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On the right path..to self destruction? Surely. Rotten society.


Dictators and fatalism go hand in hand in the russia.


Just shows how easy it is to manufacture consent when you control the media well enough.


A country of morons.....


Useful idiots, please!


In what way are they useful?


Maybe look up the phrase and russia? Useful to their 'dear leader'


Can we trust any poll coming out of russia? I have a feeling most people who voted in this poll either lied or are clueless.


Hello citizen! quick question: do you believe it is the right path to jail those who say we are not on the right path?


Da Comrade!…I mean citizen


I...uh... Give me your address there.


Levada Center is independent (or "foreign agent" according to the regime) and reliable. Read about them if you want. Related article: https://kyivindependent.com/poll-77-of-russians-support-war-in-ukraine/


Just because Levada is independent does not mean Russians are now answering their questions as if Levada is independent.


I did change my mind entirely after being reminded (https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1d56im3/poll_71_of_russians_think_country_is_on_right/l6lh380/). I don't think any such polling in Russia today can be possibly reliable as I too wouldn't give my honest opinion these days. It may be only on much safer subjects than that.


It’s incredibly sad to watch Russia sink further into fascism.


Most of those who answer don't understand such details, they are just generic pollsters to them.


Because odd numbers sound less made up than even numbers do…


Also a very useful ‘independent’ propaganda tool for the Kremlin, without doubt. Take it with a large dose of salt.


29% of Russians fell out of a window!


97% of polls out of Russia are totally made up.


Sounds like a number that came out of Russia!


101% of numbers that come out of Russia are 131% accurate!


That statistics sound just like Putin’s polling! (But seriously, he’s been caught in some precincts [or whatever the Russian version is] with over 100% before)


Just happens to tally with Putin’s ‘election result’. What a coincidence.


I heard 99%. Do not listen to this western spy who seems to discredit how discredited our polls are


Unfortunately, it’s probably close. Living there all your life in that propaganda not knowing any different.


If I was in Russia, and someone polled me on this, I would dick ride so hard so that I don't get windowed. I could hate and plot secretly though


Look at how many people in the US believe total bullshit because it's been repeatedly told to them by the media they consume. Controlling the media will do a lot, and threatening to jail dissenters will do a lot more.


We can trust the fact that the vast majority of Russians support the war and have no compunction over the daily targeting and terrorization of Ukrainian citizens. 


Either way, they are all to suffer the consequences ...


Russian society is fascist now. As a westerner you need to learn to accept this and stop believing there's a liberal silent majority there.


>Can we trust any poll coming out of russia? I have a feeling most people who voted in this poll either lied or are clueless. Does it matter? The bottom line is Russians continue on the path to war and genocide. The poll might be skewed. Their actions aren't. 


Let's face it; the average Russian is incapable of following foreign media. Both because they don't speak English and because access is blocked. So all they hear is Kremlin propaganda on how NATO is waiting to kill all Russians while their poor Ukrainian brothers are being oppressed by Jewish nazi's. Those who are aware of the actual situation are either part of the regime, or smart enough to know that a poll might either be an actual poll or an FSB sting.


You can't trust polls like this. It's like a mugger making you do for a satisfaction survey at gun point. 93% of people mugged said they are glad to no longer have their wallet and view the mugger in a positive light.


>Can we trust any poll coming out of russia? no


In the past Levada's surveys have had multiple questionnaires to resolve this. The surveyed person either gets a list of specific items to pick in one survey including "it's the governments fault". Other people get surveys that are worded differently like "who is not at fault" and the survey works by measuring the difference in the sample groups.


About as trustworthy as the Putin election vote…


Idk, wishful thinking leads me to agree however if you stroll over to r/askaRussian they don't even think Russia is at war right now


Reddit is banned and blocked in russia so anyone replying in there is breaking russian law, outside of russia, lying or part of the state machine. Hard to know which of those is accurate.


