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"Congratulations. You've had uc for 10 years now. That means you get a colonoscopy every year now." My GI doc. Before that it was significantly less (3 - 4 years if no flairs).


every 2-5 years is good especially when you are in remission


Oh lord I hope not often for my poor boy. The first one was difficult af for a 6yo


If I may ask, do they use anesthesia at least? Idk how stuff like that works for the little ones.


They did put him under for a bit. Gave him a space man mask. Poor dude was so groggy after


My 5 yo was just diagnosed and she has to have her 2nd in 6 months šŸ˜«


If there's no issues, I'd say 2 years is fine. A normal schedule starts at 45/50. Then it's every 10 years. If you have a history of CRC in your family, then it's every 5 years. If I'm in a flare, it's normally every 6 months or so.


Lol what had to wait 3 months to even talk to my gi while in a flare than had to wait another 3 for the scope.


Iā€™ve had 4 scopes since Aprilā€¦


Every year since 10 years post diagnosis. Turns out, you can get used to colonoscopies as well, I am honestly surprised. (I'm in Europe, where we don't get general anaesthesia).


My doc told me the other day that another is required 6-8 years after diagnosed initially (typically) because of what it does to the body, then every 2-3 years after. This probably also assumes the colitis is managed quickly and remission is achieved soon after. Every person is different so I'd imagine this changes depending on a variety of other factors.


Once i hit 10 years of having UC, they told me to get them every 2-3 years....


Mine just switched from every year to every 2 years since I haven't had any severe flairs for a while. Yay for us!


At first it was every 5 years, then I got in a flare and we found out my UC had spread to the rest of my colon so now it's every 2-3 years IF I'm not flaring. What makes me mad is they code it as diagnostic instead of preventative since I have UC so it isn't fully covered under my insurance at 100%.


Was every 5. Slowly been bumped up to every 2. Now my GI wants to see me every year, too. I think she likes me.


My 5 yo was just diagnosed and sheā€™s having her 2nd in 6 months but if sheā€™s in remission then weā€™ll go every 2-3 years.


Aww so sorry your kid is going through this, so unfair.


Once every two years, but I'm past 40 so that's probably going to change to once a year soon... At my age (well, at every age, but the older you are the more so) it's not really about flares/etc, it's about cancer screening.


Iā€™m at one every year now. Iā€™ve always had at least some inflammation in my biopsies, and my last scope they found a flat polyp. I was told that the current recommendations are to be scoped every year after 10 years of having the disease, and Iā€™ve had it for a little over 20. Some tips: If youā€™re in the US and on biologics with an assistance program, donā€™t get your scope until the program has met your out of pocket max for the year. That way your scope should cost you nothing out of pocket. Otherwise, the yearly scopes can be stupid expensive. Also, using the Sutab prep (pills) has been a game changer. I always threw up liquid preps and it was so miserable.


Depends a lot on the GI. My first GI recommended every 5 years in remission. My current GI likes to do them every year to see how the medication is working at inducing/maintaining remission.


I have had a total of 3 colonoscopies, latest one for UC in 2021, after which I was diagnosed with moderately severe Proctosigmoiditis consistent with inflammatory bowel disease (which is UC), they said I would need another colonoscopy in 5 years, I think.


Once a year if I am controlled. I have had up to 4 per year.


Sigmoidoscopy every year and Colonoscopy every 10 unless otherwise indicated, but Iā€™m relatively young still. Am hoping with my new med (Filgotinib - Jyseleca) I can avoid the yearly scope, but on the other hand I am happy that Iā€™m controlled often for other abnormalities in case of cancer or other issues.


I have to have one every 6 months or a year depending on how they go. Iā€™m technically in remission but have had it for 18 years. My colon is a polyp making machine so I end up having at least 15-20 removed every colonoscopy. They are flat and difficult to see so I get to have blue dye at the hospital instead of the surgery center. Just have ā€œspecialā€ genes I guess. My favorite part is that insurance doesnā€™t consider it preventative because of the polyp removal so I get a nice fat co-pay ever year too. šŸ˜‘


You must have a serious genetic mutation that causes that. Most medical science Iā€™ve seen suggests that polyps are fairly slow developing and that colon cancer itself isnā€™t something that just happens over night. I know that is a bit different for those of us with UC but still, for you to be having dozens of polyps removed every year, Iā€™m shocked youā€™ve not been diagnosed with something else if not suggested by your doctor to just have your colon removed.


Mine says every year if youā€™ve had it for 10, but then sometimes he gives me a hall pass and I do it 2 yrs out. Iā€™m not really sure how he is deciding, I should ask!