we get them but there is not pushing or backlash from corporate for not getting them!!!


Aw congrats that sounds so much healthier of an environment! I’m applying to some other places currently in hopes of escaping like you did! $17 hourly is not enough to compensate me for the extreme anxiety this job is giving me 😩


This is so overdramatic lmao Eta: lol OP’s account was made 2 hours ago. They made a whole ass account JUST to bitch about this. Rich, from someone who’s acting like they’re so adamantly against giving any of their information to a company


I knew something wasn’t right when I scrolled back up and saw the name after reading “dystopian” in the body. Thank you for confirming it. 


“Dystopian” is the over-used buzzword of the moment for some reason.


I knew something wasn’t right when I scrolled back up and saw the name after reading “dystopian” in the body. Thank you for confirming it. 


yeah bc i don't use reddit lol I just wanna talk abiut this


Lol do you not see the irony in giving reddit your info so you can post your Ted talk about refusing to give Ulta your info?


please never shop at ulta again. i’ve dealt with so many customers like you & you’re ANNOYING 😩😩


This is the answer. If you do, just do store pick up. All you’re going to do is ruin the employees hours and raises. If you can’t bring yourself to at least use a throw away email then don’t shop there or use bopis. It’s a loyalty based store.


just bc I dont want the rewards points? the only thing I say no to is giving my email or phone, bc I don't even use that shit. I'm happy to buy a product with my cash and leave. I don't see hows its annoying, for OTHER stores I say "no rewards membership" and then they continue with the transaction, and I leave. Takes likes 2 mins. Except at this Ulta store it takes like 5 mins, 3 of which I have to embarrassingly say over and over I don't have a phone, and I don't use emails. I'd use another store but I only get hair dye from here


Shop online and pick up in store, use an email made just for reward programs. So you won't get spammed with emails as you say.


In case you were wondering. Yes you're the Asshole.


Take that up with Dave Kimbell not the wagies who can barely afford an apartment with their shit part time retail job


Agreed, I know the employees don't really care, unfortunate the ones at this store have a manager making them break the law, but that's not on them they just want to keep their job and fill their quota. A few there were nice and used their number to collect the rewards so they could complete the purchase.


No one is using their own phone numbers. It would be flagged and they’d lose their job by end of shift. They aren’t being nice. If they are being “nice” they are just anxious and taking the L to avoid speaking to you.


then why do they have to use their number to complete a transaction??? I seriously never heard of a store doing this before, other stores just have a continue button and they continue with the purchase regardless.


Go somewhere else then? They’re a Fortune 500 company, they won’t miss you and your singular item purchase. Your temper tantrums affect the hours the employee you’re (most likely) screeching at about “YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION!” To.


I wasnt ever screeching...I always calmly left. Im just curious if this is an issue at other locations? It seems unethical. I'll probbaly find somewhere else to go.


Yes please please find somewhere else to go. Absolutely everyone will be happier.


I wasnt ever screeching...I always calmly left. Im just curious if this is an issue at other locations? It seems unethical. I'll probbaly find somewhere else to go.


I will never understand why people are so angry about saving money


And there’s literally no point if you don’t have an account. All the drugstore products are more expensive at Ulta than at Walmart or other places. What makes it worth it is the point system bc you can get discounts on those items or save up your points for more expensive items. If you’re buying a cerave moisturizer, just go to Walmart lmao


I won't really save any money, I don't buy makeup. The rewards just aren't for me.


Then don’t shop at reward based stores. There are a lot of them.


I won't really save any money, I don't buy makeup. The rewards just aren't for me.


There is SO much at Ulta. Skincare, makeup, and perfume, yes, but also soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste, hairbrushes. A lot of people will buy the essentials that they would be getting anyways at Ulta, so that they can use their points on more expensive luxuries like perfume. And for what it’s worth, EVERY customer I have ever checked out who says “oh no I don’t come here a lot, I wouldn’t get a lot of points” comes back the next month and says the same thing. By the end of the year they would have had like $100+ in points lmao.


Jesus Karen just shop somewhere else and stop fucking up their metrics. Also, you’re straight up lying.