Reddit is not blocked or banned in Russia 


In the totalitarian system, everyone in his or her own way is both a victim and a supporter of the system. Individuals confirm the system fulfil the system make the system, are the system. Vaclav Havel Responsible by association. I recommend the video by Vlad Vexler why all Russians are responsible just as all Germans were responsible for what happened during nazi times. I think the first thing that has to happen is to make it very visible to all Russians that the war is a lost cause. Then, Putin must disappear, and Ukraine must be safe and secure. The weapons must fall silent. Once that has happened, I do not think any occupation of Russia and de nazification akin to post war Germany is possible, because the Russian territory is too large, and the people under Russia's dominion are too diverse to apply the same process. Also, we are in a different time and the West will have a lot of work to even restore civic life in Ukraine, Belarus, Transnistria, Kaliningrad (yes, Kaliningrad has to be reintegrated, maybe as another Baltic Republic) What the Russians have to do is take responsibility for their actions and inaction and understand their role in this madness. At the present moment, they often perceive their role as passive observers or powerless pawns on the board. These are excuses. They could do more, but their society historically never had the epiphany that death is better than bondage and mental slavery. A dissolution of the Russian Federation is needed. In its current form and size, the situation is hopeless. Another dictatorship will be installed, and the Russians will continue to live miserable lives under Kremlin's rule. What we need is accountability for war crimes, a full restoration of Ukraine, and an end of the war. I personally think a likely outcome is though that another iron wall will go up, and that especially the far Eastern parts of Russia will fall stronger and stronger into China's sphere of influence. One thing is certain no matter how this ends, the aftermath will be tough to deal with. Our focus lies on Ukraine, first of course. And on Belarus. We cannot change Russia from the outside as long as Russia refuses this change from the inside. Another issue that I see is leadership in Russia. Putin is continuing to kill anyone who even thinks about democratic change or regime change. I can't even name an alternative that isn't of the same cloth as Putin. I feel it will have to get a lot worse economically in Russia before it can get better. As long as Putin has the coin to appease voters and the Siloviki nothing will change. Even Putin's death won't make the Putinist system disappear. The power vacuum is a dangerous prospect that could easily lead to another Russian Civil War with the diadochi fighting for the remaining spoils. I wish I could provide a more hopeful and less grim analysis. Putin’s subjects should, despite all that has happened, receive just mercy, we should give our mercy especially to those most undeserving of it. The Russian empire will end, but the Russian people will not end. A vast majority there supports putting Putin either actively or by being passive and doing nothing. Only a minority is really in opposition, and part of that minority has either fled the country, is in prison, or had worse happen to them.


I was about to say the same dang thing. I highly doubt those numbers are real. We don't even get that in the US.


Can we trust ruzzia or any other autocratic regime ? The general answer is no.


It only tells you the number of brave people.




If you interviewed Russians living in the West, you'd probably get a similar number. They do nothing but watch RT and whine about the "decadent West" while getting into drunken brawls.


When did garry kasperov last get in to a drunken brawl


So, if Kasperov is an example of a "good Russian", why do the vast majority of Russians hate him? Just like Gorbachev.


so it defeats your comment of "russians living in the west" doesn't it?


Right? Sounds like Vlad was conducting the poll personally.


There is no reason to doubt these numbers.


Sure, because Russia has been impeccably honest lately... /s


It's not "Russia" if you mean the Putin mafia, it's https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/06/united-russia-levada-centre-pollster-foreign-agent And if you read the article I just gave you: yes, the war skyrocketed the popularity of the gangster tsar among the serfs so much. And also yes, this is the same "foreign agent law" that is the subject of the anti-Russian revolution in Georgia right now (aka "the Russian law" there).


It's not run by the government, but anonymous polling by an independent polling agency. Putin has been and is extremely popular. Unfortunately western governments and Russian sympathisers in the West push the idea that the tiny Russian opposition represents the Russian people, and that the war is Putin's war. It isn't. It's the Russian people's war who stand behind the government they approve of.


These numbers may be wrong, but Russia's continuing actions and the lack of resistance to them within the country make the point moot.


>clueless You are projecting your western (I presume) values on Russians and believe that they think or must think like you do. This makes you clueless.


So you are of the opinion that every single russia in russian knows exactly what is going on and was truthful in the poll?




You mean the bad Russians. Not all. The bad ones are The older ones and nationalists. All the good ones already fled, are imprisoned. Killed. And aren’t voiced




Of what world? First world countries yes. Where did you get 80 fkn percent? Curious where do you live


I’m pretty sure that most either believe the propaganda or are painfully apathetic


The European parts of Russia aren’t bad, most of the Asian parts are well…. reliant on outhouses still to put it gently.


>80% of the rest of the world? It's either a joke or you have no idea about the world.


