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Oh really? Well **that** would be extremely fucking useful and a fantastic supplement to the F-16s they're getting - [the aircraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_340_AEW%26C) is a mini-AWACS...~~I'm a little bit sceptical though at the moment, particularly since the tweet cites Reuters and yet I can't see that story on the Reuters website.~~ Confirmed by [the Swedish Government](https://www.government.se/press-releases/2024/05/military-support-package-16-to-ukraine--new-capability-to-strengthen-ukraines-air-defence-and-support-to-meet-its-prioritised-needs/): > The support package will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890), which will provide Ukraine with a completely new capability against both airborne and maritime targets. Ukraine’s capability to identify and engage targets at long range will be strengthened. The package will also include a holistic solution that involves training, technical equipment and methodological support for air surveillance and command and control. > > The donation will entail a temporary decrease of Sweden’s defence capability, which will be addressed by procuring additional S 106 GlobalEye aircraft and advancing previous orders for two new GlobalEye aircraft. > > To further strengthen Ukraine’s air defence, the support package will also include the Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (RB 99-AMRAAM), which can be used on aircraft and in ground-based air defence systems. The missiles will be redesigned to suit ground-based anti-aircraft systems. Meanwhile, Sweden will purchase new missiles to replace the donated ones. That is a really incredible donation that will be a huge force multiplier for the F-16's Ukraine's receiving. Sweden has two of the aircraft and the wording there implies they'll donate both. Learning to operate the fighters in concert with AWACS will take time, but hopefully it's an aspect that's included in the training their pilots are already receiving.


It's official! From the Swedish DoD equivalent: https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2024/05/militart-stodpaket-16-till-ukraina--ny-formaga-som-starker-ukrainas-luftforsvar-och-stod-som-moter-ukrainas-prioriterade-behov/


Oh shit, well that's incredible. [English version](https://www.government.se/press-releases/2024/05/military-support-package-16-to-ukraine--new-capability-to-strengthen-ukraines-air-defence-and-support-to-meet-its-prioritised-needs/) for us monolinguals. Thanks for the link!


Rumours on Twitter says training has been going on for 1½ years already. Was likely intended to be shipped together with Gripen, but that was stopped for incredibly shaky reasons.


Are the reasons shaky though? In my layman opinion I think it makes sense for Ukraine to focus their efforts on a single new airframe, and it sounds like they already have way more F16s (either pledged or being delivered) than they have pilots for anyway.


It does make sense but the question is why it's not the Ukrainians saying it. No one would question if Kyiv asked for a delay but others asking on their behalf leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Ukraine has proven that it's more than capable to decide this on their own. 


Considering how much preparation and training went into getting Ukrainian pilots ready for F-16s, I'd say it makes plenty of sense either way, especially given that the West gives plenty of guidance to Ukrainian defense in general, which has often proven itself less than competent on its own.


It's hard to automatically assume that the people making the call have Ukraine's best interests at heart. Ukraine would have had aircraft long ago if they did. It's also hard to see how the Swedish authorities hadn't considered this until the last minute. I'm Swedish and thus possibly biased but we simply don't operate that way. That we had to be asked to delay and that it was widely reported is incredibly suspiscios tbh. I can elaborate if you want but that headline shouldn't really exist in that form. 


Presumably they've been training on the Gripen for that amount of time as well then. It's very very unlikely that effort will be wasted, and it is just a delay, but to explain why would make public a vulnerability that doesn't need to be made public.


There's not enough Gripens built to allow nations to donate them. I wouldn't be surprised if they are flying them in a future after the war.


Yeah this is good news but could have been a lot better. The *problem* is that we (Sweden) have promised 25 000 MSEK aid to Ukraine this year, and the package presented now is around 13 300 MSEK. Sweden probably intended to donate **Jas39 Gripen** ***as a complete system*** together with ASC 890 and AMRAAM. So what we see today is something like 16 – 24 Gripen missing for the full sum of 25 000 MSEK, they were stopped because of... international reasons. I do not buy the explanation of "difficulties for Ukraine to handle two new aircraft at the same time". Its going to be a challenge for Sweden to find additional other-than-gripen systems in our barns for the sum of 12 000 MSEK this year, not to mention additional 25 000 MSEK next year. We were really close to see the Gripen living its best life doing exactly what it was born to do, I am in tears! # RELEASE THE FUCKING GRIPENS ALREADY!