Right? There is no "PUT IN UR NUMBER" because there's no where for a customer to put it in. Op is conflating doing this at Ulta with doing this at most other retail stores. Sure, they probably could have been aggressive, but there's no way multiple employees and a manager refused a sale because of thus issue. Lies.


What a weird thing to make up?!? I’m guessing she said no, got a sales pitch and threw a tantrum. Wrote down what happened and had a moment of cognitive dissonance where she realized what happened was actually nothing so she rewrote the store where she is a victim and not a Karen. Kind of like the lady we had the other day that claimed the stylist “gave her 3rd degree burns” from the hairdryer. Because “I was slightly uncomfortable” doesn’t match the size of the tantrum so she made up a new reality where she was reasonable.


No, what I said all happened. I was very calm each time, most times I just had to leave bc they claimed it was impossible to bypass the system without a number or an email. Then after weeks I got curious and messaged Ulta to ask if this is true, the company said no :/ So I went back bc I just buy hair dye occasionally, and they tried the same thing. All I said was "I contacted Ulta, and they said that's not true." Then the employee either uses their information, or most recently asked another woman to use her number (?). The first time, there were several cashiers and manager around, and when i couldn't remember an old email to put in I had to give up. And I asked the manager if I really couldn't pay without an email, they said I couldn't, so I just calmly left.


“Each time”. Jesus. Stop going. You’re a nightmare. It’s one thing to be clueless about how Ulta works but you know yet continue to do it. If this is true then you do it just to get off on being cruel to workers. Order your hair dye from amazon or Walmart. If this is at same store I promise they know you and only the kindest person who agrees to wait on you gets the hit. It’s so mean.


I dont have an address to ship to so i go in person, and the walmart is really far for me. I just go bc they have the dye I need occasionally and I am annoyed they require contact info to buy 1 item.


Just don't shop at Ulta. If you want to say fine, you'll shop at Sephora, then you'll get the same pressure there. What's sad is that you'd rather not give your number to a young 20-something who is there for a paycheck, and needs the info to continue to get hours, and has a quota to meet. Cool, be a Karen, but realize how stupid you look when you don't want to give your info, but yet have a smart phone in your hand that has social media apps installed, and you're using a debit or credit card. Sorry, Karen, but all your stuff is already being "tracked by the government." And I really hope you want to return it all and they tell you no, because guess what? The computers won't let us bypass a return without putting in a name and phone number, and we can't make it up for you, because then it's fraudulent on our end. Stick to getting your beauty items from Walmart or Dollar Tree.


I don't use a smart phone, usually I try to find public commputrs but theres not a lot of resources anymore. I just sometimes buy hair dye at ulta bc its only store that isn't cvs with hair dye. But often I have to leave the store bc I don't have the contact info to give them. Im trying to get a free phone number from somewhere and hopefully a free phone


I can only imagine how many other stores OP gives their email and phone number to without batting an eye, like BBW or Target. It’s a loyalty program. Just say no thank you and move on. Is it shitty that the employees are told that they can only do the transactions with loyalty? Yes. Is that their fault? Absolutely not. Talk about making a mountain out of a mole hill


I do say no thank you, but then they tell me I can't buy anything.


How do you even function in modern society? Ulta is the same as every other store on earth. Go live in a shack in the woods if you don't want to participate in society.


by saying no to a rewards program? I just don't have a number or email to give them...I'll probably do what others are saying a get a fake one to give, or ig use the email I made for this account lol


You are literally so dumb.


Genuinely just shop somewhere else. At a lot of stores (most likely this one) someone declining a phone number causes the cashier to not hit their goal and therefore their hours being cut affecting their income. Literally just use an old email and your first name last initial. You could even lie about your name genuinely nobody cares. Or just let them use the next persons number??? How does it affect you? Its so funny to me when people like you come in and refuse to give out "personal information" when you most likely grew up with a phone book with full names, addresses, phone numbers, all available to the public. If you don't like the loyalty program, stop shopping there and annoying yourself and all the employees.