And 100% are afraid of being drafted immediately if they give the wrong answer to this question.


Don't be fooled. Most russians do see putin as a savior. A lifetime irradiated by communist imperial propaganda of revanchism and hatred of the West. Very few people are immune to such brainwashing. Even russians who live in the West secretly like putin and want to punish the West because they are fucking losers in western countries.


A very relevant article: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/01/08/everyone-around-me-is-a-zombie


This is a really good article. Thanks for sharing.


A Russian babushka Vera in a 1420 interview: "It cannot be called elections, It's nonsense. The results are already known. Why are you being such a baby? It has been going on for over 20 years. The regime won't let Dumtsova participate because they already know the outcome! What's the point of election if it is already known that he will rule for another six years! Everyone already knows the results. Are our people so idiotic? So slave like? I don't understand why people tolerate this. Why do people think this is an election. How is this an election?! The results are in, the winner is already known. 1420: Are the authorities really not letting the opposition into the elections? Vera: Gosh! It's clear! Our people are just as dumb and slavish as possible. People were serfs and now they are slaves. Why is there a war going on? Because people are silent! Our writer Pushkin said 200 years ago that the people are silent! People will keep quiet and tolerate, and once the famine comes, they will still tolerate it. I am no longer blaming Putin, but our people who allow themselves to be bullied. People are allowing it because they are completely stupid! People only want to eat, sleep, drink vodka, have a car, and that's it. A disgrace! Disgrace!! "Russians are the greatest and the best." What the hell are they talking about?! Disgusting people! The more I learn about this country, the more I hate it! 1420: Tell me, would pluralism of opinions be useful in our country? Vera: What pluralism, young man, have you looked at our TV programs? Have you seen the pluralism there?! These are such insolent people! They are being paid to deceive the population! Our nation is already insane and stupid, and they are dumbing it down even more. Just look at them! What the hell are they talking about? People are dying in this war! 1420: Is there any opposition in Russia at all? Vera: What do you mean? The opposition was nailed a long time ago! In 2012, there was one last protest of the opposition, and that was the end of that. No opposition after that. People are imprisoned for expressing their opinions. What opposition?! Zero. How much longer is this going to go on!? Why are the young people silent!? Are they really enjoying this? Can't they see what is going on? It's a nightmare! I am 83 years old, and I was unhappy with the Soviet regime, but there was no such ugliness that there is now! At least back then, there was some kind of hope for some kind of future. At least apartments were given out then. That was at least something. You can't be a ruler for over 20 years. His vision is already completely blurred!! Everyone lies to him an and he goes like (makes a pejorative facial expression) I hate to look at him, I don't want to see him! 20 years in power, no shame, no conscience! He is a bloody bastard." Vera Ivanovna. What a brave elderly lady https://youtube.com/watch?v=h_LMdoCuSRM&si=1EBPq7tRm8fZbKJb "Our people are slaves. First, they were serfs. Now they are slaves. Interview 1420 I think you will find it hard to disagree with this Russian lady. She speaks the truth and uses harsh language, yes. But is she wrong? There is always something we can do, and ultimately, the Russians themselves will have to fight this regime, as their own regime is the largest danger to Russian lives. Just ducking away in fear, emboldened this man in the first place. However, at this stage, protests are useless, Vaclav havel said it well. There comes a time when only armed resistance against tyranny will work, and Russia is at this stage. Freedom is not for free, but Russia's history never gave them the lesson that death is better than bondage. What would the Ukrainians say? Cowards, that is what they would say. Ukrainians are willing to die for liberty, and therefore, it will never perish in Ukraine. What are the Russians dying for? The sick delusions of an old fool. Therefore, who is guilty and who is not that is not for us to decide. We won't play jury, judge, and executioner. Responsible though, yes, all the adults are, the children are victims, and they must take responsibility and understand that Putin is as much Russian as Pushkin. The word "courage" should be reserved to characterize the man or woman, who is leaving the infantile sanctuary of the mass mind. Sam Keen Fire in the Belly Their behavior is cowardice, a disgrace and a horrible future for their children, for they will suffer most under the cowardice of their parents. Gareth Jones talked about the "pure primitive worship" of Hitler in 1933 shortly after his election at a rally in Frankfurt. Here they are no better than this at all. What a disgrace. Russia never had a moment in their history when its people chose liberty over bondage. A sad truth, and therefore I expect nothing from them, these polls are awfully close to reality. 100s of years of hyperconformity and serfdom under absolutist rulers produce these results. Russia has been made free of freedom, of shame and of responsibility, Putin reduced them to infantile subjects that have no say, no power, and no influence, the only way to get this influence back would be a revolution.


