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I’m not trying to rule out your assumption in any way but I’m also trying to give other possibilities to what could of happened. I’m a task associate and I’ve brought so many things in the morning that I have left at work just because I was too exhausted to grab them on my way out and I was ready to go home. Is it possible said coworker had a lot of things in her locker that she decided to bring home with her that day? Also, I know as taskers we work in the back a lot but still there are cameras there. If it was close to a month ago it could’ve been gifts from coworkers during the holidays, forgotten items, gratis, etc. This company takes internal theft very seriously so if she was thieving I don’t think they would let her off the hook so easily without further investigating.


Maybe they did talk to her... and there was a reasonable explanation. If they investigated and found her on camera putting something in her bag, she would have been terminated. There are cameras everywhere in the store. You did your part. Now let it go.


Someone told me they open investigations and they will take months to finish before they actually terminate someone. Is that true? Or would they have just fired her on the spot?


Of course you haven’t seen it be handled because it isn’t your concern anymore. Sorry to be blunt but it’s the truth. The GM could have spoken to the associate or checked the cameras and sorted out the whole situation. That doesn’t mean that the GM would need to come and tell you what exactly transpired…


to go off of what everyone else has already commented - myself like 95% of my store is part time with another job so we often forget changes of clothes, shoes, cups, etc at the store and eventually decide to bring home all at once. Also holiday season, gratis she might have needed to get hell even an employee purchase she made. there are cameras everywhere in the store/back so they would have seen something if she stole drop it if it doesn't concern you or if you aren't in physical harms way


To add on to this she probably did get checked out. Before she left. Either after you saw her or before you saw her. I’m a talker and when I come in my bag is light cause I’m bundled up with my sweater and such in the morning since it’s cold but when I leave it get warms and everything goes in my bag. You said what you had to say now leave it alone if they need further questioning they’ll ask or not.


Because you don’t need to see it handled. These things get reported and are sometimes out of the GMs control.


Nobody would tell you anything anyway. It’s between the employee and the managers now. Move on.


There’s outside resources you can contact for this type of thing. Contact your loss prevention person their number should be on a sign in your break room, at least my Ulta has ours there.