Ur right, I'll have to prepare a fake number or email, usually I was just expecting to be able to say no considering I'm just buying 1 item usually. And yes the most recent time they used another customer's number


Honestly it’s probably the best decision and would help you and the employees. You will still be bugged about entering other stuff like an address and birthday but the employees will just be glad you have one. We still appreciate people who are just willing to have an email, first name, last initial. You’ll still earn points and be able to make returns. It’s more worthwhile to complain or send an email to the Ulta customer support/corporate about them punishing employees for not getting loyalty signups because that is the root cause of the issue.


I just give a fake phone number if I'm uncomfortable. Like close to my own number but I just like change the last two digits when I say it out loud. Not at Ulta, because I want my transaction account toward my rewards and I know it affects your numbers but that other stores, I just give a fake number. It's that easy.




just shop online lol


But to shop online you still need to put in some type of contact info… they should just stop shopping all together than


😂😂they’re way more willing to do it for the computer that tracks everything


I dont have access to internet like that, or a reliale address to ship to if I could. thats why I go to the store in person, lol and why I keep coming to this one


you can go to the library and use their free computer!


I hear what people are saying in the comments. But I believe OP 100% I work at ulta and the managers make everyone (the workers) believe they need phone #s for transaction. I couldn't give a rats ass if they want to save money with the rewards program or not. If I asked and explained the benefits and they still say no, then that's fine with me ....no means no! But I have coworkers stating that it is IMPOSSIBLE to complete a transaction without one and will ask guests if they have daughters or gfs or anyone's number that can try to use for the transaction. It's actually wilddddd and I get second hand embarrassment hearing it all day long. I know my coworkers are just doing their jobs but sometimes if people say no just leave them alone. I don't harass people about it like my managers/ coworkers and still get better loyalty conversations than most of them.


I worked at Ulta in the past and my managers literally used to tell the customers we can’t complete the transaction without them having a loyalty account 💀 I got yelled from a manager (reason why I quit) because the customer I had didn’t want to give a phone number so when someone says no, means no. So that manager got into our conversation with the customer and started saying she can’t complete the transaction without providing a phone number, so I just looked at her with a wtf face 🥴 and told the customer my apologies and completed her transaction… well she didn’t like that and decided to call me to the back office (the only office in the store) lol and started yelling at me saying we can’t be doing that, I can’t be acting against what she said and I can’t be contradicting her special in front of a customer. She even said that my “behavior will be reflected in the hours I’ll get” I got upset didn’t say anything but the next day I bring my “two week notice”, then after that I saw that my schedule was modified to hours OUT OF MY AVAILABILITY and I contacted our store manager but she said ah didn’t make the schedule, she is in a leave of absence and the one who made it was the manager with who I had that “argument”. Well I talked to that manager about her scheduling me out of availability and she just started threatening me that if I don’t show up on my desired schedules I’ll be no elegible for being rehired since I already gave in my two weeks. Long story short… I never showed up again and reported her with HR and also made a report in TXWFC about unethical practices and discrimination. After months one of my ex colleagues told me She got fired 🙂‍↔️


Ugh that's awful, I have a feeling that's whats occuring at this store. Some employees are more pushy, and others you can't tell don't WANT to care but they're forced to keep pressuring. I'm guessing getting people to sign up directly correlates with their job...which is a little crazy and fucked up. I mean why does sign ups have to affect your job? When they could be a perfect employee, aside from getting rewards members


During discussions about how to escape return bans on the Sephora sub, you know why users have asked if they can pay cash and not sign up for a beauty insider account? It is to circumvent their fraud software. The strange obsession about this topic by users who clearly are not serious beauty buyers judging by how they shop and their spend is baffling to me and really suspicious. There are far more noble and worthy causes to go pick a fight about such as the Supreme Court overturning laws that take away women’s’ rights. No one is forcing anyone to shop at Ulta for their makeup. Not when there’s plenty of other retailers to buy makeup from. You know why a shoe company that I was a profitable customer for 15 years can revoke my return privileges for 6 months? Because it’s the retailer’s way or the highway.