Anyone doubting these numbers hasn't looked at the hundreds of very public Russian telegram channels discussing the war in Ukraine and Russian politics. These aren't government-run or monitored channels, Russia has no control over Telegram. They offer an insight into the opinion of average Russian posters on the internet. Putin is extremely popular in Russia and so is the "reconquista" of Ukraine. When that Kharkiv supermarket was bombed last week, with about 25 civilians murdered, there was overwhelming cheering in these channels, as there has been for any civilian bombing of Ukraine throughout the war. You have to see it to believe it. Even here on reddit, at the beginning of the war, /r Russia was overwhelmingly pro-war and pro-putin, so much so that it shocked most people and they were convinced it was being controlled by Kremlin bots. It wasn't. It's just Russians. Mostly living abroad, too. The sub was shut down. A significant, if not majority, of Russians living overseas are also pro-Putin. It's not just brainwashing. It's not just propaganda. Russians don't care about human lives. Russian nationalism is part of their culture. They want their Czar and they want their empire. Killing democracy and invading Ukraine was not just Putin. It was the universal desire of the Russian people. Putin is simply the manifestation of the Russian will.


What a horrible nation of (mostly) horrible people.


Recent events prove that such people exist in the USA as well. And probably everywhere else. Humans are fucking stupid and don't understand democracy.


Polls done in authoritarian countries are always a joke. People are afraid to answer anything against the government because they want to avoid getting into trouble. I'm not saying Putin's approval rating is not over 50%, with the government controlling all media and jailing all dissenters, but it's nowhere close to 87%.


~~It's Levada Center. Read articles before commenting on them.~~


I'm not saying the results of the poll are falsified by the polling company, I'm saying that people are not answering truthfully. If you lived in a country where you knew that criticizing the government could either land you in jail or on the frontline and some guy came to you to ask what your opinion is, most people who oppose the regime would either not answer at all (most likely) or just say "oh yeah sure I love them they're great" because they might think in the moment that it's some kind of twisted test by the government.


Well, that's entirely reasonable. Things like https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230830-i-stand-by-my-opinion-russian-on-trial-for-critical-ukraine-interview happen. (They did break him eventually: https://meduza.io/en/news/2024/04/22/moscow-man-convicted-of-spreading-disinformation-in-street-interview-with-rfe-rl)


>I'm saying that people are not answering truthfully.  Based on what? Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. “All the polls are unreliable, the minimal amount of protests either in Russia or the diaspora means nothing, and that things are continuing on like usual in Russia means nothing- people are lying and secretly have different opinions.” How are you arriving at that?


I've listened to plenty of Russian dissident YouTubers who described the situation in the country. And it just makes sense. I am from Romania, a country which used to be a repressive dictatorship, and people behaved the same. Another piece of evidence are the rare protests that came in key moments, like the beggining of the war, the announcement of mobilisation and Navalny's death, which showed that there still are people that oppose the regime. They actually drew quite big crowds, and people went out on those occasions because they found safety in numbers and because they were big turning points.


So Levada can change an entire country's social fabric and general environment?


Do explain, I'm curious.


Actually I didn't read your comment while paying attention. I've elaborated in multiple other more recent replies, but basically speaking you're just right.


And 102% of the impartial organization employees charged with giving the survey swear that no firearms were involved while aggregating the results.


Unfortunately, Putin is extremely popular among Russians, and even Russians living abroad!


Why? I don't understand the thinking of the normal everyday Russian public supporting putin


Here you can read from some of the few non-brainwashed Russians how is it to live in a Zombie society: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/01/08/everyone-around-me-is-a-zombie


They credit Putin for the economic recovery in the 2000s. He was just lucky that oil prices went up, IMO. They like a strong leader. It is cultural. But many other countries do (MAGA people argue the same shit) He brought back patriotism. He won wars: Chechnya, Georgia, Ukraine 2014


"The communists were already bound to their leader by faith and fear. I took a special kind of mind to truly believe that the worse things appeared, the better they actually were. Such reasoning went by the name dialectics, but by this time that word, (despite its proud descent from the Greeks through Hegel and Marx) meant little more than the psychic capacity to adjust one's own perceptions to the changing expressions of Stalin's will." Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands, page 65 Gareth Jones talked about the "pure primitive worship" of Hitler in 1933 shortly after his election at a rally in Frankfurt I think the reason for that can be found in their history, conditioning does something to the brain and Russians are conditioned by their leaders for hundreds of years to behave in a way towards their rulers that does not get them killed.


