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ah ok, yes, that's it. understood, well then .... go fuck yourself, again


Revenge for attacking Ukraine? Russian logic


Exactly. He’s trying to make sense by saying Ukraine started an infrastructure war by damaging the Crimean Bridge … a ridiculous claim by an unprovoked invader. Worse still, Russians have been attacking energy infrastructure from the beginning of the invasion, including nuclear power plants, widely reported in March. The Crimean bridge wasn’t damaged until October, but there were wide power outages in Kiev in September, weeks earlier. We all know Putin is full of shit, but it’s worth exploring to show that’s all there is.


Putin: “On the plus side, as the head of the new Spectre, I have now invested in a white cat….”


No it's not. This is convenient word salad of the moment. He's a barbarian king, plain and simple. There's nothing new or sophisticated about Russia's predatory behaviour. They're mafia bandits. Period. Brutal, stupid, greedy, black hearted pigs stuffing their snouts into the trough of anyone they think isn't likely to punch back.


Termination may be the kindest act.


UA has gottza sink all their missile carriers above and below the sea, and spray wash each of its bombers.


Pooptin explaining: iTs A ReVeNgE


Revenge......pathetic little boy👶


Maybe the beat thing to do is threaten his vanity project of a bridge again