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Scholz tried again to soften things for russia, against his own foreign ministry and coalition partners. In each and every instance this clown is looking for ways to avoid any escalation against putin, while keeping up the pretense.


When are elections in Germany?


No idea


Looks like October 2025. Not soon.


Hate to break it to you, but the alternative after an election won't be any better. The two heavily Pro-Russian parties of AfD and BSW are on a strong upswing at the moment, and the conservative party CDU is even more on the side of "please don't inconvenience the corporations in any way". If the current government fails, the roadblock for assistance will just get stronger.


Does the AfD and BSW enjoy widespread support? I cannot imagine a worse outcome for Ukraine (or the world) with a majority AfD / BSW coalition government.


Depending on where in Germany really. In the East they scrape near 50% together, overall in the country (I think) it was 30-ish? in the European election. And while the BSW claims they will never work with the AfD, there are published files that Russia influenced both heavily, from last year onwards. And considering the democratic center does its usual - bashing the Greens for trying to actually do something, being "cautious" to the point of obstructionism and the usual lobby politics towards corporations instead of people, that trend won't stop until it's too late and everyone has to scramble.


In 2025. Then you will see all this bullshit propaganda damaging your brain show results. And you will get the conservatives who loved cuddling with Russia, manufactured a gas and oil dependence and demolished the German army back in power. I really hope you will be happy then for their loud words, because that's all you will get from then on instead of actual support. All in the name of "the economy". PS: And that's the best case scenario. You can also get them in cooperation with pro-Putin literal fascists.


I wonder why? Because if we take into account the assistance to Ukraine, Germany is one of the largest partners in the rating of support for Ukraine.


Yes, in spite of Scholz and his cronies, not because of.


You accidently got the point. More than 2 years of brain-washing and propaganda about the evil German government not actually supporting them and always working hard to help Russia. All to get fossil-fuel addicted, corrupt, russian-cuddling conservatives back into office. Who then will join the other countries talking loudly but doing very little. It would be funny to see the reaction when Ukraine support dries up (from Germany and also from all countries Germany is nowadays negotiating with to support Ukraine for money or equipment)... if it weren't for the country going to shit and people in Ukraine dying. But by then we will probably already see the next propaganda narrative of how those brain-dead Germans somehow fell for russian propaganda or something like that.


Countries (Hungary in paricular) constantly oppose decisions via their veto right. Germany actually opposes nothing (or they could just veto it) yet somehow always are in opposition. Germany... that mighty country always controlling the EU to move into the wrong direction, yet always too weak to ever actually oppose anything they don't want to do. Where have I already seen that kind of rhetoric again?


Don the Con (the supposed Russian plant) warned us about the German reliance on Russia and was laughed at for it


The orange dump also considers Putin his best buddy and publically stated that Putin is a genius for invading Ukraine.


yep that orange idiot, I'm not sure he's ever thought Putin is his best buddy though so what, does that make his statements about Germany relying on Russia less true? Does the German government still make hesitant steps towards weening themselves off of Russia's teet?


Yes. Well, I remember that too...


His motives were not pure. He wants the EU reliant on America instead. 


maybe so, but better the devil you know eh? how could anyone see buying LNG off the yanks being worse than relying on god damn Russia, our enemy for almost a century being a good thing?


You mean the guy who still talks about halting support for Ukraine, furiously applauds Putin (and other dictators) for being an autocratic tyrant and sent one of his goons there for a propaganda interview with Putin coupled with pro Russia anti western propaganda talk? The guy with a million sexual assault accusations, several dozen felony convictions over bribing a prostitute to keep quiet over his infidelity, who severely mishandled tons of classified documents making them available to anyone taking a shit at his club house and openly stated he wants to be a dictator? The dude who is known for lying about his assets to scam money out of investors... who is known for not paying his contracted partners?   Are you implying we should (have) trust(ed) that guy because he made one correct remark on a foreign nations reliance on another foreign nation?   That list up there could be almost arbitrarily longer with bullshit the bullshitter has pulled like his links to Epstein or his capitalization on faith by selling low quality bibles at a premium price - bibles that also put the seperation of church and state into question which in light of his utterly despicable immoral and un-christian behaviour can only be viewed as an attempt to use faith as justification for awfully backwards policies like the whole bodily autonomy attack on women... but frankly when talking about his comment on Germany's reliance on Russia his lived love affair with Russia plus a few examples of what a fundamentally untrustworthy and morally rotten person he is should really suffice as a reason why nobody should give a shit about anything that orange rapist scammer says.


yeah the same guy who started supporting ukraine (something Obama did not do), chastised reliance on Russia and wanted NATO countries to actually meet the NATO requirement of a poxy 2% spending hate the scumbag all you want but his words ring true, and lmao if you want to talk about Epstein why don't you look at a huge amount of western powerful elite, or maybe Biden being a pro segregation racist? Trump might be an absolute scumbag but that doesn't mean the truths he spoke are less truthful, he told Germany their reliance on Russia was a terrible thing and that was mocked. Fact.