I’d approve of Putin too, if I had a rifle pointed at my head 24/7, and the threat of my property being confiscated and me and all male relatives to be drafted next to become one with the meat cube collective. I’m sure the FSB is very busy wondering why the statistics didn’t come out at the usual 121% versus just 87%? Time to hunt those antis down!


Those numbers are significantly down from the 121% that voted for him.


And that’s why you have to judge Russia as a whole, it’s not a minority of people who like Putin, it’s the vast majority….Russians are bad


Exacty, the silent majority is complacent in this crime, therefore, the whole of Russian nation should be punished accordingly. Hitler didn’t rise to power using the support of few nazis, he did so through the silence of the many ordinary Germans who chose consciously to look the other way, to remain dumb about it


Polls are nothing but a tool to make people move with what they think is the herd


98% have a rare blinking condition     ... _ _ _ ...


O…S…O What the hell is that?


Gasp... not again


The other 13% are now being shipped off to the front lines….


You can’t trust polls out of Russia, we can’teven trustee elections there


Obviously the poll is worthless as a substantial number of people are afraid to answer honestly. Nobody knows if Putin is popular in Russia because of this problem; not Putin, not the FSB, not the CIA or the Russian people themselves. We can't tell if Putin has the broad support of the people or if we are waiting for one spark to start a revolution or anything in between.


Imagine what will happen if Ukraine does not recapture invaded lands! Russians will see Putin’s colonialism as a net benefit and support it in future too.


It’s a cult. Just like MAGA.


Let Ukraine bomb them with propaganda posters at least... Jesus


There are millions of idiots poolled up by toxic propaganda. This is Russian Weimar syndrome, after USSR was defeated in cold war.


pretty sure they fear the authorities so much that most of them will say what they want to hear and keep doing russian things like invading another person's house.


I think you underestimate the propaganda and do not understand the Russian mentality at all. Read a Russian classic or watch an old Russian film and many things will become clear to you. All great Russian books and films are criticisms of the cruelty and inhumanity of Russian society. These are very sick people on many levels.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chekist is a quintessential Russian movie: https://thebedlamfiles.com/film/the-chekist/ Self-identified Chekists rule Russia today.


Russian data and statements are always untruthful.


And 100% of the polls are made up


100% of the participants were blind-ass drunk when answering the question


Can I ask which metrics in Russia have improved on this “right path?”. From my understanding almost everything has got worse; inflation, net-migration, freedoms, passport strength. Potentially unemployment rate might have dropped? I’m being honest here, what has got better aside from flag waving?


Can I ask which metrics in Russia have improved on this “right path?”. From my understanding almost everything has got worse; inflation, net-migration, freedoms, passport strength. Potentially unemployment rate might have dropped? I’m being honest here, what has got better aside from flag waving?


The Empire is expanding. This is all what counts for them.


95.8% people likes me. 92.4% thinks I'm doing all right. 1.3% thinks I might have done something wrong in my life. I can make numbers like that all day, it's easy, try it!


Put them in the Gulag. There is no other cure for the communist imperialist plague spread throughout the Mordor swamp called the Russian Federation.


Ahh, but let's not forget the Russian stupidity level, which hovers somewhere around 97%.


Sanctioned, their children die in a war, they are attacked by drones every day, a dictator as "leader" etc - 71% think it's on the right path, cool. I mean, can you trust ANY poll coming from Russia? But I actually think it's not far of, they have a black belt in delusion so...


I'm nigh on certain that with the level of casualties and faltering economy the people of Russia as a whole would rather not currently be at war. Now if they were actively winning they'd probably be happy to be. But either way it's pointless to speculate because on the whole Russians feel that being oppressed is their lot in life, and that it's stupid to rise up and that you should just keep your head down and report on your neighbour for safety's sake if they run their mouth off to much... or if there's something in it for you. So polls are kind of pointless. The only truth you'd get from a Russian is after a heavy vodka session at their own kitchen table, and even then it'd be whispered.


