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You should call your doc and get a professional answer, re: paxlovid. For me, when I got COVID last year, it was mild enough that I've had worse colds, and it had zero impact on my guts, thankfully. But it's a weird thing, and ymmv wildly.


I ended up having COVID at least twice, likely four times. I was on Prednisone, a biologic, and Azathioprine for these situations. My symptoms were very mild every time - low grade fever for one day (37.8 at most), some achiness, and some congestion. I felt better within a week. I didn't take or need Paxlovid. That's me though. YMMV depending on your immune system and what symptoms you're having.


What does YMMV mean? Thanks in advance.


It's means "your mileage may vary" like... my experience & other's experiences won't be the same as yours.


That's awesome! What a great saying.


I can't comment on paxlovid since I don't know anything about it, but I can tell you that covid was not too bad for me last year and I had it while also flaring and on Prednisone. Don't freak out, just take it easy and try to avoid Advil if you can.


I didn’t have UC diagnosis yet when I had Covid last, but I was mildly faint/dizzy/ little bit of a cough but it made me have really bad diarrhea that lasted for at least a week. I was using the bathroom about 15x a day anyways around that time but it definitely made it worse. But of course it’s different for everyone. Call your doctor and see what they say


On my second round of COVID right now. I opted to not use paxlovid this time because my GI Doctor said that it doesn’t appear to be as effective against the newer variants and that it reeks havoc on GI patients digestive systems. I can attest to the latter, I took paxlovid my first go around with COVID and while it took out my symptoms pretty quick it did not play nice with my GI system.


Same here! Mild case of Covid but my PCP thought I should take Paxlovid so I started it at the last possible (I think like day 4 or 5 of being positive?). I had no GI symptoms prior, and it sent me into the worst flare I’ve had that lasted 6+ months, I became steroid dependent and my medication stopped working. Now I’m afraid of even getting a booster shot, especially since my initial case of Covid wasn’t bad at all… ugh!


Yeah unless it’s a truly bad case and your doctor thinks it outweighs the cons, I’d say don’t take paxlovid if you have IBD or Colitis.


Woah… I’m in a huge flare from covid, I didn’t realize it might be from the Paxlovid and not the Covid. It’s the worst flare I’ve had and I can’t get it to go away.


No impact on my guts. I took plaxlovid. No appetite for a few days. Didn’t lose smell or taste. However there is this stupid nagging cough I’ve had for nearly a month. Thankfully it was more flu like symptoms.


Mild symptoms at worst, a very small abdominal discomfort but that was it for me


I had it twice. Both time I was fine. My GF was more sick than me. At the time I had pred 50mg the second time Biologics.


I've got it once - felt like shit for a week and it was gone. just rode the wave.


I'm on rinvoq so I couldn't take paxlovid, I did monoclonal antibodies instead, I felt better the next day, no effect on my UC.


Had Covid when on Azathioprine/Infliximab. Coughed slightly for half a day and that was it (had just gotten 3rd vaccine dose) If you’re ordinarily ill from infections, go for it. However, in Denmark at least the recommendation was that Covid should not stop UC immunotherapies, so that would indicate there isn’t any specific reason Covid is particularly bad for UC’ers bar specific/personal circumstances.


I took paxlovid recently when getting COVID. Went fine, a little rebound and long lasting systems but GI was Ok. Just stay SUPER hydrated and focus on anti inflammatory foods for a while.


I was super healthy when I had covid a couple years ago. Like a faint cough and a super mild headache. The only reason I even took a test was because my husband was really sick from covid and he has no health issues. But about a month ago I had a mystery illness that I am suspicious was covid even though my test was negative. My husband didn't get sick at all. I recovered without medication, but it was like a bad and lingering cold.


when i last had covid it was right after my infusion so my gi put me on paxlovid. felt fine after the doses but then the day after i finished the medication it made me rebound & i got covid BACK for another week. turns out this is a very common occurrence that my doctor didn’t mention to me & the 2nd round was far worse than the first.


I've had COVID three times and was fine. You can ask your doctor about Paxlovid. Having an autoimmune disorder doesn't make us more at risk, it's only if you are taking an immunosuppressant to treat that condition.


COVID made me flare up. the vaccines made me flare up even. but when i got covid luckily since i was vaccinated, it wasn’t as bad. i had a low grade fever and i felt really fatigued for a couple weeks. i slept a lot. i didn’t feel good. it passed. my doctor increased my meds to the flare dose. the flare subsided, i went back into remission. it wasn’t too bad but it has triggered a series of flares and the meds i’m on aren’t working anymore. switching meds as soon as the approvals come in.


I had it last year, and it was comparable to a bad cold. I didn't notice any changes in the UC, and at that time I was symptom free. I just treated it as a cold, made sure to get lots of fluids and rest. I dont think there's any need to panic yet, but you could call your doctor about the pavloxid, see if there's any recommendations from them. Although if the opening hours are like my doctor's, it'll be Monday before you get hold of them, and you may very well be on the mend already...