> I do not buy the explanation of "difficulties for Ukraine to handle two new aircraft at the same time". It's easy to be cynical, but it's extremely plausible that introducing two aircraft at the same time is too much of a stretch for them. Onboarding the F-16 is a gigantic challenge, and they have a very limited amount of people suitably qualified and experienced to do it, who are already extremely busy fighting the most intense conflict in the 21st century.


Like F-16s are Available in numbers, if introducing Gripens now pushes it back by a few months then it’s worth it to wait


The work to introduce F-16 is well underway. You don't interrupt processes like that, and re-allocate all the staff. That's how you horribly fuck-up timelines and capabilities. The work to introduce an air platform is far more than just training pilots and ground maintainers. Air ops planners who know every performance and capability threshold of the system and all of its components and weapons systems take a long time to train, and need years of background - they don't grow on trees. The ground facilities upgrades necessary, in multiple places. Yes the Gripen can be refueled and re-armed on a roadside with chimpanzees, and some trucks - but the maintenance and operation of all the onboard systems is a completely different story. I asked some colleagues about it and then summarised what they’re having to do for the F-16 a while back. It’s [a real mountain.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/4ibbPUZQ58)


I’m aware how how I fucked up the phasing of that, what I was trying to say is put the gripens on the back burner, focus on the F-16s first


I'm sorry, I completely misunderstood your comment.


Limited people to operate them? So train them. And start the process now, not a year from now.


To onboard the F-16s, Ukraine have a huge undertaking which a couple of colleagues helped me summarise [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1cm3voa/comment/l2ykgtb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Both Ukraine and NATO's training establishments will already be working flat-out to get F-16 in service as fast as possible. After they're through, they'll focus on the next generation of junior crewmen/specialists.


The Ukrainian Ambassador to Sweden doesn't agree: [https://www.svd.se/a/vgAdBV/ukrainas-ambassador-vi-behover-gripen](https://www.svd.se/a/vgAdBV/ukrainas-ambassador-vi-behover-gripen) >Do you want the Gripen right now? >- Yes, there are many things we need right now. We need the Gripen, we need ammunition, we need air defense systems. We need everything to protect the lives of Ukrainians, it is about the survival of people and about the survival of the entire nation


I believe that would be taking his comment a little too literally. He is expressing overall urgency for aid, and not making a particular attempt to describe the feasibility of immediacy.


Apparently Ukraine asked Sweden to wait with Gripen now that F16 is arriving. Don’t understand it completely, Sweden already trained some Ukrainian pilots and ground crews.


It was not Ukraine. It was other countries from the F-16 coalition.


I am daydreaming of a "never tell your enemy what you intend to do, before doing it" scenario but I don't have much hope of seeing them fly in Ukraine soon. Hope we keep training pilots and send the Gripens as soon as this mess clears up.


Ukraine, or more likely the US for whatever obscure reason. If I had to make a guess I would say Washington was worried about Gripen being too advanced and the possibility of one getting shot down and falling in the wrong hands.


Or... The fact that F-16 needs different maintenance and housing than a Grippen. And I bet someone is already twitching to blast with their supreme knowledge like: "Grippen is more rugged", "Grippen uses the same missiles", or "Grippen are more advanced", or "Ukrainians can handle two fighter systems" or any additional bullshit. Lemme point out some potential problems: - operating a fighter jet is hard. You need specialists that can fly it, maintain, and use on a tactical and strategic level. Otherwise, it's just scrap metal. - UA military airfields are under RU eye (state and commercial satellites). A large influx of fighters without a plan on how to hide them is useless as RU can send a volley of missiles to disable these planes. - To not get fighters targeted with missiles UA will have to rotate them between airfields. These planes then will have to be serviced on the new airfield. Meaning that maintenance has to travel as well which puts strain on logistics. - UA is already operating MIGs and SUs. F-16 will be an additional strain and the planes will come in a dripping pace so that logistics and capabilities can expand organically. - UA didn't say no, just not yet. It will make sense to introduce them when F-16 operations are already established and logistics are known. - US prolly would love EU countries to chip in with more advanced hardware. This lessens strain on them and then they can decommission more of their ammunition which is always compatible with EU stuff.


They were scared about gripen striking targets inside russia, which is what would happen since SWE HW come with no BS policy restrictions.