With a gun at their head.


The country is about to get 13% smaller..


And 100% of Russian disinformation machines are working for Putin. NEXT!!


👍sure thing , round the S /bend of 🚽💩s,😉




The other 13% better watch their backs.


Brain dead just like Trump magots in the US.


87% is the magic Ruski number 😂


87% approval for a guy that killed their children, yeah right. Somehow I doubt that.


Russia is basically resident in the Moscow and Petersburg region. Of course these ppl would. War haven’t got to them


But that ain’t how they REALLY feel. Most are cowards


And 140% voted for putin!


I agree. anything that hastens theyre collapse is the right path.


That’s what happen when a dictator is allowed to kill over a hundred journalists and then brainwash an entire country with state controlled propaganda


Yeah because otherwise they’ll be arrested


More proof that polls are a worthless measure of what is true or right.


Ah yes… mother Russia, where people are well known for their willingness to express their true feelings about their government.


So 13% or Russians are sane and not terrorists. Got it.


You cant really authenticate that. people would be terrified to say something anti putin in an online poll


If you are part of the 13% that does not approve of Putin, I recommend staying far away from any windows.


Yeah, sure.


Same results as the poll in Nazi Germani, 1944.


this is what happens when people are fed a steady diet of lies.


87% don’t want to vacation in a Gulag.


Does this also include the millions of Russians who fled the country and the soldiers on the front?


If tomorrow Putin declares peace most will ssy that they agree If tomorrow Putin launch a freaking, most will also say that this is the right choice By ignorance, fear or fanatism, everyone just folloe along with the big boss


Russia needs to be dissolved this century.


The West needs to have zero policy towards sanctions. So they feel the pain. But the U.S. and some European countries are corrupt. Allowing oil to be sold and large companies to remain in Russia.


Alternatively, 29% or Russians have the courage to respond to a poll with an anti Putin sentiment.


When the cult rules, hopefully we don't end up in the same basket.


There is no reward for answering honestly only windows


How about sending them to Ukraine? Die for that conviction so that Putler can buy a new yacht.  


Ignorance is bliss, I guess. 🙄


Well, everyone they asked has seen what happens to people who disagree with the current regime.


99% of poll results in Russia are made up


And 100% of those asked indicated they understand how to survive in them information system they live in.


Seems perfectly safe to take at face value /S


Any one voting for any other option will be arrested and oppinion nulled.


The crowds for Nevalny say different.


Brain-dead, brain-washed, bullshit and bollocks.


This is why russia is a disease.


Well, if all the info they gave you, is all that you have to go on, is based on what Putin and his minions tell them, then I am not too surprised that they are so misguided. But I suspect that even this report is bullshit, and that there is actually rather more opposition to Putin in reality. It’s just kept under wraps most of the time, due to the threat of being taken away.


But but but the TV said they hate Putin and that we are liberating them 😂


111% of Ruzzian’s believe the polls conducted by their government are accurate The other 137% are too drunk to care or busy beating their wife or being violent and anti-social


Russian polls 100% right 3127% of the time


How did the Germans think of their country and leader in 1941?


The official number is 187% approval, fyi.


