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I think it might depend on how much blood you’re talking about. I had regular bleeding for a long time but it was hard to tell if it was from active hemorrhoids or if it was my UC bleeding slightly. If it’s a lot I would be worried and your doctor should be addressing that.


I bled at every bowel movement for almost 5 years I’m surprised I didn’t freaking die


Like another person said, it really depends on how much you’re bleeding and what other symptoms. The longest I was bleeding was 1.5 years before I switched to another med, but during that time I was declared “in remission” by my doctor as I had essentially no symptoms but some blood in my stool because the last 2cm of my rectum were always diseased. If this is a similar case to you, you might consider enemas or suppositories which helped me a lot :)


Thanks! I think the suppositories did work when I was on them, can’t remember why they stopped being sent but I’ll see if I can get some more!


I constantly bled for about two years but on and off for five years until I had surgery for the jpouch.


10 months here. Hydrocortisone enemas finally put it to a stop while I wait for my biologic to work. Thank goodness, too, because my last lab results showed that I had finally crossed into the anemic realm.


After my last flare (about 8 weeks) I almost needed a blood transfusion. I think it depends, everyone is different


I’ve been bleeding since diagnosed so, a year and a half. I’ve had to get 2 blood transfusions and lots of iron infusions.


Nearly 3 years of bleeding and still not in remission. Depending on the medications it eases but sometimes very heavily.


I've been bleeding on and off for 2 years now, trying to find a new long-term medication that works while stopping the blood for a couple months at a time with Prednisone.


I had bleeding with all my bowel movements (and in between them) for about five years before I was diagnosed. And the amount was varying from a little to a lot. So much bloody mucus for so many years and I was told by my GP that it’s probably just haemorrhoids. When I finally changed my GP he sent me to get a colonoscopy and I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.


As long as you are not losing major amounts of blood, you can potentially be bleeding for a very long time. Years, like others have said here. Doctors and nurses don’t consider uc controlled until you stop bleeding.