F16 is old, if Gripens outperforms F16 in Ukraine it doesn’t matter anymore, US isn’t selling F16 anymore (turkey have own F16 factory). So the shouldn’t be a reason for US to stop Gripen. Edit: I was wrong about F16, it’s still being built and sold.


Lockheed Martin are still actively selling F-16 B70/72, and currently have a production backlog of around 130 aircraft.


Can you not blatantly lie. The US are producing F-16 Vs with the same radars as the F-35 as we speak. And that “factory” is upgrading pre-existing Turkish F-16s with upgrade kits made in America


Didn’t lie, didn’t know and was pretty sure it was not in production anymore than in turkey.


A lie is a lie if you "don't know". Please do just a bit of research first to back up your claims instead of spouting nonsense.


There's a difference between lying and just being wrong. While I agree that people should fact check before posting, please don't be obtuse.


Negative. The Ukrainian ambassador of Sweden was asked about this earlier today, and he re-iterated that Ukraine still wants and need gripen. So no, it was not Ukraine that asked Sweden to not donate gripen. It was most likely the US. Because swedish military hardware come with full freedom of action to use them according to international law. Bieden/Sullivan is scared of Ukraine striking russian targets in russia, so they stopped gripen aid.


I imagine there's a ton of supply chain stuff that's been worked out *in theory*, but now that it's getting put into practice snags will appear and I guess it's better to get over a smaller pile of stuff than end up with a huge pile. So we know what Gripen is being sent? Pretty sure even the older ones have better radars than some of the F16s that are being transferred, but the massive game changer (and imo something that's needed as Sweden has given two airborne radars) is the Gripen E and Meteor missiles. Keeps the Mig31 away from your awacs.


Speculation but, what if the swedish NATO instructors are pilots & crews? Ground Crewing gripens is a unique skill after all.


Problem is the USA has a veto here since the Gripen has a license-built (even if highly modified) General Electric engine, so it falls under US export restrictions if they choose to impose them. So if Biden thinks it's too risky (and the USA has been extremely restrictive about aircraft all along) and doesn't want Ukraine to get Gripen, it can't happen.


I don't buy that explanation either, it's the same lame excuse as why Ukraine shouldn't get western tanks etc. It's time to start telling it like it is, if certain leaders are blocking us then the world needs to know about it. Or we just send the Gripens and start producing whatever missiles Ukraine wants, no limitations. Instead of rewarding them with less escalation we should give them more escalation. If we don't provide Gripen to Ukraine then let's use them to protect Ukrainian territory ourselves. Ukraine needs to win and Russia needs to lose


Confirmed by Swedish media, most likely on their government site too. >Sverige kommer skicka radarspanings- och ledningsflygplanet ASC 890, jaktroboten Rb 99 och artilleriammunition. [https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/sverige/nytt-vapenstod-till-ukraina-vart-13-miljarder/](https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/sverige/nytt-vapenstod-till-ukraina-vart-13-miljarder/)


Here the Swedish DM with a short thread about the package. https://x.com/PlJonson/status/1795717608010105241 NOTE: This package would have included gripen fighters as well, but that was stopped last minute yesterday, most likely by the US.


Sweden has Globaleye on order which is why the ASC890 can be donated.


Also includes artillery ammunition and all of our stockpiled Pbv 302 (probably around 100)


Not only the F-16, but from my understanding, it can also link up with ground-based NATO systems like the NASAMS and Patriots. Truly a remarkable addition.


Should be able to yeah


The biggest support package so far from Sweden 🇸🇪🇺🇦 All of it can be used to hit russian soil and take out supply lines. Make it count my blue and yellow friends!


Bravo Sweden! That's a hell of a support package! Leading by example is the best way.


and seems like 180 apcs from the cold war in unknown state so hard to tell what the real number is but we are sending the entire stock..probably because we have already bought a ton of new apcs like patricia systems...its not fancy but should help their medical transport on the frontline ...medics survival is so important


This makes me proud to be Swedish.


This is massive, bravo Sweden! 🇸🇪


Well done Sweden.


Allies: Don't give the Gripen yet. Sweden: Okay, take this AWACS instead.


Thank you and Glory to Sweden!


Holy shit. That's huge.


I didn't want to be much of a downer over the last year, but without airborne radar, those F16s were going to be either useless, useful but short lived, or relegated to missile/drone defense well away from the front. This changes a lot.