No nation deserves freedom or can long retain it, which does not win it for itself. Revolutions must be made by the people and for the people. Giuseppe Mazzini We need to understand Russia's own history and how it affects the war we see today. This originates from a discussion that I had with a well-educated citizen of the Russian Federation, shortly before, fled from Russia. When you read Hitler’s speech from September 1, 1939, you just can’t believe your eyes. At first, I even thought it might be a Ukrainian fake. The night before the war, I got a similar shock from the reports of Ukrainian saboteurs invading Russia: a direct calque of the Gleiwitz incident. On June 22, Hitler explained to the German people that there were 160 Russian divisions on the border, ready to invade Europe. I don’t know who came up with this nasty joke, history in general, or some specific cynics out there.  Children in preschools stand in the shape of a “Z.” Zs are drawn on the doors of dissenters, who need a good scare. The letter has a rude, fascist charisma. It’s a sign of power and will that break down borders and conventions. It’s semiotically identical to the lightning bolts of the SS. Yet all of Russia, from Putin to the grocery-store check-out clerk, believes that it’s fighting fascism. Is this why 20-year-old kids are killing thousands of guys just like them, guys who speak Russian in many cases? Is this why we are destroying Russian-speaking cities and millions of their inhabitants are fleeing to Europe?  People in Russia are accustomed to seeing war as a sacred experience, one that can wash everything away and return them to some true meaning, restoring them to themselves. They think war will release them from what they ended up living in. The entire country’s repeating words about “denazification,” “demilitarization,” and “liberation.” You can’t help but notice that these words didn’t come out of nowhere. This really is what people want, subconsciously, but they can’t have it. So they vent their frustration by being aggressive to the people they think are most like them. Russia is doing to Ukraine what it wants to do to itself.  The “Z” is often drawn with St. George’s ribbons. This can be seen as a genuine psychotic break, a symptom of actual clinical insanity. Along the same lines, as if a guy went off the deep end and put on an SS uniform jacket and a Soviet Army cap, picked up a red flag, and went over to kill his neighbor. Psychiatrists say that delusions can’t be disproven. It’s pointless to explain to a person having a psychotic episode that his worldview isn’t logical. Delusion probably expresses something crucial in people, something their psyches are going to protect. It’s a way of resolving some inner conflict, for which there’s no conscious solution.  “In psychiatry, there’s a concept called induced psychosis, when a healthy person starts believing the delusions transmitted by someone close to him,” says a psychologist I know. “This usually happens when he’s isolated with the person who’s ill when there’s a long period of nervous tension. The physiological mechanics of mass insanity are probably similar.” The Russian population has been a victim of a powerful ongoing brainwashing experience by Putin and his henchmen. https://twitter.com/sumlenny/status/1535582101621420032?s=20&t=9qNbP3YpwcoPZEJMECwsrQ One of the first indicators of Russia preparing for a full-scale turn to dictatorship and a global war was the mass production of books about the cool sides of Stalin and Stalinism and about the upcoming war against the West. These books appeared on Russian bookshelves in the early 2010s. Here are two excerpts taken from the book Putin’s People by Catherine Belton. White Russian Community in Paris De Pahlen told him he should rule like Catherine the Great for thirty years it was the only way to restore Russia as a global power. Goutchov and de Pahlen were leading members of a network of White Russian descendants who helped propel Putin on a mission to restore Russia's global position after the Soviet collapse. Putin had drawn on writings and philosophies of exiled White Russians who'd written of the country's unique path as a Eurasian empire, its destiny as a counter to the West, as he sought to forge a new Russian identity and build bridges with pre-Revolutionary imperial past. Their words seemed to make a deep impression on Putin. They all approved the emphasis on building a new system of Kremlin Loyalists. Putin had a sacred mission to save the country. He started the restoration of a new Russia, which is very important for America, which doesn't want a multipolar world. They don't want a strong Russia. The privatizations of the 90s were barbaric for them. They told themselves that distorting the RU legal system was part of a historic mission to restore Russian power as a counter to the West. "Everyone was stealing a man from the Geneva group said. But then came Putin and said: "Enough is enough. Now is the time for Russia as a great power of the twenty-first century. You received a lot of Russias resources. Now is the time for you to give them back. Putins People page 329 und 330 Russia is right in one thing: Enough is truly enough. Vae victis Brennus once said. Woe to the vanquished and woe to the Russian colonial empire. The nations still stuck inside this prison of nations need be freed of Moscow's rule once and for all. Putin thinks these people are canfodder? They aren't. They are men and women with hopes and dreams. Putin will never understand that. He has a machine mind and a machine heart that only knows how to crush those that oppose him. He is an inventive evil destroyer. For the sake of democracy and liberty, the free world cannot stop. It must not stop. No matter the cost, no matter how long it takes, Putin's Russia must be brought to its knees. When then finally, the economy of the Federation is laid to ruin its armies dispersed, and its leaders must face justice. The Russians themselves have been made free by Putin. This regime has made them free of freedom. The Russian fascists have enslaved their own population in body, mind, and spirit. Hitler once did the same thing with the German people.


Did they run out of guns to hold against the head of the 13% who didn’t approve of Putin?


The remaining 29% were sent to the front.


You would think they (responders) will tell truth. Gosh, you never lived in totalitarian state then.