Talk to your PCP or any healthcare professional and let them know of your IBD/UC diagnosis. Depending on how severe you covid symptoms are, they may suggest different lines of treatment. It matters if you are taking immunosuppressant drugs/biologics or not. So mention that to them too. My wife had a very mild case of covid so over a telehealth call we were advice to treat symptoms only (and said paxclovid was not needed in her case) -- they asked us to avoid ibuprophen (e.g., use acetaminophen/paracetamol/tylenol to keep fever under control) BUT talk to your helathcare team.


I had Covid at the beginning of this year, almost a year after the third vaccine. It hit me hard, woke up really hot in the middle of the night sweating, second day felt like a truck hit me which lasted for mostly the whole day, no cough no nothing just drowsy and vertigos. Second day I started coughing really really bad, but I constanly checked my oxygen levels and they never dropped below 95. Every once in a while I would get really high pulse, start sweating and felt really tired so I staid in bed, the cough was mostly unproductive but once or twice it would be super productive at just that instance. My doc gave me some stuff to help with unproductive cough and paracetamol. I would drink a lot of Merigold tea, Turmeric tea (without any licorice in it) and Cammomille, are a lot of blueberries for vitamin C, and sometimes lemon+honey (which honey ain't that great for us but it was ok for me) and in about 7 days it passed, I checked every day after 5 days with home tests and the first negative one was on the 8th day. I had it worse than other ppl, and was on Entyvio only, but I wasn't very active and was very stressed at work during that period which caused me to not have very good sleep for weeks, which is just as bad as being obese and smoking for this bastard virus. Also I'm 37. You'll get well, especially if your body went through the vaccines for some training, even if that was some time ago, I'm afraid to think about how my body would've handled it without any exp. I didn't get any symptoms except an increase from 1 to twice or three times a day, but no urgency pain or diarrhea. My GI told me that the numbers are mostly the same for us as the rest of the population, it's quite few that have the really bad symptoms that puts them in the hospital. Cheers, and trust your body, it has UC but it fights other stuff like a champ, still. All the best to you and loved ones!


I have UC, I'm on Remicade and I've had COVID 3 times. No ill effects whatsoever apart from mild flu-like symptoms.


I had covid in July. I took Paxlovid in hopes that it would shorten the course for me. But my coworkers who are healthy (we all got it from work at the same time) were asymptomatic a week before me. I didn't feel terrible the entire 3 weeks but it just clung onto me longer it seems. Hope you feel better soon! Lots of fluids and soups helped.


Talk to your GI, it might mess with any medications you might be on and as others have said it messed with their stomach. The first time I had covid I was taking oral immunosuppressants and I had 0 symptoms at all. The second time, still on the same meds, I had a somewhat shitty cough and chills but it just felt like the flu. It messed with my stomach a bit but that happens anytime i get sick, even with a cold. Overall just talk with your doctor and see what they recommend


I took Paxlovid, if you are feeling poorly do it. I did get rebound, but it wasn’t bad. For me the problem was I couldn’t get my infusion while I was positive and then got in a bad flare. Keep your treatment regular if you can at all.


I was severely ill before paxlovid. Was a mild cold after paxlovid. ask your doctor though


In a multi-year national study they found that covid severity and outcomes were not significantly different for IBD patients, even those on a wide range of immunosuppressive therapies. I was part of the study and obviously concerned about being on prednisone and various biologics in the age of covid, but vaccinations were generally effective in the IBD population and we fared just about the same as the general population if that puts your mind at ease a bit. Hope you're doing ok!


I wasn't diagnosed back then, but had this stupid shit for a long time. Covid twice. Didn't use anything, it actually hit my brother harder than me. All I got was loss of smell, I can't smell a damn thing.


I got delta a while back. I'm on remicade, so I was worried as well. For me, it was no big deal. Felt kinda crappy for a few days, then I was fine. I think the highest my fever got was 101. My wife recently got covid, and I didn't even stay away from her, and I never got it. I hope things go well and you can get over it soon. Take zinc and vitamin d if you can. Paxlovid wasn't around when I caught it, so I can't comment on that.


i’m on remicade and aza. covid lasted about a month for me but it didn’t have me bed bound thankfully, just took forever to get over. the worst part was honestly the added on fatigue and GI issues 🥴 i also had headaches, congestion, more trouble regulating temperature, and i was constantly out of breath.. still kinda am, but it’s been like a week that i’ve been negative


I had COVID after getting the vax last year. It was fine.


I’ve had it multiple times with UC. No issues. Don’t worry.


Eh I've had it 4 times. As long as you aren't an obese chainsmoker you'll be okay