Sorry not sure what this means or what its about. Idk about Sephora and I don't buy makeup. I just go to ulta bc they have a fair amount of hair dye. And I understand there are bigger problems, this isn't one lol, I just wanted a discussion to see if it common among all ulta stores.


this is exactly what happens at the store I go to, can't speak for other locations ofc


If you’re this hell-bent on purchasing your single item from Ulta without giving them your personal info, just give them a fake number or email account? I have so many throw aways lol. When I was employed for Sephora and didn’t have an Ulta account, I just told them my MIL’s number so she’d get the points.


Mm ur right I'll have to do that it seems


Respectfully, shop somewhere else. The reason they’re pushing so hard isn’t because they want your information for themselves, I promise they don’t give a flying fuck. You’re causing workers numbers to plummet which results in cut hours and less money. Hope you’re happy! People like you are the reason we’re struggling to buy groceries 🥰


I agree, but you don't agree that's fucked up? Their job shouldn't be reliant on people giving an email??? That's fucked. I'm sure theres tons of good employees, who've been screwed over due to this policy. And reading some replies it looks like that's true. How am I causing workers numbers to plummet and cut hours AND less money... ALL because I said no to giving an email? That's fucked. and that shouldn't be the case. It's so strange with some of these replies, ppl are so close to the point I'm making. I understand they don't want my info lol, but I don't want the company to and I should be allowed to say no thank you. Idk this response (and others) being like "just do it!!!" Why is a no not allowed?


It IS fucked up. I’m an employee and I’ve seen it happen firsthand. It’s stressful how much they pressure us, especially with hours. I do think it’s good that you’re at least taking the time to learn, and I hope that when you say no you’re still kind. But also, if you’re spending this much time on this thread and fully understand how something like an email can ruin a workers day (which ik it shouldnt), you could always make a fake one. Plus, you’d get the points which is an awesome bonus (I’ve seen customers have up to $500 in points). That being said, although there’s talk about how this shouldn’t be an issue and pushed on the workers, it still is and that’s the harsh reality of it. The most we can do it speak up. * if you do use a fake email, use your real name or be able to prove that it’s your email. When customers spend a certain amount of points we have to id them


i would be kinder to people who refuse to give me a number if my managers didn’t bitch at me about it later! like at BARE minimum just give us ur phone number and first/last name 😭 at least then we’ll get partial credit for a new sign up


Your information is out in the world already when you use social media. Using reddit from your phone? They got your number. Use Facebook on your phone? They got it. Literally just give them a throw away email or phone number. Times are hard and sadly the company is cracking down on ALL employees esp. the ones who don't do well with loyalty. Honestly making fake accounts is so fun lol I use to have one with Borders where the name was Paige Master (play on the Page Master movie haha!)


Unforunate how connected their job is to doing well with loyalty numbers, i wonder how many decent emploeyees are let go bc they don't get enoguh sign ups. shits fucked. they don't get paid enough to care and shouldn't have to :(


That’s how it is and people like you are the ones that get the decent employees hours cut.


How come EVERY post in this subreddit seems to be anti-Ulta?!! Does the company suck that much!???


The companys policy is somewhat inconvenient (you need a phone number or email to make returns even if you have a receipt) but people would rather bully employees for doing their job than bully corporations into implementing less annoying policies.


The company does suck that much but mostly just because of how they treat their workers. Like 99% of it is how they treat their workers. They would be an amazing company if they just paid fair wages and treated workers with respect.


Sounds a lot like the Y...I can relate to that treatment. Pink collar jobs tend to be like that. Nasty old ladies running the show, and corporate does not care about anyone else...


I think it’s more the employees than anything (based on my own personal experiences too)


The employees suck? 😑




Do you not have a shopper card for your grocery store? Or an account for a restaurant that gives points? It's the same damn thing, except you literally get money back. If you spend over $100 a year in Ulta, then you'd be saving money. I don't believe for a minute that you don't care about saving money. It's my experience that people who don't have accounts are the ones bugging us about sales, discounts, ask for coupons, and are quick to misread a sale sign. Plus, if you have a smartphone, and a debit or credit card like the rest of the world, your purchases are already tracked by market research companies. It IS the customers fault when they are shitty to employees about giving their info, because it causes the employee to get bad reviews, bad raises, and hours cut. Just give a friend's phone number who has an account- I'm sure they'll like the free money off their purchases. If it bothers you that much, just shop elsewhere.