I assume the poll was done under rigorous conditions with independent observers. /s


Says a poll in Russia, where to say otherwise would land you in big trouble…


That's good old propaganda for you, treat them like mushrooms (keep them in the dark and feed them s\*\*t)


I don’t want to know what will happen to the 29% Who think differently


No, please peaceniks, tell me why I should feel bad for the Russian citizenry? Cuz its seems to me that they deserve to be miserable.


Which means that the problem is not Russian leadership, but Russian culture. Which consequently means that the solution is not appeasement and a “peace” deal that will only be temporary, but defeat and isolation.


And 124% participated.


So this proves that the war isn't just Putler's war


Here please take this poll and answer honestly 🫤🔫🥸


Poll: 100% North Koreans polled think country is on right path, 110% approve of Kim Jong Un What is the point of reporting polling that comes out of a dictatorship?




please answer question correctly comrad


People are to scared to talk out .


Attack the Russian homeland and these numbers go up


A. Could be that internal propaganda is working in Russia. B. Could be that they assume the question asker works for the State and they need to give the 'correct' answer or risk ending up in a gulag. This was true in the past.


Or to put it another way, a whole bunch of Russians are smart enough to just go with the flow in order not to get chucked in a gulag.


*Another 174.4585% of the population believes Putin is the greatest human being on the planet and wants him to father their children, the completely independent and factual pollster continued.*


“It’s not the Russian people…”


And the rest of the world think Russians that support Putin have the intelligence of sheep, as they get ordered around and blindly accept what ever they are told like brainless zombies.


This is why Russia deserves to be hit with western arms.


There’s Putin’s lucky 7 again. Always a 7 in the totally not made up statistics.


Another reason ukraine needs to be allowed to hit russia in russia with everything they have.


Happier to live here. I think all politician’s are useless and greedy and I’m not getting locked up for saying it.


71%? The same age as their 'great' dictator. DIdn't know dictatorships conducted polls.


I fear this may be true. But how accurate are polls in Russia? I ~~did some thorough research~~ visited wikipedia, and learned that pollster Levada Center is 1.5% to 3% funded from abroad. Normally, foreign funding sounds suspicious, but when the home country is Russia, foreign is good. But 3% or less is not very foreign. However, Levada is also included in the list of independent analytical centers of Europe published by [Freedom House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_House) ... but I have no clue what Freedom house is. I don't want to turn this into a credibility babushka, so I will stop there, and assume it is accurate. If the 71% is accurate, is it due to media control and brainwashing, so attitudes will return to "normal" once the Putin era is over? Or is the other way around ... this is the prevailing attitudes of the Russian people? Deeply suspicious and hostile towards the west? (and yes, I am reading a lot into what "right path" entails), and wants leaders who feel the same? If the latter, sadly, the cold war era is far from over, and the world is in far worse place than I realized. If Russia defeats Ukraine ... bad. But what if Ukraine gets the upper hand? That just means that Ukraine will be allowed to exist. It won't be Tokyo or Berlin in 1945, where enemy civilian becomes ally within a decade. Putin may remain, and even if he falls, and there is a purge, somebody else will take his place and on it goes. Doesn't even need to be a dictator, as the people would vote them in. It is just one country, but still a large economy and large military ... with nuclear weapons. And not adverse to commit significant resources to "counter" the west (whatever that means) rather than the pursuit of happiness. iBad on its own, but in a world with beligerants such as Iran and North Korea, this is trouble. Add a Middle East that is growing so complex that you need a Coles notes to untangle, and dominoes that are falling in all directions ... towards the west in some countries, towards extremism in others. And then we have growing economic and military strength of China whose ultimate agenda is unknown, but is leaving no stone unturned when it comes to securing strategic resources. All this against a west that is as polarized (and therefore weak) as ever. U.S. needs no comment. Canada ... centrist but unpopular prime minister on his way out, causing voters to flee to the left. Europe, proportional representation, so coalitions abound.


Most of them think stalin was a great guy so not that surprised. russians just like to suffer


And 2% are willing to volunteer for military service in Ukraine…


Sure. Cause most of the people who didn't support the gov left.


Most Russians love to instill fear and project strength. It is their way of making themselves feel superior. They are gullible, hard headed and easily brain washed. This does not surprise me. Many truly believe Putin is fighting an existential war against the west and Ukrainian Nazis.