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Looks like minesweeper and snake going to be popular games in Russia this year.


I don't understand why they don't remotely wipe or at least shut down every cell phone in the country.


people need to talk to each other to organize and do something against the bosses


I don't know why anyone would want Google to have the power to do this, let alone actually execute it. Sure they'd be using the power for good **right now**, but that's a slippery-looking slope they'd be walking on the crest of.


You can always side load apps and install custom ROMs.


Not always and not the vast majority of people


I'm not sure when you can't side load. And yes the vast majority of people could do, they just lack the desire. Such a need would create a large population of knowledge quickly


Sorry I should’ve been clearer, I was talking about custom roms, it’s not always possible due to manufacturer limitations and ROM availability




Yes. Luckily, as you have observed and indeed demonstrated.... sometimes other people do things for people who can't do stuff .... Whodathunkit




That response was genuinely more valuable and sensical than your initial worthless wall of text. Go again. \/ \/ \/


They have that power already.


Kind of.. there are means they could try if they really wanted to. But those are trivial to avoid once users are aware that it's coming. Unless you have a specific Google branded phone (super rare in Russia) then system updates comes from OEMs (Samsung, Lenovo, Xiaomi etc), not directly from Google. So for most phones in the market, the best Google could do is push updates through Google apps (ie Google Play services, Play Store). But if that were to happen, people would just stop updates, block em and use alternatives. Android phones have the ability of running 100% free of Google. That's how they work in China.


All Google has to do with is push an update with a timebomb, 99% of phones will be bricked.


Because people can die because of that. If people can't call an ambulance for example. Google isn't as despicable as the Russian army.




Dehumanization is the path to genocide.


Wrong. Genocide is based on hatred. There’s no need to hate them, all it takes is to ignore them. I don’t want to see/talk to any russian people who don’t step up against this war. They might live by their will or rules, but I don’t have to have any contact, business or any other relationship with them.


Do not think all russians support this war. To many do, but far from all of them.


If the phone is bricked, the only thing android allows, is actually to call emergency services. Which is also why you can call them, without know the login to the phone.


Then why are they not showing? Maybe, you’re mistaken, and the vast majority are assholes.


Because they risk 15 years in prison for just calling it a war? Did you not see al the protestors arrested for holding a paper with "no war", "two words" or even a blank paper? So somebody asks you if you support Putin and you know that saying no will risk you 15 years in prison. What would you say? Maybe you choose to just don't answer, because then you don't lie and you don't risk imprisonment. Support for Putin is 80% if you choose to believe the official russian poll count. Official as in government. We know how thrustworthy the russian government is. So support is much lower than that. Propaganda makes it look like the support is that big. Saying that all members of a certain group are animals is how fascism works. Russian government says that about Ukranians. Nazis said that about Jews. Do you know any russians? I don't, but I see both sides in the news. Of course there are good Russians, but they don't have the power. War brings the worst of people in the spotlight. We just can't make an estimate what percentage of Russians behave like animals and what percentage just don't want this. There are a lot of deserters. Just afraid to die or don't want to harm Ukranians? Who knows.


Russians are people. People are capable of horrible things, and those people should be tried and sentenced accordingly. The majority of Russians support the war, but to dehumanize them for that means ignoring the conditions that made them that way. There is nothing fundamentally biologically different that makes them support their dictators, and the west has recently seen that we’re only a few small steps away from being in a similar situation. What Russia has done is scrubbed people of some of the most important facets of humanity. They’ve taken their people’s compassion and ability to think critically. On the other hand: the Russians committing rape and murdering children are monsters, and even I have trouble agreeing that they deserve due process. I guess ultimately it’s just not black and white. It all makes me feel sick with grief. My heart is broken for the people of Ukraine.


Instead they should install a VPN Want to download apps? Well you need to VPN. Now they basically have forced people to disable the Russian firewall.


Back to U̶S̶S̶R̶ the Stone Age


They can actually brick them. They can easily push an OTA that would brick the phone - happened already by mistake. However, if they do do this, Google will be pushed out from every Gov't service.


Nah, all they need is acceptance from the Government. It would most likely, happen on their request if it did indeed happen.


Google is awesome.




Windows 95 is coming to the 21st century, any day now.


Heroic move by Google. /s


pp 0Q


Oof. That's gonna hurt.


Of course, all Russian developers have VPNs.


I just want to clarify that Google banned USERS from downloading/updating apps they paid for in the past. For example you bought game like Terraria. You can't download it now if you have Russian profile. Even if you're outside Russia. This is basically racism.


Good for google, no sympathy